Discussion Answers
Discussion Answers
Discussion Answers
1. Can a person like who was a well-known patron of arts, sports, church and various charities,
conscious of business ethics and social responsibility, indulge in such law act of corporate
An individual who is like a well-known patron of arts, sports, church and various charities,
conscious of business ethics and social responsibility are not exempted from indulging in
corporate corruption. If an individual does indulge in
2. What can be the possible role of Bank of America and other banks involved is selling and
promoting the Company’s Bond issue, when the Company’s financial were so pathetic for the
last 7-8 years. Further, how were the letter heads of Bank of America used by the finance
Manages of Parmalat in creating the fiasco?
Yes, Parmalat's governance mechanisms, were significantly undermined by the CEO and his
management's lack of accountability and poorly developed or implemented governance
4. Is it possible for the bankers of the Company to remain ignorant about the financial health of
its client for about a decade?
Yes, the bankers of the Company can remain ignorant about the financial health of its client for
about a decade for the reason that the Company's lack of financial expertise and understanding
results in unwise financial decisions and investment errors, which may have unfavorable
economic effects which are not the bankers' fault. Also, the company executives invented
contracts that were shown to the banks where they are not knowledgeable that it was
manipulated and that the financial health of the Company is having problems.