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Q3 DLL MUSIC 8 - Wk1

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Teaching Dates and WEEK 1-4 (4 SESSIONS)

Quarter: Third




A. Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of common and distinct musical characteristics of South Asia and the Middle
Standards: East.

B. Performance
The learner performs South Asia and the Middle East music with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression, and style

● listens perceptively to ● listens perceptively to ● listens perceptively to ● Analyze musical Analyze musical
music of South Asia music of South Asia music of South Asia elements of elements of
C. Learning and the Middle East; and the Middle East; and the Middle East; selected songs selected songs
Competencies/ (MU8WSIIIa-h-2) (MU8WSIIIa-h-2) (MU8WSIIIa-h-2) and instrumental and instrumental
Objectives: pieces heard and pieces heard and
performed. performed.
(MU8WS-Illc-h-4) (MU8WS-Illc-h-4)
Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Music of South Asia and Music of South Asia
the Middle East and the Middle East
Vocal Music of India Vocal Music of Pakistan Vocal Music of Israel


A. References

1. Teacher’s
None None None None None
Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Music & Arts LM Music & Arts LM

Music & Arts LM pages Music & Arts LM pages Music & Arts LM pages
Materials Pages pages pages

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing PRE-TEST I can Say It! Name that Term! Recalling Element To summarize
previous lesson of Music what the students
or presenting Ask the student to The teacher will play the The teacher will group the learned from the
answer the Pre-test in Philippine Pasyon. class into 5. As he/she Ask the students vocal music of
the new lesson
order to assess their prior Students will be asked to play the song from one of the elements India, Pakistan
knowledge about the new sing and once the music Pakistan and will of music which is and Israel, ask
(ELICIT) lesson for Quarter 3 in stop. Teacher will call challenge students to essential on the next them to fill in the
music. students to answer some identify the activity, the Timbre. boxes below.
questions related to the terminologies/concepts
previous topic. described being flashed 1. What is
on screen. The group will Timbre and Similarities
The teacher will use the Fill in the Blanks what is its
say “We can name that
result as the basis to important to
term’ of they know the
what competency they 1. ____ is the style of music?
answer. The group with
have to go deeper in the singing developed into
the correct answer will
lesson. a strongand diverse 2. How does it
andvance to next step.
tradition in India. done?
(see attachment) Until all the terms Differences
2. ___ refers to music of unlocked and finishes the (5 mins)
South India. finish line.
(10 mins)⁸ 3. Compositions called The group who first
___ are devotional approach the finish line
songs wins the game and
received highest
4. ___ means point/award.
(see slides/attachment)
5. ___ is a sacred text in

(5 mins) (5 mins)

(5 mins)

B. Establishing a “Where in the World Pop the Ballon! “Zum Gali Gali” “Singing Together” “The Elements
purpose for the is..” of Music”
lesson The teacher will post 3 The teacher will lay the Play the song “zum
Direction: Locate from balloons on the board song “Zum Gali Gali”, gali gali” and ask the Ask the student to
(ENGAGE) the map the country of and will call volunteer to students wil be asked to student to sing with enumerate the
India. After which, ask burst the balloon 3 sing with the teacher (if you. Afterwards ask different elements
the students to pick from meters away from the they know the song, if not them the following of Music. If
the strips of paper posted board using ballpen. The just follow the lyrics). questions. possible, let them
on the board that student that popped the write it on the
characterizes/ associated balloon will earn 3 points. board.
to the music of India. The item inside the After singing, ask the (5 mins)
balloon should be posted students the question that
on the board. follow. (5 mins)

Hints: Do this until all the 3 (5 mins)

balloons gets popped.
o Samagana
Balloon 1: GHAZAL
o Rig Veda
Baloon 2: QAWWALI
o Hindustani
Balooon 3: PAKISTAN
o Carnatic
(5 mins)
o Sama Veda

(5 mins)

C. Presenting Unlocking of Terms: Process Questions: Guide Questions: Process Unlocking of

examples/ Questions: Terms:
instances of the ● Ask the students to 1. Did you have fun 1. Did you enjoy the
give their idea about with the activity? song? 1. Is the Timbre ● Timbre
new lesson
the terms identified heard and
from the previous 2. What are the 2. What do you think applied ● Dynamics
activity: items inside the is the message of correctly?
balloon? the song? ● Pitch
1. Samagana (This time listen to
3. How are they 3. Does it have ● Rhythm
your teacher how
2. Rig Veda connected? similarities to our timbre is applied ● Form
folk songs in the correctly while
3. Hindustani Philippines? Give following the ● Texture
example. musical score)
4. Carnatic (5 mins)
● Harmony
5. Sama Veda (5 mins) (5 mins) ● Style

(5 mins)

(5 mins)


concepts and WHOLE- SINGING” briefly summarize
practicing new The teacher will briefly The teacher will briefly The teacher will briefly the lesson from
discuss through a discuss through the discuss through the The teacher will sing India, Pakistan
skills #1
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation first the whole song and Israel.
about the Vocal Music of about the Vocal Music of about the Vocal Music of with the correct
India. Pakistan. Israel. timbre and
aftwerwards teach
the students by (10 mins)
line/part until all
(see LMs pages 111-112) (see LMs pages 123) (see LMs pages 127)
lines are mastered.
(15 mins)
(15 mins)
(10 mins) (10 mins)

E. Developing Listening Activity! Listening Activity! Listening Activity! Process Listening

mastery (leads Questions: Activity!
to formative Ask the students to listen Listen to the selected Listen to the selected
to the selected vocal vocal music of Pakistan vocal music of Israel 1. Did you Let the students
music of India and fill in below and fill in the table. below and fill in the table. apply this listen again some
(EXPLAIN) the table that follow. Do this on your notebook. Do this on your notebook. time the of the selected
correct music from the 3
timbre? countries and fill
in the table with
Sudha Ragunathan | Ghodi | Punjabi Folk They say there is a land' | 2. What is the the correct
Raga Abheri | Carnatic Music | Punjabi Wedding Traditional Israeli Folk importance elements
Melody | Music of India Songs song of timbre in observed.
Link: Link: Link:
https://www.youtube.com/ (5 mins)
https:// https://
Elements Obser
www.youtube.com/ www.youtube.com/ of Music
watch?v=s5a3pthL_tU watch?v=ntcBPIEmeUU watch?v=UNdXqxoclXU vation


Elements Observation Elements Observation Elements Observation Tempo

of Music of Music of Music
Pitch Pitch Pitch
Tempo Tempo Tempo
Meter Meter Meter
(10 mins)

(5 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins)

F. Making Process Questions: Compare & Contrast! Fill Me! Group Singing! Process
generalizations Questions:
and 1. What can you say Direction: Compare the Directions: Fill in the Divide the class into
about the vocal similarities and table the appropriate 3. Give time for 1. What can
abstractness to
music of India? differences of the vocal answers in each column. each group to you say
the lesson
music of Pakistan from master the song about the
2. What is its India. You can use the Coun Vocal Char with correct timbre. music of
general Music
diagram below or you try Acter Present the rubric the India,
characteristics? may make your own. for assessment as Pakistan
istics their guide. and
3. What vocal music
to the Philippines VOCAL MUSIC India Criteria:
can we relate to 2. Which one
the vocal music of Timbre find it
India? PAKISTAN tan more
(5 mins) Israel
Over-all captivates
(5 mins)
Performance you?

(5 mins) (5 mins)
(10 mins)

G. Evaluating Short Quiz! Descriptive Essay! DEVOTIONAL or Singing Time! POST TEST!
learning SECULAR
TRUE/FALSE Describe the music of Let the students The students will
(EVALUATION) Pakistani in 1 paragraph. Direction: Tell whether present their song be asked to
1. Carnatic music is the following statement “Zum Gali Gali” answer the post-
directed to Hindu god describes Devotional or guided with the test to assess the
in India. (True) Secular. rubric presented full understanding
(see the attached rubric)
above. and knowledge of
2. Music pieces are 1. Entirely vocal (D) the students
mainly set for the
thorughought the
voice and with lyrics. 2. Instruments and voice
(5 mins) lessons.
(True) are heard (S)

3. Nasal singing is not 3. Rhythmic and has

observed in their romantic text (S) (see attachement)
vocal music. (False)
4. Played during life
4. Melismatic is its style passage events (S)
in singing. (True) (15 mins)
5. Featured during
5. Rig Veda is the sabbath and other
Indian collection of holy days (D)
Vedic Sanskrit
hymns. (5 mins)

(5 mins)

H. Additional Indentify the similarities On your notebook, list Study the song Zum Gali Remediation: Group
activities for of Rig Veda in India to down the important Gali for the Performance that did not meet the
application and Philippine pasyon in features of Pakistan Task. competency will
remediation Bulacan. Write it on your music. have video record of
notebook. themselves with
(EXTEND) mastery
performance and be
submitted to the



A. Number of learners who

earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________

B. Number of learners who

scored below 80% who
needs additional
activities for remediation:

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson: __________

D. Number of learners who

continue to require
remediation: __________

E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked and reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher I Head Teacher III Principal II

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