Acute Kidney Injury
Acute Kidney Injury
Acute Kidney Injury
1. Hypovolemia
2. Impaired cardiac function
3. Systemic vasodilation
4. Increased vascular resistance
- Haemorrhage
- GI losses (diarrhea, vomiting)
- Dehydration
- Renal fluid loss (over-diuresis)
- Third space (burns, peritonitis, muscle
Hypovolemia trauma)
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Congestive heart failure
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Massive pulmonary embolism
Impaired cardiac function
➔ Large vessels
- (bilateral renal artery stenosis, bilateral
renal vein thrombosis)
➔ Small vessels
- (vasculitis, malignant hypertension,
atherosclerotic or thrombotic emboli,
haemolytic uraemic syndrome,
thrombotic thrombocytopenic
➔ Acute glomerulonephritis
- The glomerulus is one of two capillary
beds in the kidney. It serves to filter fluid
and solute into the tubules while
retaining proteins and other large blood
components in the intravascular space.
- Inflammation of the glomeruli and
subsequent damage of the glomeruli
leading to hematuria, proteinuria, and
azotemia; it may be caused by primary
renal disease or systemic conditions.
Malignancy, retroperitoneal fibrosis, nephrolithiasis
● Anemia
○ Fatigue
● Hypovolemia
○ Sepsis
○ Dec. urine output
○ Syncope
● Hypoalbuminemia
○ Generalized edema
● Electrolyte imbalance
○ Muscle weakness
○ N/V
● Uremic encephalopathy
○ Decline in mental state
○ Asterixis
Furosemide It acts at the luminal Onset: Diuresis: 30 - 60 min Pregnancy Electrolyte the KDIGO guidelines
(Lasix) surface of the thick (PO), 30 min (IM) catergory: C disturbances, recommend limiting the use of
ascending limb of the Duration: 6-8hr ( oral), 2 hr Dehydration, loop diuretics to the
loop of Henle and (IV) Severe Hypovolemia, management of fluid overload
inhibit the Na-K-2Cl Absorption: Fairly rapidly hypotension and Hyponatremia, and avoiding their use for the
cotransporter, resulting absrobed from the GI tract. deterioraiton in Hypokalemia, sole purpose of prevention or
in a loss of the high Bioavailability: Approx. renal function Hypochloremia treatment of AKI.
medullary osmolality 60-70% with ACE
and decreased ability to Distribution: Crosses the inhibitors or
reabsorb water placenta, enters breast milk. ARBs
Plasma protein binding: 99%
ROA: PO, IV (mainly albumin) Reduced effect
Metabolism: undergoes with and
minimal hepatic metabolism decreased renal
Excretion: Mainly via urine elimination of
(as unchanged drug). probenacid,
Dopamine At low doses, it Onset: <5 min. Pregnancy Ectopic Once commonly used to
(low-dose) preferentially Duration: <10 min. category: C heartbeats, prevent & protect patients from
stimulates D1 and D2 angina, brady/ developing AKI, it has been
receptors in the renal Absorption: Inactivated when Arrhythmias tachycardia, abandoned in clinical practice
vasculature, which given orally. when used palpitations, due to multiple negative
leads to vasodilation Metabolism: Metabolised in together with hypotension/ studies.
and promotes renal the liver, kidney and plasma cyclopropane & HTN,
blood flow to preserve by MAO and COMT to inactive halogenated HC vasoconstrictio
glomerular filtration. compounds homovanillic anesthesia n, dyspnea,
acid and N/V, , azotemia,
ROA: IV 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic Antagonized by anxiety,
acid. beta-blockers. piloerection
Excretion: Via urine as
metabolites. Elimination Hypotension & Potentially
half-life: Approx 2 min. bradycardia w/ fatal:
phenytoin. ventricular
Fenoldopam A pure dopamine type-1 Onset: 4 mins Pregnancy Headache, The guideline recommendation
mesylate receptor agonist that Duration: <10 min. category: B flushing, against using fenoldopam
(Corlopam) has similar nausea, places a high value on avoiding
hemodynamic renal Absorption: Inactivated when Hypotension & hypotension, potential hypotension and harm
effects as low-dose given orally. reflex tachycardia reflex associated with the use of this
dopamine, without Metabolism: hepatic (not when taken w/ tachycardia, vasodilator in high-risk
systemic a-or CYP450) beta-blockers. and increased perioperative and ICU patients,
b-adrenergic Excretion: 90% renal, 10% intraocular and a low value on potential
stimulation. fecal. Half-life: 5 mins pressure benefit, which is currently only
suggested by relatively low-
ROA: IV Serious, rare: quality single-center trials.
● Erythropoietin
○ Animal studies show promise, as it consistently improved functional recovery.
○ The renoprotective action of erythropoietin may be related to pleomorphic properties including
antiapoptotic and antioxidative effects, stimulation of cell proliferation, and stem-cell
○ One RCT in humans was negative, but usefulness should further be tested.
- It is used to treat fluid overload, electrolyte and acid-base imbalances resulting
from severe AKI.
- Adequate nutrition
- Correction of electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities (hyperkalemia and
metabolic acidosis)
- Fluid management
- Correction of any hematologic abnormalities
- AKI is common.
- AKI imposes a heavy burden of illness (morbidity
and mortality).
- The cost per person of managing AKI is high.
- AKI is amenable to early detection and potential
- There is considerable variability in practice to prevent,
diagnose, treat, and achieve outcomes of AKI.
- CPGs in the field have the potential to reduce variations,
improve outcomes, and reduce costs.
- Formal guidelines do not exist on this topic.
Treatment aminoglycosides,
conventional amphotericin
B **
Dos & Donts
● Do use isotonic solutions:
crystalloids, contrast
media, NaCl, NaHCO3
1. Determine the cause
2. Monitor SCr & U/O to stage
3. Manage based on #1 & 2
Treatment Goals
4. Follow-up 3 months after
a. (+) CKD = follow CKD
Reduce kidney injury & b. (-) CKD = consider pt
complications related to inc. risk; follow CKD
dec. kidney f(x)
Guideline 3
EVALUATION OF AKI according to stage & cause (fig. 5)
Continue monitoring, No
if high-risk AKI
GN Ischemic
Hx & PE
Ultrasound Myeloma Others
vasoconstriction AKI stage
Yes Yes Yes
Yes No No No
Dec. kidney Obstruction
Specific Diagnosis Nonspecific AKI
perfusion? suspected?
Improved long-term survival with home hemodialysis compared with
institutional hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis: a matched cohort study
Helena Rydell , Kerstin Ivarsson, Martin Almquist, Mårten Segelmark and Naomi Clyne
Survival for patients on dialysis is poor, despite improvement over time both in the US and in
Europe. The aim of the present study is to analyse the long-term effects of HHD on patient
survival and on subsequent renal transplantation, compared with institutional hemodialysis
(IHD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD), taking age and comorbidity into account.
Patients starting HHD as initial renal replacement therapy (RRT) were matched
with patients on IHD or PD, according to gender, age, Charlson Comorbidity Index
and start date of RRT, using the Swedish Renal Registry from 1991 to 2012.
Survival analyses were performed as intention-to-treat (disregarding changes in
RRT) and per-protocol (as on initial RRT).
This study showed a significant long-term survival advantage for patients starting
HHD as initial RRT compared with IHD and PD. Subsequent renal transplantation
was more common among patients starting HHD, but there was no difference in
subsequent renal graft survival between HHD and IHD or PD as initial RRT. In most
countries, patients treated with HHD still comprise less than 5% of the entire
dialysis population. The results of this study should encourage increased use of
HHD in order to improve the long-term prognosis for dialysis patients.
Association Between a Chloride Liberal vs Chloride-Restrictive Intravenous
Fluid Administration Strategy and Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Adults
Yunos, M., Bellomo, R., Hegarty, C., Story, D., Ho, L., Bailey, M.
The administration of IV Chloride is ubiquitous in critical care medicine. The
aim of this study is to assess the association of a chloride-restrictive (vs
chloride-liberal) intravenous fluid strategy with AKI in critically ill patients.
Patients were admitted consecutively over 6 months. First set is the control
period where the patients were given IV fluids with that are chloride-rich
(Isotonic saline, Gelofusine, and 4% Albumin in sodium chloride). Second set is
the phase-out period that included education and preparation of all ICU staff and
logistic arrangements for fluid accountability and delivery. Third set is the
intervention period in which chloride-rich solutions were made available only
after prescription by the attending physician for specific conditions.
It was found that restricting intravenous chloride intake was associated with a
significant decrease in the incidence of AKI and the use of RRT.