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Timpany News: Prayer Service

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Timpany Schools, Vishakhapatnam

Timpany News
November 2022

The monthly prayer meeting for Timpany Thereafter Praise and Worship was led by the
schools was conducted on 16.11.2022 in the Choir, thanking God for his mercy, protection,
school chapel. Advisor ma’am, Mrs. Nalini and goodness. Mrs. Sandhya testified how God
fulfilled the need of the family by providing a
Nelson, Director cum Principal ma’am,
partnership to her husband in a company.
Mrs. Vandana Abraham, Principal TSSS,
Mrs. Christobel Stevenson, Principal TSCS, Pastor Sanjay Joshua was the speaker for the
Mrs. Vinitha Rezeena, Vice Principal, day. He gave an exhortation on how to be
Mrs. Georgina Veronica and Christian teachers confident during unyielding situations and how
of all the three schools attended the meeting. to wrestle against the principalities of darkness.
We need to be confident that the Lord fights all
our battles.
The meeting began with the opening prayer by
Mrs. Susy Saritha followed by responsive This was followed by the Holy Communion,
reading from Psalm 138:1-8 by Mrs. V. Sirisha closing prayer, and benediction was
and Scripture reading from 2 Chronicles 32:1-21 pronounced.
by Ms. Savarimuthu Dominica.
The love of the Lord never

26th November 2022 is an exceptional day for

Timpany as it is the birthday of the Chairperson of
Timpany Schools, Mr. Aruldass Gnanamuthu as well as
the birthday of the Advisor Ma’am Mrs. Nalini Nelson.
The day was celebrated on a joyful note in the
presence of the dynamic Director cum Principal, Mrs
Vandana Abraham, Principal of Senior Secondary
School, Mrs Christobel Stevenson, Principal of Steel City
School, Mrs. Vinitha Rezeena, Vice-Principal, Mrs
Georgina Veronica and all the staff members of three
Timpany Schools.

Both the Chairman and the Advisor were drizzled with

the birthday wishes and blessings by the Director of
Timpany Schools and the Principals. On this auspicious
event, the Director Ma’am invoked the gathering on the
theme “Blessing Ourselves” by referring to a famous
verse from the Bible. Ma’am has inspired the gathering
by instilling a positive affirmation and emphasized on
the importance of the same in one’s life.

Ma’am also commemorated Late Dr. Ken Gnanakan’s

birthday which had been celebrated on the same day
in the former years. The Director Ma’am ended her
speech by motivating each and everyone by quoting
the lines “Be an eagle and soar high.”

The Chairman, Mr. Aruldas Gnanamuthu expressed his

gratitude for the wonderful arrangements through a
video conference. Sir has treasured the hard work of
the Advisor Ma’am and the Director Ma’am, the
Principals and all the staff members.

The Advisor Ma’am, Mrs. Nalini Nelson also extended

her gratitude towards the special event and shared her
journey and association with Timpany Schools for the
past thirty years. The Music Department of the three
schools made the day even more memorable by
intoning the beautiful numbers on “Happy Birthday”
which enthralled all the dignitaries and the staff

“Children are budding stars, the more you inspire them
the more they shine.”

Timpany School celebrated Children’s Day on 14th

November 2022. Advisor Ma’am, Mrs. Nalini Nelson,
Director cum Principal Ma’am, Mrs. Vandana Abraham,
Vice Principal Ma’am, Mrs. Georgina Veronica,
teachers and students attended this special
programme. In order to accommodate students of both
Primary and Secondary sections, this programme was

The day commemorates the birth anniversary of

Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister and his
immense love for children. Children’s Day celebrations
began with scripture reading and a beautiful canticle
followed by a variety of scintillating performances like
dance medleys, skit and fashion show that were put
together by the teachers. Great enthusiasm and
excitement were reciprocated by the children.

Towards the end of the performances, Director Ma’am

addressed the children with her insightful words on the
topic - “Disconnect to Reconnect” steering their
attention towards wise and judicious use of technology
and social media by focusing on their families and
themselves. The programme ended with a vote of
thanks by school captains. On completion of five fruitful
decades, management of ETASI distributed cookies and
chocolates to Timpany School. The day ended on a
pleasant and a cheerful note.

“Do not educate children to be rich, The Chief Guest, Director of Timpany Schools and
Educate them to be happy, Principal of Timpany School Mrs. Vandana Abraham
So that when they grow up, addressed the students on the occasion and gave a
They will know the value of things, strong and powerful message titled ‘Disconnect to
Not just the price.” Reconnect’, encouraging one and all to disconnect with
the digital world for a few hours everyday for a period
Children’s Day, celebrated on November 14, is of 21 days and a reconnection would definitely take
recognized across India to increase awareness of the place with the healthier and brighter aspects of life.
rights, care, and education of children. The day is also
held as a tribute to India’s First Prime Minister, Ma'am quoted from Psalm 127:3-5 that "Children are a
Jawaharlal Nehru. Fondly known as “Chacha Nehru” heritage from the Lord, offspring, a reward from
among children, he advocated for children to have a him…….,". and advised the students to focus on learning
fulfilling education. Nehru considered children as the to say no to wrong things, not to succumb to peer
real strength of a nation and foundation of society. The pressure, always try to learn something new honing all
nation usually celebrates Children’s Day with your skills and being mentally healthy and reiterated
educational and motivational programs held across the fact that the students of today need a greater
India, by and for children. purpose and to realize their dreams they must
disconnect with the gadgets and spend time judiciously
Timpany Senior Secondary School celebrated for their physical as well as mental health.
Children’s Day with the support of Management, titled
‘The Sparklers’. The Chief Guest for the day was the The Advisor of Timpany Schools, Mrs.Nalini Nelson in her
Director of Timpany Schools and Principal of Timpany message wished the children on the occasion and
School Mrs. Vandana Abraham , Guest of honor, Advisor encouraged them to be focused and use the God given
of Timpany Schools , Mrs. Nalini Nelson; Vice Principal abilities for the benefit of everyone around them.
of Timpany School Mrs. Georgina Veronica who graced
the occasion . The programme began with scripture The Principal, Mrs.Christobel Stevenson thanked the
reading by Miss Subhashini Dattam and prayer led by Chief Guest and the dignitaries for their presence and
Mrs. Meera Tharakan. The cultural programme for the constant support that made the programme a
commenced with the welcome dance, advertisements, success. Ma'am advised the students to follow the
a hilarious and message oriented skit, a melodious theme Disconnect to Reconnect to be able to remain
number dedicated to students, a performance by the emotionally strong that would help them to emerge
support staff and many more.The School Vice-Captain successfully when facing the challenges of life. The
Sana Zainab expressed her gratitude on behalf of all junior school Vice -Captain , Nimit Bhagat gave an
the students to the Management, Principal and all the inspiring speech about Children’s day and thanked the
faculty for giving an opportunity to be a part of this Principal and the entire faculty for putting up such an
prestigious institution and that they would definitely excellent program and making the day a memorable
follow what was taught to them, to take the banner of one for each one of them. The programme concluded
the school higher. with a final touch of Unity in Diversity.

God is eternal. He created the world and everything in
it. The preservation of the earth, its vegetation and all
its inhabitants, are also humanity’s responsibility.

As a part of Children's Day celebrations a fancy dress

competition was held on 11.11.2022 for students of
Nursery to Std.III with the theme ‘God’s Creation’.
Children dressed up in different costumes representing
creation and all its beings to reiterate the need to
protect the creation as human survival depends on it.

Encouraging children to learn about nature can put

them on the path to adopting habits that help preserve
nature. This competition not only brought a great visual
display but also helped them strengthen their bond with
the flora and fauna around them. It was a direct
learning experience for children.

Celebrations at Timpany Steel City School

The people we've known to master the art of teaching happened to master the art of making us feel the happiest. The
children's day in Timpany Steel City School turned out to be the most musing memory with all portions of fun and
entertainment. The beautiful day started on a high with an astonishing morning assembly, which was a merry ride of
learning, talents, joy and gratitude. The high spirits stayed with us, as we got presents from our class teachers with an
uplifting message. Successive activities of fun assisted us in bagging a little more memories from our school life.

Music and dance were the platforms to showcase our talents at ease. It was all energetic in every nook and corner of
the school with the painting competition for the students of classes VI to X, in support of various sports organized for
students of all grades lately the previous week under the vigilance and love of our principal ma'am landed us on
cloud nine. The time was on the ball until the chief guest of the day Mr. Chris Avinash arrived at our campus from
Bangalore accompanied by the administrators of the institution.

The inspiring message from Avinash sir stating we are capable of reaching any milestone in our life, once we know our
destination proved to us that he was the aptest chief guest to signify our special day. The program consisted of some
enthralling dance performances and a befitting choir all from our beloved teachers. The role play made up with the
topic students in the classroom was a cherry on the cake for the whole program. Our principal mam's wishes and
words fulfilled the grand celebration. The hard work and devotion of our teachers to put up such a spectacular and
magnificent program all for us, surely raised our respect and morale high.

As students passing out from the campus, we could never ask for anything more blissful than the smile the teachers
kept on our faces. Walking back, this would be the most memorable day to look back on us. Teachers remarked to us
with a heart full of gratitude. Words would never suffice to accord our principal ma’am and teachers' efforts. A very
big thank you is all we want to express back. Reflecting, it was a day filled with knowledge, entertainment, laughs and
love. School, the place which gave me the strength to fight back through life, always remains special. I am all grateful
to God, for giving us the best teachers and a wonderful day of life. Ever beholding the love bestowed on us. Thank



On 30 November 2022, a formal meeting was conducted in the Chapel for the teachers of Timpany Schools. Mrs.
Vandana Abraham, Director and Principal of Timpany schools welcomed the gathering and introduced Mr. Santhosh
Gnanakan, CEO of Acts group of Ministries. The meeting started with Praise and Worship by the Timpany School choir.
Mr. Santhosh Gnanakan addressed the teachers and spoke about the qualities of leadership and mentioned the
'WHY' quotes of Simon Sinex. He asked us to introspect on - 'Why do you do, What you do?' So that each of us can
change our world for the better. A brainstorming session was conducted asking the teachers to give their inputs to
take Timpany to greater heights. On behalf of Timpany Schools Mrs.Florence, Mrs.Archana Kumar, Mrs. Mary
Fernandez and Mrs. Babitha shared their innovative ideas and suggestions. Mr. Santhosh Gnanakan closed the
meeting with prayer.

24 November, 2022 has been a milestone in Mrs.Angelina Sucharita's teaching career. She accomplished her
superannuation after rendering her services to Timpany School for 37 long years.

Our zestful Director cum Principal ma'am Mrs. Vandana Abraham commended Angelina ma'am for her relentless
service and for being an inspiration for her colleagues in teaching and her tender touch to her students. Our Advisor
ma'am Mrs. Nalini Nelson appreciated Angelina ma'am for her dedication and her peaceful manner which she
endured throughout her teaching career.

The Timpany Management felicitated Mrs. Angelina ma'am and presented a token of appreciation. Mrs. Meenambica
,a very close associate of Mrs. Angelina Sucharita expressed her feelings on behalf of all the 3rd standard teachers. In
response, Angelina ma'am thanked God, the Management of the yesteryears Mrs. Jayaraja Rao, Mrs. Cormaty, for
guiding her to be a part of Timpany School and to be into this noble profession. She also thanked the present
Management with deep gratitude especially our loving Ken sir who has always been an inspiration in every Timpany
teacher's life. Concluding her speech she thanked all her colleagues who have always been there encouraging her to
take one more step towards tomorrow.

The Management of Timpany Schools organized a Emotional intelligence
Career Counselling session in collaboration with Jagriti Spatial intelligence
Career Mentoring Program for the students of Stds. Verbal intelligence
Logical intelligence
IX,X,XI and XII from 3.11.2022 - 8.11.2022 of the three
Interpersonal intelligence
schools. An online session was also conducted for Intra personal intelligence
Parents. Creative intelligence
Sound Intelligence
The program constituted of:
The sessions were very insightful, fun-filled, mind
1. Career monitoring program orientation.
searching, exciting and self introspective. The students
2. Importance of Career Monitoring.
were well engaged and expressed their interests in
The activities planned were well-designed to actively making the right career choices. The Parents’ session
engage the students in order to know themselves was also productive wherein they expressed that they
better. The sessions were based on the various would give their best with regard to their child’s career
intelligences like: choice and were enlightened with a new perpective.

for class IX, X, XI and XII

and XII


and X

An in-house teachers’ training was organized for the faculty of Timpany Senior Secondary School on 15 November,
2022 titled “Orientation and Teachers’’ Training programme on Digital Citizenship”in collaboration with CBSE. The
resource person was Mr. Prince Kurian who spoke on the need to be vigilant about digital wellness and the security
precautions that need to be taken. Digital Citizenship is an increasingly critical skill for students. In today’s world,
students are increasingly exposed to online technology at a young age.

After the experience of the past two years, it can safely be said that the digital world is here to stay. Teachers across
India recognize that their students require instruction to help them learn to safely navigate the online world. We need
to empower our youth to become responsible and safe digital citizens who make the right decisions online and help
them use technology in a positive way. The course covers important aspects for students like digital etiquette,
cybersecurity, cyber bullying, information literacy, using the internet for social good and the future of our digital world
with topics such as AI, AR/VR and the Metaverse. We thank the management for providing an opportunity to be
trained about the present day challenges on the digital platform.

As a strong step towards making our children safe, A seminar was conducted by Mrs.Vinitha Rezeena, Principal,
Timpany Steel City School with the objective of spreading awareness and educating children about good and bad
touch. She further assured the students that the doors to her room will always be open for any child who wishes to
come up and discuss any issue.


The International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES) conducted a webinar on “Quality of
Physical Education'' for the in-house teachers teaching Physical Education on 18th November 2022 .It aimed to focus
on the best practices and latest trends in Physical Education and Sports. The webinar was hosted by Sports Authority
of India (SAI), Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education (LNCPE), Thiruvananthapuram, and attended by the
PTI Department. The resource team included Klaudia Kukurova, Jennie Yang Yang Xie, Dr. Dilsad, Nemeck Dagmar
and Dr. Naoki Suzuki who spoke on giving equal importance to all kinds of sport and identify talent at a budding
stage to help produce greater athletes that would bring many laurels and be an inspiration to many.

Macmillan Education organized a workshop titled An in-house teachers’ training workshop on Pratham
“Hop, Skip and Jump” at Hotel Mantri for the Primary Basha Prasar Manch was conducted at Palm Beach
teaching faculty on 19th November, 2022. The resource Hotel on 5th November, 2022 and was attended by the
person, Mrs. Sonal Andrews presided over the session faculty of the Hindi Department of Timpany Steel City
stressing on the need to enjoy the hues of early School. The speaker for the workshop was Dr. Ravi
childhood. This in-house teachers’ training programme Prakash Gupta who spoke about student centered
has been designed for early childhood needs, abilities teaching techniques on some suitable Grammar topics
and interests. The content of Hop, Skip and jump is and how to effectively teach grammar to the Primary
diverse and inclusive to accommodate the varied school students which ensures a good foundation. The
interests of individual children. We are grateful to the workshop covered all the levels of teaching and
Management for providing these opportunities to learning and was extremely educational. We thank the
teachers for their enrichment and growth. The workshop Management for giving us such a good exposure to
was very enlightening and challenging to all of us. make the teaching learning process meet the standards
of the present educational criteria.


In order to disseminate the details of acts of bravery
and the life stories of Gallantry Award Winners the
students were motivated to do projects/activities
based on Gallantry Award Winners in pursuance of the
Veergatha. Students of different categories undertook
different projects like Poetry Writing/Paragraph
Writing/Story Writing/Painting and Drawing in honor
of all the Gallantry Award Winners.

As a part of Pre- Children's Day celebrations, with the support of the Management and guidance of the Principal, Mrs
Christobel Stevenson along with the Coordinators, the students and the faculty experienced a 'Taare Zameen Par'
moment through a Coloring competition wherein everyone participated enthusiastically and showcased their artistic
abilities. The World Kindness Day was also observed by the students prior to the Children's Day celebrations.

The next event was a handwriting competition for both students and faculty which was definitely the need of the hour
and all put in their best efforts to write to perfection. The day was indeed an exciting and enthusiastic one. The
winners of the competition were congratulated by the Principal and awarded certificates.

A buddy system pairs students in a class and asks them to support one another with specific tasks or skills. Being part
of a study group learning team helps to avoid procrastination. Study groups can help you develop as a student, a
person, and as a professional. Study groups encourage members to think creatively and build strong communication
skills which also help in refining and understanding of the material. The pandemic might have brought a learning gap,
but it was taken as a challenge by the teaching faculty with the able support of Management and guidance of the
Principal, Mrs. Christobel Stevenson, an interactive heterogenous group study was incorporated for the students of
Stds.X and XII in order to bridge the learning gap and also perform well in the upcoming Board examinations. It is an
ongoing process that encourages the students to share their views and develop ideas to build confidence and bring
about clarity of thought in themselves which in turn enhances their critical thinking, time management, and
collaborative skills.


“A Vegan is always proud of himself because he knows that he is doing good by being kind to other animals”. A
special Class Assembly was conducted on World Vegan Day in Timpany Steel City School on 01 November ,2022 to
encourage the Vegan diet and its health benefits for humans and the environment. World Vegan Day is observed to
raise awareness and promote the health advantages of a Vegetarian diet. Children gave an idea of a cleaner and
greener planet and the protection of animals through veganism.

A rainbow is an arc of colour in the sky that can be
seen when the sun shines through falling rain. The
students of Preschool dressed in bright colours of the
rainbow. Their colourful dresses added beauty to the
surroundings and nature. Children were taught the
rainbow song and rhyme. They were made to colour the
rainbow in their books.

South Indian food festival was conducted on BAGLESS

DAY by the students and supported by the teachers of
Classes 2 and 3. Children were taught about the
popular dishes of South India. Recipe of the dishes were
explained by the students. Children enjoyed sharing
their food with their friends.



"Wheels on the Bus" .... "Planes in the Sky" ... "Boats on

the River"…

Public transportation day was celebrated on 10

November,2022. Students of Timpany Steel City School
made and exhibited different modes of transport and
spoke about their importance. They understood that
public transportation is a vital part of the community
which promotes physical exercise, and social equality
and reduces pollution.

"𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓘𝓼𝓪𝔀 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓸𝓷,
𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓶𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓮, 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓸 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵
𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓾𝓼𝓮

World Television Day is observed in Timpany Steel City

School on 21 November, 2022. The day is a reminder of
the power of visual media in our lives. Students actively
participated in Elocution and shared their views on
how Television has played a significant role in the lives
of people for years providing entertainment, education,
news, and fun. They also enlightened towards the
awareness of its ill effects in excessive and adverse

Students of Timpany Steel City School prepared Thank
You cards to show their gratitude and love towards
their family members and neighbourhood service
people. Through this activity, they learn to recognise
the hard work of their family members and love
towards their children and the services rendered by
different community workers.

Activities are designed to develop leadership qualities, spirit of adventure, creativity, self esteem and self reliance.
Timpany School has planned a special activity for the children of classes 6,7,8,9 and 11 on 28th November 2022. “The
Mock Elections!” Children enacted as politicians. They prepared a Manifesto in which they put forth their Welfare
Schemes and Policies to help develop the country. The campaigning, selection of logos for their parties and Polling
booth stood as the real attractions of the event.

Children prepared the ballot boxes, ballot papers, and placards with their party’s logos as a part of an activity. They
delivered promising speeches as the leaders, and made presentations using the technology. The Election Commission
supervised the entire procedure by preparing electoral rolls, allotment of constituencies, nominating the candidates,
finalizing the election date and so on… Children have voted for their desired parties on the basis of Universal Adult
Franchise and Secret Ballot. Director cum Principal Ma’am and the Advisor Ma’am have shown their passion by being
the part of the event and placed their votes in the ballot boxes which were prepared by the children and
encouraged them. As a part of the polling, both the dignitaries were inked on their index fingers which stood as a
proof of their voting.


Keshav Parakh of class 3C secured Runner-up position Yashovardhan Reddy Danda of class 4 won Brainobrain
in the SAAP Tennis League Tournament under 8 abacus competition 2022 Chennai , Championship
category at Zonal level. The tournament was organized trophy.
by SAAP (Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh) at
Visakhapatnam on 19 - 20 November 2022.

P.Ashrita Varma of class 9 won the Gold in Figure and Harsha Sai of class 9 won the Gold medal in the District
Inline forms, Silver in Solo Dance and Gold in Show Level Skateboard competition conducted by District
group in Inter-district Artistic Roller Skating Roller Sports Association. She won Silver at the State
Championship which was held in Visakhapatnam from Level Skateboard competition conducted by District
29th-31th October 2022. Roller Sports Association.

Anshika Addepalli of class 11 won the Gold at National Jian Balda Jain of class 5 won the Gold in Artistic
Level in Abacus at Brainobrain National Competition, skating in the 34th Inter District roller skating
Chennai , India. championship 2022, conducted by Andhra Pradesh
Roller Skating Association.

V.Parinita Kutti of class 5 emerged as the winner in the Under - 10 and Under - 12 Girls at the 8th State Level Tennis
Championship conducted on 29th and 30th October 2022, at IGMC Stadium Vijayawada by the Sports Authority for
Andhra Pradesh. She also won the 16th CMR AISTA Junior Tennis Tournament 2022, conducted by CMR AISTA
Visakhapatnam. She emerged as the winner in the Under - 10 and Under - 12 Girls, at the 3rd Zonal level
Championship, SAAP Tennis League, conducted by Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam.

Putta Bhavish Akhil Tejas of class 5 won two Gold B.Moukthika of class 5 won the Gold medal in Karate
medals and one Silver at the Visakhapatnam District at the National Level conducted by Tenshinkan
Roller skating championship-2022. Shotokan Ryu Karate Federation -India.

Isabel Robin of class 3 won the Gold Medal in 2A Sai Venkat Thanveer of class 6 stood Second at State
Category Competition in VAMA Abacus Fest conducted Level in the 34th Inter District Roller Skating
by VAMA Abacus at Kala Bharati. Championship 2022, conducted by Andhra Pradesh
Roller Skating Association.

Irene Robin of class 6 was declared as the Champion A. Sai Vinamra of Class 5 was declared the Champion
at the Regional (Inter School Level) in the A3 category in Abacus Competition conducted by VAMA Abacus.
at the VAMA Abacus Fest.

Chelikani Sri Chaitra of class 5 was declared the Ravi Arshiya Teja of class 5 won the Gold Medal in the
Champion at the National Level, in the National Abacus Abacus Competition conducted by VAMA Abacus.
Competition , organised by Brainobrain.

Nemala Tejashwin of class 5 stood first at the National B. KIRTHANA of class 8 A represented AP & TELANGANA
Level in the Vama Abacus Competition fest 2022, REGION in CISCE CRICKET NATIONAL TOURNAMENT
conducted by VAMA Abacus. Under 14 Girls category held at MONTESSORI
SCHOOL, LUCKNOW and stood first.

P.V.S.L Aishwarya of class 8 A represented AP & M.SHREYA NAISHITHA of class 3 stood First in the
Telangana region in CISCE Cricket National International Online Children's Art Competition
Tournament Under 14 Girls category held at Montessori organised by Lions Club of Visakhapatnam at District
School, Lucknow and was secured the first position. level.
Aishwarya is Selected for SGFI Nationals as a Vice
Captain for the team.

J.Daiwik Ishaan of class 1 bagged the Gold Medal in
Vama Abacus National Competition Fest 2022.

Budding talents of Timpany School participated in the CISCE Throwball National Tournament held at Pune in Under
14, Under 17 and Under 19 category held at Vidya Vallu School, PUNE.

Standing (Left to Right): Aditi Varma of class 9 , K. Akanksha Savitri of class 10, T.K. Arati Tanvi of class 12, Sagari
Kamala Das of class 10, Aditi Varma, K. Akanksha Savitri and Sagari Kamala Das, ( Under 17 GIRLS ) and are selected
for the Nationals. T. K Arati Tanvi is selected for SGFI Nationals.
Sitting (Left to Right) : Daisha Idnani of class 8, B. Haasini Naga Sai of class 8, A.Riya of class 8
Daisha Idnani, A.Riya, B Haasini Naga Sai (U-14 girls) secured 3rd place. Daisha Idnani got selected for SGFI Nationals.


Ms Olga Das

Miss OLGA DAS was an active, diligent and a

dedicated teacher who worked in Timpany Senior
Secondary School for the past 29 years. She left for
heavenly abode on 14 November, 2022. We miss her
ever smiling and pleasant demeanor. The
Management, Principals, faculty and students
express their gratitude for her services and deepest


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