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Iot Architecture

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CS578: Internet of Things

IoT Architecture

Dr. Manas Khatua

Assistant Professor
Dept. of CSE, IIT Guwahati
E-mail: manaskhatua@iitg.ac.in

“We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas.” – Swami Vivekananda
Architectural Plan
Driving forces:
 Scale
 Security
 Constrained devices
 Massive data
 Data analysis
 Support to legacy
Smart Home
 The key difference between the IT
and IoT is sensor & data
 Networks run the modern  Essence of IoT architecture:
business  how the data is transported,
 It should never be built  collected,
without careful planning  analyzed, and
 ultimately acted upon.
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How IoT works?

Image Source: Rajiv Ranjan et. al., “Integrating the IoT and Data Science” IEEE Cloud Computing, 2018

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IoT Architecture
• In the past several years, architectural standards and frameworks have emerged
• Two best-known architectures: oneM2M and IoT World Forum (IoTWF)

Goal of M2M architecture: Major challenges:

• to create a common architecture that would • heterogeneity of devices,
help accelerate the adoption of M2M • heterogeneity of software,
applications and devices. • Heterogeneity of access
Goal of oneM2M architecture:
• to create a common services layer, which can • Example: connecting two
be readily embedded in field devices to allow systems - BACnet system
communication with application servers. that the HVAC and BMS run;
and LoRaWAN technology
that the sensor network uses
• Applications: smart metering, smart grid,
smart city, e-health, etc.

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oneM2M Architecture
• Proposed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
• oneM2M architecture divides IoT functions into three major domains.

• Defines application-layer protocols

• Attempts to standardize northbound

API definitions for interaction with
business intelligence (BI) systems

• A northbound interface allows a

particular component of a network to
communicate with a higher-level

• Applications have their own sets of

data models

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oneM2M Architecture
• Proposed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
• oneM2M architecture divides IoT functions into three major domains.
First Second
• horizontal framework
across the vertical
industry applications.

• Include:
• the physical
network that the
IoT applications
run on. (e.g.
backhaul network)
• the underlying
• the hardware

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oneM2M Architecture
• Proposed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
• oneM2M architecture divides IoT functions into three major domains.
First Second
• top is the common
services layer

• This layer adds APIs and

middleware supporting
third-party services and

• Service layer can be

readily embedded within
various hardware and
software nodes

• A RESTful API uses HTTP

requests to GET, PUT,
POST and DELETE data.
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oneM2M Architecture
• Proposed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
• oneM2M architecture divides IoT functions into three major domains.
First Second Third

IoT devices,
ion network
LoRa, WiFi)

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IoTWF Architecture
• IoTWF architectural committee (led by Cisco, • Control flowing from the
IBM, Rockwell Automation, and others) center to the edge

• Decompose the IoT

problem into smaller parts

• Identify different
technologies at each layer

• Different parts of a system

can be provided by
different vendors

• Tiered security model

enforced at the transition
points between levels
• offers a clean, simplified perspective on IoT
• includes edge computing, data storage, and access • Define interfaces that
• succinct way of visualizing IoT from a technical perspective leads to interoperability

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Layers 1 & 2
Layer 1: Physical Devices Layer 2: Connectivity Layer
and Controllers Layer • focus is on connectivity
• home of the “things” in IoT

• “things” can be from a

microscopic sensors to giant
machines in a factory

• primary function is
generating data

• capable of being queried

and/or controlled over a

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Layer 3
Layer 3: Edge Computing Layer
• often referred to as the “fog” layer
• emphasis is on data reduction and converting network data flows

Basic principle:
information processing
is initiated as early and
as close to the edge of
the network as possible.

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Upper Layers: Layers 4–7

Layers Functions
Layer 4: Data Accumulation • Captures data and stores it for applications
layer • Convert event-based data to query-based processing
Layer 5: Data Abstraction • Reconciles multiple data formats
layer • Ensures consistent semantics for various data sources
• Confirmation about dataset completeness
Layer 6: Application layer • Interpret data using software applications
• Applications may monitor, control, and provide report
based on analysing the data
Layer 7: Collaboration and • Consumes and shares the application information
processes layer • Collaborating and communicating IoT information
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Simplified IoT Architecture
• It highlights the fundamental building blocks that are common to most IoT
systems and which is intended to help in designing an IoT network.

• IoT architectural framework is presented as two parallel stacks

• Core IoT Functional Stack
• IoT Data Management and Compute Stack

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Figures and slide materials are taken from the following sources:

1. David Hanes et al., “IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols,

and Use Cases for the Internet of Things”, 1st Edition, 2018, Pearson India.

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