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TAJ December 2019; Volume 32 Number-2 ISSN 1019-8555

The Journal of
Teachers Association
RMC, Rajshahi

Original Article

Incidence of Dental Caries in Relation with Cariogenic Food and

Socioeconomic Status among Pediatric Patients
1 2 3 4
Md. Shoyeb Rahman, Md Habibul Hasan, Md. Abul Hossain, Abul Kalam Mohammad Asad

Introduction: Dental caries is one of the most common oral health diseases among children all
over the world and its consequences cause a lot of pain and suffering. In the present study the
effect of cariogenic food and socio-economic status in the initiation of dental caries among
pediatric patients was assessed.
Methodology: Data were collected with a pretested structured interview schedule from 370
participants and their parents attending dental unit, Rajshahi medical college from July 2017 to
December 2018. Oral examination was done by dental mirror and probe under sufficient light to
find out the dental caries among the children. Data were analyzed using SPSS method.
Results: 91.35% participants had dental caries. Multiple caries was found highest (56. 58%) in
low socio-economic status. 68.38% participants regularly consumed the cariogenic food, of
them multiple caries were found in 46.64%.
Discussion: The prevalence of dental caries among participants was found 91.35%. In the
present study family income has influence on the dental caries. In the present study 68.38%
participants regularly consumed sugar containing food items and among them multiple carious
teeth were found in 46.64% participants.
Conclusion: Incidence of dental caries is very high among the children of low socio-economic
status and who take cariogenic food frequently specially sugar containing food.
Key words: Dental caries, Cariogenic food, Pediatric patients, Socio-economic status.
TAJ 2019; 32: No-2: 43-47

Introduction problems. Dental caries is a highly prevalent

Bangladesh is a small country with a large number chronic disease and its consequences cause a lot of
of populations. Most of the people are poor and pain and suffering. Dental caries is a localized,
illiterate. They are not concerned about their post-erupted, pathological process of external
health especially dental health. Teeth are not only origin involving softening of the hard tooth tissue
helpful for taking food but also necessary for and proceeding to the formation of a cavity. It
speaking and beautification. The beauty of the face affects both deciduous and permanent teeth. If the
is much more dependable on setting of teeth and carious lesion is not treated the pulp will become
their brightness. Dental caries is the most involved, infection will invade it and set up
important and common disease among oral health inflammation which will kill the pulp and often,

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Dentistry, Rajshahi Medical College.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Rajshahi Medical College.
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Rajshahi Medical College.
4 Lecturer, Dental Unit, Rajshahi Medical College.
TAJ December 2019; Volume 32 Number-2 2

by involving the periodontal membrane, produce Sugars are the most common dietary etiological
an acute alveolar abscess.1 It is reasonable to factor of dental caries.3
assume that tremendous variation in caries
Dental caries is the most prevalent dental affliction
incidence exist because of a number of factors
of childhood. Despite credible scientific advances
affecting caries. Basically, caries occur when there
and the fact that caries is preventable, the disease
is interaction of four principle factors; the host,
continues to be a major public health problem. In
cariogenic oral flora and a suitable diet for a
developing countries changing life-styles and
sufficient length of time. These factors are related
dietary patterns are markedly increasing the caries
each other in relation of dental caries.2 Tooth
incidence.4 A common misconception that milk
decay is the most chronic condition affecting
teeth of children will exfoliate and there is a less
children today with 60–90% of school going
need to seek expert dental advice may lead to
children having dental cavities or decaying teeth.
various dental problems such as malocclusions,
In addition, oral disease in children and adults is
dental caries and periodontal problems.5,6,7
higher among poor and under privileged
population groups. Tooth morphology is Materials and Methods
recognized as an important factor for initiation of A cross sectional survey using a self-structured
caries. questionnaire related to food habits, caries status,
socio-economic condition and clinical examination
The cariogenecity of micro-organisms is variable.
of the oral cavity were conducted among 370
It has been established that all acid producing
Children of both male and female aged 5 to 12
organisms are not cariogenic. Streptococcus plays
years attending Department of Pediatric Dentistry,
a vital role in initiation of caries. The main
Dental, Unit Rajshahi Medical College,
etiological microorganism in occlusal and pit and
Bangladesh. The study period was from July 2017
fissure caries is the Streptococcus mutans because
to December 2018. Questions were objective and
it ferments mannitol and sorbitol and forms lactic
closed ended and were divided into different
acid which easily colonizes on tooth surface. Diet
categories according to the specific areas of food
influence the dental caries. Modern diet includes
habit. The questionnaires were administered and
refined CHO and soft drinks which helps
personal interviews were taken by the investigator
collection of debris predisposing to more caries.
in either English or Bangla language.


Figure 1: Prevalence of Dental caries and the number of teeth involved

During the study period, 338 children (91.35%) were affected by dental caries.
3 TAJ December 2019; Volume 32 Number-2

Figure 2: Distribution of dental caries in relation to the number of teeth involved

Participants having single tooth involvement were 63 (17.03%) and multiple caries involvement were 152
Figure 3: Number of carious tooth among participants of different socio-economic status

Multiple caries was found highest in low socio-economic status participants (86, 56.58%).
TAJ December 2019; Volume 32 Number-2 4

Figure 4: Distribution of participants based on consumption of different cariogenic foods in

relation with different socio-economic status

Out of 370 participants 253 (68.38%) regularly consumed the cariogenic food, of them multiple caries
were found in 118 (46.64%) participants.

from the high socio-economic status were

affected. The present observation was similar.13 It
The prevalence of dental caries among participants
was reported that 63% of participants' family
was found 91.35% which was more or less similar
income was low and had dental caries. This result
(94.68%).8 Most children and 90% of adult had
indicated that socio-economic status plays an
experienced dental caries, with the disease being
important role in the causation of dental caries
most prevalent in Asia and Latin American
among the children.
countries.9 The prevalence rate of dental caries of
the present study (91.35%) was three times About 78.38% of studied participants were found
higher.10 This difference might be due to faulty to eat chocolate everyday which was slightly
oral health practices and lack of proper awareness higher (67.02%).8 This higher numbers may be
about oral health. The highest percentage (80.6%) due to the easy availability and low cost of
of children with dental caries was also reported in chocolate and as well as lack of knowledge of
another study in Nepal.11 Another study reported parents about dental caries. Soft drink was taken
the prevalence of dental caries as 44.34% which once in a day by 23.51% participants which was
was lower.12 slightly higher (19.15%).8
In the present study socio-economic status has In the present study 68.38% participants regularly
influence on the dental caries. It was found that consumed sugar containing food items and among
56.58% participants from the low socio-economic them multiple carious teeth were found in 46.64%
status were affected by multiple teeth (more than participants. The result indicates that the
three teeth) whereas, only 19.08% participants participants who took more sugar containing food
5 TAJ December 2019; Volume 32 Number-2

items were more sufferers by dental caries. This is 6. Holbrook WP, Soet DJJ and Graaff DJ 1993.
similar to the result of another study where 33% Prediction of dental caries in pre –school children
Caries Res 27: 424-430.
patients consumed more sweets, of which 27.30%
had multiple caries.14 The prevalence rate of dental 7. Paunio P, Rautava P, Sillanpaa M and Kaleva O
1993. Dental health habits of 3 year- old Finnish
caries was higher in children with higher sugar
children Community Dent Oral Epideminol 21: 4-7.
intake. The present study also indicates that
consumption of less sugar containing food can 8. Khabir KN,Begum A, Karim F and Mohammad G
2015. Oral hygiene practices, snacks habit and
prevent dental caries which is also similar.14,15 caries prevalence among the children Marks Dental
Restriction of taking sugar based food and proper Journal 1(1): 1-3.
oral hygiene maintenance decreases the chance of
9. Elliott J 2007. Medieval teeth ‘better than
dental caries. Baldrick’s’, hosted on the BBC news website.
October 8, 2004. Page accessed January 11.
Incidence of dental caries is very high among the 10. Edward CML, Loo EKY and Lee CK 2009. Dental
children aged 5 to 12 years taking cariogenic food health status of Hong Kong preschool children
Hong Kong Dent J 6: 6-12.
frequently. Moreover, socio-economic status has a
direct impact on children's oral health. People 11. Khanal S, Acharya J, Gautam S and Malla M 2013.
from low socio-economic status do not pay Distribution of Oral Diseases among Children in
Jorpati, Kathmandu Journal of Nepal Dental
enough attention to dental care measures due to Association 13(2): 26-30.
lack of awareness and regular preventive visits to a
12. Rahman SS, Rasul CH, Kashem MA and Biswas
dental professional resulting in the development of SS 2010. Prevalence of dental caries in the primary
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13. Parvin R, Taleb A, Islam M, Mohammad G and
1. Hampson LE 1980. Textbook of Operative Dentistry Rahman MM 2015. Oral Health Status among
4 ed, The Alden Press Oxford, pp. 1-5. Secondary School Children of Uttar Kafrul
2. Shikri V K 2014. Text Book of Operative Dentistry Government High School, Dhaka Marks Dental
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Prevalence of dental caries and sugar consumption patients attending at the outpatient department
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4. Rao A, Sequeira SP and Peter S 1999. Prevelance 15. Begum J 1997. Dental caries in primary school
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Community Dent Oral Epideminol 16: 163-66.

All correspondence to
Dr Shoyeb Rahman
Assistant Professor,
Department of Dentistry
Rajshahi Medical College

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