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Class XII Biomolecules

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Class – XII
Subject – Chemistry
TOPIC – Biomolecules
Name of the Student: __________________________ Roll No. - ____ Max Time: 01 Hr.

Q1. Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following statement is not true about glucose?

(a) it is an aldohexose (b) on heating with HI it forms n-hexane
(c) it is present in furanose form (d) it does not give 2, 4-DNP test
2. Which of the following acids is a vitamin?
(a) aspartic acid (b) ascorbic acid
(c) aoiphic acid (d) saccharic acid
3. Which of the following base is not present in RNA?
(a) adenine (b) uracil
(c) thymine (d) cytosine
4. Which of the following vitamins can be stored in our body?
(a) vitamin B1 (b) vitamin B2
(c) vitamin B6 (d) vitamin B12
5. Which one given below is non-reducing sugar?
(a) glucose (b) sucrose
(c) maltose (d) lactose
6. In a protein molecule amino acids are linked together by:
(a) peptide bond (b) dative bond
(c) glycosidic bond (d) phospodiestes bond
7. In DNA1 the complementary bases are:
(a) adenine and thynine ; guanine and eytosine
(b) adenine and thymine; guanine and uracil
(c) adenine and guanine; thymine and cytosine
(d) uracil and adenine; cytosine and guanine
8. Deficiency of vitamin B1 , cause the disease:
(a) convulsions (b) beri-beri
(c) cheilosis (d) sterility
9. The correct statement regarding RNA and DNA is:
(a) The sugar component RNA is arabinose and sugar in DNA is ribose
(b) The sugar component in RNA is 2'deoxyribose and the sugar component in DNA is
(c) The sugar component in RNA is arabinose and the sugar component in DNA is 2'-
(d) The sugar component in RNA is ribose and sugar component in DNA is 2'-
10. Which of the following vitamin given below is water soluble?
(a) vitamin C (b) vitamin D
(c) vitamin K (d) vitamin E
11. The two functional groups present in a typical carbohydrates are:
(a) —OH and —COOH (b) —CHO and —COOH
(c) > C==O and —OH (d) —CHO and —COCl
12. Which of the following is called invert sugar
(a) lactose (b) sucrose
(c) maltose (d) glucose
13. Carbohydrates which give two molecules of mono-saccharides are called disaccharides.
These are:
(a) maltose (b) cellulose
(c) maltase (d) lactose
14. Starch is a mixture of:
(a) amylom (b) amylopectin
(c) amylose (d) β-D-glucose
15. Which of the following contain transition metal?
(a) Vitamin B-12 (b) Chlorophyl
(c) Haemoglobin (d) RNA
16. Which of the following has glycosidic linkage?
(a) Maltose (b) Anylose
(c) galactose (d) sucrose
17. Fibrous proteins are present in:
(a) myosin (b) albumin
(c) collagen (d) fibroin
Q2. Assertion and Reasoning Type
The question given below consist of an Assertion and the Reason. Use the following key to
choose the appropriate answer.
(a) Assertion and reason both are CORRECT and reason is the CORRECT explanation of the
(b) Assertion and reason both are wrong statements.
(c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
(e) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reasson is not correct explanation of
1. Assertion : A solution of sucrose in water is dextro rotatory but on hydrolysis in presence
of little HCl it becomes laevorotatory.
Reason : Sucrose on hydrolysis gives unequal amount of glucose and fructose as a result
sign of rotation changes.
2. Assertion : Fructose does not contain aldehyde group but still reduce Tollen's reagent.
Reason : In the presence of base, fructose undergoes rearrangement to form glucose and
Q3. Matching Column Type
1. Match the carbohydrate in Column I with its characteristic given in Column II
Column-I Column-II
(A) Lactose (p) Ketohexose
(B) Starch (q) Disaccharide
(C) Sucrose (r) Polysaccharide
(D) Fructose (s) on hydrolysis gives β-D-glucose and β-D-galactose
(a) A–s, B–r, C–p, D–q (b) A–p, B–q, C–r, D–s
(c) A–r, B–s, C–p, D–q (d) A–s, B–r, C–q, D–p
2. Match the carbohydrate in Column I with its characteristic given in Column II
Column-I Column-II
(A) Keratin (p) protein
(B) Haemoglobin (q) β-pleated protein
(C) Riboflavin (r) α-amino acid
(D) Glycine (s) Water soluble vitamin
(a) A–p, B–q, C–s, D–r (b) A–q, B–p, C–s, D–r
(c) A–q, B–p, C–r, D–s (d) A–s, B–r, C–q, D–p
Q4. Very short answer type questions
1. What structural feature is required for a carbohydrate to behave as reducing sugar?
2. Give the significance of (+) sign in the name D-(+)-glucose.
3. Why is sucrose called invert sugar?
4. Which forces are responsible for the stability of α-helical structure of proteins?
5. What type of linkage holds together the monomers of DNA and RNA?
6. Give the Howarth projection of D-glucopyranose.
7. Name the vitamin responsible for coagulation of blood.
8. Give one example of:
(a) water soluble,
(b) fat soluble vitamins.
9. Why are carbohydrates generally optically active?
10. What are the products of hydrolysis of lactose?
11. What are monosaccharides?
12. What is the difference between native protein and denatured protein?
13. Amino acids are amphoteric in nature. Explain
Q5. Short answer type questions
1. Define the following terms in relation to proteins :
(i) Peptide linkage (ii) Denaturation
2. Explain the following terms :
(i) Invert sugar
(ii) Polypeptides
(iii) Glycosidic linkage
3. Name the product of hydrolysis of sucrose. Why is sucrose not a reducing sugar?
4. Describe what do you understand by primary structure and secondary structure of
5. What is essentially the difference between α-form of glucose and β-form of glucose ?
6. What are anomers ? Give the structures of two anomers of glucose.
7. . Write the hydrolysed product of :
(i) Maltose (ii) Cellulose
8. What are vitamins? How are they classified?
9. State two main differences between globular and fibrous proteins.
10. Name the constituents of starch and what is the difference between them?
11. What are essential and non-essential amino acid ? Give two examples of each type.
12. Give reasons:
(i) On electrolysis in acidic solution amino acids migrate towards cathode while in
alkaline solution these migrate towards anode.
(ii) The monoamino monocarboxylic acids have two pKa values.
13. Describe two important functions of nucleic acids.
14. Differentiate between the following :
(i) Secondary and tertiary structure of protein
(ii) α-helix and β-pleated sheet structure of protein
(iii) Fibrous and globular protein

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