Performance Task 4
Performance Task 4
Performance Task 4
Performance Task 4
B. Cite the verbal communication strategies that you used in class to support learner understanding,
participation and engagement.
Verbal Communication Strategies Used Cite how it supported the learner’s instructions
Advising others regarding an appropriate
course of action
The best facilitator of learning doesn’t merely tell Assertiveness
Conveying feedback in a constructive manner
their learners what to do and expect them to listen. emphasizing specific, changeable behaviors
Disciplining students in a direct and
Instead, they employ active listening skills to respectful manner
Giving credit to others
understand employee needs and perspectives, Recognizing and countering objections
Showing an interest in others, asking about
engage in verbal negotiation to address and defuse and recognizing their feelings
Speaking calmly even when you’re stressed
issues, and capitalize upon opportunities to praise Terminating staff
Training others to carry out a task or role
individual and achievement. Using affirmative sounds and words like “uh-
huh,” “got you,” “I understand,” “for sure,” “I
see,” and “yes” to demonstrate understanding
Using self-disclosure to encourage sharing
communications with students, it’s helpful to have Anticipating the concerns of others
Asking for clarification
a “gift of gab” – particularly if you are a sales Asking open-ended questions to stimulate
professional. Keep in mind, though, that your Calming an agitated customer by recognizing
and responding to their complaints
conversations need to be focused upon identifying Emphasizing benefits of a product, service, or
proposal to persuade an individual or group
and addressing your student’s needs; using your Noticing non-verbal cues and responding
verbally to verify confusion, defuse anger,
verbal talents to encourage consultative dialogues etc.