Mulholland 1999
Mulholland 1999
Mulholland 1999
ABSTRACT: Construction projects are initiated in complex and dynamic environments resulting in circum-
stances of high uncertainty and risk, which are compounded by demanding time constraints. This paper describes
a systematic way to consider and quantify uncertainty in construction schedules. The system incorporates knowl-
edge and experience acquired from many experts, project-specific information, decision analysis techniques, and
a mathematical model to estimate the amount of risk in a construction schedule at the initiation of a project.
The model provides the means for sensitivity analyses for different outcomes wherein the effect of critical and
significant risk factors can be evaluated. The paper focuses on lessons learned from past projects and describes
a risk assessment process involving typical inputs and expected outputs. The paper also briefly reviews the
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information technology of HyperCard and Excel, which were used to develop the system.
The complex characteristics of major construction projects
Sr. Engr., New Brunswick Power, 515 King St., Fredericton, NB, have created the need for improved management support, tech-
Canada E3B 4X1; Prin., Janus Consulting, 86 Colonial Heights, Freder-
icton, NB, Canada E3B 5M1.
niques, and tools. Many companies have recognized this need
Assoc. Dean of Engrg. and M. P. Gillin Chair in Constr. Engrg. and and are drawing from their past experiences when developing
Mgmt., Univ. of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, Can- project organizations, selecting management tools, deciding on
ada E3B 5A3. contracting strategy, and developing project schedules. How-
Note. Discussion open until July 1, 1999. To extend the closing date ever, schedule overruns still frequently occur. Past experiences
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of are not being analyzed, synthesized, and corrected sufficiently
Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on April 29, 1997. This paper is part of the Journal
in order to prevent mistakes on past projects from being re-
of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 125, No. 1, Janu- peated.
ary/February, 1999. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0733-9634/99/0001-0008 – 0015/ There is a lack of an accepted method of risk assessment
$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 15664. and management among professionals in the construction in-
TABLE 4. Sample of EXCEL Spreadsheet Used for Modeling Schedule Risk Design Phase
Activity Time Estimate (months) Relative
Engineering importance
risks Importance Confidence Optimistic Likely Pessimistic Expected Variance (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Productivity High Medium 33 37 45 37.7 14 20
Design errors High Low 36 37 40 37.3 1.6 5
Design criteria High Medium 35 37 41 37.3 3.5 12
Note: Expected performance time of the engineering design phase is 37.8 months.
TABLE 5. Sample of EXCEL Spreadsheet Used for Modeling Schedule Risk: Project Performance
other hand, sometimes even small changes will have a dispro- cus and common understanding and perception of the
portionately large effect. project risks and their potential consequences.
2. Modeling uncertainty in a project forces a reexamination
BENEFITS OF USING MODEL of the assumptions and identifies which factors drive
schedule performances.
The scheduling of industrial construction projects can ben- 3. The risk identification process using the HyperCard da-
efit greatly through the extension of traditional project sched- tabase can reduce pessimism and lead to the recognition
uling processes to include an assessment of schedule risk pro- of hidden assumptions.
cess. The following are the significant benefits: 4. The system attempts to achieve a balance between the
precise choice of a project performance time and the im-
1. Use of the HyperCard information system provides a fo- precision in the available information.
the financial agency, the project manager, the designer, the 4. A formalized contingency approach should be used when
constructor, the manufacturers and suppliers, labor, the insur- establishing the performance time estimate for a project.
ance agency, the legal advisor, and the public and regulatory A project’s schedule contingency should provide a rea-
agencies. However, by the time a project moves into the im- sonable degree of confidence that the planned project
plementation phase, the risk takers are forced to manage within performance time can be accomplished successfully.
the strategies and tactics of the owner already in place. There-
fore, it is only from the broad context of the owner’s total Interest in risk assessment is growing. With an increasingly
project perspective that all of the risks associated with a proj- complex and rapidly changing business environment, owners
ect can be identified adequately and solutions proposed. and their contractors are being challenged to manage risk
It is not acceptable to wait for risk to emerge before taking while maintaining control and improving performance. How-
risk management action. A more proactive approach is re- ever, some owners are not familiar with the concepts of risk
quired; it is in the owner’s best interest to undertake a consid- assessment. Therefore, the onus must fall on the construction
eration of potential risks early in the project life cycle (Diek- industry to market the concepts of risk assessment so that all
mann et al. 1988). Unless a project is founded on a realistic owners recognize that the analysis of schedule risk in not just
basis the long-term opportunity for the project to be profitable a cost but rather an investment, in terms of actual money
will be reduced greatly. Difficulties also will be revealed in saved, when resources are used more efficiently and the con-
the following three areas of project control: (1) Project coor- sequence of a delay to the project can be avoided.
dination; (2) budget and time management; and (3) general
administration and supervision.
1. Engineering design
Since 1960, the construction industry has used quantitative • Regulatory, code, and safety
network – based modeling processes to schedule construction • Requirements
projects; the industry has acknowledged that the use of net- • Drawing control process
work scheduling processes has paid handsome results. Not- • Environment impact assessment
withstanding the successes traditional scheduling processes • Location and number of engineering centers
have enjoyed, on occasion they are deficient in meeting the • Engineering resource qualifications and pool depth
demands of construction practice. • Engineering estimate
Traditional planning and scheduling methods such as CPM • Project scope definition
are limited by the assumption that each activity has only one • Early engineering deliverables
possible outcome and will be completed successfully. In re- • Technology
ality, there are multiple possible outcomes for an activity with • Design criteria
different consequences; and this is something that a schedule • Engineering and procurement interfacing
risk analysis can model. Therefore, to produce an effective • Engineering productivity
schedule, a more thorough scheduling process is required with • Engineering resources requirements
a formal recognition and assessment of project uncertainty, • Material substitution procedure
principally, during the conceptual stage of the project. • Site investigation
The computer-based system discussed in this paper is in- 2. Procurement
volved with construction of a time-based model for the as- • Vendor bid greater than estimate
sessment of schedule risk. The system provides a structured • Long lead items equipment and bulk material
approach to identify the sources of risk in a project and based • Identification of equipment and material
on these risks determine the range of schedule outcomes. The • Management techniques and systems
system can assist in improving the effectiveness of the tradi- • Specification changes affecting manufacturing
tional project scheduling processes by (1) ensuring project par- • Vendor quality control
ticipants formally evaluate uncertainty in the internal and ex- • Vendor drawing control
ternal project environment, (2) opening channels of • Warranties
communications, (3) overcoming the deterministic limitations • Procurement document control process
of traditional scheduling processes, and (4) providing an ap- • Manufacturing process
proach to document institutional knowledge and foster orga- • Material management organization
nizational learning. Thus, the use of the system should ensure • Tender evaluation and purchase order cycle
that all projects are planned in a more realistic manner. • Vendor performance
Microcomputer-based scheduling systems are evolving con- • Transportation concerns
tinuously. Extensions to network modeling concepts, such as • Vendor labor problems