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Evaluating Websites Rubrics

Points to Consider: 0 1 2 3 Score

• What type of website is it? (e.g. webpage, blog, No relevant Minimal Some Right
wikis, social media) evidence; relevant relevant amount of
• Are unique details or original ideas, evidence, or Inappropriate evidence evidence detail;
RELEVANCE arguments presented? audience or original
• Is there enough detail, or too much detail? scope evidence/
Is the website • Who is the intended audience? (e.g. arguments;
relevant for my students/professors, or general public) intended
assignment? • What is the geographical scope? e.g. Canada, for
Europe or the world appropriate
• What era or time period is discussed? e.g. current audience
issue, historical, or future
• What do you know about the author (e.g. No contact Minimal Author has Recognized
AUTHOR credentials) info or evidence sufficient expert,
• Does the author provide contact information? evidence of of credentials strong
Is the author • Has the author written other publications on the expertise expertise for your credentials;
trustworthy? topic to make them a subject expert? needs contact info
• Is the author sponsored or affiliated with a included 2
company, publisher, or organization?
• Is there an About link that clearly states the No clear Author’s Author’s Author’s 2
purpose of the website? statement of purpose is purpose purpose is
• Is the purpose of the website to inform or to purpose; questiona somewhat clear and
spread an agenda? many ads ble / likely matches matches
PURPOSE • Does the website contain ads or pop-ups? Are they visible biased your needs. with your
trying to make money? research
Is the purpose of • Does the organization or author indicate there will require- 3

the information be bias? ments.
appropriate? • A domain suffix (or URL extension) can provide
hints about the website’s intention. Is the domain
suffix personal, commercial (.com), governmental
(.gov), organizational (.org) , or educational (.edu)?
• Is the website a content farm?
Points to Consider: 0 1 2 3 Score
• Are there any citations or a list of references to Not supported Minimal Fair amount Well- 2
EVIDENCE other sources? by other citations of supported
Is the website • Are there links to related sites? sources, lacks or links information by citations,
supported by • Can the website text be found elsewhere? citations support relevant
strong evidence? Copy/paste a few sentences into Google. links

• Does the website show when it was last updated? No date or A bit out Generally Current,
• Is the information outdated, or is it missing recent outdated; of date for meets your well-written
CURRENCY events? poorly written your currency
• Are there multiple spelling or grammar errors? with broken needs; a criteria; 3
Is the website • Are links working? links few errors minimal
current and well- • Is the website easy to use and navigate? (e.g., and errors or
designed? uncluttered) outdated broken links
• Are the images appropriate for your topic? (e.g., links
diagrams, charts, photographs)


12-15 Excellent
19-12 Good
5-8 Borderline
Less than 5 Unacceptable

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