Automotive - Brochure India
Automotive - Brochure India
Automotive - Brochure India
User benefits
• Higher productivity
• Shorter time to market
• Improved production quality
• Greater system availability
• Better asset management of plants/
entire production networks
Custom-made concepts
for a range of Automobiles
Process expertise: understanding technical
The growing diversity of models and versions in the
automobile industry can be cost-effective only with Industry Suite
flexible solutions based on a modular principle.
Automotive manufacturers need to combine modules
from different product lines, conforming to the highest
Totally Integrated Automation
international standards of quality.
Siemens, backed by many years of intense collaboration Optimization of the entire workflow
with the automotive industry, have developed individual With Totally Integrated Automation,
concepts and solutions that cover the entire value-adding
Siemens is the only supplier to offer a
chain. And because our thinking is oriented to your
processes, our extensive range of offers is always comprehensive product and system
perfectly tailored to your specific needs. range for automation in all industries.
Energy concepts: demand-oriented and cost-effective TIA covers all processes from
incoming goods to outgoing goods,
We ensure a complete power supply, from the point of
origin to the consumer, all from a single source. And all levels from the field level to the
while we actively encourage the development of new production management level, and is
energy concepts, we also currently offer you state-of-the integrated in the corporate
art power management systems and intelligent
management level. The resulting
components that guarantee a cost-effective energy
supply tailored to the needs of the market. lower life cycle costs for plant
operation and shorter times to market
Logistics solutions: for an optimized flow of materials
mean a significant competitive edge
Logistics ensures the flow of information and the flow of
for your company.
material into perfect unison. For this you need production
systems networked to form high-end systems. In all these
cases, information technology is the key to process
control. In addition to IT automation know-how and
industry expertise plus cooperation with the people who
build the machines also adds up to fast, practical,
economic solutions on the logistics front. Siemens is
always your competent and reliable partner for individual
solution or complete turnkey facilities from a single
Machine solutions: the faster, more economical way
to build a production facility
We have been setting standards in the automotive sector
for many years, and have been forging ahead with
innovations as well. Our chief aim has always been to cut
your cost of ownership by a significant margin.
MES solutions: process optimization – horizontal and
We offer a wealth of comprehensive solutions to optimize
operations in the MES sector. Our framework approach
with SIMATIC IT is unique throughout the world and
offers you several advantages. Industry-specific modules
and individual solutions based on standardized products
can be implemented quickly, and the MES level is tied
into production processes to help optimize them and to
reduce life cycle costs.
Automotive Complete solutions: from a single source
Whether you're modernizing or building anything new,
Totally Integrated Power complete solutions from Siemens are perfectly tailored to
your requirements. They ensure optimum workflow and
commercial success both today and in the future. At the
Power distribution and same time, you also profit from our unique expertise
management from a single source covering everything from project processing, hardware
We use our comprehensive solutions and power supply to process integration. Implementation
from a single source also ensures a high level of synergy
to distribute power to all production and best-possible resource efficiency.
facilities in functional and industrial
Training: the knowledge performance factor
buildings, from medium high voltage
to the power point, based on the We offer a wide range of world class customized training
courses to help you meet needs of every target group.
concept of Totally Integrated Power
Training can take place in one of our many Training
(TIP). Equipped with the same Centers or on-site at your facility.
communication standards as Totally
Communication solutions: tailored for more
Integrated Automation, all of the transparency and efficiency
operating resources f or automation,
With HiPath Automotive Solutions, we offer a specialized
power distribution, power communication package that is optimized for your
management and building industry. It includes a broad range of products, solutions
automation can be int egrated and and services including t he implementation into your
worldwide business processes, if required. The result - a
used to realize comprehensive
powerful high availability communication infrastructure
solutions for your industry. that improves the transparency of your processes. You
also benefit from a significant boost of efficiency
throughout your company in pur chasing as well as in
development, production, logistics or administration.
IT services and consulting: for profitable process
Our IT services focus on an efficient deployment of the
technology. We pursue the goal of optimizing your
business processes in pr oduction and logistics (Siemens
Automotive Process House) as well as in engineering
(complexity management approach) and in service (ITIL
for Car-IT).
Life Cycle Services: precisely what the name says
We offer comprehensive services for every phase of your
facility, from initial design through engineering,
operation and maintenance and on to retrofitting. You
might have a particular phase in mind, or you might be
looking for an all-inclusive maintenance contract: our
solutions always ensure optimized processes and a
reduction in life cycle costs.
Integrated approach
to automotive production
Our Automotive Industry Suite is a unique, optimally coordinated range of products, systems, services
and process expertise for meeting the challenges in your industry. Whether you require a total or
partial solution or individualized package, you always decide how we can contribute best to your
success. Today specific plant solutions can be developed with less turn around time, and expanded
easily and more flexibly than ever before, thanks to our Industry Suite solutions.
Turnkey Solutions
Press Shop
Body Shop
Paint Shop
Manufacturing Plant
Manufacturing Solutions
Solution / ERP
Central Office Building Automation
Testing Systems
Power Supply 9
Expertise that makes all the
Greater success through flexibility
Automobiles have become not only more powerful in recent years, but also more
varied, with a wide range of different motors, transmissions, axles and steering.
Increasingly short product cycles only complicate production further.
Our “Solutions for Powertrain" are based on modular components and systems,
from SIMATIC and SINUMERIK to SIMODRIVE and PROFIBUS, and tailored to the
individual application. They enhance productivity thanks to their uniformity and
their integration in hardware, operation, configuration, programming,
commissioning and diagnostics – all intelligently coordinated by the TRANSLINE
2000 control architecture. We also provide professional project services from
planning to service, including user qualification and integrated spare parts
Uniform standards and clear, custom-tailored user interfaces from Siemens
translate into maximum integration and flexibility, which means greater
efficiency and availability for your plants throughout the entire life cycle.
Press Shop:
Individualized and efficient
Pressing lines, body presses and conveyor systems present a three-fold challenge.
They require a high volume of investment, a long-term commitment to the
selected technology, and individual solutions because off-the-shelf designs
simply aren't effective.
To meet these needs, we work closely with everyone involved in a project to
create complete integrated solutions. In doing so, our goal is to ensure software-
controlled maximization of capacity and high plant availability, and provide long-
term added value through accompanying services. In addition, our Retrofit
fitness program ensures optimal performance of presses and punch presses over
the long term through continual upgrading.
With Siemens as your partner, you'll enjoy greater efficiency in your press shop
throughout the entire life cycle of your plant.
Body Shop:
Highly flexible and available
The body shop is characterized by a high degree of automation and complexity.
We have teams that master these challenges optimally on the basis of their broad
experience and our construction specialists are experienced in the hardware and
software systems in use today in the automobile industry. The combination of
our immense process and processing knowledge provides a solid basis for
providing perfect, solutions for the body shop from small production cells to a
complete "body-in-white" production plant. Our references include welding
systems implemented around the world (underbody, side sections, roof and
hood production up to assembly lines) and the connected materials handling
Paint Shop:
Perfectly networked and highly efficient
The paint shop in an automobile production plant requires precision and
flexibility, minimum coat thicknesses, high environmental standards and
maximum throughput. Our services secure these high standards for our
customers. Our solutions achieve top levels with regard to quality and quantity
and implement the required flexibility. Our expertise covers all the electrical
equipment required for the conveying, processing and application systems. The
engineering of the entire plant software - visualization, control and management
of robots and all sub-systems - is part of our service. We are the right partner for
refurbishing, system optimization and restructuring. Numerous references
concerning ESTA systems, Spray mates, underbody spray systems and painting
robots from almost all automobile producers in the world are evidence of our
competence and capability.
Assembly systems:
Everything needs to fit perfectly here
All aspects of the assembly line – timing, quality and quantity – require precise
coordination. Conveyor systems must deliver materials reliably, and all parts and
function groups must operate fault-free at all times.
As a long-standing partner of all major manufacturers and brands around the
world, we offer the right products, solutions and services for the entire process
chain. Our concept is based on distributed, modular, intelligent units that are
seamlessly integrated via PROFIBUS. And programming, configuration and
diagnosis can be performed from any location in the network. The result? Totally
Integrated Automation.
Utilities Management:
Safe and economical
From the press shop to the assembly line, every process places its own specific
demands on supply of power. But a key challenge in the automobile
manufacturing plant can be summed up in two words, ”ensure availability.”
That's why we always look at your operations as a whole. And by insisting on
redundancy, we're including future requirements of your site right from the start
when we develop and implement power supply solutions. In this way, we not
only guarantee that the needs of your plant are perfectly matched to the
potential load of the public networks at all times, but that the quality of the
power supply within your company can be reliably maintained during load peaks.
A comprehensive range of products
and systems for all types of automotive
production units
IWLAN For wireless Network security Data Center Voice & Data
Technology on through Scalence Networks
monorail conveyors
RFID Systems for End of line Test SIMATIC Automation SIMATIC Automation
Tracking & Genealogy Equipments (ECOS) Designer for planning Designer for perfect
logistic systems
Our customers speak
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. applications of automotive business, and they
are experts in their field. Siemens' approach in
Siemens global approach in automotive sector
automotive business with strategic partnership
has been proved a successful strategy for our
has been an excellent support to reduce Life
Igatpuri plant on various technological
Cycle cost of the project of our Tata Cummins
platforms based on their product spectrum like
Plant at Jamshedpur .
S7 300 PLCs, CNCs, HMIs, and RFIDs. Our team
experienced their customer-oriented vision - Mr Sanjay Agarwal
during the installation and commissioning and (Shop Operations)
an attitude for woo & coo was very much
Maruti Udyog Ltd.
We appreciate the pre-engineering work done by
- Mr L P Jahagirdar
Siemens in reconfiguring our electrical panels
(Machine Shop)
for optimizing space requirements & designing
For our new LOGAN-TCF shop we have installed the lay outs on the shopfloor for our new
Siemens VEP (ECOS) system for final testing. Powertrain Line. This has resulted in best
This VEP (ECOS) system is performing utilization of the space for operations and
satisfactorily at our TCF. We appreciate the improved productivity.
support extended to Mahindra & Mahindra,
- Mr Virendra Bhatnagar
Nashik for this installation, and are expecting
similar service / technical support in the future
for good partnership. Ford India Ltd.
- Mr P Durga Prasad
(Plant Engg.)
- Mr. M. B kulkarni
(General Manager)
- Mr. C D Bhosale
(Manager facilities)
Some worldwide successes
Hyundai China builds cars with Simatic Ford - Sarrlouis
The Korean automobile manufacturer Hyundai Fast Plant expansion with Eco Fast With a
produces the Sonata and Elantra models in a joint distributed plant structure based on Ecofast,
venture with the Beijing Automotive Industry Ford Saarlouis saved installation time and
Holding Co. The Koreans chose automation expense when the production capacity needed
technology from Siemens to convert existing to be expanded. Another advantage: Ecofast
production sites and build a new factory. enables preventive maintenance concepts in
Benchmark at Daimler Chrysler in Spain operation with little effort.
One of the world's most modern production GM – worldwide
plants for commercial vehicles was erected at
General Motor Plants worlwide use Siemens
Daimler-Chrysler in Vitoria, Northern Spain for
products & Services for their operations all
the production of the new Vito van. Start of
across, Siemens is proud to be associated as a
production in the new transporter factory means
major Electrical supplier starting from
another success for the introduction of Simatic
switchgear to the various automation products
products and the implementation of the Totally
as per GCCL listing.
Integrated Automation (TIA) philosophy
VW backs Simatic HMI for body-in-white Kia Motors (Slovakia) KIA goes TIA
Working with Siemens, the Volkswagen Group Siemens equips Kia Motors first European
has developed a comprehensive standard for HMI factory.
solutions in the body shop based on Simatic. The Following several locations in Asia, Siemens has
decentralized concept demonstrates its strengths now automated the essential areas of Kia
particularly well where plants require operation Motors' first European factory in Slovakia.
from several stations. With Totally Integrated Automation, the seed has
Totally Integrated Automation in BMW 5er been sown and the production of the
series body shop Cee'd equipped perfectly for the
ambitious goals of the Korean company.
A vertical, integrated automation concept for
hardware and software ensures high process and Siemens has now also automated the essential
product quality in body-in-white production at areas of Kia Motors' first European factory
the BMW plant in Dingolfing. Siemens provides in Slovakia. With Totally Integrated Automation,
the software and hardware and has developed the seed has been sown and the production of
the concept in partnership with the auto the Cee'd equipped perfectly for the
manufacturer. ambitious goals of the Korean company.
Safety technology at Toyota Scania (Sweden)
Toyota Canada chose a safety solution with Production of gear parts with state-of-the-art
Siemens AS-Interface at Work and Simatic S7- control technology.
300F for their new Lexus factory and a plant
retrofit. In addition to the enhanced safety, the Scania, one of the world & apos;s leading
automobile manufacturer also profits from the manufacturers of trucks and buses from
higher availability and thus increases Sweden, retrofitted its hardening furnaces for
productivity. gear parts with modern control technology. The
decentralized system with distributed I/O
Siemens is a partner at new Skoda production
interfaces and operating devices for the HMI not
only make the system easier to control and
The new Skoda model - Superb - will be given
monitor, but also much safer. Thanks to the
several coats of paint before leaving the new
easily configurable and programmable Simatic
production site at Kvasiny in Eastern Bohemia.
products, the project was completed on
The high quality of the processes is assured by
schedule, despite the tight time scale.
Totally Integrated Automation, the Sicalis control
system and the implementation of preventive
maintenance measures.
We ensure your automotive’s
performance even after delivery.
Fast and accurate service ensures the maximum uptime of your plant & equipment.
This results in improved production efficiency, as well as higher uptime at a
reasonable maintenance cost. Siemens offers a basket of service deliverables aimed
at maximizing life cycle performance of our products. Our Life Extension and
Renovation, Upgradation and Modernisation (LEP & RUM) gives fresh lease of life to
your plant.
Customer Care
Spare parts
Retrofitting On-site Service
Siemens Ltd.
Plot 2, Sector-2, Kharghar Node, Navi Mumbai - 410 210
Tel.: +91 - 22 - 27568001-3 Fax: +91 - 22 - 27568284