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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 7 MINISTRY OF RALWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) i Bec ioe New De ated 24726.10.1985 sscorting duty for Air Conditioned coach ‘coaches. and power Be. The Board have been considering adoption of uniform norms for eszorting afin Rajchani/Deluxe services and other AC services. The subject was : ‘in the last Electrical Standards Committee meating held at inderabad in April 1983. A Sub-committee was appointed by them to go into ails and_submit thelr report with recommendations. “The Board have dered the recommendations and decided that booking of escort staff in AC The complement of Electrical Staff for escorting a total no. of 18, including Power Cars in each rake should bo as fellows: Electrical Chargeman ‘AC Mechanic : Electrical Fitor i il Engine Mechanic Total | = (0) The links should be so divided ato limit the duy hours preferably within "1012 hours ata stretch, ‘The escorting staff may De booked Giroffatsutable intermediate station enroute as advised in the former Ministry of Raitvays lator ng E(LL)BSIHER/I-2 dated 27.6.8 sh Deluxe Traine © (a) The complement of staff for a Deluxe train consisting of about 10 vestbuled AC coaches including 2 Power Gars and 1 Fantry Gat should be ‘as under Electrical Chargeman . 4 ‘AC Mechanic - 2 Electrical Fitter 4 Gil Engine Mechanic | Total - ¥ Conta, MMe (©) The link of existing staf should be broken as in the case of Rajat Express, (c) In the case of Deluxe Train consisting of seltgenerating cozct only, the norms folowed by Westem Railway of sending 2 AC Fiters end Electrical Fitters should be adopted by the other Railways also. Howeve: Possibility of replacing one of the skiled staff by an Electrical Chargemar c bo considered, 3. Solf-Genorating coaches : (a) First Class AC coach The present complement of one ACC! (highly skiled Gril) and one A2Gf (Semi-skilled) in each coach may continue in view of the extent of technical a ‘commercial duties being performed. (©) 2nd Class AC Sleeper coach or AC Chair Car ‘The existing complement of one ACC! (Highly skilled Gr.) and one ACGH (Semi-skiled) per coach should continue. ACC Attendant should caty o the commercial duties in the coach dispensing the requirement of comme attendant as existing now on somio Railways as already advised in the for Ministry of Railway's letter no.82-TG1/Z00/SIG dated 6.5.82. (©) 2nd Class AC Sleeper or AC Chair Car when more than one cod Provided in the same train and vestibule. When more than one coach connected by vestibuled ganguay in one bis bovided on the same train, the complement of staf should consist of cn fone ACI for every 2 coaches and one ACCA for each coach, However, when ttie number of AC coaches exceeds more than 4 in such block, there should be one Electrical Chargeman in lieu of one ACCI for high level trouble-shooting and promote rectification of dafects online, (4) Composite AC coaches and Partial AC coaches ‘The complement of staff deputed for composite AC coaches and Partial AC ‘coaches (consisting of half portion as First Clase AC and half portion as 2nd lass AC Chair Cer) should be the sime as in Tet Class AC, ie. one ACC! ani fone ACCA may be deputed for each coach in view of extent of technical ‘commercial duties being performed. 1 ij 4, Relieving at Intermediate Stations : Wherever possible the break int duty. may be considered at important route stations having resting faites after 10 to 12 hours duty with fresh set o Staff taking over and where this is not fessibio, the staff should be given adequal Compensatory rest at home station to keep this cumulative duty hours below permissible limits of 104 hours for 14 day- period Contd at 4 coaches, The Board further desire that Eastom and Western Railways must arrange tars and stepping down of the escorting staff at Mughalsarai and Ratlam respectively so wwover the gat lng working hours are avoided ‘As regards the cadres structure and seniority of the Electrical Escortng {further orders wil follow. Kindy acknowledge resi of hs tr nnical an - 8d - (TN. Vin) ut Director Establishment (LL) Raiway Boerd me ACCA out sretrcal eet. The Decor Ganeral(Eectica), RDSO, Lucknow, he former, 2. The General Manager, Integral Coach Factory, Perambur, Chennai - 8d - (EN Vin) ane block fp ‘Jt. Director Establishment (L_) st of only fe Railway Board (LL) Branch (wth 40 spares) for information 7 necessary action. in such a or higher ff Cop “T@+I Branch for information, arial AC nas 2nd CCI and “ant en: ih set of equate alow the Annexure to Board's lettor no, 82/Elect.138/8 dt. 24/26.10.85 DUTIES OF ESCORTING STAFF (AC Coach Attendants) 1, Toappear in prescribed uniform, and have Hilf badge fied on it te be easil Identified by the traveling publi, 2, Tobe present one hour before the scheduled departure ofthe train 3. To check that all internal fitings in the coach provided for the comfort and Safely of passengers are intact and in working order. 4. To ensure that the water tanks are filed with water and all itings for suppl ‘and use of water in the bath robms are intact and in good working order. 5. __To collect iinen and blankets from the concerned authorities and keep it his safe custody. We would also supply linen and blankets to the passenger and collect the same and keep their accounts, He would also obtain payment ol Fequisite charges and maintain necessaty recor. 8, To-carry jerry cans and to supply cooled water to passengers and tb ensure filing_up of water containersjerrycans at the nominated stations. 7. To check tickets of passengers when they frst enter the Goach to occupy berthiseats, if TTE/Conductor is not available to exercise the checks. He! should not “allow any yerson without proper tickets to occupy the ‘eccommadation available in the coach 8. To accommodate passengers joining enroute under the ‘supervisionidirection of the" Cornlucior ofthe coach, 8. To keep the compariments locked when’ the train Is on the run and open them for occupation as and when required, 10. To assist passengers in obtaining foodirefreshments and look afer thei convenience generally 11, To prevent entry of beggars, hawkers, unauthorised passengers and heavy luggage inside the coach especially in the corridors and to keep the 2orido ‘and space near bathrooms fee from obstructions, 12, To keep watch on the corridor ofthe coach from the Attendant Seat during) night time. 13, To attend personally to monitor electricalimechanical defects develeping in the coach and call maintenance staff concemed for attending to other repairs Whenever necessary. 14. To keep the berths/seats of compartments properly closed at regular intervals by personally dusting he same, Cont, 13 18, 16, 19, 20, 21. 2. in P16. omfort and for supply on " # keep itin fassongers | 18. dayient off. {to ensue 18 to occupy} 20 recks. He f° eupy the b-21 der the ‘and open after their ‘and heavy ne corridor fe veat during ‘eloping in ver repairs at regular soi Annexure to Board's letter no. 83/Elect.138/8 dt. 24/26.10.85 ‘To assist the AC coach In-charge in pre-cooling the coach atleast one hour before commencement of the journey. To take reading of pressures at the panel board in respect of cuties, ischarge pressure of reffigerant and oll pressure of compressor, voltages of the altemator and battery etc. from time to time and make entries in the log book. To inform AC Coach incharge of any abnormalities in the readings. To assist the AC Coach In-charge in the rectification of minor faults nthe AC coach equipments enroute, To remain with the AC coach wien it is detached enroute due te sick ‘marking til the coach is attached, made ft and moved thereafter to ether the base depot or any other terminal from where It isto park a service ‘To cary fit and fit gun and fit the compartments of the AC coach during the course of the journey and as and when raquired by the passenger. To attend training course as and when deputed by the Administration, To camry out other duties such as cleaning electroplated fitings and assisting AC fiters in maintenance of AC coach when spare at Headquarters. To cary out such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by ACCITTE

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