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01 - Chart of Accounts

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Chart of Accounts
Following is a typical chart of accounts, which is used in several assignments. Each company has its own unique set of accounts and numbering system. *An asterisk denotes a
contra account.

Assets 165 Store equipment

166 Accumulated depreciation—Store
State unemployment taxes payable
Employee federal income taxes payable
Current Assets ts ngn equipment* 221 Employee medical insurance payable
167 _______ equipment 222 Employee retirement program payable
101 Cash
168 Accumulated depreciation—_______ 223 Employee union dues payable
102 Petty cash tien chi lat vat
equipment* 224 Federal unemployment taxes payable
103 Cash equivalents tuong duong tien
169 Machinery 225 FICA taxes payable
104 Short-term investments dau tu ngan
170 Accumulated depreciation—Machinery* 226 Estimated vacation pay liability
105 Fair value adjustment, _______ securities
dieu chinh gia tri hop li 173 Building _______
cho bang dau tu ngan tro cp cho các 174
106 Accounts receivable
khoanAccumulated depreciation—Building Unearned Revenues
phai thu kho doi
107 Allowance for doubtful accounts* tk dieu chinh giam 230 Unearned consulting fees
175 Building _______ 231 Unearned legal fees
108 Legal fees receivable
176 Accumulated depreciation—Building 232 Unearned property management fees
109 Interest receivable
110 Rent receivable 233 Unearned _______ fees
179 Land improvements _______ 234 Unearned _______ fees
111 Notes receivable
180 Accumulated depreciation—Land 235 Unearned janitorial revenue
119 Merchandise inventory (or Inventory)
improvements _______* 236 Unearned _______ revenue
120 __________ inventory
__________ 181 Land improvements _______ 238 Unearned rent
121 inventory
182 Accumulated depreciation—Land
124 Office supplies
125 Store supplies
improvements _______* Notes Payable thuong phieu phai tra
183 Land
126 _______ supplies 240 Short-term notes payable
128 Prepaid insurance tai nguyen thien nhiên
241 Discount on short-term notes payable*
129 Prepaid interest Natural Resources
245 Notes payable
131 Prepaid rent 185 Mineral deposit 251 Long-term notes payable
132 Raw materials inventory 186 Accumulated depletion—Mineral deposit* 252 Discount on long-term notes payable*
133 Work in process inventory, _______
134 Work in process inventory, _______ Intangible Assets tscd vo hinh Long-Term Liabilities
135 Finished goods inventory 191 Patents 253 Long-term lease liability
192 Leasehold 255 Bonds payable
Long-Term Investments dau tu dai 193 Franchise 256 Discount on bonds payable*
404ca 141 Long-term investments 194 Copyrights 257 Premium on bonds payable
142 Fair value adjustment, _______ securities 195 Leasehold improvements 258 Deferred income tax liability
(L-T) 196 Licenses
144 Investment in _______ 197 Accumulated amortization—_______*
145 Bond sinking fund Equity
Plant Assets tscd huu hinh Owner’s Equity
Liabilities ten nguoi , Capital
301 ______________ tk von cua DN 1
151 Automobiles
152 Accumulated depreciation—Automobiles* Current Liabilities csh
302 ______________ , Withdrawals chu/ cty hop danh
201 Accounts payable 303 ______________, Capital
153 Trucks
202 Insurance payable 304 ______________, Withdrawals
154 Accumulated depreciation—Trucks* hoc 201-210
203 Interest payable 305 ______________, Capital
155 Boats
204 Legal fees payable 306 ______________, Withdrawals
156 Accumulated depreciation—Boats*
157 Professional library 207 Office salaries payable
158 Accumulated depreciation—Professional 208 Rent payable Paid-In Capital von gop vao
library* 209 Salaries payable 307 Common stock, $ _______ par value von cty
159 Law library 210 Wages payable 308 Common stock, no-par value
co phan
160 Accumulated depreciation—Law library* 211 Accrued payroll payable 309 Common stock, $ _______ stated value
161 Furniture 212 Factory payroll payable 310 Common stock dividend distributable
162 Accumulated depreciation—Furniture* 214 Estimated warranty liability 311 Paid-in capital in excess of par value,
163 Office equipment 215 Income taxes payable Common stock
164 Accumulated depreciation—Office 216 Common dividend payable 312 Paid-in capital in excess of stated value,
equipment* 217 Preferred dividend payable No-par common stock

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Chart of Accounts CA-1

313 Paid-in capital from retirement of Standard Cost Variances 652 _______ supplies expense
common stock 653 _______ supplies expense
580 Direct material quantity variance
314 Paid-in capital, Treasury stock
581 Direct material price variance
315 Preferred stock
582 Direct labor quantity variance
Miscellaneous Expenses
316 Paid-in capital in excess of par value, 655 Advertising expense
583 Direct labor price variance
Preferred stock 656 Bad debts expense
584 Factory overhead volume variance
585 Factory overhead controllable variance 657 Blueprinting expense
Retained Earnings 658 Boat expense
318 Retained earnings 659 Collection expense
319 Cash dividends (or Dividends) Expenses 661 Concessions expense
320 Stock dividends 662 Credit card expense
Amortization, Depletion, and 663 Delivery expense
Other Equity Accounts Depreciation 664 Dumping expense
321 Treasury stock, Common* 601 Amortization expense—_______ 667 Equipment expense
322 Unrealized gain—Equity 602 Amortization expense—_______ 668 Food and drinks expense
323 Unrealized loss—Equity 603 Depletion expense—_______ 671 Gas and oil expense
604 Depreciation expense—Boats 672 General and administrative expense
605 Depreciation expense—Automobiles 673 Janitorial expense
Revenues 606
Depreciation expense—Building _______
Depreciation expense—Building _______
Legal fees expense
Mileage expense
401 ______________ fees earned 608 Depreciation expense—Land 677 Miscellaneous expenses
402 ______________ fees earned improvements _______ 678 Mower and tools expense
403 ______________ revenues 609 Depreciation expense—Land 679 Operating expense
404 Revenues improvements _______ 680 Organization expense
405 Commissions earned 610 Depreciation expense—Law library 681 Permits expense
406 Rent revenue (or Rent earned) 611 Depreciation expense—Trucks 682 Postage expense
407 Dividends revenue (or Dividends earned) 612 Depreciation expense—_______ equipment 683 Property taxes expense
408 Earnings from investment in _______ 613 Depreciation expense—_______ 684 Repairs expense — _______

409 Interest revenue (or Interest earned) equipment 685 Repairs expense — _______

410 Sinking fund earnings 614 Depreciation expense—_______ 687 Selling expense
413 Sales 615 Depreciation expense—_______ 688 Telephone expense
414 Sales returns and allowances* 689 Travel and entertainment expense
415 Sales discounts* Employee-Related Expenses 690 Utilities expense
691 Warranty expense
620 Office salaries expense
692 _______ expense
621 Sales salaries expense
Cost of Sales 622 Salaries expense
695 Income taxes expense

Cost of Goods Sold 623 _______ wages expense dthu và thu

505-508 nhom 502 Cost of goods sold
Employees’ benefits expense
Payroll taxes expense
Gains and Losses nhap khac
TK dai dien 505 Purchases 701 Gain on retirement of bonds
cho gia 506 Purchases returns and allowances*
von hang Financial Expenses 702 Gain on sale of machinery
ban trong 507 Purchases discounts* 703 Gain on sale of investments
630 Cash over and short
he thong 508 Transportation-in 704 Gain on sale of trucks
kiem ke
631 Discounts lost
632 Factoring fee expense 705 Gain on _______
dinh ki
Manufacturing 633 Interest expense 706 Foreign exchange gain or loss
520 Raw materials purchases 801 Loss on disposal of machinery
521 Freight-in on raw materials Insurance Expenses 802 Loss on exchange of equipment
520-528 530 Direct labor 803 Loss on exchange of _______
635 Insurance expense — Delivery equipment
khu vuc 540

Factory overhead 804 Loss on sale of notes

636 Insurance expense — Office equipment

805 Loss on retirement of bonds

nhom 541 542
Indirect materials
Indirect labor
637 Insurance expense — _______

806 Loss on sale of investments

ke toan 543 Factory insurance expired
Rental Expenses 807 Loss on sale of machinery
808 Loss on _______
quan tri 544
Factory supervision
Factory supplies used 640 Rent expense 809 Unrealized gain — Income

546 Factory utilities 641 Rent expense — Office space

810 Unrealized loss — Income

547 Miscellaneous production costs 642 Rent expense — Selling space

811 Impairment gain
548 Property taxes on factory building 643 Press rental expense 812 Impairment loss
549 Property taxes on factory equipment 644 Truck rental expense
550 Rent on factory building 645 _______ rental expense
551 Repairs, factory equipment Clearing Accounts
552 Small tools written off Supplies Expenses
901 Income summary
560 Depreciation of factory equipment 650 Office supplies expense
902 Manufacturing summary
561 Depreciation of factory building 651 Store supplies expense

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