Cause Effect Tablets
Cause Effect Tablets
Cause Effect Tablets
There are many reasons why parents give their children tablets. Starting from so that
children are not fussy, easy to eat, train children's intelligence through educational
games, so that children understand technology, and so on. Parents also often give
tablets as gifts.
Actually, the use of tablets is not entirely bad. For example, watching educational
videos can increase children's knowledge. However, on the other hand, if the use of
tablets is not restricted, there are some threats to children.
• The consequences of excessive use of tablets is the responsibility of the child to
experience speech and language delays.
• The dangers of tablets for children can cause mental health problems and
behavioral changes, to depression.
• Children become aggressive and easy to find if parents don't give them access to a
tablet. Irritability will also affect other skills, especially in terms of restraint, Effect
thinking, and controlling emotions. In fact, these skills form the basis for future
• Children can develop a variety of mental problems, such as anxiety, loneliness,
guilt, self-isolation, depression, and mood swings. Exposure to gadgets can also
increase the risk of ADHD and autism in children.
• The use of tablets often makes children “anesthetized”, thus ignoring the
environment around them. This causes children to lose time to socialize. The time to
improve his social skills is replaced by electronic screens.
There is no need to worry that your child will be exposed to the excitement of the
main tablet from the surrounding environment. There is no need to be afraid of the
times, the development of inhibiting the child's self. Children will learn in time. To
prevent the negative impact of tablets on children, the role of parents is very
important in it. Feel free to limit tablet use. For example, allow a maximum of 2
hours of tablet use per day, or allow the freedom to use the tablet only on holidays.
In addition, don't forget to always keep an eye on what your child is doing with the
tablet to filter out the content they consume.