Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Q3) : Amihan Xenia Salem Ruizo-Tombocon
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Q3) : Amihan Xenia Salem Ruizo-Tombocon
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Q3) : Amihan Xenia Salem Ruizo-Tombocon
Specifically, the course aims to: (1) provide students with a basic
understanding of the mechanisms whereby companies can be made to
act in the best interest of shareholders, other stakeholders, and society
as a whole; (2) provide students with knowledge of general ethical
principles as applied to the special situations of business and the ability
to make informed judgments through case analyses; and (3) equip
students with the ability to formulate basic strategies in relation to
corporate ethics and governance.
Content Standards:
Subject Requirements:
Assessment Tasks
Written Works - 40%
Performance Tasks (Activity) - 60%
Quarterly Grade 100%
And so, as business is an activity that is part and parcel of human society, as
society will not exist without business. For as long as people have needs and wants,
there will always be business.
Learning Outcomes
Here are some important details about sole proprietorship, as discussed in the
book “Windows to Entrepreneurship: A Teaching Guide” (2013):
Key Notes
- Most common and easiest to form.
- Owner has complete control, including financial obligations and debts of
the business.
- Undivided risks and rewards
- No government regulations
- Accounts for the largest number of business establishment in the
Philippines, despite of its limitations.
- Simple to operate
- can come up with quick decisions
- high secrecy
- direct motivation
- can add personal touch
- Flexible
- limited funds (for growth and expansion)
- limited skills (cannot be expert in all areas of operations: production,
marketing, financing, personnel, etc.)
- unlimited liabilities (private assets may be used to pay off creditors)
uncertain life (may depend upon the life of the owner)
Here are some important details about partnership, as discussed in the book
“Windows to Entrepreneurship: A Teaching Guide” (2013):
Key Notes:
- relationship between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or
- each person contributes money, property, labor, or skill, and expects to
share in the profits and losses of the business.
- partnership thus grew out of the limitations of a one-man business
- the need for more capital, provide better skills, or avail of specialization led
to the growth to partnership
- Ease of formation and business secrecy
- Longer financial resources
- Specialization and balanced approach (diversified skills instead of
one-man show)
- Flexibility of operations
- Protection of minority interests
- Personal incentive and direct supervisions (shares in profits and in losses)
- Higher capacity of survival (can continue even after death of a partner)
- Better human and public relations (as number of partners makes it possible
to have a more personal touch and helps enhance the good of the firm to
make way for a steady progress).
- unlimited liabilities
- limited resources (not suited for huge investment capital)
- risk of implied agency (fault of one, fault of all)
- lack of harmony (success depends on mutual understanding
between partners)
- Non-transferability of interests (no partner can transfer his share in the
firm to an outsider without the UNANIMOUS consent of all partners).
- Public distrust (as it is not subject to detailed rules and regulations).
Figure 1.2 Examples of Businesses Registered as Partnership
Source: Source:
Disadvantages (AlburoLaw,com, n.d.)
- it is highly regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- need to comply with quarterly or annual reportorial requirements with the
SEC and those required by other agencies
- Special corporations need to submit additional requirements and further
regulated by other government agencies
- it may pose as a disadvantage to some that stockholders do not participate
in the day-to-day management.
- in some countries, corporations may be subjected to double-taxation.
Key Notes:
- autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common
economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned
enterprise (e. g. Consumer Cooperative, Coop Bank, Multi-purpose, etc.).
- owned and managed by people who use/buy products and services, or work
there, or stakeholders.
- most common examples are: Multi-Purpose Cooperatives; Cooperative
Banks; Electric Cooperatives, Insurance Cooperatives; Transport
- Provide goods and services to its members to enable them to attain
increased income, savings, investments, productivity, and purchasing
power, and promote among themselves equitable distribution of net surplus
through the maximum utilization of economies of scale, cost-sharing and risk-
- Provide optimum social and economic benefits to its members;
- Allow the lower income and less privileged groups to increase their
ownership in the wealth of the nation; and
- Cooperate with the government, other cooperatives and people-oriented
organizations to further the attainment of any of the foregoing objectives.
- Easy formation as it does not involve long and complicated legal formalities,
unlike corporations
- Limited liability as it is limited only to the extent of their capital in the
- Perpetual existence as death, insolvency, retirement, lunacy, etc., of the
members do not affect the perpetual existence of a cooperative society
- The membership of cooperative societies is open to all irrespective of caste,
color, creed and economic status. There is no limit on maximum members.
- Unlike other three forms of business ownership, a cooperative society is
exempted from income-tax and surcharge on its earnings up to a certain limit.
Besides, it is also exempted from stamp duty and registration fee.
- Government has adopted cooperatives as an effective instrument of socio-
economic change. Hence, the Government offers a number of grants,
loans and financial assistance to the cooperative societies – to make their
working more effective.
- The management of cooperative society is entrusted to the managing
committee duly elected by the members on the basis of ‘one-member one -
vote’ irrespective of the number of shares held by them. The proxy is not
allowed in cooperative societies. Thus, the management in cooperatives is
- A cooperative society has to submit its annual reports and accounts with the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Hence, it becomes quite difficult for it to
maintain secrecy of its business affairs.
- The members of cooperative societies generally lack business acumen.
When such members become the members of the Board of Directors, the
affairs of the society are expected not conducted efficiently. These also
cannot employ the professional managers because it is neither compatible
with their avowed ends nor the limited resources allow for the same.
- In a way, lack of profit motive breeds fraud and corruption in management.
This is reflected in misappropriations of funds by the officials for their personal
- The success of a cooperative society depends upon its members’ utmost
trust to each other. However, all members are not found imbued with a spirit
of co-operation. Absence of such spirit breeds mutual rivalries among the
members. Influential members tend to dominate
Lesson 2. Economic Theories
Economists carry a set of theories in their heads like a carpenter carries around a
toolkit. When they see an economic issue or problem, they go through the theories
they know to see if they can find one that fits. Then they use the theory to derive
insights about the issue or problem (SERDEF, 2013).
Assessment Tasks
TASK 1. (To be recorded as Written Works)
Having read and understood the different (and most common) business
organizations, as well as the different economic theories practiced, to you
personally, which business organization would you like to get yourself involved with?
W hat economic approach would you try to implement, if you happen to have
P1,000,000.00 worth of capital available for you. Explain briefly why it is so?
Before we proceed to the next modules, let us first try to get an “inventory” of our
general view about business and ethics. Choose your most honest answer to the
following questions. If your most honest answer is not in any of the ones provided,
kindly write them on the space provided for choice “E”. Take note of your answers
as we will revisit them in the coming modules.
3. Concerning honesty to customers, I believe that
a. it is not necessary to establish a good relationship.
b. it is essential if a relationship is to be established.
c. it should rarely be done.
d. it should be done only when you feel like doing it.
e. _________________________________________
8. Of the following motivations, the one that best expresses my reason for
wanting to be a businessman is
a. my desire to help people
b. my hope of changing the world in some way.
c. my need to see other people develop themselves as better human beings
d. the prestige and status that I associate with being a successful and
well-respected businessman.
e. ________________________________________________
12. My view of supervision is that
a. something I could use on a permanent basis.
b. a threat to my status as a professional.
c. valuable to have when I encounter a problem with a client.
d. a way for me to learn about myself and to get insights into how I work with
e. __________________________________________
14. If my philosophy were in conflict with the institution where I work, I would
a. seriously consider whether or not I could ethically remain working for the
b. attempt to change the policies of the institution (in my level at the very
c. agree to whatever was expected of me.
d. quietly do what I wanted to do, even if I had to be keep it to myself.
e. ____________________________________________
The four most common business organizations are Sole Proprietorship,
Partnership, Corporation, and Cooperatives. Their main differentiation is
based on the number of owners, who and how it is being run, including its
many advantages and risks involved.
Although there are plenty of economic theories being studied nowadays, the
four most popular economic theories are Mercantilism, Laissez-Faire,
Socialism and Socio-economic Development theories. They have influenced
quite a lot of nation leaders and business persons on how to run their
businesses, from then until now.
Kenton, W. (2020, April 24). Corporation. Investopedia.Com.
Padilla, R. A. (2004). Business Ethics (1st ed.). Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Roa, F. C. (2011). Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (2nd ed.). Rex
Bookstore, Inc.
Windows to Entrepreneurship: A Teaching Guide. (2013). Small Enterprise
Research and Development Foundation.
Woodruff, J. (2019, March 4). Advantages and Disadvantages of the
Corporate Form of Business Small Business. HoustonChronicle.Com.
Types of Businesses: Their Advantages and Disadvantages. (n.d.)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Society – Discussed. (n.d.).
Since business is an integral part of society, its activities must be examined from
the ethical perspective, in the same way that society examines politics, economics,
government, culture and religion from the moral point of view. This is fundamental for
the promotion of the common good, protection of the individual’s interests and
preservation of the human society in general. Without ethics, business will be a chaotic
human activity because there will be no common understanding about what’s right
from wrong conduct. (Roa, 2011)
The bottom line is, somewhere, somehow, people’s rights are being violated, their
values disrespected, and the interest of the common good disregarded. Sadly, the
selfish motive and personal interests of unscrupulous businessmen often make
businesses look bad, and unproductive.
For one semester, you are about to undertake a study of ethics in business.
Perhaps you have questions about just what the term “ethics” means in business
setting or how ethical principles can be followed in an organization over which you
have limited control. (Padilla, 2004)
Or simply put, you probably just want to learn more about how to handle yourself
when faced with ethical dilemmas so that your business organization/enterprise is
properly represented, your relationships are preserved, and your conscience is clear.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, students should be able to:
1. show how these organizations contribute to socioeconomic
2. give examples of how fairness, accountability and transparency is
practiced in business and non-profit organizations;
3. share observations on business policies and practices; and
4. distinguish between good policies/practices and morally
unacceptable policies/practices.
Quotable Quote!
“A man is responsible at least for what he freely wills, whether as a mean or an end”
Same is true when conducting business with people and institutions you deal
with (employees, customers, government, etc.). If you build a business with these four
as your foundations, the building won’t crumble.
When we hear the word ethical, several ideas come to mind, most notably good
(versus bad) and right (versus wrong). Six concepts form the foundation of trust upon
which ethical business practice is built (SERDEF, 2013).
Ethics refers to a set of rules that describes what is acceptable conduct in society.
Ethics serve as a guide to moral daily living and helps us judge whether our
behavior can be justified.
Values are defined as the acts, customs, and institutions that a group of people
regard in a favorable way.
Morals are a set of rules or mode of conduct on which society is based. Certain
moral elements are universal, such as the laws forbidding homicide and the basic
duties of doing good and furthering the well-being of others. Morals and ethics are
very similar; both pertain to society’s ideas of right and wrong.
Character drives what we do when no one is looking. Each person has the ability
to build, change, or even destroy his or her own character. We can build our
character through the way we live—by thinking good thoughts, and performing
good acts.
Law is a series of rules and regulations designed to express the needs of the
people. Laws frequently provide us with a sense of right and wrong and guide our
behavior, but not always. While murder is against the law, it does not stop
someone from killing another out of hatred, anger, or in defense of a personal
philosophy. It is worth noting that an illegal act can be ethical. One of the most
famous examples is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s violation of the law with marches and
sit-ins during the fight against segregation.
In the coming modules, we will discuss furthers the many influences and
sources of business ethics, but this usually covers three things: the LAW being applied
in the country where one lives, the RELIGION one practices, and the CULTURE one
grew up to or was exposed to (SERDEF, 2013).
Figure 2.2 Typical Sources of Business Ethics
Entrepreneurs are today urged to look seriously into ethics because more and
more people realize that the saying “we are our brother’s keeper” is true.
Capital and money in the enterprise may be depleted, but the character of the
entrepreneur outlasts these material resources.
Without ethics, the entrepreneur will fall under the weight of corruption (lack of
conscience or character)
We do not only want to grow and develop, but to grow and develop in the RIGHT
Sustainable development should be centered not on science, not on technology,
but on Man. Human beings (employees, customers, suppliers, members of the
community where business is located) need to live healthy, dignified, and
productive lives, in harmony with nature.
An entrepreneur must run his business taking into account his responsibilities, not
only towards himself, but also towards others and towards nature. He must run his
business based on high ethical standards.
- Doing business ETHICALLY builds:
- Consumer Loyalty
- Keeps good employees
Improve productivity in the workplace
Since ethics are moral guidelines that govern good behavior. Behaving ethically
in business is widely regarded as good business practice.
A company that cheats its customers, exploits its workers, avoid paying taxes may
thrive for a while but will be hard-pressed to survive over the long run.
Lesson 5. The Three Basic Business Ethics Concept
- should be the hallmark of a company’s dealings with its employees, customers
and the public.
- employers should communicate with its employees internal developments that
may affect them: layoffs, reorganization moves and austerity measures.
- manifested through truthful and ethical advertising, proper labeling and naming
of what goes into the product, and charging reasonable cost for the quality of
the product or service it sells.
- keeping its words to everyone it deals with and in everything it does.
- related to honesty, keeps agreements and promises. Whether it is a
promise to give a raise to an employee, or to supply top quality merchandise.
Integrity means keeping one’s word and following through.
- it is saying no to graft and corrupt practices (giving/accepting expensive gifts;
secret commissions; kickbacks; payoffs to politicians, bureaucrats, etc. in
exchange for a favor/contract, undue advantage)
- can be manifested by empowering their people - shifting from forcing
employees to act a certain way to more freedom to take initiatives (from
authoritarianism to shared responsibility).
- paying employees just wages for their work and dedication.
- giving customers value for their money by not overcharging them or sneakily
downsizing the product that is sold to them.
- paying suppliers on time.
- encouraging a healthy competitive atmosphere in the market.
- not engaging in cutthroat competition (maligning and spoiling images of
competitors using foul means)
- Fair play means profit is made not through deceptive acts.
-creates WIN-WIN situation for all parties (employee-employer; company-client;
company-supplier; business-competitors)
-in business, fairness means never taking unfair advantage through manipulation,
concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation, etc.
Assessment Tasks
TASK 1. (To be recorded as one of your Performance Task.)
A. The items listed below are common ethical concerns of those in business.
Read them carefully. Do you see them as ethical concerns? Are these things that
may bother you in the future? From an ethical standpoint, put a check on the
corresponding box (rating scale) that reflects your level of concern. Five (5) being
the highest degree of concern and one (1) as the lowest.
5 4 3 2 1
Making decisions affecting employees’ lives
B. Which among the following did you rank 3 or higher? Why do you think the
following may bother you in the future? Explain briefly.
_____ 1. Father
_____ 2. Mother
_____ 3. Brother/Sister
_____ 4. Other Relatives
_____ 5. Friends
_____ 6. Teacher
_____ 7. Religious Organizations
_____ 8. Youth/Peer Groups
_____ 9. Sports/ Military/ Career Hero
_____ 10. Political Leaders
_____ 10. TV Personalities
_____ 11. Social Media/Social Media Influencers
_____ 12. Books and Articles
_____ 13. Religious Writings/Scriptures
_____ 14. Others (please specify) ______________________________
B. Out of all those you have chosen, pick one that has influenced you the
most in your life, and describe CLEARLY how such influence changed your
ethical viewpoint and behavior.
“Oh,” he said, “you are not going to let a qualified candidate be excluded
because of a closing date, are you?” Then he added quickly, “but let me not
As you hung up the phone, you replayed the conversation in your mind and
pondered the implications.
Later that day, your senior manager asked to see you. Despite him offering a
chair, he chose to stand by the door that he had just closed and said, “I
heard that one of our bosses’ daughter has applied for the opening. You are
going to consider her, are you? She worked here years ago, and there were
problems. The place will be up in arms if you take her back.” He smilingly
added, “I just want to let you know and to help.” Then he turned on his heel
and left.
If you were placed with this situation, how are you going to resolve this
dilemma, and why? Discuss briefly.
From the beginning, human beings have been puzzled with ethical questions:
“What should we do? What should we NOT do”? We have struggled to develop a
system that produces the greatest good for the individual and for the society. (Padilla,
According to those who study history and philosophy, infants would not survive
without a nurturer who teaches them about right and wrong behavior. In human society,
a series of nurturers and teachers influence the ethical views of each individual.
Since nurturers and role models give us the criteria we use to make ethical
decisions, it is but right to know clearly, which among these individuals and institutions
influenced us the most.
Learning Outcomes
Lesson 1. Classical Philosophies and their Implications
Socrates believed, to the contrary of many around him, that the most pertinent
questions that philosophy had to deal with related to how people should live their
lives, what kinds of actions were righteous, and how people should live together
in communities and states (Ray, 2017).
Plato’s principle of idealism focuses on the idea that there is evil in this world
because the soul is imprisoned in the body of the person. This principle is geared
towards perfection of the soul, but, because people are not perfectly created, they
commit immoral acts. However, it is said that the soul can be perfected by knowing
what is needed to maintain a healthy soul, by doing what is moral and right.
Aristotle emphasized that virtue is practical, and that the purpose of ethics is
to become good, not merely to know. Aristotle also claims that the right course of
action depends upon the details of a particular situation, rather than being
generated merely by applying a law.
He also stressed that in everything that we do, we must avoid doing the
extremes, as any lack or excess of it is a form of evil or vice. For example, in taking
food, we must eat accordingly with the proper amount of proportion to our body’s
needs. Any excess or deficit in the food intake can cause problems to our health
(e.g. too much food - gluttony; no food - starvation).
(i) PRUDENCE, also known as practical wisdom, is the most important virtue
for Aristotle. In war, soldiers must fight with prudence by making judgments
through practical wisdom. This virtue is a must to obtain because courage requires
judgments to be made.
(iv) JUSTICE, means giving the enemy what is due to them in the proper
ways; being just toward them. In other words, one must recognize what is good
for the community and one must undertake a good course of action (VICE/EVIL =
The principle of Aristotle is the most appropriate and proper for application.
His idea gives a person a sense of responsibility not only to himself but to his
surroundings - the environment and the people. Too much emphasis, however, on
the middle ground could lead to mediocrity and lack of desire to achieve greater
and loftier goals.
Kant, unlike Mill, believed that certain types of actions (including murder, theft,
and lying) were absolutely prohibited, even in cases where the action would bring
about more happiness than the alternative. He introduced the concept of
Deontology (Johnson, and Cureton, 2019).
For Kantians, there are two questions that we must ask ourselves whenever
we decide to act (Johnson and Cureton, 2019):
(i) Can I rationally will that everyone act as I propose to act? If the answer is no,
then we must not perform the action.
(ii) Does my action respect the goals of human beings rather than merely using
them for my own purposes? Again, if the answer is no, then we must not perform
the action. (Kant believed that these questions were equivalent).
As to the question “Why must we do good? Kant answers by saying that “we
must do good because we must, it is our duty to obey immediately without
(iii) Principle of Autonomy - a person is autonomous only if his choices and actions
are unaffected by factors that are external, or inessential, to himself. Thus, a
person lacks autonomy, or is heteronomous, to the extent that his choices or
actions are influenced by factors such as convention, peer pressure, legal or
religious authority, the perceived will of God, or even his own desires (Taylor,
Duty cannot be the only motive in the performance of an act because there
are other motives that are more worthy and more noble than the concept of sense
of duty. Motives such as love, pity, mercy are just some examples of these (Roa,
consequences, and not the motive, of an action. Thus, making utility/usefulness a
norm of morality (Roa, 2011).
Utilitarianism makes morality relative (what is pleasant/ useful to one, may not
be to another) and extrinsic (confuses nature of the act with the effect of the act,
much like mistaking symptoms with the disease).
Utilitarianism also tends to be biased on the majority (the greatest good is the
greatest pleasure/happiness of the greatest number). As although the majority
could be correct by virtue of their number, the minority could also be right.
Jewish affirmations about God and humans intersect in the concept of Torah
(refers to the five books of Moses, and is the central and most important document
of Judaism) as the ordering of human existence in the direction of the divine.
Humans are ethically responsible creatures who are responsive to the presence
of God in nature and in history. Although this responsiveness is expressed on
many levels, it is most explicitly called for within interpersonal relationships.
(Baron, Vajda, Novak, Silberman, Gaster, and Dimitrovsky, 2020)
What is particularly striking about Jewish ethical concerns is the affirmation
that God is not only the source of ethical obligation but is himself the paradigm of
it. In the so-called Code of Holiness (Leviticus 19), imitation of divine holiness is
offered as the basis of human behavior.
In Judaism, a just society requires just people, and a just person functions
within a just society. “Were you honest in business?” is actually one of the first
questions asked during judgement in the next world, as quoted in the Talmudic
It is very important for Jews not to steal company time, by avoiding spending
too much time online, or another discussion when at their job.
(1) The Golden Rule, “do unto others what you want others to do unto you.”
(2) Stewardship - mankind was appointed to be stewards of the earth.
(3) Trust - Christian business professionals depend on the Lord’s leadership for
their business. Trusting Him to provide strategic direction, resources and earnings.
(4) Justice - we must conduct business fairly. Provides fair wages and appropriate
work conditions to employees, and only engages in endeavors that are pleasing
and acceptable to the Lord.
(5) Diligence - productively uses whatever knowledge, skills and resources He has
given us, no matter how great or small. Idleness and laziness have no place in the
life of a Christian business professional. Hard work is essential.
(6) Generosity - go beyond worldly expectations of generosity. Try to reach more
people and donate to charitable institutions.
In Islam, it is believed that Allah blesses business dealings if both the buyer
and the seller are true to each other. It encourages truthfulness in business
transactions and raises the status of a truthful merchant, as it is believed that
honesty is the true secret of success in business.
The ethical system in Islam is presented in light of Shariah – the Islamic
social/legal system. According to Islam, whatever leads to welfare of the individual
or society is morally good and whatever is injurious is morally bad. The ethical
system prescribed in Islam is eternally divine and forms the foundation of an
Islamic society. Islamic ethics prescribe its followers to zealously guard their
behavior, words, thoughts, and intentions and observe certain norms and moral
codes in their family affairs; in dealings with relatives, neighbors, and friends; in
their business transactions; in their social affairs; and in private and public life
(Mohammed, 2020).
Islam places the highest emphasis on ethical value in all aspects of human
life, as ethics governs all aspects of life.
Equality is teaching traders to be moderate in all things, giving fair, equal and
unbiased treatment to all customers, and always giving right to the right.
Islam also puts certain conditions and restrictions to avoid conflicts between
employers and employees. It is a must for them to give fair wages on time, provide
good working conditions, and give suitable work and excellent brotherly treatment
to all workers (Mohammed, 2020).
Hindus also believe in samsara or reincarnation, the cycle of rebirth, a cycle that
only ends when a person discovers his or her essential nature as the spirit. This
is called moksha.
Another key belief linked to the theory of reincarnation is the law of karma, which
is the law of cause and effect. Karma states that what we set into motion has a
habit of catching up with us. The idea of ahimsa or the principle of non-violence is
central in this, as hurting others amounts to hurting ourselves. Humans have to
bear the consequences of what they do, if not in this life, then in the next life.
The Five Yamas (negative things to abstain from) of ancient Hindu ethics:
Ahimsa (non-violence)
Satya (truth, non-falsehood)
Asteya (non-stealing)
Brahmacharya (celibacy if unmarried and non-cheating on one's partner if
Aparigraha (non-possessiveness)
The Five Niyamas (positive things to strive for) of ancient Hindu ethics:
Śauca - purity in body, speech and mind
Santosha - contentment, acceptance of circumstances with optimism
Tapas - perseverance, meditation, austerity
Swadhyaya - lifelong learning
Pranidhan - right attitude, contemplation.
Vishnu (Preserver) - god of light and warmth, preserver of order and harmony.
Vishnu is often depicted lying on a many-headed cobra which symbolizes cosmic
energy and time.
An ethical life in Hinduism is essential for a liberated life, one without craving, one
that is content, attained through knowledge and by abstaining from evil.
According to Buddha, every individual man has three (3) characteristics which
constitutes the truth of human suffering, namely: suffering ( dukkha), impersonality
(anatta), and impermanence (anicca). To eliminate suffering, Buddha teaches his
celebrated Four Noble Truths - Buddha’s Doctrine of the Middle way (Master Hsing
Yun, 2013):
1. Life is permeated by suffering.
2. The origin of suffering is craving (tanha)
3. Suffering can be eliminated through the elimination of craving.
4. The elimination of suffering is possible through the Eight-fold Path.
According to Professor Daniel T.L. Shek (2013), here are some of the most
important virtues in confucianism:
REN simply means humaneness or being able to balance ethics with the pursuit
of profits.
ZHONG means loyalty, but by no means a subservience to authority.
XIN means honesty and trustworthiness, which leads to a harmonious society.
GONG means respect. “You watch my back, I’ll watch yours”
Taoist ethics are concerned less with doing good acts than becoming a good
person who lives in harmony with all things and people, and is therefore
inseparable from Taoist spirituality - as both contain the same ideas.
If a Taoist wants to live well they should take all their decisions in the context
of the Tao, trying to see what will fit best with the natural order of things. A Taoists
thus always do what is required by events and their context, but they only do what
is required, no more (BBC, 2009).
The Taoist ideal is for a person to take action by changing themselves, and
thus becoming an example of the good life to others. They should develop
themselves so that they live their life in complete harmony with the universe. So
the philosophy is not do good things; but become a good person (BBC, 2009).
Changing oneself in that way will make the world a better place, because as
a person behaves well towards other people and the world, the community will
respond by becoming better itself.
Taoism requires human beings to be humble and recognize that not only are
they not obliged to make the world a better place, they are actually so ignorant of
what is really happening that they are likely to make things worse if they do take
action (BBC, 2009).
- means debt of gratitude
- sometimes abused by those who have done well to others, as they may ask
favors or things that are unreasonable or beyond means.
- respect for one’s parents, elders or ancestors
- may be good or bad for business depending on a lot of considerations especially
on ethical issues.
- source of controversies both in government and in private sector
- connections, a.k.a “backer” is taken advantaged of so people can be hired solely
on this, even if they are unqualified or incompetent.
- the “loyal customers”
- a.k.a market-exchange partnership, this value is essential to survival of most
- literally means “come what may”
- “whatever happens, God has willed it”
- a state of helplessness or resignation, but, may also refer to a person’s
ignorance, lack of interest, or laziness to do anything at all.
- procrastination
- putting-off for tomorrow, that which can be done today.
- love of self
- e.g. spending more than can afford to avoid being judged based on their actual
economic status.
- Hospitality
- Humor
- Adaptability
- Creativity
- Resilience
- Resourcefulness
- Faith
- Religiosity
- Hard work
Assessment Tasks
Of the five (6) philosophers, which one of them came closest to how
you view ethics and business together? Why do you say so? Explain
Among the positive Filipino traits, which are you most proud of? And,
which negative Filipino traits are you most embarrassed about?
Why? Explain briefly.
Task 2. (To be recorded as Performance Task)
1. Share one instance in your life where you have personally
witnessed/experienced an unethical treatment, and what you did to address
Local residents decided to file a class suit against the cement company
asking for an injunction to close the plant. The residents were claiming
that the pollution, loud noise and vibrations posed dangers to their health
and damage to their properties.
The plant was examined and found to have been using the best
technology available in running the plant. So, the court refused to issue an
injunction arguing that closing the plant would do more harm than good to
both parties. The court instead ruled that the company be paying the
residents a one-time fee to compensate for the damages done. The
amount to be received was computed based on the fair market price if the
residents were inclined and able to rent their property.
1. Was the decision of the court fair? Why or why not?
2. If you were the owner of the cement plant, what will you do to solve the
3. Discuss the cost and benefit analysis of the case from the perspective of
Bentham and Mills’ Utilitarianism.
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