For millennia, people have sought to understand why certain diseases appear in
some people but not others. Genetics has allowed for a better understanding of
hereditary diseases by describing the genes and mutations associated with these
diseases. science of genetics began in the 1800s when Gregor Mendel figured out
how traits are inherited by studying peas. Since scientists identified genes in the
mid-1900s, the field of genetics has grown by leaps and bounds. In the 1800s,
Gregor Mendel discovered the rules of genetic
2. Elements of genetic
a. DNA
DNA, the molecular basis for biological inheritance. Each strand of DNA is a chain
of nucleotides, matching each other in the center to form what look like rungs on a
twisted ladder.
Although genes were known to exist on chromosomes, chromosomes are composed of
both protein and DNA, and scientists did not know which of the two is responsible for
inheritance. In 1928, Frederick Griffith discovered the phenomenon of transformation .
DNA as the molecule responsible for transformation. The role of the nucleus as the
repository of genetic information in eukaryotes had been established by Hämmerling in
1943. The Hershey–Chase experiment in 1952 confirmed that DNA is the genetic
material of the viruses that infect bacteria, providing further evidence that DNA is the
molecule responsible for inheritance.
Their double-helix model had two strands of DNA with the nucleotides pointing
inward, each matching a complementary nucleotide on the other strand to form what
look like rungs on a twisted ladder. This structure showed that genetic information
exists in the sequence of nucleotides on each strand of DNA.
b. Chromosomes
Chromosomes have proteins called histones that bind to DNA. DNA has two
strands that twist into the shape of a spiral ladder called a helix. DNA is made up
of four building blocks called nucleotides: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G),
and cytosine (C). The nucleotides attach to each other (A with T, and G with C) to
form chemical bonds called base pairs, which connect the two DNA strands.
Genes are short pieces of DNA that carry specific genetic information
Mendel's laws are three laws concerning the principles of biological inheritance,
enunciated by the Austro-Hungarian monk and botanist Gregor Mendel (1822-
The rediscovery of Mendel's laws in 19001, then their combination with the
discovery of chromosomes, considered as the physical support of heredity, is at
the origin of the foundation of formal genetics at the beginning of the twentieth
century2. Following the demonstration of the role of chance and the environment
in biological phenomena. Mendel enunciated three laws of which we have
individuals RR and rr. The two genes of all F1 hybrids have each the R allele and
the other the r, and are then denoted Rr.)
The first generation (F1 hybrid) is then uniform for both phenotype and genotype
and all descendants of the first generation are heterozygous.
This rule only applies if the genes responsible for the characteristics are located
on different chromosomes or if they are distant on the same chromosome. This is
the sharing of alleles in different gametes. Abstracting from the second character,
we find for the first character the distribution of the third generation in the
diagram below.
2)Morgan work
Morgan's work Discovery of genetic binding by T. Morgan. Morgan made crosses
using a pure strain of Drosophila that differed from the wild strain in two traits,
each determined by an autosomal gene: eye color and wing length.
2)Human heredity
Human genetics is a branch of genetics that studies the transmission of
hereditary traits in the human species over generations.
Faced with the difficulties that hinder this study, the researchers have focused,
above all, on the study of the modalities of transmission of hereditary diseases
and malformations, to accumulate knowledge on the genes that are responsible
for them.
The number of chromosomes in humans is very high (23 pairs), the number of
possible chromosomal combinations in eggs is large (2 46), which further
complicates research.
Also, the foundation of Medelian genetic enabled plant breeders to cross plants
with new precision, carefully manipulating the plant genome to
produce new improved varieties. These breeding techniques have
been used to develop higher yielding varieties, including plants
resistant to pests or disease.
2.Limit of genetic
Several studies suggest genetics is difficult because it contains many abstract
concepts. Many abstract concepts exist at the molecular level, such as genes and
DNA since this level includes invisible concepts.
Also, genetic testing can provide only limited information about inherited
condition. The test often cannot determine if person will show severe
symptoms will be, or whether the disorder will progress over time.
genetics comes up against many obstacles that hinder its study , it In conclusion
we will retain that the study of genetic and the establishment of Mendel laws
allowed a considerable advance of humanity.
characters .