Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables
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Received: 3 May 2002 / Revised: 18 June 2002 / Published online: 6 September 2002
© Springer-Verlag 2002
Abstract The antioxidant capacity of aqueous extracts lipoproteins · ORAC: Oxygen radical absorbance
of 20 vegetables and 16 fruits have been determined us- capacity · PCL: Photochemluminescence · TEAC:
ing the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) reaction method. Like oth- Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity · TRAP: Total
er methods, the BR reaction method is also based on the radical-trapping antioxidant parameter
generation of free radicals in the reaction mixture. Anti-
oxidant scavengers of free radicals added to an active os-
cillatory BR regime cause an immediate cessation of the Introduction
oscillatory regime, an inhibition time that linearly de-
pends on the amount of the antioxidant added, and sub- There is considerable evidence that the antioxidants con-
sequent regeneration of oscillations. The BR reaction tained in fruits, vegetables and beverages play an impor-
method works at pH≈2, which is similar to that of the tant role in the maintenance of health and in prevention
fluids in the human stomach. It is known that a vegetari- of disease [1, 2, 3, 4]. A connection has been made be-
an diet can reduce the risk of stomach cancer and it is tween the intake of high carotenoid-containing fruits and
therefore interesting to determine the activity of antioxi- vegetables and protection from certain cancers [5, 6],
dants at low pH values. and recent work is also beginning to highlight the role of
Different plants were tested with the BR reaction the phenolic constituents of the diet in contributing to
method, recording potentiometrically the inhibition these protective effects. The phenolic OH group(s) con-
times produced by their extracts on an active BR mix- tained in their molecules have radical scavenging proper-
ture. The results concerning the order of the antioxidant ties and allow them to act as reducing agents, hydrogen-
activity of the examined plants are illustrated and dis- or electron-donating agents or oxygen scavengers [7, 8].
cussed. As far as the antioxidant properties of dietary agents
A comparison with the ranking order obtained with are concerned, there are situations in which knowledge
other methods is also given. of the total antioxidant potential might be more useful
than the individual polyphenolic contents [9].
Keywords Antioxidants · Briggs-Rauscher measure- Recently Schlesier et al. [10] published an assessment
ments · Fruits · Vegetables of the antioxidant activity by using six different in vitro
methods. The six common tests for measuring antioxi-
Abbreviations BR: Briggs-Rauscher · dant activity (TEAC I-III, TRAP, DPPH, DMPD, PCL
DPPH: 2,2-Diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl · DMPD: and FRAP) were evaluated by comparing the results of
N,N-Dimethyl-p-phenylendiamine · FRAP: Ferric four antioxidants and applying the tests to some beverag-
reducing ability of plasma · LDL: Lower density es. The assays differed in the pH (3.3–10.5) of the test-
ing system and in the nature and type of production of
K. Höner (✉) radicals. Some assays are suitable only for hydrophilic
Institut für Fachdidaktik der Naturwissenschaften, antioxidants, others for hydrophilic and lipophilic sub-
Abt. Chemie und Chemiedidaktik, stances when the solvent of the system is changed. The
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Pockelsstrasse 11,
38106 Braunschweig, Germany results showed that these six methods were not compara-
e-mail: ble because the ranking order of the antioxidant activity
Tel.: +49 5313912876, Fax: +49 5313912845 of the examined antioxidants differed from assay to as-
R. Cervellati say. Also, different solvent systems for the same assay
Dipartimento di Chimica ‘G. Ciamician’, Università di Bologna, led to different antioxidant activities in some cases. The
Via Selmi, 2, 40126 Bologna, Italy authors concluded that this effect is probably caused by
different pH values. The ranking of the examined bever- total phenolic content and the BR inhibition times as
ages differed from assay to assay which led to the con- found with other methods [21].
clusion that it is only possible when comparing antioxi- The BR reaction method is based on the inhibitory ef-
dant activities to use a ranking order for each assay. The fects by antioxidant scavengers of free radicals on the
results can give an idea of the protective efficacy of sec- oscillations of the BR reaction. The generated hydrope-
ondary plant products [10]. roxyl radicals (HOO·) are among the main intermediates
A lot of studies have been made to evaluate the anti- of the BR system. The radicals produced in most of the
oxidative activities of several types of fruits and vegeta- other assays do not occur in the human body [10]. The
bles with usual methods [9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, mechanism of the action of antioxidants against HOO·
18, 19]. radicals in the BR system has recently been described
The aim of our study is to complete the information [20, 21]. When antioxidant scavengers of free radicals
about the antioxidant potential of several fruits and vege- are added to an active oscillating BR mixture there is an
tables using the BR reaction method recently reported, immediate quenching of the oscillations, an inhibition
which is based on the inhibitory effects by antioxidants time that linearly depends on the concentration of the an-
on the oscillations of the Briggs-Rauscher (BR) reaction tioxidant added in a wide range of concentration, and a
[20, 21]. The BR system consists of hydrogen peroxide, subsequent regeneration of the oscillations. Relative an-
acidic iodate, malonic acid, Mn(II) as catalyst and works tioxidant activities with respect to a substance chosen as
at pH≈2. Therefore, the BR reaction method works for a standard are determined on the basis of the inhibition
water-soluble antioxidants at a pH value that is similar to times. The inhibition time is defined as the time elapsed
that of the fluids in the human stomach. Since fruits and between the end of the addition of the antioxidant and
vegetables are like all other foods usually consumed per the first regenerated oscillation.
os, it is conceivable that they effectuate their first antiox- We have investigated the antioxidant capacities of
idant capacity against free radicals produced in the stom- aqueous extracts of several fruits and vegetables.
ach, and in this way, prevent medical problems such as
cancer to this organ [22]. The BR reaction method can
give useful in vitro information on the antioxidant activi- Experimental
ty at acidic pH values, which had been difficult prior to
the advent of this method. Materials, methods and procedure
Recently, a comparison of the results obtained from Malonic acid (Merck, reagent grade, >99%), manganese(II) sulfate
16 German white wines, using the new BR reaction monohydrate (Merck, reagent grade, >99%), NaIO3 (Merck, re-
method and the commonly used method, TEAC (trolox agent grade, >99.5%) were used without further purification.
equivalent antioxidant capacity), has been reported tak- HClO4, H2O2, and other chemicals were of analytical grade. All
ing into account the different pH values [21]. It showed stock solutions were prepared from doubly distilled, deionised
H2O. Perchloric acid was analysed by titration vs. a standard
that some antioxidants are more active under acidic con- 0.1 M NaOH solution (from Merck). H2O2 was standardised daily
ditions. This can also be interesting for the in vivo ef- by manganometric analysis.
fects of digested antioxidants. Serafini et al. [23] evalu- Oscillations in the BR mixtures were followed potentiometri-
ated the in vitro activity of green and black teas and their cally by recording the potential of a combined redox electrode
(Mettler Toledo InLab 501). The electrode was connected to a pH
in vivo effect on plasma antioxidant potential in man. multimeter (WTW, model pH 540 GLP) controlled by an IBM-
After digestion of the tea there was a prompt in vivo re- compatible PC. The accuracy of the multimeter is±1 mV. The da-
sponse, tested by the human plasma antioxidant capacity ta-acquisition program Multi Achat II (WTW) was used. The
assay. This fact suggests that the absorption of the bioac- multimeter is equipped with a temperature sensor with an accura-
tive components of tea takes place in the upper part of cy of±0.1 °C.
All solutions and reaction mixtures were maintained at con-
the gastrointestinal system, probably starting from the stant temperature (25.0 °C) using a thermostating system (accura-
stomach [23]. Also notable was the fact that the black cy±0.1 °C).
tea, which contains condensed polyphenols because of BR mixtures were prepared by mixing the appropriate amounts
the fermentation, showed a lower in vitro action than of stock solutions of reagents using pipettes or burettes in a
100 mL beaker to a total volume of 30 mL. The order of addition
green tea but an equal in vivo antioxidant action. This was: malonic acid, MnSO4, HClO4, NaIO3 and H2O2. Oscillations
led to the conclusion that the condensed polyphenols ap- started after the addition of H2O2.
pear to develop an appreciable in vivo action because of Diluted fruit or vegetable extract (1.0 mL) was added to 30 mL
structural modifications in the stomach caused by acid of an active, well-stirred BR mixture (initial composition:
[H2O2]=1.5 M, [HClO4]=0.0266 M, [IO3-]=0.0667 M, [malonic
gastric secretion, similar to the effect caused by lemon acid]=0.05 M, [Mn2+]=0.0063 M), after the third oscillation.
juice when added to a cup of black tea [23]. Therefore, it Typical potentiometric recordings of the oscillating potential of
might also be useful to utilise an assay that works at acid the solution for a non-inhibited and an inhibited BR mixture are
pH for the determination of the in vitro antioxidant activ- shown in Figs. 1a and b, respectively.
ity of food and other nutrition products. The inhibition times were then measured. The pH value of the
mixture was 1.58.
Some black and green teas have been tested with a All samples were analysed in triplicate and results were ex-
modified BR reaction method and gave similar results pressed as mean values inhibition times±standard deviation.
regarding their in vitro antioxidant activities [24]. It was
also shown that there exists a relationship between the
tained (filtered extract of 200 mg vegetable in 1 mL water) was di-
luted in a suitable way with doubly distilled water.
Antioxidant potential
Slope, m Intercept, q R2
s mL mg–1 s
a Fruit
Mandarin 44.72 –394 0.994
Orange 33.25 –313 0.998
Red orange 22.93 –67 0.999
Braeburn apple 17.77 –25 0.997
Grapefruit 16.88 –125 0.999
Pear 14.92 –243 0.997
Strawberry 7.06 +69 0.990
Elstar apple 5.31 –129 0.996
Fig. 2 Inhibition time vs. concentration of extract added for some Lychee 5.20 –141 0.994
fruits Red grape 4.12 –142 0.996
Wild strawberry 3.01 –74 0.994
Mango 2.50 –26 0.998
Banana 2.10 –67 0.979
Green grape 1.83 –93 0.999
Kiwi fruit 1.24 –40 0.988
Nectarine 1.24 –82 0.972
b Vegetables
Brussels sprout 36.55 –58 0.999
Red cabbage 32.77 +138 0.981
Garlic 12.72 –629 0.990
Black olive 11.18 –145 0.999
Bean (kidney) 8.50 +27 0.988
Button mushroom 7.84 –102 0.992
Broccoli 7.52 –156 0.997
Red pepper 6.68 –148 0.999
Spinach 5.48 –31 0.960
Green bean 5.10 –152 0.950
Corn 4.35 –22 0.994
Pea 3.14 –107 0.995
Cauliflower 2.98 –52 0.997
Onion 2.37 –81 0.986
Fig. 3 Inhibition time vs. concentration of extract added for some Celery 2.09 –71 0.995
vegetables Leek 2.08 –38 0.992
Zucchini 1.32 –38 0.992
Yellow pepper 1.07 –34 0.973
Turnip 0.52 –21 0.908
examined [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Carrot 0.06 +11 0.837
Fruits and vegetables rich in anthocyanins (e.g. strawber-
ry, raspberry and red plum) demonstrated the highest an-
tioxidant activities, followed by those rich in flavanones
(e.g. orange, grapefruit) and flavones (e.g. onion, leek, major source of antioxidant activity of most fruits may
spinach, green cabbage), while the hydroxycinnamate- not be from vitamin C [14].
rich fruits (e.g. apple, tomato, pear, peach) consistently Vinson et al. [15] studied the phenol antioxidant
elicited the lower antioxidant activities [13]. Proteggente quantity and quality in vegetables and used a phenol an-
et al. [13] found that the TEAC, FRAP and ORAC val- tioxidant index, which is a combined measure of the to-
ues for each extract were relatively similar and well cor- tal phenolic content and the IC50 values obtained by the
related with the total phenolic and vitamin C contents. LDL method. They found for the wet weight measure-
The order of the TEAC values of the fresh weight ex- ments the following order: Kidney bean >garlic >onion
tracts was: strawberry = raspberry = red plum = red cab- >beet >potato >broccoli >tomato >corn >pepper >carrot
bage >>grapefruit = orange >spinach >broccoli >green >cauliflower >mushroom >celery >cabbage >lettuce
grape = onion >green cabbage >pea >apple >cauliflower, >cucumber.
pear >tomato, peach = leek >banana, lettuce. In another study, 22 fresh weight vegetables were ex-
In another study the ORAC assay was used to deter- amined using the ORAC assay but with three different
mine the antioxidant activities of several fruit with the reactive species (ROO·, HO·, Cu2+). The findings showed
following ranking: strawberry >plum >orange >red that the ranking of the antioxidant activities depend on
grape >kiwi fruit >pink grapefruit >green grape >banana the type of the reactive species in the reaction mixture
>apple >tomato >pear >melon. The order changes in [16].
some cases for the dry weight measurements. The vita- Velioglu et al. [17] found a relationship between the
min C content was also examined with the result that the total phenolic content and the antioxidant activity of
Table 2 Inhibition times for 80 mg/mL and 100 mg/mL dilutions Table 3 Equivalents of a fruits
of extracts of a fruits and b vegetables in relation to 100 g of mandarin Portion (g)
and b of vegetables in relation
Inhibition time Inhibition time to 100 g of Brussels sprout a Fruit
for 80 mg/mL for 100 mg/mL Mandarin 100
s s Orange 135
Red orange 184
a Fruit Braeburn apple 247
Mandarin 3079±46 4163±63 Grapefruit 254
Orange 2288±34 3067±46 Pear 295
Red orange 1777±27 2236±34 Strawberry 580
Braeburn apple 1228±19 1570±24 Elstar apple 811
Grapefruit 1226±19 1561±23 Lychee 825
Pear 978±15 1265±19 Wild strawberry 1408
Strawberry 609±10 797±12 Mango 1676
Elstar apple 252±4 391±6 Banana 2014
Lychee 274±4 388±6 Green grape 2326
Wild strawberry 195±3 245±4 Kiwi fruit 3390
Red grape 180±3 273±4 Nectarine 3423
Mango 169±3 222±4 b Vegetable
Banana 105±2 126±3
Kiwi fruit 58±2 84±3 Brussels sprout 100
Green grape 54±2 92±3 Red cabbage 105
Nectarine 18±1 49±2 Black olive 335
Garlic 335
b Vegetables Bean (kidney) 420
Red cabbage 2899±44 3563±53 Button mushroom 472
Brussels sprout 2861±43 3600±54 Broccoli 500
Black olive 742±11 968±15 Red pepper 561
Bean (kidney) 661±10 890±14 Spinach 663
Button mushroom 545±9 703±11 Green bean 736
Spinach 469±7 511±8 Corn 833
Broccoli 434±7 581±9 Pea 1181
Garlic 420±6 588±9 Cauliflower 1226
Red pepper 377±6 526±8 Onion 1554
Corn 310±5 419±7 Leek 1749
Green bean 254±4 302±5 Celery 1757
Cauliflower 178±3 244±4 Zucchini 2756
Pea 138±2 199±3 Yellow pepper 3396
Onion 94±2 150±3 Turnip 6963
Celery 88±1 138±2
Leek 74±1 116±2
Zucchini 61±1 95±2
Yellow pepper 48±1 74±2
Carrot 15±1 17±1 For the study of antioxidative activity, some factors of
Turnip 15±1 16±1 the method have to be considered i.e. the practicability,
instrumental requirements and the time, expertise and
cost necessary for the analysis. Concerning these as-
pects, the BR method reaction described and used here
plant materials using the β-carotene bleaching method. has many advantages. The analysis is inexpensive and
This was also found in other studies [21, 26, 27]. rapid and the reagents and apparatus are commonly used
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