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DW2 Exercises PDF

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Course: ACS800 multidrive

Unit 8 DriveWindow 2 Exercises

8.1 General Information

8.1.1 Description
This unit includes exercises for DriveWindow 2.

8.1.2 Objectives
To learn, how to control the ACS 800 frequency converter with the DriveWindow 2.0.

8.1.3 Reference documentation

DriveWindow 2.0 User Manual, Code: 3BFE 64560981 R0325

DriveWindow 2 Overheads

3BSF20 0600 R0401 8-1

Course: ACS800 Multidrive

8.2 Basic Exercises for DriveWindow 2

8.2.1 Exercise 1 Connections and control of the ACS 800

1. Check that fiber optics are connected to the correct channel (CH3) and in the right
order on the NAMC or RDCO-board. Check also the PC-connection.
What is the type of fiber optic cable? ____________________________________
What is the channel number in the NISA-03-board (if a desktop PC is used) or
what kind of adapter you are using (if a laptop PC is used)? __________________
2. Double-click the DriveWindow 2 program icon to start the program. Select
ABB.SMP for OPC Server. What is the drive status at the moment (Fault, Ready,
Running)? ___________________________________________
3. Make parameter settings to the ACS 800 by the control panel CDP 312. Set
minimum / maximum speeds +/-1500 rpm (Group 20).
4. Take local control with the Control Panel CDP 312? Is it possible to take the
control to the DriveWindow in this case?
Take local control with the DriveWindow by using the Take control-command
from Drive-menu or Take / Release-button from the Drive Panel Toolbar.
5. Set the speed reference to 650 rpm from the Drive Panel Toolbar and start the
drive by clicking the green button. Check the actual speed from the Control Panel
CDP 312. After this, make reverse and back to forward by using the
DriveWindow. Finally, stop the drive by clicking the red button. Change control
back to remote.
6. Fault Reset. First of all you should generate a fault in the drive. Take control
(Local control) with the Control Panel CDP 312. Start the drive and whilst the
drive is running disconnect Control Panel by removing the panel cable from one
end or the other. What was the fault message?

Reset the fault by the DriveWindow. You have to change to local control from
7. Fault logger contents. Double click from the Browse Tree Pane (the upper left
hand window) the motor picture and after this the Fault logger picture. The
contents of the fault logger is visible on the upper right hand window.

Write down four latest faults.

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

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Course:ACS800 Multidrive

8.2.2 Exercise 2 Putting Items on-line and off-line

After this exercise you are able to put Items (basically parameters) on-line and off-
line. In this way it is possible to carry out measurements in numerical form during
commissioning or troubleshooting.
1. Expand the Parameters branch from the Browse Tree Pane. A list of the
parameter groups appears. Double-click group 01 (Actual Values). The content of
the group appears on the upper right- hand window.
2. Select one of the signals, e.g. motor speed 1.04. Selection is made by clicking on
an item using the mouse. Put the selected signal on-line by using the Activate /
deactivate items button from the Standard Tool bar or Put Items On-line / off-
line command from the Desktop-menu.

Figure 1. Putting Items on-line and off-line

3. Start the drive. Increase the speed. Check the actual signals. Finally stop the drive
and put selected items to off-line.
4. Start the drive. Set the speed reference to 900 rpm. Write down following values
by using the DriveWindow-program: (Remember to use the on-line state). Write
down also units of the signals (A, V, % etc).

Motor Speed Signal nr:______________ Actual value:______________

Frequency Signal nr:______________ Actual value:______________

Motor Torque Signal nr:______________ Actual value:______________

DC voltage Signal nr:______________ Actual value:______________

Motor voltage Signal nr:______________ Actual value:______________

You can select a large number of items to on-line at the same time by selecting an
area of items with the mouse. Select first an item by mouse, and whilst keeping
the Shift key pressed, select by mouse the last item you would like to measure. All
signals between the first and last item are now selected. Now select the on-line
Stop the drive.

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Course: ACS800 Multidrive

8.2.3 Exercise 3 Editing and saving the parameters

1. Change acceleration and deceleration times to 5s (Group 22). Expand the
Parameters branch from the Browse Tree Pane. Double click group 22 and the
content of this group appears on the upper right- hand Window. Double click the
item (parameter) Acceleration time 22.01 and the Dialog box appears (For some
parameters a selection window appears e.g. 21.01). Change the value and select
OK. Repeat this with the Deceleration time.

Figure 2. Dialog box for the parameter setting

2. Start the drive. Make sure that changes were really made by changing the speed
reference up and down. Leave these settings in the drive.
3. Saving the parameters into a file.

Note! For safety reasons parameter saving can be done only in Remote control
mode. Save selection is disabled in Local mode (Grayed).

Change to remote. Select File / Parameters / Save As.. Use the file name FIRST
and when comment dialog box appears use the default Date.

Figure 3. Parameter saving.

Editing of the parameters will happen all the time in the on-line mode with the
selected drive. Whenever you change a parameter it take immediately affect upon the

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Course:ACS800 Multidrive

8.2.4 Exercise 4 Comparing the parameters

In some cases e.g. during troubleshooting it is reasonable to check the parameters of
the drive or sometimes it is good to know the parameter differences between two
separate drives. This can be done by comparing parameters between the drive and the
1. Change acceleration and deceleration times back to original settings, group 22 and
time 2s for both parameters.
2. Open your parameter file FIRST. Select from the menu File / Parameters /
Open.. Select the correct file (FIRST.dwp) The parameter file will appear on the
top part of the Browse Tree Pane.
3. Select the drive of which parameters you would like to compare. Select the drive
from Browse Tree Pane by clicking once on it by the mouse. (Normally during
exercises we have only one drive selectable.)
4. Compare parameters between the current drive and your parameter file (FIRST).
Go to the File-menu and Parameters-submenu and from there select the
Compare-command. Result will appear in a separate window. It is possible to
export differences to separate programs such as Word, Excel etc. with the Export-
command on the lower right corner of the window to become an attachment of a
possible report.

Figure 4. Parameter comparison

5. What was the result of the comparison: (Write down all the differences)

Parameter_________________value in the drive:______value in the file:_______

Parameter_________________value in the drive:______value in the file:_______
Parameter_________________value in the drive:______value in the file:_______
Parameter_________________value in the drive:______value in the file:_______
Parameter_________________value in the drive:______value in the file:_______

Close the Parameter comparison window.

6. Close the parameter- file. File / Parameters / Close.

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Course: ACS800 Multidrive

8.2.5 Exercises 5 Parameter download from file (PC) into the drive
During the commissioning several of the same kinds of drive it is reasonable to copy
the parameters from one drive to another. Such kinds of operations are made using the

1. First open the parameter-file First.dwp from the menus File / Parameters /
2. Using the Control Panel CDP 312 change the acceleration time 22.01 = 3s.
3. Select the drive from the Browse Tree Pane where you would like to download
the parameters, by clicking once on the drive with the mouse.
4. Select the File / Parameters / Download.
5. A dialog box appears. Mark only Restore user data and then OK. The download
operation will start.
6. The next dialog box is warning, that there should be the same macro in the file and
the drive before download occurs. Select in this case YES.
7. The last dialog box ask permission to restart the drive. In this case select YES.
8. In a real case you should check the parameter group 99 Start-up data, because
during download operation these are not copied. This is very important during
commissioning and repairing, when a faulty unit is needed to be replaced with a
new one.
9. Check the values of the parameters 22.01 and 22.02. Current settings should be
now a setting from your file (5s).
10. Finally run the motor to check that the drive is working normally.

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Course:ACS800 Multidrive

8.2.6 Exercise 6 Backup and restore

Backing up means saving the contents of one or more Drive FPROMs into a single
backup file called Backup Package.
It is also possible to add or replace backed up FPROMs within an existing Backup
Package. With this function it is possible to create a full spare part control boards
(NAMC / RMIO) on site. Later on it is also possible to Restore the software of a faulty
unit to the spare part unit.
Control board type must be anyhow the same.

1. Backup and Restore functions are only possible in Remote control mode. Change
the drive to remote control.
2. Create a new Backup Package (= Folder or Directory). Select File / System
software / New-menu Backup Package.
3. Select the Backup-command from the File / System Software-menus. Select the
drive. Backing up will start and it will take several minutes to complete.
4. Finally give a name to the Backup Packet. Select the Save As..-command from
File / System Software-menus. Now you can also locate the file to your own
directory or diskette. Give a name to the package, e.g. mybackup.BPG
5. Finally select the Close command from File / System Software-menu. Now the
backup of the selected drive is complete - the entire content of the control board
has been copied into the backup-file, also the firmware.

1. Select Open command from the File / System Software-menus. Choose the
correct backup package, e.g. mybackup.BPG (in the dialog box all backups are
shown which have been made from the same DriveWindow-link).
2. Select Restore command from the File / System Software-menu. A dialog box
appears. Now select the correct drive. Then select the Restore-command. From
the dialog box select the correct backup file to be restored. When the last
confirmation Dialog box appears, select YES. Restoring will take several minutes.
3. Test that the drive works normally.

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Course: ACS800 Multidrive

8.2.7 Exercise 7 Monitoring

Monitor is the tool to make the measurements in the graphical form.
1. Open the parameter list by double clicking on the Parameter icon from the
Browse Tree Pane. Double-click Group 01 Actual Signals. All actual values of
this group appear on the Desktop on the right side of the Window area.
2. To select signals/parameters to the Monitor click once by mouse e.g. motor speed.
Select the Add/Remove Monitored Items button from the Toolbar or from the
Monitor- menu.

Figure 5. Add/Remove Monitored Items button.

3. Make necessary settings in the Monitor-window (the lower right hand window). Just
double-click an item. Set Interval = 100 ms and X-axis length = 100 s. Check from
the menu File / Graph / Preferences that the scaling method is Values at 100 and 0.
Scale channel 1 so that 1500 rpm corresponds 100 on the screen. Another alternative is
to use the coefficient. In this case it would be 100 /1500 = 0.06. Change the scale by
double-clicking on channel number 1.

Figure 6. Monitor-window
4. Start the monitor from the Monitor Tool bar; located in the upper part of the
window area.

Figure 7. Monitor Tool bar

8-8 3BSF20 0600 R0401

Course:ACS800 Multidrive

5. Start the drive. Increase and decrease the speed of the motor. During the
monitoring the monitoring, it can be paused or stopped. When it is stopped the
whole screen of the monitor can be Cleared, or from the File / Graph-menu other
commands can be selected e.g. copy (copy graphics e.g. to Word or clipboard).
Printing is also possible. Export means that graphics are exported in numerical
form to e.g. Excel-program. Saving graphics themselves is also possible (File /
Graph / Save As…).

Figure 8. Monitor/Graph-commands
6. Clear the monitor. Choose the following signals for measurement:

Signal Coefficient 100% scaling

Motor speed 1.04 0.06 1500

Motor current 1.06 30 5
Motor torque 1.07 2 100
Motor voltage 1.11 0.25 400
X-axis length 100s
sampling interval 100 ms
7. Check the start-up data.(motor name plate data Group 99). Select STANDARD
ID- run (Group 99). This will be performed when needed during commissioning.
Alternatively a REDUCED ID- run or NO can be selected. When selected NO,
only the magnetization current measurement will be performed in the first start. In
STANDARD ID- run mechanical load must be disconnected from the motor shaft.
8. Start the monitor and the motor (do not set speed reference).
9. When ID-run is complete, stop the monitoring (the motor stops itself).
10. How many times does the output voltage change during the ID-run, when the
speed is zero:

What is the duration of the ID- run?

time _________________s
Clicking with the mouse on the graphical area, causes measured value to appear on
the screen. Use, if necessary, Zoom-command from the View-menu.
Export the GRAPH. Select File-menu and then submenu Graph, and finally the
command Export. Use the filename: Mygraphs.txt. Now the graphs are available in
the numerical form in any kind of MS-Window-applications.
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Course: ACS800 Multidrive

Alternatively it is possible to print out the graphics. Select the File / Graph / Print-

8.2.8 Exercise 8 Datalogger

In the Datalogger the measured values are saved with different triggering conditions
into the control board memory for later analysis of the measurements.
1. Open. the parameter list by double clicking on the Parameter icon from the
Browse Tree Pane. Double-click Group 01 Actual Signals. All actual values of
this group appear on the Desktop on the right side of the Window area.
2. Activate down on the left hand side the Datalogger window. Select for Datalogger
measurements below listed signals from the menus Datalogger / Set variable /
Channel 1, 2, 3, 4. Activate always first the selectable signal from the list. If there
is already selected some signal for datalogger measurements, you have to remove
them before selection.

Motor speed = 1.04

Motor voltage = 1.11
IU = 1.28
IV = 1.29

Change acceleration and deceleration times to the value 2s.

3. Set from Datalogger- menu or from Datalogger setting- window the following
NOTE! All definitions can not be done when the datalogger is running or the
graphical display of the datalogger is not cleared. When datalogger is running the
Status information is also Running- text in the Datalogger setting- window. If
needed stop the logger and clear the graphics.

Interval 3 ms
Pre-Trig 300ms
Trig Conditions Fault Level rising edge
Trig Variable Par 1.4 Motor speed
Trig Level 200 (rpm)
Trig Hysteresis 20 (rpm)
X Axis Length (s) 1s If the program suggests some other time, answer YES.
4. Start the logger from the menu Datalogger / Start.
Datalogger Status information changes to Running, Initialized.
5. Set the speed reference to 400 rpm and start the drive.
Status text changes to Filled, Initialized after logger has been triggered.
6. Read the values to the screen with Upload command from the Datalogger menu.
7. Scale by double clicking on the signal names in the Datalogger window and change
the Coefficient value so that the signals suitable fit on the graphical window.

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Course:ACS800 Multidrive

8. Cross from the menu View / Graph Cursor… selections Time and Unscaled.
Time can be seen in the upper part of the cursor line after clicking the graphical
window by the mouse pointer.
Because not scaled values are selected, the numbers on the screen are real values,
not scaled by the coefficient.
9. Measure the signal values at the moment of triggering (time is zero).

1.04 = _____________
1.11 = _____________
1.28 = _____________
1.29 = _____________
10. Save the Datalogger graphical display File / Graph / Save As… and give a name.
Perform also Export- command. Exported file can be edited also by other
Windows programs.
File / Graph / Export and give a name. From the following window select all four
channels, all samples and measured values.

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