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Bit Heroes - Mundane Familiar Guide

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A Mundane Guide To Familiars

Hello there,
I wanted to write this comprehensive guide to give something back to a community that helped me a lot whe
This is still a work in progress, and I am open to any suggestion and changes.
I wanted to make a familiar guide for both newer players and veterans, explaining not only the effectiveness
but also the reasons behind it, suggestions about which one to farm, augments and Flag help.
The other sheets list all familiar rankings, per role, including their grind difficulty, stat distribution, and skillset
Most is motivated and explained in the Notes attached to each Cell.

Feel free to contact me to correct any incongruency or update any missing details / wrong rankings on Discord @Fel95

A Beginner's Guide:
Familiars are a huge part of the game, and efforts to farm up strong familiars is a must to clear harder conten
With so many features and familiars available, it's hard to keep track of what to do, especially for newer play

Here's some basic and essential information to understand the rest:

-If you are a DPS player, you need a good tank and a good healer familiar. More about the

-If you are a Tank player, you're better off with 2 healers. Tank builds are more resource de
Some bold tank players might want to use 1 dps and 1 healer familiars, it's often suggested to run 2 he

To Start
-Every familiar gets a % of your Total Stats (TS) as own Stats. The bigger you grow throug
Fusions have an additional 5% TS. Higher rarity familiars have higher TS, up to 95% and 100% of your stats

-Familiars' stats distribution is fixed. This means that your own character distribution does
i.e. if you raise your attack by 100 points, the familiar won't get +100 attack points, but that +100 will be dis

-Fusion Schematics can be obtained from anywhere one of the familiars needed for the fus
except for time-gated events (invasions, expeditions) and World Boss fusions (except W

-Stabling means depositing a copy of the familiar (which can be later be retrieved) to buff th
-Each stable level adds 2% TS and will drastically improve the Augments effectiveness (mo

-Do not ever gem bribe any familiar unless it's a Raid epic or legendary you know you need
Wait to know about the game well enough to understand which one to bribe or not.

In General
-Each Fusion Familiar has an built-in Bonus that's fixed, and fixed Skills.
The majority of times you'll be using only the 0 and 1 SP costing skills, so ignore the
In General
-Some flags are hard. There's some high difficulty jumps. Raising your TS, getting a better

-Focus on your priorities, aim for achievable familiars for the longer game and works toward
Good Epic fusions needed for future legendaries are perfect for step-by-step progression.

They're familiar add-ons that gives them an additional Bonus, and pet-like Passives.

Very strong and important part to consider, you'll be getting weekly materials to craft and re
Each stable level will increases the base augment bonus by 100%, up to 6x the base bonu
For example, a +2% Damage augment will becomes a +4% on a +1 Familiar, +6% at +2, up to +12%

This Stable augment boost has a cap based on the familiar's rarity. Fusions have an 1 high

Because of the TS boost and Augment multiplier, Stabling familiars is very important.
A multiple stabled Rare with good augments can and will surpass a non-stabled Epic, while being cheaper to
More details about Augments from the Wiki

Augment Effect similar to: Where to get Priority

Pumps (bottom 3)Major-Rune bonusCraft, rank reward 1st
Brain (high top) Pet-like passive Shop packs 2nd
Bone (high left) Meta-Rune bonus Craft, rank reward 3rd
Chip (high right) Set-like bonuses Random drop 4th

Additional notes:
Bone augments costs as double to craft and have similar effects to your Central Meta rune, which isn't as im
Chip augments gives conditional bonuses (similar to some set bonus), and are amazing but can only be rand
Familiars with an embedded passive CANNOT equip Brain augments.
DPS familiars prefer an on-hit Brain passive, while Healer ones perform better with an Per Turn Brain passive.

For Healer/DPS familiars, you want any offensive bonus Pump which isn't Life Steal (Damage, Empower, Du
For Tank fams, Damage Reduction Pumps are your best option, but Evasion, Deflect, Absorb, Block are also
Any other bonus isn't that good and should be kept, even if at higher %, ONLY if you don't have better option
For the sake of material efficiency, it's worth Re-rolling any Augment 2 times before breaking it.

Suggested Familiars per Zone: (not counting time-gated events)

A fully stabled Bor'lan can carry you pretty far in the tiers.
Z1 Almost
Shrampz a must forobtained
can be any newhere.
Best Rare tank, can soak damage perfectly up to the latest flags
Z2 Yobo (from Yeti dungeon) is
Completing Z2 unlocks World Bosses,also a solid
whereEpic tank, but
powerful more expensive
healers than Clavid
like Velk, Omo, Shrampz. can be dr
In you unlock
Z3 you their familiar's
have access to Quirk,dungeons later in
from Quirrel's the game.a Avoid
dungeon, powerfulWBepic
until then dealer th
cake. Can
Oftenbeisused for Korgz
suggested in theany
to bribe future. Some
Squib you Tanks prefer running
come across with, asone
it's aDps
very and one Ep
strong He
Z4 familiar.
issues in flag clearing, you canand
up those gems.
Z5 Unlocks your second Raid, strong epic healers like Remmyt
Staeus can be recruited
Alongside Velk and Squibbo can be considered valid in thealternative
last dungeon, whichwhich
to Borl'an fuse inc
Z5 fusions.
R2's Driffin is needed for a many end-game legendary fusions, like Wemmbo and Walkom, yo
The last dungeon hosts Ulairus, a very strong Epic tank that's a perfect upgrade from Shrampz
Z6 Very easy to grind and max out, gem-free, needs only Rares and is suggested to those who stru
Omo andfind
You can Clavid Epicepic
the best healers
Tankare alsoScort.
here, available
Not in
asWB nether
cheap as good
as Ulairus borlan
but upgrades,
definitely a goodif inves
you d
Z7 Once set with good augments and stabled up, it's better than many Legendaries as well.
Be sure to have enough mini serum to make multiple Scorts.
Doesn't have any notable familiars. Some flags are very hard here, it's suggested to backtrack i
Z8 familiars if you struggle. Beyond this tier, Orlag and Nether WB gets for T10-T11 selection.
Doesn't have any notable familiars, but R2OY is available as decent tank in WB 3XT3RM1N4TI
Z9 Going back toOnce
old zones to finish familiars you've already
Doesn't have any notable familiars. you have reached the last available tier,started is not a
it's advisable
Z10 game familiars you should be aiming for to each specific role, and their availability.

In synthesis: for DPS players, get Shrampz and Borl'an. cheap and early to make. Substitute them with the abovem
Don't make epic fusions you don't need. you might regret it in the future. Don't gem bribe random familiars you w
If you're a staff lover, and want to carry staves through tiers, a DPS familiar like Quirk or Pargz are a better fit tha
If able, craft Pump augments first and fill up your tank and healer familiars, whose stable level improves augmen
Think about the heavy grind of legendary schematics only after you've cleared all the zones, unless you luckily co

Special thanks to Awthorne, SandroSusta, Peanutjellyguy, xDreads, Blue2u, and Variik for helping out!
Note: Offline Google Docs extension for chrome and m
Cell Comments and images not available if Downloaded

munity that helped me a lot when I needed it.

ining not only the effectiveness and grind difficulty of fusions,

nts and Flag help.
lty, stat distribution, and skillset. Work in Progress:
Adding recipe/location since the Wiki isn't gett

wrong rankings on Discord @Fel95#5230

is a must to clear harder content and progress in the game.

to do, especially for newer players.

healer familiar. More about these roles on the role sheets.

ank builds are more resource demanding early, so consider both options well before committing.
familiars, it's often suggested to run 2 healers for stable efficiency, but this can also be a viable option.

ats. The bigger you grow through levels and equipment, the bigger your familiars will get too.
her TS, up to 95% and 100% of your stats at Legendary and Mythic rarity (fusions).

own character distribution doesn't affect the stat distribution of the familiar.
00 attack points, but that +100 will be distributed to all stats based on the familiar's ratios.

the familiars needed for the fusion is,

nd World Boss fusions (except Walkom).

n be later be retrieved) to buff the non-stabled familiar of the same kind, from +0 to +5 (max).

he Augments effectiveness (more later).

or legendary you know you need.

which one to bribe or not.
d fixed Skills.
1 SP costing skills, so ignore the 2sp+ skills when choosing a

aising your TS, getting a better pet/accessory and stabling familiars solve any flag issue.

e longer game and works towards them.

t for step-by-step progression.

s, and pet-like Passives.

weekly materials to craft and re-roll your augments.

y 100%, up to 6x the base bonus at +5 (not counting Cap).

on a +1 Familiar, +6% at +2, up to +12% Damage on a +5.

s rarity. Fusions have an 1 higher Cap than non-fusions.

ed Epic, while being cheaper to obtain.

tral Meta rune, which isn't as important. Consider crafting these only when you're set on Pumps.
re amazing but can only be randomly dropped playing or bought in Shop bundles.

with an Per Turn Brain passive.

e Steal (Damage, Empower, Dual Strike, Speed).

, Deflect, Absorb, Block are also decent.
Y if you don't have better options.
before breaking it.

(by Awthorne)

age perfectly up to the latest flags. A must for any DPS.

s expensive than Clavid
like Velk, Omo, Shrampz.
can be dropped, but not fused until later,
Avoid WBepic
powerful until then. dealer that can make your pvp a piece of
fer running
oss with, asone
it's aDps and
very one Epic
strong Healer over but
fusion, 2, so do consider
if you have no this
ers like Remmyt.
lid last dungeon, whichwhich
to Borl'an fuse into
canVelk, a very for
be re-used strong upgrade
future Leg
s, like Wemmbo and Walkom, you should bribe any you come across.
a perfect upgrade from Shrampz.
nd is suggested to those who struggle with their Shrampz.
as good
lairus butborlan upgrades,
definitely a goodif investment.
you didn't substitute him already.
n many Legendaries as well.
le Scorts.
here, it's suggested to backtrack in older zones to beef up your
B gets for T10-T11 selection.
ecent tank in WB 3XT3RM1N4TI0N if you are still struggling.
ars you've
e last already
available tier,started is not ato
it's advisable bad idea. evaluate which end-
and their availability.

Substitute them with the abovementioned Epics if you come across them.
gem bribe random familiars you won't need.
Quirk or Pargz are a better fit than epic Healers, since you're the one healing.
se stable level improves augment bonuses.
ll the zones, unless you luckily come across schematics and their fusion familiars during your progression.
extension for chrome and mobile will disable some Images.
not available if Downloaded as PDF

n since the Wiki isn't getting updated anymore.

HEALER Rating Bonus
22.5% Dmg,
Melborg S +10% Dmg 3187 1593 2568
11.25% Emp,
Mervlin S 11.25 Dual, 15% 3233 1470 2645
Save SP

22% DualStrike,
Quorg S 2% Quad 2816 1717 2816

Walkom S- 30% Empower 4556 1470 1323

30% Dual Strike

Krakon ? 20% Fire resist 2243 1934 3171

60% Crit Chance

Porhius ? 20% Fire 3326 1648 2367

25% Empower,
KAL 9000 A+ 5% DualStrike 2692 1470 3187

30% Crit, 15%

Drazig A+ Empower 2816 1717 2816

Wemmbo A +300% Crit Dmg 3674 1470 2204

60% Spread
Gobbex A Heal per turn 30% Empower 1593 1470 4285

30% Crit,
Oeviss A- 17.5% DualStrike 3094 1547 2707

60% Attack
Gobbon A- Weak per turn
30% Empower 2862 2034 2452

30% Crit, 15%

Torlag A- Empower 3922 1470 1957

30% Crit,
Kringle A- 15% DualStrike 3032 1470 2846

30% Crit Chance,

Thezeron B 1% Quad 1895 2785 2669

Remruade B 60% Crit 2452 2204 2692

60% Attack 15% DualStrike,

Wizbot B Team per turn 15% Empower 2939 1222 3187

60% Spread
Googarum B Heal on hit
30% Empower 3481 2321 1547

Jelvins B 30% Empower 2452 1833 3063

60% Attack
Raleib B- Weak per turn 30% Speed 2607 1153 3589

60% Spread
Blemo B- Heal on hit
30% Damage 3674 2452 1222

60% Spread
Jebediah C Heal per turn 60% Crit 2692 1346 3311

60% Attack
Blublix C random on hit
60% Crit 4656 1470 1222

30% DualStrike,
K4L31D0 S+ 1% Quad 2310 1671 3719

30% Empower,
Walogdr S 0.5% Quad 4774 1540 1386

60% Spread 30% Damage, 3%

X5-T34M A- Shield on hit Ricochet 3850 1925 1925

15% Empower,
Melvitron B+ 15% DualStrike, 3388 1848 2464
+Random DMG

Velk B 22.5% Empower 4121 1329 1196

Omo B 22.5% DualStrike 3206 1775 1665

Remmyt B- 22.5% Damage 3659 1493 1493

50% Attack
Whoost B- Weak on hit
22.% Empower 3323 1110 2213

Squibbo B- 22.5% Damage 3597 1110 1939

Bor'lan C 15% Damage 2633 779 2454

(might've missed some Epics)

(any with a 1sp heal might qualify)

Skillset Location Grind Difficulty
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP 2 SP
Weak Rando Target Heal Weak Melvin WB 3.5
+Rand 5x Spread

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
Close Strong
All Strong
Melvin WB 3.5
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP
Heal Shield Heal
Ext WB 2.5
Spread Spread Target

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Target Rando Weak
Orlag WB, R2, dngs 2.5
1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Target Spread Weak Shield Water Titan WB 3.5
Heal Self
1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
0 SP
Close Shield Heal 2 SP Far Target Water Titan WB 3
Self Spread 3x
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP Far
Weak Target Close
Target Ext WB 4
+Rand 2x Recoil Recoil

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
Close Target Heal Weak Rando Nether WB 3.5
Recoil Target
1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Close Heal Target Drain R2, dungeons 2.5
Spread Close
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
0 SP
Weak Shield Spread Target Shield Idol Exped 4
Team Heal Recoil Spread

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
Closer 3
Closer 4
Drain Drain Battle Bard Exped. 3
2x All Target

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP Hit
Target Close All
Inferno Exped 4
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP HIt 2 SP
Close Heal Weak All Target Orlag WB 3.5
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
Close Closer 2 Target Heal All X-mas invasion 3.5

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
Rando Heal Shield Heal Target Brimstone WB 3.5
Team+ Targt+ Target

0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
Close 1 SP Far Heal Target Heal R1, dungeons 2
Target Team

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
Drain Heal
Weak Rando
Idol Exped 4
All Spread
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP Hit 1 SP 2 SP
Close All
Weak Target
Hallowed Exped. 3
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Closer 2 Rando Heal Weak Jellie Inv 4
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Heal Close 1 SP Far Target Inferno Exped 4
2 SP
0 SP 1 SP Hit 1 SP
1 SP Far
All Rando
Close Inferno Exped 3
2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP
Close Close Target Weak Drain Inferno Exped 3

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
Close Rando
All Strong
Idol Exped 3

0 SP 0 SP 0 SP 1 SP
1 SP Far 1 SP
Weak Heal Shield Heal Recoil Resurr 5
+Rand Spread Spread Target
1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
Close Heal Weak Rando Close Orlag, R2, R1, R3, ... 5.5
Spread Recoil
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
Close Far+2x Weak Rando All Hallowed Exped 4.5
Rando 3x
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP Far
Close Closer 2
Target Melvin WB 4.5
Recoil 3x

1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Heal Target Weak Orlag Wb 1
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Rando Closer 2
Nether Wb 1
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
Close All
Z4D1 1

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP Far Inferno Exp 1.5

0 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
Close Heal All 3 SP Far R1 1.5

1 SP
0 SP
Close Heal 2 SP Far Z1D2,Z2D2 0
Suggested 7000 ← Edit in your TS to scale the Stats


Your bread and butter, Healer familiars are a must-have for both Dps and tank players, the l

+ Sustain is king, a great healer allows you to survive in all content. Some healers, especially in

+ as decent DPS familiars, so they're useful even in fast-paced content like PvP, where skill-bas




+ -STATS are shown at +5 Stable level. Modify the TS cell to show an accurate scaling based

- -Check notes attached to each cell for explanations, including familiar's Portrait for a quic

+ -The way augment works, with good augments a +4 Epic is better than a +2 Legendary.

- -Ratings are not relative to the familiar's rarity. one B epic is better than one C legendary.

- -Not useful familiars won't be added. if you can't find it here, it sucks.

- -Before committing to Difficulty 4 and 5 familiars, be sure to check the requirements. it's o

- -Expedition's familiars might have been graded higher difficulty due to not being always a

- Legend

- Rarity Rating Difficulty Skills

- Mythic S 1 Hit Leftmost Enemy

Hit the X Leftmost
- Legendary A 2 Enemies

- Epic B 3 Hit ALL Enemies

-- C 4 Hit Chosen enemy

Hit Enemy with

-- D 5 Lowest current

Hit Rightmost

Water Hit Enemy with

-- Highest current
Damage Health

Hit a
-- RandomEnemy

Laser-like skill,
- composite multi



or both Dps and tank players, the latter requiring 2 of them.

ontent. Some healers, especially in Manual, can also act

d content like PvP, where skill-based heals aren't as necessary.

o show an accurate scaling based off your character.

ding familiar's Portrait for a quick judgment.

is better than a +2 Legendary.

ic is better than one C legendary.

here, it sucks.

e to check the requirements. it's often not worth the hassle.

ifficulty due to not being always available to farm.


Divide Heal among

those who need the
Heal Chosen target.

Heal Each team

member by the
same amount.
Same as Above
ones, but with
Resurrect chosen
party member.
Usable Once.
Heal yourself by
how much damage
it dealt.
TANK Rating Bonus
22.5% DR,
MachoMadDogMellyMan S+ 4% DMG 735 420
60% Spread
Ghosbooboo S Shield when hit
30% DR 399 504

60% Spread Heal

Yemic S when hit
30% DR 357 587

60% Shield team

Tubb-005 S when hit
30% DR 651 378

18% Deflect
Demeter ? 20% Fire resist
18% Deflect 511 530

60% HealShield 15% DR,

Yackerz S- team when hit 7.5% Absorb 630 420

27.5% DR,
B-75 S- 2.5% Deflect 650 371

25% DR,
Sonord A+ 10% Block 477 530

60% Heal Team

Svord A when hit
60% Block 265 928
45% Block,
Melvoo A 5% DMG 420 568
60% Spread Heal
Gemor A when hit
60% Block 190 987

Gorbundo A- Absorb 735 420

Zovilby A- 60% Block 357 630

Drelvy B+ 30% Evade 332 623

60% Spread
Gummy B+ Shield when hit
15% Absorb 394 582

Gello B 18% Deflect 394 582

Bobodom B 30% Evasion 399 525

Olxaroth B 60% Block 392 504

Astally B 18% Deflect 252 713

60% Spread
Nosstorvo B- Shield when hit
18% Deflect 378 546

Drya B- 30% DR 394 504

Rolesker B- 30% Enrage 378 646

Meaty B- 15% Absorb 42 1154

9% Deflect,
Rarzok C+ 15% Evasion 273 630

30% Evade,
Theytius ? 20% fire resist +30% Max 541 568

27% DR,
Turkon S+ 8% Evasion 594 594

60% Spread heal 30% DR, 5%

Zarlock S when hit Enrage 396 792

Phorbon S- 15% Absorb 770 440

80% Block,
Rigneous A+ Hit All When 668 528
First hit
60% Spread
60% Block,
Grampa Hef A HealShield when
3% Deflect 440 792
30% Evade,
Rombolio B 15% Redirect 418 550

Scort A- 22.5% DR 428 499

20% DR, 2.5%

R2OY A- Evasion 721 323

50% Spread heal

Winslar B+ when hit
22.5% DR 190 759

50% Spread
Pobo B Shield when hit
45% Block 304 588

Yobo B- 45% Block 413 428

50% Spread
Bronsie C+ Shield when hit 22.5% DR 532 323
Elote C+ 45% Block 304 684

Wensloo C+ Absorb 190 759

22.5% Block,
Zubbo C+ 11.25% DR 303 568

Ulairus C+ 13.5% Deflect 342 532

Shrampz C 30% Block 234 601

Skillset Location

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Far 2 SP
105 0 SP Far Shield Closer 3 Recoil Closer 2 Melvin WB

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP
357 Close Close Drain Rando 2 SP Far Inferno Exped.

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
316 Close Heal Drain 1 SP Far Target Inferno Exped.
Spread Close
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 1 SP Far
231 Close
Heal Shield
Jammie Exped.
Spread Self
1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 3 SP
0 SP
219 Close
Drain Drain Drain Rando Water Titans
Close Far Rando 5x
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP Far
210 Close Shield Heal Weak Recoil Jammie Exped.
Self Spread Recoil
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
1 SP
239 Shield Strong Weak Close Heal Battle Bard Exped.
Self Recoil Recoil Spread
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
1 SP 2 SP Heal
252 Shield Weak Heal Team Shield Battle Bard Exped.
Self Target Spread

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
66 Close Weak
Drain Shield
Hallowed Exped.
Close Self

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP Hit 1 SP
272 Close Heal Self All
Weak Melvin WB
0 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Heal
84 Close
Close Spread
Close Idol Exped.
Target Recoil
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP Far
105 Close Shield Strong Target
Recoil Self ONCE Recoil

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
273 Close
Heal Drain 1 SP Far Close R3,R5
Spread Close Recoil
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
305 Shield Drain Shield Shield Drain Battle Bard Exped.
Self Weak Team Target All
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
284 Close Close
Heal 1 SP Far
Inferno Exped.
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Heal 2 SP Hit
284 Close Close Shield Spread All Jellie Exped.

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP Heal 2 SP
335 Close Close Drain Spread Target R1, many dungeons

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
363 Close Target Drain Drain All Heal R1
Close Target

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
294 Close Heal Self
Drain Close
R1, R3
All Recoil
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
335 Close Close Drain 2 SP Far Rando Jammie Exped.

0 SP 1 SP Hit 1 SP 2 SP Heal 2 SP
362 Close All Target Target Weak
Ninja Invasion

1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
236 Close Heal Self Target Drain Heal R2,R3, Many Dngs
Close Target

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP Heal
64 Close
Heal Self Spread
Orlag WB

0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
357 Close Close 1 SP Far Drain All Heal Self Nether WB

1 Sp 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP Far 2 SP Hit
211 Close 2x
Shield Rando
3x All
self 3x
1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP
132 Rando
Heal Self
Weak Heal Turkey Invasion
Recoil +Shield Spread
1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP
132 Close
Shield Drain
Heal Inferno Exped.
Self Close Spread
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP Far
111 Close Shield Strong Target
Recoil Self ONCE Recoil
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP
121 Shield Drain Strong Weak Drain R8
Self Close Recoil All

0 SP 0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
88 Close
Shield Heal Weak Close Jammie Exped
Self Spread Recoil Recoil

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
351 Close Close Target Drain
Heal R1,R3,R4

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
213 Close Drain Shield 1 SP Far Z7D1
Close Self

0 SP 0 Sp 1 SP 1 SP
95 Close Heal Target Drain Ext. WB
Spread Close

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
190 Close Rando Heal Self Weak
Hallowed Exped

1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP Heal
247 Close
Target Spread
Inferno Exped

0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP
299 Close Close Drain Target Z2D1

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
284 Close Rando Heal Weak Jammie Exped
Spread Recoil
0 SP 1 SP
0 SP 1 SP
151 Close Shield Shield Target Papoz Invasion
Self Team

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP
190 Close Rando Heal Self Target
Jellie Invasion

1 SP
0 SP 1 SP
264 Close Drain Rando 2 SP Far Zombie Invasion

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
265 Close
Close Drain Z6D3
Recoil Close

1 SP
0 SP
167 Close Heal 2 SP Far Z1D2,Z2D2
Grind Difficulty Suggested 1200 ← Edit in your TS to scale the Stats

3.5 ++

3 + As a DPS player, the tank familiar is your most important focus, especially i

3 + without a solid frontline you can't clear harder content. Tank players don't

4 - To clear flags, reach high t/g levels and wins high level pvp, you NEED a str

3.5 New

4 - Once End-Game, you can substitute your tank with a Bait, as a +5 Augment

3 +

3 Considerations:

4 - -STATS are shown at +5 Stable level. Modify the TS cell to show an accura

3.5 - -Check notes attached to each cell for explanations, including familiar's P

3 -The way augment works, with good augments a +4 Epic is better than a +

4.5 -- -Ratings are not relative to the familiar's rarity. one B epic is better than o

4.5 -- -Not useful familiars won't be added. if you can't find it here, it sucks.

2.5 + -Remember, Self-sustain skills and Passive proc potency is based on Powe

3 -Before committing to Difficulty 4 and 5 familiars, be sure to check the re

3 - -Expedition's familiars might have been graded higher difficulty due to no

2.5 + -Block tanks are usually worse than DR ones, as it can't stack additively m

4.5 --

4.5 -- Legend
3 - Rarity Rating Difficulty Skill

3 - Mythic S 1 Hit Leftmost Enemy

Hit the X Leftmost

2.5 + Legendary A 2 Enemies

3.5 - Epic B 3 Hit ALL Enemies

3.5 -- C 4 Hit Chosen enemy

Hit Enemy with

D 5 Lowest current

4.5 New Hit Rightmost Enemy

Water Hit Enemy with

4 + New Damage
Highest current

5 - Hit a RandomEnemy

Laser-like skill,
5 -- composite multi hits

6 --

4 -

5.5 --

1 ++

1 +

1.5 +

1 +


1.5 -

1.5 -

0 ++

0 ++
portant focus, especially in early game. Doesn't matter how hard you can hit,

ntent. Tank players don't need these, being themselves the party front.

level pvp, you NEED a strong tank (or later, a Bait familiar used as front)

a Bait, as a +5 Augment-set Bait can be even a better party front.

TS cell to show an accurate scaling based off your character.

ns, including familiar's Portrait for a quick judgment.

+4 Epic is better than a +2 Legendary.

ne B epic is better than one C legendary.

find it here, it sucks.

potency is based on Power. High power focus Tanks are stronger than 'stamina only'.

, be sure to check the requirements. it's often not worth the hassle.

igher difficulty due to not being always available to farm.

t can't stack additively mitigation pas the 50% mitigation thresold, but survives pvp better

Divide Heal among

those who need the

Heal Chosen target.

Heal Each team

member by the
same amount.
Same as Above
ones, but with
Resurrect chosen
party member.
Usable Once.
Heal yourself by
how much damage
it dealt.
BAIT Rating Bonus

25% DR, 2.5%

GlarzDos S+ Absorb 5728 1398 506

28% DR, 1%
TermBot 9000 S Absorb 5953 1293 386

Croundy S 30% DR 5728 1269 635

60% Block, 3%
Ignatus Ra A Dmg Nearby 5718 1359 920

27.5% DR, 2.5%

Gyushido A Evade 4924 1221 1478

Ronemax 600 A- 60% Block 5134 1439 1024

15% DR, 7.5%

Stratos A- Abs, Absorb 1st 4494 1503 1999

17.5% DR, 2.5%

Delong B+ Absorb 2842 1267 2761

Walkom B 30% Empower 4732 1526 1374

Melv'Cone B- 22.5% DR 4718 804 1381


-STATS are shown at +5 Stable level. Modify the TS cell to show an accurate scaling based off your character

-Check notes attached to each cell for explanations, including familiar's Portrait for a quick judgment.

-The way augment works, with good augments a +4 Epic is better than a +2 Legendary.

-Ratings are not relative to the familiar's rarity. one B epic is better than one C legendary.

-Not useful familiars won't be added. if you can't find it here, it sucks.

-Before committing to Difficulty 4 and 5 familiars, be sure to check the requirements. it's often not worth th
Skillset Location Grind Difficulty
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP
Close Heal Self Shield Heal Target Ext WB 2.5
team Target

0 SP 0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Heal Self
Shield Close
Ext WB 4
Self Recoil
0 SP 0 SP
0 SP 1 SP
Heal Shield
2 SP Far Papoz Invasion 4
Spread Self
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Drain Shield
Rando Heal Self Strong
Brimstone WB 5
Target Self
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP 2 SP Hit
Close Shield Drain Weak all Brimstone WB 3.5
Self Target
1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 0 SP
Rando Heal Self Drain Heal Drain Turkey Invasion 4
Target Spread All
1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
Close Shield Strong Weak Heal R6 5
Self Spread

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Target Weak
Brimstone WB 1.5

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Target Rando Weak
Orlag, R2, dngs 2.5
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
Close Heal Self
Papoz Invasion 1


ling based off your character. Rarity

t for a quick judgment. Mythic



ments. it's often not worth the hassle.

Suggested 7270 ← Edit in your TS to scale the Stats


- "Bait" familiars and players are those built like a Tank, but with lowest Stamina than the

rest of the party, so that enemy AI will address Hit Weakest and Target skills to them.

-- A perfectly augmented +5 S tier Bait can front tank as good as Tanks (or even better).

Baits aren't mandatory except for the last D3, and, if not well set up with augments,

New! they're frail and not as good as frontline, so evaluate your grind before diving into

-- fusing them, especially since most are Tier10+ and need a mandatory +5 stable level.

+ Once perfectly set and stabled at +5, they're end-game for both Dps and Tank players.

Rating Difficulty Skills

Divide Heal among those

S 1 Hit Leftmost Enemy who need the most

Hit the X Leftmost

A 2 Enemies Heal Chosen target.

Heal Each team member

B 3 Hit ALL Enemies
by the same amount.

Same as Above ones, but

C 4 Hit Chosen enemy with Shield

Hit Enemy with Resurrect chosen party

D 5 Lowest current member. Usable Once.

Hit Rightmost Heal yourself by how

Enemy much damage it dealt.
Hit Enemy with
Highest current

Hit a
Laser-like skill,
composite multi
ut with lowest Stamina than the

est and Target skills to them.

od as Tanks (or even better).

not well set up with augments,

r grind before diving into

a mandatory +5 stable level.

r both Dps and Tank players.

DPS Rating Bonus

22.5% Dmg, +10%

Melborg S++ Dmg Conditional 3310 1655

30% Crit,
Oeviss S+ 17.5% DualStrike 3213 1607

30% DualStrike,
Chedzun Aiki S 1% Quad 2249 1968

25% Empower, 5%
KAL 9000 S DualStrike 2796 1526

60% Attack
Capt.GladBeard S- Team on hit 60% Crit 4579 1269

40% Crit 7.5%

Dagdanos S- Team enrage 4418 1422

30% Crit, 15%

Drazig A+ Empower 2924 1783

Korgz A+ 30% DualStrike 3181 1269

Walkom A 30% Empower 4732 1526

60% Attack
Blumby A Random on hit
30% Dmg 3944 1904

60% Attack
Twimbo A Weak on hit
60% Crit 3816 2547

22% Dual Strike

Lord Daspinor A- 2% Quad 2490 1928

Ragmar A- 60% Crit 4322 1398

The Master B+ 30% Empower 2410 1912

Remruade B+ 60% Crit 2547 2290

X4-Happuff B+ 60% Crit 4732 1526

60% Attack
Mowhi B Weak on hit 30% Damage 4121 1269

Chefoz B 60% Crit 2924 1269

Skubby B- 30% Damage 3687 1783

15% Empower,
Lardoz B- 15% DualStrike 3374 1880

60% Attack
Gobbon B- Weak per turn
30% Empower 2972 2113

60% Attack 15% DualStrike,

WizBot B- Team per turn 15% Empower 3053 1269

60% Attack
Raleib C+ Weak per turn
30% Speed 2707 1197

22.5% Damage,
Gengie C +10% Damage at 2105 1269
full hp
60% Spread
+300% Crit
Blimb C HealShield on Damage 2924 2796

Robby C- 60% Crit 2972 2113

+300% Crit
Wemmbo D Damage 3816 1526

60% Hit Team 30% Damage, 5%

Astamus S++ on hit Skill Dmg 3735 1335

60% Crit, 3% Team

Drenath S Enrage 3335 1599

15% Empower,
Melvitron A+ 15% DualStrike, 3519 1919
+Random DMG

30% Empower,
Walogdr A+ 0.5% Quad 4958 1599

10% Hit Team 30% Crit, 30%

Daking A on hit Damage 2879 1599

60% Spread 30% Damage, 3%

X5-T34m B Shield on hit Ricochet 3999 1999

30% DualStrike,
K4L3ID0 B 1% Quad 2399 1735

22.5% Empower,
Encherzog A Hit All When First 2842 1137

18.5% DualStrike,
Reaplicator A- 1% Quad 2761 1381

15% Empower,
Flunder A- Deflect 1st hit 4596 1730
15% Speed, +10%
Paula B nearby SP Regen 2071 1381

Quirk B 45% Crit 2988 1381

Cuerade B- 45% Crit 2298 2071

Brimbino C+ 45% Crit 1381 2071

Pargz C 22.5% Dual Strike 3216 1153

11.25% Emp,
Chelf C 11.25% DualStrike 2639 1624

(Epics with 0-1Sp heals or embedded defensive

passive won't be considered as DPS)

Skillset (Soon) Location
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1 SP 2 SP
2667 Weak Rando Target Heal Weak Melvin WB
+Rand 5x Spread

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
2812 Closer 3
Closer 4
Drain Drain Battle Bard Exped.
2x All Target
0 SP 2 SP 2 SP
0 SP
3414 Weak 2x
Strong 1 SP Far Drain Drain Brimstone WB
2x All Target
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Far 1 SP
3310 Weak Target Close
Target Ext WB
+Rand 2x Recoil Recoil
2 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1783 Close Closer 2 Drain All Heal Target Idol Exped
Spread Recoil
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP Hit
1767 Rando Weak 2x Close Heal Self All Turkey Invasion
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP 2 SP
2924 Close Target Heal Weak Rando Nether WB
Recoil Target

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
3181 Close Target Close
Heal Drain R1,R2,Dungeons
Target Close

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
1374 Close
Target Rando Weak
Orlag WB, R2, dngs

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
1783 Close Rando All Target
Jammie Exped

1 SP
0 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
1269 Close
1 SP Far
Hallowed Exped

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
3213 Strong Target
Heal 1 SP Far
Close 2x
Turkey Invasion
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP 2 SP
1912 Close
Target Heal
Weak Rando
Nether WB
Recoil Target

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
3310 Close Weak Rand Closer 2 Target
Ninja Invasion

1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 2 SP
2796 Close 1 SP Far Heal Target Heal R1, dungeons
Target Team

0 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP 2 SP 2 SP
1374 Rando All Drain Closer 2 Rando R8, dungeon

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
2241 Close Target Closer 2 Weak All Idol Exped

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
3438 Close Target Closer 2 Close
Heal Papoz Invasion

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
2161 Close
Target Shield Heal
R8, dungeon
Recoil Team Spread
2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
2378 Close Target Closer 2 Close Heal Zombie Invasion
1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 2 SP Hit
2547 Close
Target Close All
Inferno Exped
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 2 SP 2 SP
3310 Close Drain Heal Weak Rando Idol Exped
All Spread

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
3727 Close
1 SP Far
Inferno Exped

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Far 1 SP
4258 Close Shield Close Recoil Target R7
Self Recoil Recoil

0 SP 1 SP Far 1 SP Hit 1 SP
1912 Close Recoil All Rando Jammie Exped

2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
2547 Close Close All Heal Target Any dungeon
1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP
2290 Close Close Heal Target Drain R2, dungeons
Spread Close

1 SP 2 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP
2927 Close 2x
Drain All
Weak Close Idol Exped
2x Recoil Recoil
2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
3063 Close Weak 1 SP Far Rando Target Nether WB
1 SP 1 SP
0 SP 0 SP 1 SP Far
2559 Close Closer 2
Target Melvin WB
Recoil 3x
1 SP 2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
1439 Close
Weak Rando
Close Orlag, R1, R2, R3, ...
Spread Recoil

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
3519 Weak Heal Self
Target Heal
Close 6x
Battle Bard Exped
2x Spread

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
1999 Close Far+2x Weak Rando All Hallowed Exped
Rando 3x
0 SP 0 SP 0 SP 1 SP
1 SP Far
3863 Weak Heal Shield Heal Recoil Ext WB
+Rand Spread Spread Target

1 SP

1 SP 1 SP 2 SP
0 SP
2842 Close 2x Target Weak Drain R8
Recoil Recoil All

0 SP 0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
2761 Close Weak Far+3 Weak Ext WB
Rando Recoil

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP 2 SP Hit
577 Close Rando Closer 2 All R6
0 SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP
3451 Weak Weak Weak Weak R7

2 SP
0 SP 1 SP 3 SP
2534 Close Target
Rando Z3D3
2 SP
0 SP 3 SP
2534 Close 1 SP Far Heal Target R1, Z1D3

0 SP 1 SP Hit 2 SP
3451 Close
1 SP Far
All Target Hallowed Exped

0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
2534 Close Target Rando 2 SP Far R3

1 SP
0 SP 1 SP 1 SP
2639 Close Weak Close Drain X-M4S invasion
Grind Difficulty Suggested 7270 ← Edit in your TS to scale the Stats

3.5 ++

3 DPS Familiars aren't mandatory as Tanks and Healers, but they offer a gr

3.5 + the winning factor in PvP (especially with Offensive passives that ignore e

4 - If you're set with the other more important familiars, do consider to farm

4 - These are ranked by Damage output. A Quirk does have same or better da

2.5 + New! Remruade being a better familiar overall, because she's also a great heale


2 + Considerations:

2.5 + -STATS are shown at +5 Stable level. Modify the TS cell to show an accur

3 -Check notes attached to each cell for explanations, including fami

3 -The way augment works, with good augments a +4 Epic is better than a

3 - New! -Ratings are not relative to the familiar's rarity. one B epic is better than

3.5 - -Not useful familiars won't be added. if you can't find it here, it sucks.

3.5 - -Before committing to Difficulty 4 and 5 familiars, be sure to check the r

2 + -Expedition's familiars might have been graded higher difficulty due to n

5 --

3.5 -

5 -- Legend
3.5 - Rarity Rating Difficulty

4 Mythic S 1

4 - Legendary A 2

4 -- Epic B 3

4 -- C 4

3 - D 5

4 --

2.5 --

5 --

4.5 --

4.5 --

5.5 --

4.5 --

4.5 --

5 --

1.5 +

1 +

1.5 -

1 ++

1.5 +



ur TS to scale the Stats

ry as Tanks and Healers, but they offer a great Damage output, which often is

cially with Offensive passives that ignore enemy Defensive bonuses).

e important familiars, do consider to farm some good PvP Familiars.

utput. A Quirk does have same or better damage output than Remruade, despite

iar overall, because she's also a great healer and backline. this is a pure DPS rank.

e level. Modify the TS cell to show an accurate scaling based off your character.

ch cell for explanations, including familiar's Portrait for a quick judgment.

h good augments a +4 Epic is better than a +2 Legendary.

e familiar's rarity. one B epic is better than one C legendary.

added. if you can't find it here, it sucks.

ty 4 and 5 familiars, be sure to check the requirements. it's often not worth the hassle.

have been graded higher difficulty due to not being always available to farm.

Divide Heal among

Hit Leftmost Enemy those who need the

Hit the X Leftmost Heal Chosen target.


Heal Each team

Hit ALL Enemies member by the same

Same as Above ones,

Hit Chosen enemy but with Shield

Hit Enemy with Resurrect chosen

Lowest current party member.
Health Usable Once.
Heal yourself by how
Hit Rightmost Enemy much damage it
Hit Enemy with
Highest current

Hit a RandomEnemy

Laser-like skill,
composite multi hits
Flag Helper
Some Flags have a huge difficulty jump from the previous, and often bottleneck players from their next tier.
Any flag not listed here can be considered as Passable by upgrading your Ts (gear or level), familiars or pet(non guild, d
Earlier flags used to be more problematic, but with the addition of Mounts and Augments, it's just a matter of time befor
Good thumb rule is to Manual the pre-boss encounters, reaching boss with as much shield, health, SP available as possib
All flags are easy with enough Ts and stacked familiars, but these hints will help you if you're under-geared.
Tanks have an easier life passing flags, so this guide is mostly for Dps players who needs to adjust familiars and tactics fo
I'm supposing you don't have Legendary fusions at this points, as they make the flags way easier and are always a better
Resurrection pets usually sucks and are OK only for these specific flags, so Tryke is the best value/honor pet to get. Don

Z6 Chewy Strong hitter with an unforgiving 1sp Hit weakest, but quite Frail.
For Tanks, just lower your health so that you're the only Target, and brings one DPS and one healer fam
For DPS: find and equip an Axe/Hammer, get a non-meatshield tank (offtank, like yobo) and a 'resurrec
Equip the resurrection pet only at Chewy's, and be the lowest stamina member of the party.
Your objective is to kill Chewy very fast with Sp1 Hit Closest from the Axe, cheese resurrection while y
Example: Off-tank(Like yobo), You(with an axe, luvboi and lower health), DPS (like Quirk, Velk, Jacked, Pa

Larzhul Hard hitter with sp1 Heal that can out-damage you and kill you by attrition. Devastating 2sp Hit F
For Tanks, brings an heavy hitter weapon like Axe and at least one DPS familiar to kill the boss before h
As for DPS, brings an Axe/Hammer and bruteforce your way with Hit closest. Kill the 2 Negrim standin
A few lucky crits is all that matter. a Beefier backline can survive Larzhul's 2sp. a more meatshield Tan
to kill the boss faster as possible, focusing him with Hit closest and your healer's offensive moves, if the
Example: Fat tank (Shrampz, Tealker), You(axe), DPS/healer (preferably a non frail one).

Z7 Gooz This guy's Nightmares. the 1sp Hit random with those offensive stats is terrifying. Very frail boss,
Tanks will see their back familiars shred to pieces and must rely on high Redirect and tankiness to kill
Dps players need a tailored tank familiar, better with deflect (like Ulairus), and high damage weapons.
Equip a resurrection pet before the boss to cheese in some luck if you ever get killed before your tank.
A few lucky deflects and resurrects can grants you victory, but due to Random hit, it's very rng depend
Again, Axe is suggested, it usuallt sucks having no Targeted skills, but the hit closest does holes to lonel
Example: Tank (possibly with deflect, like Rolace or Ulairus), You(Axe and luvboi), DPS/Healer (Velk, Clav

Brimby Sp1 damage furthest with solid damage and not as frail as the aboves. 2sp Dama
Can be a nightmare if you have very frail healers as backline. An high redirect can help tank players, an
Dps players might want to re-spect higher stamina, equip heavy sustain pets, weapons (like staves) and
If you have a Defensive accessory, you could put it on just for the boss fight to soak the Hit furthest nuk
Deflect tanks also helps a lot, since they're not taking as many hits as the backline.
Setting yourself as pseudo-offtank helps a lot, both stat and accessory wise.
Example: Ulairus/Winslobo, heavy healer (Velk, Clavid), you(with tank stuff)

Z8 Findle Offtank with great heal and damage weakest, can out-damage your heals and he
Using beefier familiars as Tank and having high redirect helps, especially with high damage familiars.
Not the worst flag, but the huge TS jump might need to adjust your tactics.
Off-tanks will perform better than meatshield, if you manage to reach Boss with your tank's life lower t
you can exploit this to 'bait' findle attacks all on the tanks, which should survive easily, and kill him eas
Example: Offtank (Ulairus, Yobo), Dps/Healer, You

Candelabros Speedy hitter, with an sp1 hit strongest that can put your tank on the knees easi
There's two well considered approaches: a somewhat beefy Deflect tank, or a Meatshield.
Candelabros hits hard and doesn't go down as quickly as others. He always hit your
party member with the most health. So consider lowering your health enough to not
get one-shot, but much lower than your tank so candelabros won't reach you.
Potion on your tank when you or the third member get hit.
This extreme stamina change is encouraged as you want as much power as possible to kill him fast.
If you tank gets lower than you and your this, you're toast.
Don't use 100% potions on you or third member as you could get one-shot with a bad crit.
Example: Winslar, You, Velk

Z9 Boss varies, not that hard, mostly needs Ts.

You can check the Wiki for each Boss' skillset and see if how you can adjust:
> Beef up your backline, in case of hit furthest. Can even bring an off-tank for the last position.
> Use an off-tank over a meatshield tank if there's no 1SP Hit Closest, prefer a meatshield for Hit Stron
> If you have a strong enough offtank, raise your stamina above his / keep him below yours against Hit
>go ham, maybe bring a Dps over an healer, for frail enemies who can out-heal your damage.

Z10 Elel Hard hitting, 1sp hit weakest

Very similar to Larzhul, except has no heals, and requires a similar strategy.
At least 4k to 4.5k Ts suggested, Axe and spear go-to weapons for dps to kill the boss before he ki
A bait familiar greatly helps alongside team shield/heal to mitigate the AoE damage.

Blori 1sp hit All and Spread heal

Tanky, low damage, easy to defeat. You shouldn't have much issue in heal off his damage and damage h
If you struggle against him, you're far below in ts and won't have much chances against the other f

Knigmane 1 sp Hit weakest and Hit all

Beefy dps, hard to take down despite having a good damage and AoE.
A Bait familiar and Team heal/shield pets/augments immensely help.
Lacking a bait familiar, low Ts players can use 2 off-tanks and set their stamina above theirs, OR le
Avoid split damage, focus on one target each.
Lots of Hit weakest in this flag, not having a bait is gonna be rough and requires a lot of healing to get th
(thanks to Awthorne)
m their next tier.
familiars or pet(non guild, defensive one) and accessory (offensive one for DPS)
t's just a matter of time before you can easily ace them.
health, SP available as possible (can save shrines for the boss fight).
re under-geared.
adjust familiars and tactics for specific hard flags.
asier and are always a better option than rare/epics, unless they're 0 vs a +5 full augment epic.
value/honor pet to get. Don't waste everything on Luvboi if you know you'll be using it only for one flag.

s one DPS and one healer familiar. Kill him ASAP, don't waste on healings.
nk, like yobo) and a 'resurrection pet' (the honor buyable ones).
mber of the party.
cheese resurrection while your familiars output lots of damage.
PS (like Quirk, Velk, Jacked, Pargz)

by attrition. Devastating 2sp Hit Furthest if you're unlucky.

miliar to kill the boss before he can spam heals.
est. Kill the 2 Negrim standing in front of the boss first.
s 2sp. a more meatshield Tank is advised as you're sacrificing Sustain
ealer's offensive moves, if they have any. Very luck based.
non frail one).

stats is terrifying. Very frail boss, RNG fiesta.

Redirect and tankiness to kill them.
, and high damage weapons.
r get killed before your tank.
dom hit, it's very rng dependant and might take more tries.
hit closest does holes to lonely bosses.
uvboi), DPS/Healer (Velk, Clavid, Omo)

ail as the aboves. 2sp Damage target might crit one-shot your middle man.
rect can help tank players, and manual-switch the two backs.
ets, weapons (like staves) and familiars and stay in the back.
t to soak the Hit furthest nukes brimby throws.

-damage your heals and heals off all your damage easily.
with high damage familiars.

s with your tank's life lower than anyone in the party,

urvive easily, and kill him easily.

your tank on the knees easily.

or a Meatshield.

s possible to kill him fast.

t with a bad crit.

tank for the last position.

er a meatshield for Hit Strongest
him below yours against Hit Weakest
-heal your damage.

to kill the boss before he kills you.

off his damage and damage him more than what he can heal himself.
chances against the other flags.

stamina above theirs, OR let your tanks get hit before the boss, as their life drop as Bait.

quires a lot of healing to get through.

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