Teh 2014
Teh 2014
Teh 2014
Table 2. Clinical features and outcomes of patients with myeloma and an invasive fungal infection.
Pt. Disease N. of Treatment AF EORTC/ Prolonged High- Clinical Site of Microbiology Treatment Outcome
n. status lines regimen prophylaxis MSG neutropenia dose presentation infection Results
of prior prior to IFI steroids
therapy to IFI
1 Progression 6 DTPACE Fluconazole Proven Yes Yes Febrile Sinus Blood culture: Liposomal Death
neutropenia Scedosporium amphotericin from
prolificans disseminated
2 Progression 5 Melphalan Fluconazole Proven Yes No Febrile Not Blood culture: Caspofungin Survived
neutropenia applicable Candida followed by past
following parapsilosis voriconazole 30 days
second ASCT for
progressive disease
3 Progression 5 Bortez and None Proven No No Persistent Not Blood culture: Caspofungin Death
romi fevers applicable Candida from
Respiratory albicans respiratory
failure from concurrent failure
influenza A infection
4 Progression 3 DVPACE Fluconazole Probable Yes Yes Persistent Chest BAL: Caspofungin Death
fever Scopulariopsis and from
Respiratory sp. voriconazole respiratory
symptoms failure
5 Progression 6 Melphalan Fluconazole Probable Yes No Persistent fever Chest BAL: Voriconazole Survived
Respiratory symptoms Aspergillus followed by past 30
following third ASCT for fumigatus posaconazole days
progressive disease
6 Progression 5 Cyclop and None Possible Yes No Persistent HRCT: BAL: Culture Voriconazole Survived
bortez febrile nodules negative past 30
neutropenia in upper days
7 Induction 1 Len and None Possible Yes Yes Febrile HRCT: BAL: Culture Voriconazole Survived
dex neutropenia multiple negative; past 30
Respiratory cavitatory Aspergillus days
symptoms nodules PCR positive
8 Progression 4 Melphalan None Possible Yes No Febrile HRCT: BAL: Culture Posaconazole Survived
neutropenia Right negative past 30
following middle days
second ASCT lobe
for progressive nodules
9 Progression 2 Len None Possible Yes No Febrile with HRCT: BAL: Culture Posaconazole Death
evolving skin multiple negative followed by from
lesions for scattered liposomal disseminated
investigation nodules amphotericin bacterial
AF: antifungal; IFI: invasive fungal infection; EORTC: European Organization for Research and Ttreatment of Cancer; MSG: Mycology Study Group; ASCT: autologous hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation; HRCT: high-resolution computer tomography; BAL: broncho-alveolar lavage DTPACE: dexamethasone-thalidomide-cisplatin-doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide and
etoposide; DVPACE: dexamethasone-bortezomib-cisplatin-doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide and etoposide; Bortez and romi: bortezomib and romidepsin; cyclo: cyclophosphamide; len and
dex: lenalidomide and dexamethasone.
Table 3. Impact of multiple myeloma treatment factors on risk of developing invasive fungal infection.
Univariate Multivariate*
Variable Number with an IFI Number of patients OR P OR P
(95% CI) (95% CI)
Age ≤ 65 years 7 188 3.48 0.12 2.60 0.25
Age > 65 years 2 184 (0.71-16.98) (0.50-13.48)
Receipt of AF prophylaxis 4 122 1.66 0.46
No AF prophylaxis 5 250 (0.44-6.30)
< 3 lines of therapy 3 332 19.35 <0.01 15.08 0.02
≥ 3 lines of therapy 6 40 (4.63-80.88) (1.64-138.30)
ASCT 3 135 1.13 0.87
No ASCT 6 237 (0.28-4.59)
Received bortezomib 6 93 6.34 0.01 0.93 0.95
No bortezomib 3 279 (1.55-25.90) (0.10-8.77)
< 10 cycles of treatment 3 235 3.54 0.08 1.88 0.42
≥ 10 cycles of treatment 6 137 (0.87-14.39) (0.41-8.68)
IFI: invasive fungal infection; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; AF: anti-fungal; ASCT: autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. *Covariates were included in the
model if univariate analysis demonstrated P<0.20. All analyses were performed using Stata (v.9.0, StataCorp Inc., Texas, USA) and P≤0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
to a higher IA rate through increased detection in our study and IA, including following ASCT, remain low. This is in
in comparison to other centers using a similar approach.11 the context of fluconazole prophylaxis during ASCT, over-
We observed that IFI occurred mostly during the period all low use of mold-active prophylaxis and diagnostic driv-
of disease progression (85.7%) with a median of 35 months en strategies for neutropenic fever. It appears cumulative
between initial myeloma diagnosis and an episode of IFI treatment exposure and disease burden (≥ 3 lines of therapy
and a median of 5 lines of treatment. This is in contrast to in 3 years) is a greater determinant of IFI risk than type of
older studies where a much earlier onset of IFI had been individual therapy. Therefore, a high-risk group has been
reported.3,8 This shift could be because IMiDs and PI are identified which could benefit from mold-active prophylax-
inherently less myelosuppressive compared with conven- is or enhanced surveillance for IFI.
tional chemotherapy which now tends to be used in com-
bination for patients with refractory or progressive dis- Benjamin W. Teh,1,2 Jasmine C. Teng,3 Karin Urbancic,4
ease.12 Cumulative deficits in various arms of the immune Andrew Grigg,5 Simon J. Harrison,2,6 Leon J. Worth,1,7
system, in particular of cell-mediated immunity due to pro- Monica A. Slavin,1,7,8 and Karin A. Thursky1,7,8
gressive disease, could also account for our findings.2
The impact of novel agents and use of ASCT on risk of 1
Department of Infectious Diseases, Peter MacCallum Cancer
IFI has not been previously evaluated. In our study, the type Centre, East Melbourne; 2Sir Peter MacCallum Department of
of treatment, including receipt of ASCT and bortezomib Oncology, University of Melbourne; 3Department of Infectious
did not appear to be independently associated with risk of Diseases, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Fitzroy; 4Department of
developing an IFI. However, the number of lines of therapy Pharmacy, Austin Hospital, Heidelberg; 5Department of Haematology,
was significantly associated with an increased risk of devel- Austin Hospital, Heidelberg; 6Department of Haematology, Peter
oping an IFI. With 3 or more lines of therapy, the IFI rate MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne; 7Department of
was 15.0%, which would warrant consideration of antifun- Medicine, University of Melbourne; and 8Victorian Infectious Diseases
gal prophylaxis or surveillance. This finding suggests cumu- Service, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Parkville,
lative exposure to immunosuppressive treatment and dis- Australia
ease burden is a greater determinant of IFI risk than type of
individual therapy. Correspondence: ben.teh@petermac.org
Mortality rates of up to 60% were reported in the earlier doi:10.3324/haematol.2014.114025
era of conventional therapy.3 IFI in our patients was still Funding: Dr. Benjamin W. Teh is supported by a National Health
associated with significant morbidity and mortality with and Medical Research Council Postgraduate scholarship.
nearly 60% of episodes requiring ICU management and a Key words: fungal infection, myeloma, novel agents.
30-day all-cause mortality rate of 44%. These outcomes
Information on authorship, contributions, and financial & other disclo-
underscore the need for improvement in early diagnosis
sures was provided by the authors and is available with the online version
and treatment.
of this article at www.haematologica.org.
Our study has several limitations. Intensity of diagnostic
evaluation for IFI was determined by the treating physician,
which may have resulted in selection bias favoring diagno- References
sis of IFI in symptomatic and unwell patients. Although the
number of detected cases of IFI was limited, these were 1. Turesson I, Velez R, Kristinsson SY, Landgren O, editors. Patterns of
drawn from a large heterogeneously treated myeloma multiple myeloma during the past 5 decades: stable incidence rates
patient population and our data have allowed us to define for all age groups in the population but rapidly changing age distribu-
tion in the clinic. Mayo Clin Proc; 2010: Elsevier.
the relationship between antifungal prophylaxis, IFI and
2. Teh BW, Harrison SJ, Pellegrini M, Thursky KA, Worth LJ, Slavin
outcomes. MA. Changing treatment paradigms for patients with plasma cell
In our dedicated study of IFI in patients with MM, the myeloma: impact upon immune determinants of infection. Blood
first in the era of novel anti-myeloma agents, rates of IFI Rev. 2014;28(2):75-86.