Borehole Drilling
Borehole Drilling
Borehole Drilling
Short course 1:
Basic Hydrogeology and Borehole Siting
Dotun Adekile & Mustapha Thomas
Background to the course
Tapping Treasure – Cost Effective Boreholes in Sierra Leone
• Launched in July 2013 by MOWR
• Aims
– Supporting government departments
and NGOs to develop their capacity to
manage borehole drilling
– Supporting drillers to manage the risks
of drilling
– Creating an awareness of groundwater
amongst senior government and
opinion leaders
– Developing a code of practice for
borehole drilling
• Short course 1 is the first in a
series of training courses
designed to develop the
capacity of practitioners in the
country in borehole drilling
Background to the course
What is Cost Effective Boreholes?
• Cost effective borehole delivery does not
mean cheaper boreholes.
• It means optimum value is obtained for
the money invested over the long term.
• For boreholes to be cost effective they
have to be properly sited, professionally
constructed and supervised.
• To effectively site, design, procure and
construct boreholes, an understanding
of the processes and factors affecting
the occurrence and movement of
groundwater is required.
• Groundwater occurrence and movement
in turn depend on the underlying rocks.
Therefore, a basic knowledge of geology
is essential in understanding
groundwater occurrence.
Learning objectives
To provide participants
with a basic knowledge of
geology specific to
groundwater occurrence
in Sierra Leone to enable
cost effective siting and
construction of boreholes
in the country.
Unit outline
1. What is geology? What is
2. The Structure of the Earth
3. Rocks
4. Classification of Rocks
5. The Rock Cycle
6. Weathering
7. Erosion and deposition
8. Inselbergs
9. Geologic Time Scale
10. The Geology of Sierra Leone
11. Summary
1. What is geology? What is hydrogeology?
The temperature and
pressure in the mantle
are very high. Therefore
the material is in a
liquid state called
magma or molten rock.
Grain sizes:
• Gravel - 2mm to 64mm described as very small,
medium, large and very large.
• Sand - 0.06 to 2 mm described as very fine, fine,
medium, coarse and very coarse
• Silt -0.004 mm to 0.06 mm described as very fine, fine,
medium, coarse.
• Clay - <0.004mm
NB Gravel in geology is always of sedimentary origin.
Engineers sometimes use the same term for rock
aggregate of the same size. They are not the same.
4.2.2 Clastic Sediments
5. Rock Cycle
• The Earth’s crust is constantly
• New rocks are created, then altered
and transformed into other rocks. This
process is called the rock cycle.
• Any sedimentary or metamorphic
rock may be melted to produce
igneous rock and a previously existing
rock of any category can be affected
by the pressure and heat of Earth
movement to produce metamorphic
• The weathered and eroded residue of
any family of rocks can be transported
by rivers or winds and deposited in the The rock cycle (Source: Fletcher, 2011)
sea and eventual conversion into
sedimentary rocks.
• Weathering is the break
down of rock to create
• Weathering is very
important for human
• Weathering produces soil.
• Soil is the source of food,
clothing, paper, timber,
medicine, shade, oxygen
and much more.
Weathered rock overlying fresh granitic rock,
• Weathering product is a Grafton Road Freetown
source of groundwater.
6. Weathering (cont.)
Weathering of rocks could be by
• Physical actions
• Chemical actions
• Biological actions
• The three work together to reduce rocks to smaller particles
until soil is formed.
• Chemical weathering is the most effective of the three
processes. It attacks all surfaces that are exposed to gases and
• Physical and biological weathering cause rocks to fragment into
particles, increasing the surface area for chemical weathering.
6.1 Physical Weathering
7. Erosion and deposition
Dome shaped inselberg, Kaduna Nigeria Inselberg of massive boulders, Kaduna, Nigeria
9. Geologic Time Scale
• Time is the most prevalent theme in geology. Geology
is sometimes called the science of time.
• Geological processes take a very long time e.g. it takes
approximately 1000 years for weathering to create 2
cm of soil (Fletcher, 2011).
• The Earth has been evolving for approximately 4700
million years.
• The Geologic Time Scale was developed to tackle the
vast expanse of time involved in geological processes.
• The Geologic Time Scale is divided into periods of time
with the Precambrian rocks as the oldest and the
Quaternary rocks the youngest.
9 .The Geologic Time Scale
Began Years ago Notable events Epochs Periods Eras
34 million Oligocene
Springs Boreholes 52
3.2 Groundwater usage
• Globally - 4 billion
people (estimate based
on JMP)
• Sierra Leone – 99% of
water points mapped
are groundwater
4. Advantages and disadvantages of groundwater
Advantages Disadvantages
• The abstraction structures • The abstraction points can be
expensive to construct
are quick to construct if the
• Sometimes expensive
equipment is available exploration methods are
• Generally free from necessary to locate the
pathogens • Sometimes they contain
• Generally free from contaminants so their good
quality cannot be taken for
suspended matter granted
• Not immediately affected • If quality deteriorates
by drought remedies are costly and
difficult to implement
5. Groundwater Occurrence
• Groundwater occurrence depends on the nature of the
rock underlying the area in which it occurs i.e. whether
igneous or sedimentary or metamorphic.
• A rock bearing usable groundwater is called an aquifer.
• An aquifers stores water and releases it when needed
e.g. sand deposits. It allows water to pass through it
and it is said to be permeable.
• Aquifers provide storage, filtration and distribution.
• A poor groundwater source may store water but does
not easily release the water e.g. clay deposits.
5.1 Groundwater occurrence in different rock types
5.2 Groundwater occurrence in loose sediments
• In loose sedimentary
rocks e.g. sands and
gravels there are many
pore spaces for water Pore spaces between
to occupy, therefore we sand grains holding
say the porosity is high. and releasing water
• Yields can be very high
up to 30 l/s and more;
adequate for urban
water supply.
• Sometimes individual
grains of sediments are
compacted and cemented
together to form
sandstones and
mudstones. Porosity reduced by the
presence of clays and minerals
• The pore spaces are
reduced by the cementing
• The yield is also reduced
and may be adequate for
small community supply.
5.6 Groundwater occurrence- aquifer types
• In unconfined aquifers
the water table is in
continuity with the
Unconfined aquifers of
limited lateral extent
and thickness are
known as perched
• Unconfined aquifers are
prone to contamination
from the surface e.g.
from pit latrines,
pesticides, fertilisers, Source: Todd et al 2005
urban run-off and
industrial waste.
5.8 Confined aquifers
• Confined aquifers (pressure
aquifers) are covered by
impermeable material such
as clays, and hold water
under pressure.
• In a borehole tapping a
confined aquifer the water
level rises under this
pressure. In some cases
where conditions permit,
artesian flows may develop.
• The level at which water
stands in a borehole tapping
a confined aquifer, is called Source: Todd et al 2005
the piezometric level.
5.9 Artesian aquifer
• In an artesian aquifer, a
layer of permeable rock lies
between two layers of
impermeable rock such that
the whole forms a shallow
depression with one or both
ends of the permeable rock
layer exposed on the
• If a well or borehole is sunk
into such an aquifer, water
may flow freely to the
• When water rises in the Source: Todd et al 2005
borehole but does not reach
the surface, it is called a sub-
artesian aquifer.
5.9 Artesian aquifer
6.1 Borehole Design 1 (unconsolidated formation)
Available on:
6.1 Borehole design 2 (Consolidated Formation)
Available on:
6.1 Borehole design 3 (Consolidated Formation)
Available on:
Quick Question!
6.2 Borehole construction - drilling
Drilling fluid: water, air, biodegradable mud, clay
Manual drilling
Machine drilling
6.2 Borehole construction - drilling
Drill rods
Drill samples
6.2 Borehole construction - lining and gravel packing
6.3 Borehole Screens
UPVC screen
Pumping test
6.5 Borehole completion – sanitary seal
Quick Question!
7.1 Effects of pumping on groundwater
7.2 Borehole and aquifer parameters
• Borehole yield = volume of
water discharged per unit of
time in liters per second. It is
the maximum pumping rate a
borehole can sustain for a
reasonable drawdown.
• Specific capacity =
yield/drawdown l/s/m of
7.2 Borehole and aquifer parameters
Iron May be rejected by the consumer as unsightly; Rocks and minerals, leachates,
Manganese May be rejected by consumer due to taste and colour Rocks and minerals
Nitrates Health – reports of blue baby, indication of faecal Fertilizer, sewage, vegetation
contamination breakdown
Arsenic Health- carcinogenic Naturally occurring, weed killers,
industrial pollution
Refresher Question!
10. Challenges to groundwater usage
• Non viable aquifers – poor yield,
poor water quality
• Expensive exploration methods
• Poor drilling practices leading to
abortive boreholes
• Wells and boreholes dry up or are
• Pumps break down and are not
• Lack of groundwater data
• Lack of borehole and handpump
functionality monitoring
• Water users go back to using
unsafe water sources
10.1 Challenges to groundwater usage
Rural handpump functionality in Africa – (RWSN)
80 80 78
80 75 75 75
70 70 70 69 68
70 66 65 65
40 35 35 33
11. The Groundwater resources of Sierra Leone
• Develop a conceptual
model for a
occurrence for Gerihun
Community, Bo District
Stage 2.1 – Determine the borehole requirements
Rural water supply – 20 l/person/day
Small town water supply – 40 l/person/day
Urban centres – 120 l/person/day
Irrigation scheme -50m3/ha
Stage 3.1 - Determining the most suitable site
Sources of information
• Maps
• Remote sensing Satellite based images –
• Existing documents
• Field visits and interviews
• Drilling records and databases and data
Stage 3.3 Techniques for siting
• Remote sensing
• Hydrogeological field surveys – aquifer
• Geophysical survey
– Resistivity method
– Electromagnetic conductivity
• Test drilling
Stage 3.3 Remote sensing
• Day 3
– Review of Day 2 by Group 2
– Field work – Hydrogeological investigation of Gerihun
– Demonstration of vertical electrical sounding
• Day 4
– Review of Day 3 by Group 3
– Computer interpretation of VES Curves
– Report writing
– Course Review - participants mention 3 things learnt during the course
– Quiz (as a revision exercise)
– Course evaluation
– Closing and award of certificates
Course materials