Technical Foundation: AOL Concurrent Manager: Randy Giefer Solution Beacon, LLC
Technical Foundation: AOL Concurrent Manager: Randy Giefer Solution Beacon, LLC
Technical Foundation: AOL Concurrent Manager: Randy Giefer Solution Beacon, LLC
Prints the Concurrent Manager process ID's Cpid : Is the Oracle ID for the Manager. Osid : Is the System process ID for the Manager. Ram Bhoopalam Created +======================================================================+ dbdrv:none
set pages 1000 Set LineSize 90 Column Manager Column Node Column ApId Column Q_Id Column Running Column Max Column Buf
Format A27 Format A10 Format 9999990 Format 9999990 Format 990 Format 999 Format 999
set head off Select ' -----------------------------------------------------------Managers with their defined capacities for the current shift
------------------------------------------------------------' from Dual; set head on select Application_Id ApId, concurrent_queue_id Q_Id, User_Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Target_Node Node, Running_Processes Running, Max_Processes Max, Cache_Size Buf, Diagnostic_Level D from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl /
Column Q_Id Column Q_Id Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column Column
Cpid Heading 'Cpid' Node Heading 'Node' OsId Heading 'System|Pid' Opid Heading 'Oracle|Pid' Manager Heading Manager Started_At Heading 'Started at' Opid Justify Left Instance Heading 'Instance' Instance Format 99
set head off Select ' ---------------------------------------------------------------Managers with their corresponding Oracle and System Process Id''s ----------------------------------------------------------------' from dual; set head on Select distinct Concurrent_Process_Id CpId, GVS.Inst_ID Instance, GVP.PID Opid, Os_Process_ID Osid, Q.User_Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, P.Node_Name Node, To_Char(P.Process_Start_Date, 'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SSAM') Started_At from Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Queues_Vl Q, GV$Process GVP, GV$Session GVS where Q.Application_Id = Queue_Application_ID And (Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID = P.Concurrent_Queue_ID) And (GVS.Process = Os_Process_ID ) And (GVP.ADDR = GVS.PADDR ) And Process_Status_Code not in ('K','S') Order by GVS.Inst_ID, P.Node_Name, Concurrent_Process_ID, Q.User_Concurrent_Queue_Name
; set head off Select ' ---------------------------------------------------------------Managers that are having problems ( Look into W<Cpid>.mgr under $FND_TOP/log for more information )' from dual; set head on Select distinct Concurrent_Process_Id CpId, Oracle_Process_ID Opid, Os_Process_ID Osid, User_Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, P.Node_Name Node, To_Char(P.Process_Start_Date, 'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SSAM') Started_At from Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Queues_Vl Q where Q.Application_Id = Queue_Application_ID And Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID = P.Concurrent_Queue_ID And P.Concurrent_Queue_ID <> 1 And (Os_Process_ID ) Not in ( Select GVS.Process from GV$SESSION GVS Where GVS.Process Is Not Null ) And ( Process_Status_Code = 'A' OR Process_Status_Code = 'R' OR Process_Status_Code = 'T' ) Order by Os_Process_Id, Concurrent_Process_ID, Q.User_Concurrent_Queue_Name ; set head off Select ' ---------------------------------------------------------------Managers that are not active at this instant ----------------------------------------------------------------' from dual; Column Column Column Column Column Application_Name Format A30 Application_Name Heading 'Application Name' QId Format 99999 Node Format A15 Manager Format A20
set head on Select Application_Name, Concurrent_Queue_Id QId, User_Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Node_Name Node from Fnd_Concurrent_Queues_Vl Q, Fnd_Application_Vl A where A.Application_Id = Q.Application_ID And Max_Processes = 0 And Running_Processes = 0 And Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID <> 1 order by Application_Name, User_Concurrent_Queue_Name ;
Appl ID Q ID Manager Target Running Max Buf D -------- -------- --------------------------- ---------- ------- ---- ---- 0 9190 Service Manager: SBLLC12 SBLLC12 1 1 0 9191 Internal Monitor: SBLLC12 0 0 530 1175 Marketing Data Mining Manag 0 0 er 0 1176 Workflow Document Web Servi ces Service 6187 Output Post Processor SBLLC12 1177 WMS Task Archiving Manager 8189 FastFormula Transaction Man ager 9197 OAM Generic Collection Serv ice:SBLLC12 0 Standard Manager 1 Internal Manager SBLLC12 SBLLC12.SO LUTIONBEAC ON.NET SBLLC12 SBLLC12 SBLLC12 SBLLC12 SBLLC12 0 0
0 385 802
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0
5 1
5 1
1 N N
40 10 39 4 11
PA Streamline Manager Inventory Manager MRP Manager Conflict Resolution Manager INV Remote Procedure Manage r
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 N 1 N 1 N N N
705 0
12 CRP Inquiry Manager SBLLC12 9192 Apache Listener for sbllc12 :8046 15 PO Document Approval Manage SBLLC12 r 14 RCVTM SBLLC12 5 Scheduler/Prereleaser Manag er 222 Receiving Transaction Manag SBLLC12 er 223 Transaction Manager ( Inter
1 0
1 0
201 0
1 0
1 0
nal use only ) 535 0 696 510 1023 1068 1043 1044 Oracle Provisioning Manager SBLLC12 Debug Service Session History Cleanup Contracts Core Concurrent M anager Collections Manager SFM Controller Service SFM Order Queue Service SFM Work Item Queue Service SFM Fulfillment Actions Que ue Service 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 N
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
4 4 4 4
1050 SFM Fulfillment Element Rea dy Queue Service 1051 SFM Event Manager Queue Ser SBLLC12 vice 1052 SFM Inbound Messages Queue Service 1053 SFM Timer Queue Service 1054 SFM Application Monitoring Service 1055 SFM SM Interface Test Servi ce 1069 UWQ Worklist Items Release for Crashed session 1070 Workflow Mailer 1071 OAM Metrics Collection Mana SBLLC12 ger 1072 1093 1094 1095 Workflow Summary Mailer C AQCART Service Transportation Manager Workflow Agent Listener Ser SBLLC12 vice
535 535
0 1
0 1
4 4
0 0
0 1
0 1
1 N
0 0 716 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0
1096 Workflow Mailer Service SBLLC12 9193 Forms Listener for sbllc12: 9046 9194 Reports Server for sbllc12: 7046 9195 Metrics Client for sbllc12: 9146 9196 Metrics Server for sbllc12: 9246
1 0
1 0
3177 MWA001
50 rows selected.
---------------------------------------------------------------Managers with their corresponding Oracle and System Process Id's ----------------------------------------------------------------
Oracle System Cpid Instance Pid Pid ----------- -------- ------ -------------750722 1 30 7595 12:20:12AM 750723 1 35 8108 12:20:16AM
Manager Node Started at ------------------ --------- -------------Internal Manager SBLLC12 02-14-07 02-14-07
750724 12:20:16AM
15 7992
750725 12:20:16AM
37 8109
1 1
36 8110 18 8111
02-14-07 02-14-07
750728 12:20:16AM
19 8112
750734 12:20:21AM
65 8181
750735 12:20:21AM 750736 12:20:21AM 750737 12:20:21AM 750738 12:20:21AM 750739 12:20:21AM 750740 12:20:21AM
1 1 1 1 1 1
Standard Manager Standard Manager Standard Manager Standard Manager Standard Manager
750741 12:20:21AM
43 8194
750742 12:20:21AM
67 8196
1 1
66 8197 68 8198
02-14-07 02-14-07
---------------------------------------------------------------Managers that are having problems ( Look into W<Cpid>.mgr under $FND_TOP/log for more information )
System Pid Manager Node Started at ---------- ------------------ --------- ------------------8129 Output Post Proces SBLLC12 02-14-07 12:20:16AM sor Workflow Agent Lis SBLLC12 tener Service Workflow Mailer Se SBLLC12 rvice SFM Application Mo SBLLC12 nitoring Service SFM Event Manager Queue Service SBLLC12 02-14-07 12:20:20AM
52 8138
53 8147
02-14-07 12:20:20AM
60 8156
02-14-07 12:20:20AM
64 8168
02-14-07 12:20:21AM
Application Name QID Manager Node ------------------------------ ------ -------------------- --------------Application Object Library 9192 Apache Listener for SBLLC12 sbllc12:8046 Application Object Library Application Object Library Application Object Library 1093 C AQCART Service 1068 Debug Service 9193 Forms Listener for s SBLLC12 bllc12:9046
9191 Internal Monitor: SB SBLLC12 LLC12 9195 Metrics Client for s SBLLC12 bllc12:9146 9196 Metrics Server for s SBLLC12 bllc12:9246 9197 OAM Generic Collecti SBLLC12 on Service:SBLLC12 9194 Reports Server for s SBLLC12 bllc12:7046 5 Scheduler/Prerelease r Manager 223 Transaction Manager ( Internal use only ) 1176 Workflow Document We b Services Service 1070 Workflow Mailer 1072 Workflow Summary Mai ler 1045 Collections Manager 1044 Contracts Core Concu rrent Manager 8189 FastFormula Transact ion Manager 1175 Marketing Data Minin g Manager 3177 MWA001 1046 SFM Controller Servi ce 1049 SFM Fulfillment Acti ons Queue Service 1050 SFM Fulfillment Elem ent Ready Queue Serv ice 1052 SFM Inbound Messages Queue Service 1047 SFM Order Queue Serv ice
1055 SFM SM Interface Tes t Service 1053 SFM Timer Queue Serv ice 1048 SFM Work Item Queue Service 1094 Transportation Manag er 1043 Session History Clea nup 1069 UWQ Worklist Items R elease for Crashed s ession 1177 WMS Task Archiving M anager
Transportation Execution
Warehouse Management
31 rows selected.
Reqst HEADING 'Request|ID ' Requestor HEADING 'Requestor' Orcl HEADING 'Oracle|Name' Started HEADING 'Started at' MANAGER HEADING 'Controlling|Manager' LN HEADING 'Logfile|name' Program HEADING 'Program'
REM Column Start_At HEADING 'Requested|to start at' Break On Report Comput Count OF Reqst ON Report
DOC ORACLE NAME : Oracle account to which the running request is connected. R : Whether the request is Run Alone S : Whether the request is Single Threaded # REM To_Char(Requested_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Start_At,
Select Request_Id Reqst, User_Name Requestor, Oracle_Username Orcl, Fcr.Logfile_Name LN, Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Concurrent_Program_Name Program, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Started, Run_Alone_Flag, Single_Thread_Flag From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr, Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, Fnd_Oracle_Userid O, Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Q, Fnd_User Where Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_ID And ( P.Concurrent_Queue_ID = Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID AND P.Queue_Application_ID = Q.Application_ID ) And O.Oracle_Id = Fcr.Oracle_Id And ( Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id And Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id ) And Requested_By = User_Id And Phase_Code = 'R' and Status_Code = 'R' Order By Actual_Start_Date, Request_Id / TTITLE 'Terminating Requests' Select Request_Id Reqst, User_Name Requestor, Oracle_Username Orcl, Fcr.Logfile_Name LN, Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Concurrent_Program_Name Program, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Started, Run_Alone_Flag, Single_Thread_Flag From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr, Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, Fnd_Oracle_Userid O, Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Q, Fnd_User Where Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_ID And ( P.Concurrent_Queue_ID = Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID AND P.Queue_Application_ID = Q.Application_ID ) And O.Oracle_Id = Fcr.Oracle_Id And ( Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id And Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id ) And Requested_By = User_Id And Phase_Code = 'R' and Status_Code = 'T' Order By Actual_Start_Date, Request_Id / Ttitle 'Paused Requests' Select Request_Id Reqst, User_Name Requestor, Oracle_Username Orcl, Fcr.Logfile_Name LN, Concurrent_Program_Name Program, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Started, Run_Alone_Flag, Single_Thread_Flag From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr, Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, Fnd_Oracle_Userid O, Fnd_User Where Status_Code = 'W' And Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id And Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id
And Requested_By = User_Id And O.Oracle_Id = Fcr.Oracle_Id Order By Actual_Start_Date, Request_Id / TTITLE OFF Set Pages 60 Set Linesize 80 Clear Breaks Clear Computes
Mon Feb 26 Running Requests Request ID Requestor ------- ---------Started at R S -------------- - ####### RGIEFER
Oracle Logfile Name name Manager Program ------- ---------- -------------------- ----------
02-26-07 09:01 N N
Request Oracle Logfile Controlling ID Requestor Name name Manager Program Started at R S ------- ---------- ------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -------------- - ------0 no rows selected
Mon Feb 26 Paused Requests Request Oracle Logfile ID Requestor Name name Program Started at R S ------- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- -------------- - ------0 no rows selected
DECODE(fcr.phase_code, 'C', 'Completed', 'I', 'Inactive', 'P', 'Pending', 'R', 'Running', fcr.phase_code) ... FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
DECODE(fcr.status_code, 'A', 'Waiting', 'B', 'Resuming', 'C', 'Normal', 'D', 'Cancelled', 'E', 'Errored', 'F', 'Scheduled', 'G', 'Warning', 'H', 'On Hold', 'I', 'Normal', 'M', 'No Manager', 'Q', 'Standby', 'R', 'Normal', 'S', 'Suspended', 'T', 'Terminating', 'U', 'Disabled', 'W', 'Paused', 'X', 'Terminated', 'Z', 'Waiting', fcr.status_code) ... FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
DECODE (fcpg.execution_method_code, 'A', 'Spawned', 'F', 'Flexsql', 'H', 'Host', 'I', 'PL/SQL', 'L', 'SQL*Loader', 'P', 'Oracle Rpt', 'Q', 'SQL*Plus', 'R', 'SQL*Report', 'S', 'Immediate', 'X', 'FlexRpt', fcpg.execution_method_code), ... FROM fnd_concurrent_programs fcpg