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Insulated box and refrigerated equipment with PCM for food preservation:
State of the art
Tanathep Leungtongkum a, b, *, Denis Flick b, Hong Minh Hoang a, Duret Steven a,
Anthony Delahaye a, Onrawee Laguerre a
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, FRISE, 92761, Antony, France
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, UMR SayFood, 91300, Massy, France
Keywords: The use of Phase Change Material (PCM) as a cold accumulator in refrigeration contexts leads to better food
Phase change material safety, food security and energy management. However, applying PCM in real usage still depends on the user’s
Food cold chain experience or a trial-and-error basis. Studies carried out on insulated boxes and in refrigerated equipment
Insulated box
(refrigerated trucks, cold storage facilities, display cabinets and domestic refrigerators) were reported. The in
Energy management
fluence of the studied conditions such as PCM melting point, position, mass of PCM and load, insulation material,
external temperature on air/product temperatures and energy consumption was analyzed. Important parameters
enabling the application of PCM in boxes and refrigerated equipment are the wall insulation and PCM config
uration cited previously. Because of the complex interactions between these parameters, they need to be
considered together with the usage conditions. The relationships between heat exchange and airflow inside the
equipment should be further studied notably in function to the PCM position.
Received 4 June 2021; Received in revised form 22 October 2021; Accepted 31 October 2021
Available online 2 November 2021
0260-8774/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
use of this technology and its relatively low cost, temperature abuse can 2.1. Effect of PCM in insulated box on food quality
be observed, particularly due to insufficient PCM mass and inappro
priate PCM position causing temperature heterogeneity inside the box. The interest of PCM application is to maintain low temperature and
In fact, controlling the product temperature in a closed cavity is complex reduce temperature fluctuations during food transport, which leads to
because of several simultaneous heat transfer modes: conduction, nat better food quality particularly for high perishable products. In the case
ural convection and radiation (Laguerre and Flick, 2010; Rincón-Casado of fresh fruit and vegetable, the product respires continuously during
et al., 2017; Shinoda et al., 2019). These transfer modes are of the same storage, which leads to heat generation. High respiration rate, a major
order of magnitude; thus, it is necessary to take all of them into account factor contributing to the product loss, depends on product (e.g.
(Laguerre and Flick, 2010). strawberry respiration rate is 4 times higher than that of apple) and on
PCM is also used in other cold equipment such as refrigerated trucks, storage temperature (e.g. strawberry respiration rate at 15 ◦ C is 5 times
cold rooms, display cabinets and domestic refrigerators. Here, PCM higher than that at 0 ◦ C) (Chakraverty and Singh, 2001). Numerous
plays an important role, not only in temperature control, but also in studies have shown the interest of Modified Atmosphere Packaging
energy management (Schalbart et al., 2013; Sonnenrein et al., 2015b; (MAP) for the product shelf life extension because the gas composition in
Yilmaz et al., 2020). However, determining the optimal PCM position the headspace (O2, CO2) decreases the respiration rate. X. Zhao et al.
and mass is still the challenge in these applications (Azzouz et al., 2009; (2019) studied fresh strawberry quality change using MAP in an
Pirdavari and Hossainpour, 2020; Schalbart et al., 2013; Yilmaz et al., expanded polystyrene box exposed to ambient temperature at 10 ◦ C and
2020). 20 ◦ C. Three PCM packs, previously froze at − 18 ◦ C for 24 h, were
There are several review articles on PCM classification, properties placed at the top of the box. The results were compared with the current
and improvement (Oró et al., 2012a, 2012b; Rostami et al., 2020; Zhao package (air in headspace) and a control configuration where the
et al., 2020a, 2020b). Many studies on PCM application in buildings, product was directly in contact with ambient air (Fig. 1). It was observed
solar systems, or even in the food industry have been performed (Nie that MAP allowed product weight loss 30% lower than that in current
et al., 2020; L. Yang et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2020a, 2020b). However, package and about 160% lower than that of control after 4 days at 10 ◦ C,
we have not found any review articles dedicated to the use of PCM to this effect was more significant at storage temperature at 20 ◦ C (Fig. 1a).
maintain the desired food temperature throughout the entire cold chain These authors also reported that the combination of MAP, PCM and the
equipment including insulated boxes. For instance, Zhao et al. (2020a) insulated box allows the strawberry quality preservation in terms of
reviewed PCM application in refrigerated trucks, refrigerated containers firmness, color, total soluble solids and global appearance (results not
and insulated boxes. Bista et al. (2018) alone reported the use of PCM in shown). The better quality preservation under this combination can be
a refrigerator. It is important to investigate this subject throughout the explained by first, MAP allows a reduction of product respiration rate
entire cold chain in order to identify any research gaps and enhance the (Fig. 1b) and second, PCM allows low product temperature fluctuation.
efficiency of the cold chain (Costa, 2020) since chilled and frozen These results confirm the interest of the combination of MAP, PCM and
products transport has expanded rapidly in all parts of the world in the insulated box for delivery when the ambient temperatures are not
recent years. A comprehensive review devoted to all cold chain equip well controlled. Gin and Farid (2010) stored frozen meat and ice cream
ment would be useful for food manufacturers and logistics companies. in a domestic freezer without and with PCM (melting temperature
Consequently, the objectives of this review article are firstly to present − 15.4 ◦ C). For meat, these authors reported the reduction of drip loss
the state of the art in the field of food transportation of various product from 17% (without PCM) to 10% (with PCM) after 2-week storage and
types in insulated boxes equipped with PCM (study approaches, tech for ice cream, the average crystal size decreased from 70 μm to 80 μm
niques and main observations). The influence of the insulating material, (without PCM) to 40 μm–50 μm (with PCM). It is to be emphasized that
box design, PCM properties and the external ambient temperature was the higher temperature fluctuation during frozen storage, the bigger ice
analyzed. Secondly, the aim is to report on studies on the application of crystals and lowers the food quality (Oró et al., 2012a, 2012b; Phi
PCM in other refrigerated equipment: refrigerated trucks, cold rooms, molsiripol et al., 2008; Vicent et al., 2019, 2020).
display cabinets and domestic refrigerators where energy management
is the main concern. Finally, a discussion highlights the potential and the 2.2. Type of food product transported
limitations associated with the development of the use of PCM in the
cold chain. Data gaps regarding the complex phenomena involving heat Studies dealing with the transportation of different types of food
and mass transfer, the phase-change process and food engineering are products in insulated boxes with PCM are summarized in Table 1. Out of
also discussed. 16 studies, six of them focused on meat and fishery products since these
products are extremely sensitive to temperature changes during trans
2. Insulated box with PCM portation and storage. As PCM, ice packs were placed on top of the
products in several experimental and numerical studies: haddock fillets
There are various complex phenomena involved in an insulated box (Margeirsson et al., 2011), cod fillets, (Margeirsson et al., 2012), New
with PCM: heat conduction inside the product, PCM and the walls of the Zealand terakihi (Navaranjan et al., 2013), horse mackerel (Laguerre
box, heat convection between the air and the product/PCM inside the et al., 2018), and sardine (Laguerre et al., 2019). X. Zhao et al. (2019)
box and between the external air and the box, radiation between walls, investigated strawberry fruit transportation using an insulated box with
the phase change process and food quality evolution. Standard solutions PCM. There were fewer studies dealing with fruit and vegetable trans
cannot be widely applied as all these phenomena are impacted by the portation by means of insulated boxes equipped with PCM. This may be
type of product itself, the operating conditions (external temperature due to the fact that fruit and vegetable are not as perishable as meat
and duration), the box dimensions, the type of PCM (latent heat, heat products, thus, they are less sensitivity to temperature abuse (Commit
capacity and melting temperature), its quantity and its position in the tee, 2014). However, it could be valuable to investigate such applica
box. The objectives of this section are to describe the existing studies in tions as higher demand for fresh tropical produce from cold climate
terms of the product quality (Section 2.1), type of product transported countries has emerged recently (ICI Business on behalf of Centre for the
(Section 2.2), box design (Section 2.3), PCM characteristics (Section Promotion of Imports from developing countries, 2020; Loria, 2021).
2.4), operating conditions (Section 2.5) and influence of each factor in Delivery in an insulated box offers flexibility as it is possible to
application and modeling (section 2.6) to identify the overall findings as transport different types of products simultaneously (Ndraha et al.,
well as the knowledge gaps. 2019). Paquette et al. (2017) studied a system with a mixed load con
taining food cans, vegetable packs and meat packs using gel packs, but
the focus of this work was the temperature of meat and vegetables, as
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
Fig. 1. Evolution of (a) product weight loss and (b) product respiration rate of a strawberry packed in an expanded polystyrene box with PCM. A = MA pack (10%
O2, 0% CO2), B = air pack and C = Control (product directly in contact with ambient air). (Adapted from X. Zhao et al. (2019)).
these products are more sensitive to temperature abuse than food cans. beakers of water were placed in a box. They found that the rate of
However, greater care is needed during transport of several types of temperature increase was 20% lower in the box with 4 beakers, can be
perishable products in the same box since they require different optimal explained by the higher product inertia in comparison with 1 beaker.
temperatures. Temperature abuse may affect the final quality of sensi However, a higher load quantity may lead to a lower cooling rate if the
tive products (Paquette et al., 2017). load is not previously chilled before packing, and this causes deterio
Kozak et al. (2017) and Paquette et al. (2017) investigated liquid ration in quality. Laguerre et al. (2018) indicated that the greater the
foods such as bottles of water and beakers containing water, respec thickness of a stack of fish in the box, the longer the cooling duration.
tively. East and Smale (2008) and East et al. (2009) studied beverage The load type also impacts the temperature profile because of
cans because they could be considered as lump objects without internal different thermal properties. Kacimi and Labranque (2019) studied the
heat transfer resistance via numerical modelling. These authors used effect of the load using an empty bag (lower thermal inertia) and a bag of
numerical models for the box design optimization: the material and water (higher thermal inertia). They noted that by using bags of water,
thickness of the box and dividers between the product and the PCM the temperature could be maintained for a longer period of 131 h
below, PCM type and thickness and initial product and PCM compared with 115 h for empty bags.
The two remaining studies were conducted on an empty box to
2.3. Insulating material and box design
clearly determine the impact of system design: insulating material, PCM
position, melting point and compartment volume (Du et al., 2020;
Reducing heat flux by using an insulating material is essential (Singh
Xiaofeng and Xuelai, 2021). As shown in Fig. 2, the more box surface
et al., 2008). Not only the temperature inside the box should be main
covered by PCM, the longer warming time of air at the box center to
tained within a desired range for the longest duration, but temperature
increase from 0 ◦ C to 8 ◦ C (Du et al., 2020). This was due to greater heat
fluctuations should also be reduced, especially when the external
exchange area between the PCM and internal air, thus, greater cooling
ambient temperature varies, as is often observed in the supply chain
capacity. It was observed that the PCM placed at the top and the bottom
(Fioretti et al., 2016). Low thermal conductivity rigid materials have
of the box gives almost the same warming time.
been used above all, for example, expanded polystyrene and poly
Some authors investigated the effect of product quantity on the
urethane (East and Smale, 2008; Kacimi and Labranque, 2019; Mar
thermal behavior of the box equipped with a PCM. Elliott and Halbert
geirsson et al., 2011). Many studies have shown that a change in the
(2008) reported that a higher load quantity increases the thermal
insulating material significantly impacted the temperature profile and
inertia, and thus generates a different temperature profile. It is to be
product quality (Du et al., 2020; East et al., 2009; East and Smale, 2008;
emphasized that the load quantity and the arrangement were varied
Kozak et al., 2017; Margeirsson et al., 2011). For instance, Margeirsson
simultaneously in the experiments. Thus, it was difficult to highlight the
et al. (2011) reported that the average rates of fish temperature rise were
influence of these parameters separately. Paquette et al. (2017)
0.51 ◦ C/h and 1.41 ◦ C/h using expanded polystyrene and corrugated
compared the temperature profile when one beaker of water and 4
plastic, respectively. Kozak et al. (2017) showed that an optimal
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
Table 1
Summary of studies using PCM in insulated boxes.
Reference/Product PCM (melting point)/position Box material (internal Type of the study Main observation(s)
Margeirsson et al. Ice pack (0 ◦ C)/on top of the - Expanded polystyrene (EPS) Experimental and numerical (3D - The warmest position was at the
(2011)/Haddock fillets product (35.6 cm × 22.0 cm x 8.5 cm) CFD) bottom corner
- Corrugated plastic (CP) (37.0 cm - The coldest position was at the top
× 23.0 cm x 8.0 cm) center
- After 6 h, the temperature increase
in EPS and CP boxes was 8 ◦ C and
14 ◦ C, respectively
- Ice pack decreased the product
temperature by around 4 ◦ C but
increased its heterogeneity (up to
8 ◦ C compared with 3 ◦ C in the box
without an ice pack).
Margeirsson et al. Ice pack (− 0.5 ◦ C–0.5 ◦ C)/on EPS with - Sharp corners (35.6 cm Experimental and numerical (3D - The warmest position was at the
(2012)/Cod fillets top of the product × 22.0 cm x 10.9 cm) CFD) bottom corner
- Rounded corners (35.6 cm × - The coldest position was at the top
22.0 cm x 9.0 cm) center
- Fillets in rounded box had a 2 ◦ C
lower temperature difference and a
shelf life that was 2 days longer.
Navaranjan et al. Ice pack (0 ◦ C)/in the center at 6 Boxes with the same dimensions Experimental - The warmest position was at the
(2013)/New Zealand the top of the box (55.0 cm × 37.5 cm x 12.0 cm) corner
terakihi - 3 In-house EPS with 1.0 cm, 1.5 - The coldest position was at the
(Nemadactylus macropterus) cm and 2.5 cm thickness (E10, center
E15 and E25) - Thermal resistance (R) of B2 is
- 1 Commercial EPS box (CE) twice that of B1 but less than CE
- 1 box-in-box using CP with 1.5 and it positively related to the
cm gap (B1) thickness of in-house EPS box.
- 1 improved box-in-box with 2.1 - Fish quality estimated by time-
cm gap and covered with temperature profile related to R
aluminum foil (B2) value of the insulating material
with a coefficient of determination
Paquette et al. (2017)/Water Gel pack (0 ◦ C)/at different Multilayer box in CP box (40.4 cm Numerical (3D heat transfer) with - Use of aluminum foil led to 13%
beaker, food can, meat locations in the box related to × 31.9 cm x 21.5 cm) experimental validation and 10% lower meat and lettuce
pack, vegetable pack and the meat pack: on the side, temperatures (in ◦ C), respectively.
fresh-cut lettuce pack above, below and both above - More gel packs prolonged the time
and below needed for meat to reach 10 ◦ C: 6.0
h (without a gel pack) and 36.6 h (6
kg gel pack).
- The configuration with the gel
pack at the center was the most
- Thermal conductivity of insulation
had the most influence on product
Laguerre et al. (2018)/Horse Flaked ice (0 ◦ C)/top of fish EPS box with 3 cm thickness Experimental and numerical (1D - The warmest position was at the
mackerel (Trachurus) stack analytical model and 2D CFD) bottom
- The coldest position was at the top
- 2D CFD could predict the cooling
front in the box.
- The cooling time of the bottom
stack correlated with the fish
stack’s thickness.
Laguerre et al. Ice pack (− 0.1 ◦ C–0.1 ◦ C)/top 2 EPS box with different Experimental and numerical (1D - The warmest position was at the
(2019)/Sardine of the fish stack dimensions. analytical model and 3D Finite bottom corner
A: 21.0 cm × 21.0 cm x 17.9 cm Element Method or 3D FEM) - The coldest position was at the top
with 1.8 cm thickness - 1D analytical model could roughly
B: 17.5 cm × 23.5 cm x 15.3 cm predict melting time and highest
with 2.5 cm thickness product temperature.
- 3D FEM could determine
temperature profile more
accurately, particularly under real
X. Zhao et al. Commercial PCM (− 2.0 ◦ C to EPS (29.0 cm × 17.5 cm x 13.0 Experimental - The stored sample packed in the
(2019)/Strawberries − 1.2 ◦ C)/top wall of the box cm) box and PCM had a higher
organoleptic quality than that
without PCM.
- The weight loss of the product
decreased 3% and 10% while the
respiration rate was reduced 22%
and 17% under 10 ◦ C and 20 ◦ C
conditions, respectively compared
with no package.
(continued on next page)
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
Table 1 (continued )
Reference/Product PCM (melting point)/position Box material (internal Type of the study Main observation(s)
Du et al. (2020)/No load PCM (0 ◦ C, 2 ◦ C, 3 ◦ C, 4 ◦ C, Polyurethane (PU) or vacuum Numerical (3D heat transfer model) - A PU box + PCM with melting
5 ◦ C and 8 ◦ C)/5 configuration insulated panels (VIPs) (35.5 cm with experimental validation points of 2 ◦ C and 8 ◦ C gave the
- 100% top (A) × 21.5 cm x 26.5 cm) highest cooling time (9.6 h) and
- 20% each side and top (B) lowest cooling time (2.1 h),
- 25% each side (C) respectively.
- 20% each side and bottom - Configuration B led to highest
(D) cooling time (9.6 h) while
- 100% bottom (E) configuration A and E had the
lowest values (around 0.6 h).
- VIPs allowed a longer cooling
duration than PU (up to 36.9 h).
Xiaofeng and Xuelai 2 PCM type: PU and VIP (145 cm × 75 cm x 65 Numerical (3D unsteady model) - The warmest position was at the
(2021)/No load A: 87% n-caprylic acid and cm) divided into 3 compartments with experimental validation top corner of first compartment
13% myristic acid (7.1 ◦ C) for for 1) ambient storage (no PCM), - The coldest position was at the
chilled storage 2) chilled storage at 7 ◦ C–10 ◦ C wall’s surface between second and
B: potassium sorbate solution with PCM A, and 3) storage at third compartment
(− 2.1 ◦ C) for sub-zero − 3 ◦ C to − 1 ◦ C with PCM B with - In the box with 1:1:1 vol ratio, the
storage/4 side walls and a volume ratios of 1:1:1 and 1:2:2. temperature in the second and third
bottom of each compartment compartments was maintained at
the desired range for 15 h and 16.5
h, respectively.
- But it was only 10.8 h, and 11.5 h,
respectively in the box with 1:2:2
vol ratio.
Elliott and Halbert Ice brix® frozen gel pack: 3, 4, Polystyrene (32.0 cm × 32.0 cm x Experiment and transit test to - 3 gel packs gave the desired
(2005)/Small boxes 8 and 16 packs (charging at 24.5 cm) maintain the temperature between temperature range.
containing empty packages − 20 ◦ C)/the wall of the box 0 ◦ C and 8 ◦ C - Placing PCM before product
loading (for 4 h or 24 h) or
preconditioning prevented storage
conditions that were too cold.
- Transporting with 3 gel packs
resulted in acceptable temperature
profiles in all seasons except in
summer, when 4 gel packs were
Elliott and Halbert dry ice (CO2: EPS box (32 cm × 32 cm x 29.5 Experiment and transit test to - The warmest position was at the
(2008)/Small boxes − 78.5 ◦ C)/bottom of the box cm) maintain temperature below top
containing empty packages − 10 ◦ C - The coldest position was at the
- The preferable configuration was
when dry ice was placed closer to
the product with the highest
temperature at − 21.9 ◦ C.
- All transit tests during real
transport yielded good results.
Laguerre et al. PCM (− 0.5 ◦ C)/top, middle Corrugated cardboard insulated Experimental and numerical - The warmest position was at the
(2008)/Cartons of several and bottom of the container with polystyrene plates (108 cm (excitation-response model) middle of the side wall
product units × 72 cm x 137 cm) - The coldest position was at the
bottom center
- The model was validated and able
to predict the product temperature
inside the container exposed to a
variable ambient temperature
when the PCM was not completely
Kacimi and Labranque - Organic PCM (5 ◦ C)/all box VIPs with 15 L, 27 L, 40 L and 64 L Experimental - The warmest position was at the
(2019)/Empty packages faces top
and water bags - Inorganic PCM (21 ◦ C)/ - The coldest position was at the
bottom, top and two opposite bottom
sides - Organic PCM could withstand cold
better than warm conditions when
the inorganic PCM could perform
- The boxes with 27 L and 40 L
volumes were more efficient than
the other two box sizes.
Kozak et al. (2017)/Water Salt solution (− 10 ◦ C for small Cardboard box (external Experimental and numerical (1D - The warmest position was at the
bottle box or − 33 ◦ C for big box)/in dimensions: 32 cm × 25 cm x 25 analytical model) top
bottles placed inside the box cm – small; and 50 cm × 50 cm x - The coldest position was at the
50 cm – big) with insulating bottom
material fitted with the bottle - Changing Biot number from 1 to 4
did not markedly affect the melting
- Melting time was affected by the
ratio between the thermal
(continued on next page)
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
Table 1 (continued )
Reference/Product PCM (melting point)/position Box material (internal Type of the study Main observation(s)
Fig. 2. Influence of PCM position and surface area in an insulated box on warming duration defined as the duration during which the temperature at the center of the
box rises from 0 ◦ C to 8 ◦ C (Adapted from Du et al. (2020) for a polyurethane box with PCM of 5 ◦ C melting point).
configuration can be reached, which allows maximizing the melting the product temperature by about 2 ◦ C. The combined effects of wall
time of the PCM. The ratios of insulation and PCM thicknesses and their emissivity and wall thickness on box insulation was studied by Navar
thermal conductivities are the determining factor of this optimal con anjan et al. (2013). These authors pointed out that replacing perpen
dition (allowing longest period at low temperature). dicular spacers (with a 15 mm air gap) with double fluted spacers (with a
The insulation is reinforced when vacuum panels are used (Kacimi 21 mm air gap) and metallizing the surface led to 102% greater thermal
and Labranque, 2019). This can be explained by the fact that the thermal resistance.
conductivity of vacuum panels is very low, and these panels thus provide In addition to the thermal conductivity of the material, box insu
greater insulation capacity (Du et al., 2020). These authors compared lation also depends on its design. Margeirsson et al. (2012) reported that
the effects of polyurethane (PU) and Vacuum Insulated Panels (VIPs) using an expanded polystyrene box with rounded corners helped to
used as insulating materials. The authors found that VIPs prolonged the decrease the temperature difference of 2.0 ◦ C between fish at the center
warming duration (defined as the duration during which the tempera and at the corners, while this difference was 4.4 ◦ C for sharp corners and
ture at the center of the box rises from 0 ◦ C to 8 ◦ C) 3.8-fold in com it also led to extending the product shelf life for an additional 2 days.
parison with PU. Another solution to reduce the overall heat transfer This may be due to a lower exchange area at the round corner in com
coefficient consists of covering the surfaces with a low-emissivity ma parison with the sharp corner, so less heat exchange with the environ
terial which can decrease radiation. Paquette et al. (2017) showed that ment occurs. However, the box design should be optimized taking into
by covering the internal surface of the box with aluminum foil to account the useable volume in comparison with the total box volume
decrease the emissivity from 0.8 (without foil) to 0.2 (with foil) reduced and cost (East and Smale, 2008).
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
Heat flow resistance (R value – m2 K/W) is a factor determining the position on temperature profile. Some studies recommended the posi
insulation effectiveness of a box. Singh et al. (2008) and Navaranjan tion of the PCM on the top or side walls because this allows internal
et al. (2013) placed a known quantity of ice in a box, left it in a constant airflow by natural convection, thus generating a more uniform tem
temperature chamber for a certain period to allow the ice to partially perature. The PCM placed on the bottom leads to conduction alone along
melt, then determined the amount of liquid water and calculated the R with greater temperature heterogeneity (Du et al., 2020; Laguerre et al.,
value. Navaranjan et al. (2013) pointed out that there was a good cor 2008). In an insulated box with PCM at the top, middle and bottom,
relation between the R value and the quality of New Zealand terakihi Laguerre et al. (2008) indicated that PCMs on the top of the container
fish stored in insulated packaging. Another method used to estimate heat completely melted within 32 h during an experiment on transport, while
flow resistance of a box is the use of an internal cooling or internal those at the bottom remained partially frozen for more than 72 h, while
heating method (United Nations, 2020). For the internal heating the product temperature reached 21.5 ◦ C at the level of the top layer.
method, a heat resistance (with a known heating power) and tempera A composite box wall with PCM was studied (Melone et al., 2012).
ture sensors are placed in an empty box at locations suggested in the Mixtures of paraffin (melting point 0 ◦ C–10 ◦ C) and cellulose solutions
guidelines and the temperature profile is recorded continuously. When with different concentrations (0%, 25% and 50% w/w) were prepared to
steady state is reached, the difference between the internal/external air obtain cellulose sheets with PCM. It was observed that the maximum
temperatures and the heating power allow the R value to be calculated. cooling period of 87 min was achieved for the sample with a paraffin
The box can be composed of multiple partitions to allow delivery of concentration of 50% w/w.
various types of products with different recommended storage temper Some studies focused on maintaining the temperature of the load
atures in the same box. Xiaofeng and Xuelai (2021) developed an inside the box by placing the PCM close to the most sensitive product
insulated box with partitions making it possible to transport three such as fish and meat (Elliott and Halbert, 2008; Laguerre et al., 2018,
different product categories: no PCM for ambient storage, with PCM 2019; Margeirsson et al., 2011, 2012; Navaranjan et al., 2013; Paquette
with a melting point of 7.1 ◦ C (87% n-caprylic acid and 13% myristic et al., 2017). Paquette et al. (2017) showed that placing PCM at the
acid) for chilled storage and with a PCM with a melting point of − 2.1 ◦ C center of the box provided better efficiency by comparing the duration
(potassium sorbate solution) for storage at temperatures below 0 ◦ C. required for the temperature of meat to increase from 3.5 ◦ C to 10.0 ◦ C.
They reported that this box could maintain the internal temperature It was found that this temperature rise took 32.1 h with PCM at the
within the expected range for each partition for up to 16 h. center and 8.6 h with PCM on the side of the box. They also pointed out
the decrease in the temperature of meat during the initial period when 1
2.4. PCM properties, position and usage kg of PCM was placed on top of the meat and another kg of PCM was
placed on the bottom, whereas this phenomenon was not noticed when
Apart from the insulating material, thermal energy storage using both parts of PCM was combined and added either at the top or at the
PCM is another key factor that maintains the temperature in a shipment bottom due to lower surface area for heat exchange. However, once the
(L. Yang et al., 2021). During transportation, a difference between rec temperature went up, it rose faster and reached 18 ◦ C after a 48-h in
ommended and real product temperatures may occur because of heat terval when the PCM was split into two layers compared with only 15 ◦ C
diffusion from the external ambient into the box, resulting in tempera when all the PCM was placed at the same position.
ture abuse. PCM plays a significant role in cold storage as it allows cold However, placing PCM in an inappropriate position may still lower
diffusion into the system to offset heat diffusion, particularly during its the internal temperature, but causes significant temperature heteroge
melting thanks to high PCM latent heat (East and Smale, 2008; Kacimi neity (Elliott and Halbert, 2008; Navaranjan et al., 2013; Paquette et al.,
and Labranque, 2019; Laguerre et al., 2008). Oró et al., 2012a, 2012b, 2017). For instance, Navaranjan et al. (2013) indicated that the tem
Rostami et al. (2020), and Zhao et al. (2020a, 2020b) have classified the perature difference in a box with an ice pack on top of the product
PCM and fully described its properties. compared with a box with no ice pack was over 5 ◦ C. The load type and
There are numerous thermal energy storage materials e.g. water, salt amount, the operating conditions and the transport constraints e.g.
solution, paraffin (Oró et al., 2012a, 2012b). Various compounds were acceptable limit of product temperature, are the determining factors
applied as PCMs in an insulated box, e.g. ice or an ice pack with a when designing the system.
melting point ranging from − 0.5 ◦ C to 0.5 ◦ C (East et al., 2009; East and The weight of the PCM influences the product temperature profile
Smale, 2008; Laguerre et al., 2018, 2019; Margeirsson et al., 2011, 2012; and should be optimized with respect to the size of the box. Kacimi and
Navaranjan et al., 2013). To achieve a temperature range below 0 ◦ C, Labranque (2019) recommended that a moderate amount of PCM should
Kozak et al. (2017) used salt solutions with melting points of − 10 ◦ C and be applied, since too little or too much PCM decreases the efficiency and
− 33 ◦ C while Elliott and Halbert (2008) studied the system with dry ice causes undesirable outcomes i.e. temperature abuse and chilling injury.
(CO2: phase change temperature = − 78.5 ◦ C). Elliott and Halbert (2005) Xiaofeng and Xuelai (2021) increased the volume of the compartment by
used Icebrix® frozen gel packs which froze at − 20 ◦ C. Commercially 25% while maintaining the same amount of PCM and found that the
available PCMs with various melting points between − 2 ◦ C and 21 ◦ C temperature rose faster in the compartment with a higher volume of
were also investigated (East et al., 2009; East and Smale, 2008; Kacimi PCM (the temperature increased from 0.24 ◦ C/h to 0.41 ◦ C/h). East et al.
and Labranque, 2019; X. Zhao et al., 2019). (2009) also reported that an inappropriate amount of PCM led to tem
Today, there is greater demand for produce from different regions in perature abuse during delivery because the products were either too
the world, hence, long transport duration and fluctuating ambient warm or frozen.
conditions are unavoidable (Loria, 2021). It is challenging to establish a
common guideline for various types of products and transportation 2.5. Effect of the external temperature
conditions, e.g. transportation ranged from 3 h to 96 h under extremely
cold (− 10 ◦ C) or hot (35 ◦ C) conditions (East et al., 2009; Laguerre et al., The influence of the ambient temperature was also investigated as an
2019; X. Zhao et al., 2019). important factor e.g. greater numbers of PCM packs were required
In some studies, a PCM was placed on the internal face of the box or during delivery in summer (East et al., 2009; Elliott and Halbert, 2005;
in the layer between the internal and external walls to compensate for Kacimi and Labranque, 2019; X. Zhao et al., 2019). Although the dif
heat exchange with the ambient. East et al. (2009) and East and Smale ference in heat flux caused by different ambient temperatures is
(2008) placed PCM only at the bottom of the box. Kacimi and Labranque well-known, investigation of the influence of this factor on product
(2019) put PCM at top, bottom and side walls while Laguerre et al. quality is still necessary. East et al. (2009) optimized box design using
(2008) applied ice pack at top, middle and bottom layer of the box. Du different ambient temperature profiles from different seasons and were
et al. (2020) and Elliott and Halbert (2005) compared the effect of PCM able to choose the box material, the wall thickness and the amount of
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
PCM. Kacimi and Labranque (2019) studied two PCMs with different the design of the box and the PCM. For instance, if the box is designed to
melting points under different ambient conditions and recommended transport fruit and vegetables with an optimal temperature range (e.g.
that the PCM melting point should be matched with the ambient con from 4 ◦ C to 10 ◦ C), the temperature heterogeneity might not be crucial.
ditions. It is to be emphasized that the PCM was placed only on the side Hence, there will be more flexibility in the choice of the box material
wall of the box in this study. and the PCM position in box. A specific design is required during
Many studies have investigated the influence of ambient tempera transportation of highly temperature sensitive products e.g. superchilled
ture, either by temperature monitoring during real shipping or by food products (Kaale et al., 2011). These authors reported that tem
temperature recording in a controlled-temperature test chamber. The perature fluctuations lead to ice recrystallization and drip loss leading to
latter case is easier to implement and requires fewer resources. Elliott product quality degradation. East and Smale (2008) and East et al.
and Halbert (2005) and Elliott and Halbert (2008) performed a shipping (2009) optimized insulated box design using a hybrid genetic algorithm
test using long-distance delivery in different seasons generating data to obtain the box with the lowest cost regarding material, transportation
from real situations. Margeirsson et al. (2012) recorded the ambient and penalty due to temperature abuse. They suggested that the boxes
temperature during cod fillet transport from Dalvík to Reykjavík and used in summer should have a thicker insulating material and a larger
further utilized this data for numerical model validation. Navaranjan quantity of PCM to withstand the heat flux from ambient than that in
et al. (2013) reproduced, in a test chamber, the ambient temperature winter while the other factors remained almost identical.
obtained during airfreight from New Zealand to Singapore. The delivery Among the studies examined in our review, several focused on how
between these two countries was considered as the route during which to improve the insulation of a classic box, i.e. a box made of expanded
highest product spoilage rate was observed for international fish exports polystyrene, polyurethane, or a corrugated box by increasing the air gap,
from New Zealand, and the fish shelf life was 4.76 days lower than that adding spacers, vacuum panels and metallizing the surface. The rounded
stored at 0 ◦ C. corner box design was also suggested to deal with temperature hetero
Some ambient temperature profile databases are available for geneity. The methods used to determine insulation efficiency was
member at International Station Meteorological Climate Summary developed by measuring the heat flow resistance (R) value and was
(ISMCS, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992 BAMS … 731578J/ tested in real application. The external temperature and load type and
abstract) or International Safe Transit Association (ISTA, https://ista. mass inside the box were also investigated. The effect of each factor was
org/test_procedures.php) and could be useful for those with no avail described and predicted by basic heat transfer equations. There was
able data (East et al., 2009; Kacimi and Labranque, 2019). substantial evidence proving that the application of PCM could lower
the temperature of the system and possibly improve thermal homoge
2.6. Influence of each factor in application and modeling neity. However, the PCM melting point, the amount of PCM and opti
mization of its position are still necessary to achieve the most efficient
As mentioned above, there are numerous parameters influencing the conditions for each system.
temperature profiles in an insulated box with PCM such as the charac For food transport, there is a lack of field data on what happen to
teristics of box (dimensions, shape of the corners and type of insulating insulated boxes when they arrive the destination. For pharmaceutical
material), PCM (type, quantity and position), product (thermophysical transport, a survey revealed that 79% of customer consider that using
properties, mass and arrangement) and operating conditions (ambient reusable containers for delivery is more attractive than single use ones in
temperature and transport duration). In such complex situations, spite of higher price (Biopharma cold chain logistic survey, 2019). This
physical-based modeling tools can be useful to identify the most sensi statistical data is in agreement with an increase of plastic waste recy
tive factor. Paquette et al. (2017) performed sensitivity analysis to cling by 92% in Europe in 2020 due to the sake of cold chain sustain
determine the most significant factor (external convective heat transfer, ability, (European Association of Plastic Recycling and Recovery
emissivity of food, box and gel packs, the thermal conductivity and the Organisations, 2020).
heat capacity of the insulating material). They reported that the thermal Concerning the box with PCM, it could be possible to apply a similar
conductivity of the insulating material affected the product temperature principle for reusable packaging by improving the logistic organization
profile to the greatest extent. Consequently, this is the main criterion to of return boxes and PCM from the end-user (retailer, final consumer) to
take into account when designing the system. Different types of models the supplier (food distribution center). For example, the development of
can be developed. A 1D analytical model was utilized to gain a general deposit locations and the collection by a transporter in order to mini
perspective of the system and roughly predict useful responses, e.g. mize the logistic costs and environmental impact.
maximum temperature, PCM melting time (Laguerre et al., 2018, 2019).
A zonal model which assumed that each zone has uniform and lumped 3. Cold chain equipment with PCM
properties is also used to acquire a thorough understanding with an
acceptable calculation time for design optimization and temperature Unlike in an insulated box, PCM in refrigerated equipment often
prediction (East et al., 2009; East and Smale, 2008). 2D and 3D heat enables energy management, temperature stabilization, etc. Many arti
transfer of a CFD model (in some cases, convection and/or radiation cles pointed out the capacity of PCM to reduce the compressor operating
were neglected) are described in articles with extensive results such as time, thus lowering energy consumption (Alzuwaid et al., 2015; Azzouz
temperature distribution and profile, PCM liquid fraction and air ve et al., 2008, 2009; Berdja et al., 2019; Ezan et al., 2017; Maiorino et al.,
locity, but this approach requires more computational time and re 2019; Sonnenrein et al., 2015a; Sonnenrein et al., 2015b; Yilmaz et al.,
sources (Du et al., 2020; Laguerre et al., 2018, 2019; Margeirsson et al., 2020). Several studies showed that PCM allows the extension of the
2011, 2012; Paquette et al., 2017). A data-based model, which needs less cooling period following power failure (Ben-Abdallah et al., 2019; Oró
background in physics, is simpler to use. This model represents a simple et al., 2012a, 2012b; Yilmaz et al., 2020). Use of PCM can also decrease
relationship between the input parameters and the intended responses, the temperature of the system with greater homogeneity (Alzuwaid
for example, using the thermal resistance of the insulated box to predict et al., 2015, 2016; Azzouz et al., 2009; Ben-Abdallah et al., 2019;
food quality (Navaranjan et al., 2013). Maiorino et al., 2019; Sonnenrein et al., 2015a).
This complexity also impacts system design. To find the best
compromise between these constraints, the objectives must be clearly 3.1. PCM in refrigerated trucks
identified depending on the application. For example, one might
consider that the criterion is the maximum temperature that can be PCMs with various melting points were applied in the cooling unit or
attained inside the box after a defined duration or the temperature on truck walls, and the studies are summarized in Table 2. To obtain a
heterogeneity within the box. The choice of this objective might impact very low melting point, different types of salts with different
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
and pointed out that the speed needed optimization. In fact, a higher PCM in cold storage facilities is summarized in Table 3.
speed led to a greater distance covered and lowered the PCM cooling PCM can be placed on the wall of the cold storage facility (T. Yang
time due to higher heat exchange. This was probably due to a higher et al., 2017), in some locations inside the building (Schalbart et al.,
external convective heat transfer coefficient and more vibration. They 2013), or near the product (Pirdavari and Hossainpour, 2020). For po
reported that the longest PCM cooling period was 4.78 h in a truck tatoes cold storage at temperatures above 0 ◦ C, Pirdavari and Hossain
moving at a speed of 81 km/h (distance covered: 387 km), but the pour (2020) considered PCM with a melting point between 8.5 ◦ C and
longest distance covered was 491 km in the case of a truck moving at a 9.5 ◦ C. They optimized the melting point of the PCM, the ratio of the
speed of 110 km/h (4.46 h cooling period). weight of PCM to the one of the potatoes and the insulation type. They
indicated that a greater amount of PCM, a lower PCM melting point and
a higher thermal resistance of the insulation triggered, a longer melting
3.2. PCM in cold rooms
time and a lower product temperature. For ice cream, Schalbart et al.
(2013) optimized the melting point of the PCM between − 23.3 ◦ C and
According to the authors’ knowledge, only a few studies have been
− 17.5 ◦ C. They showed that the use of PCM reduced ice crystal growth
conducted on PCM application in cold storage facilities or warehouses,
by 2.7%–9.0% thanks to fewer temperature fluctuations.
although it has been shown that higher product quality can be achieved
T. Yang et al. (2017) and Pirdavari and Hossainpour (2020) reported
using PCM (Pirdavari and Hossainpour, 2020; Schalbart et al., 2013).
that installing PCM fulfilled the gap in energy supply in the case of solar
The difficulty in PCM charging and temperature control in a cold room
energy or a more economical electrical source, which are not available
may be one of the main obstacles to implementation. The application of
all day.
Table 3
Summary of studies using PCM in cold storage facilities.
3.3. PCM in display cabinets
Reference/Type of study PCM (melting point)/ Main observation(s)
its location
The application of PCM in display cabinets is summarized in Table 4.
Schalbart et al. PCM with a melting - From optimization, Pure ice placed near the evaporator was generally used (Alzuwaid et al.,
(2013)/Numerical (1D point that was the melting point of the
2016; Ben-Abdallah et al., 2019; Ezan et al., 2017). Ice with an additive
finite difference equation optimized depending PCM was in the range of
system) of warehouse on the location/post- − 23.3 ◦ C at the storage (melting point − 6 ◦ C to − 2 ◦ C) was placed either near the evaporator or
storage of ice cream for a evaporator, ceiling, tank to − 17.5 ◦ C at the below the cabinet shelves (Alzuwaid et al., 2015; Yilmaz et al., 2020).
period of 90 days with wall, storage tank and walls. Oró et al. (2012a, 2012b) applied commercial PCM (Climsel C-18 and
different PCM positions. product package - Without PCM, the Cristopia E− 21), with melting point of − 18 ◦ C and − 21.3 ◦ C respec
predicted final ice
crystal size was 58 μm
tively, over evaporator tubes located at different shelves of a closed
and there was ±1.0 ◦ C display cabinet. The authors reported that for empty closed display
temperature cabinet, the air temperature rose from − 22 ◦ C to 0 ◦ C within 1.5 h
fluctuation with 13.6 (without PCM), 6.5 h (− 18 ◦ C PCM) and 8 h (− 21 ◦ C PCM). This period
GJ energy
extended when display cabinet was loaded by test product: 11.5 h
- Predicted final ice (without PCM), 15.6 h (− 18 ◦ C PCM) and 21.5 h (− 21 ◦ C PCM), as
crystal size was 53 μm illustrated in Fig. 3. These results demonstrated the interest of PCM to
with PCM at storage slow down the product temperature when the display cabinet was turn
tank to 57 μm with PCM off, due to machine failure for example.
at the ceiling and the
PCM decreased the compressor operating time by 4%–10% and
fluctuation was only reduced energy consumption by 5.0%–6.4% (Alzuwaid et al., 2015,
±0.01 ◦ C with PCM at 2016; Ezan et al., 2017). In fact, for a given average air temperature in a
product package to cold enclosure with and without PCM; the same quantity of heat has to
±0.76 ◦ C with the PCM
be removed. However, the presence of PCM makes the temperature in
at the ceiling.
- PCM at post- the enclosure more stable, so, a slightly higher evaporator temperature
evaporator and storage can be used. Thus, the COP is increased and the electrical energy con
tank increased the sumption is reduced. In this manner, the heat transfer efficiency of the
energy consumption by cold enclosure can be improved. The amount of PCM or the thickness of
2.2 GJ and 0.7 GJ,
respectively, while at
the PCM slab had to be optimized (Ben-Abdallah et al., 2019). Ezan et al.
other locations, energy (2017) compared the efficiency of PCMs with a thickness varying from 2
consumption was mm to 10 mm and reported that the compressor operating duration was
almost the same as that the lowest with the 6-mm PCM thickness due to appropriate cooling
without PCM.
capacity without significantly obstructing the airflow inside the equip
T. Yang et al. Ice plate (0 ◦ C)/on The upper part was 4 ◦ C
(2017)/Numerical (3D each side of the wall, warmer than the lower ment. The position of the PCM is another challenge in the application
CFD) of cold storage facility the floor and the roof part due to external because PCM in an inappropriate place led to a worse outcome than in a
with a container of potatoes heat convection via the context where no PCM was used. Yilmaz et al. (2020) reported that when
roof which had a heat a PCM was used at the back of a closed display cabinet, the system
transfer coefficient of 5
W/m2 K.
consumed 8% more energy than a system without a PCM due to the
Pirdavari and Hossainpour LiClO3⋅3H2O PCM The greater the delay in cabinet temperature change detection of temperature sensor.
(2020)/Optimization via capsule (8.5 ◦ C, 9.0 ◦ C quantity of PCM, the PCM was able to stabilize the display cabinet for 5 h–14 h longer
numerical study (1D and 9.5 ◦ C)/in a lower the melting point during a power outage (Oró et al., 2012a, 2012b; Yilmaz et al., 2020).
simplified dynamic model cylindrical column of the PCM and the
Ben-Abdallah et al. (2019) mentioned that the internal temperature
which is validated by using placed in the stack of lower thermal
experimental data from potatoes in the cold conductivity of increased by 1 ◦ C in the open display cabinet with PCM during the 2 h
Azzouz et al. (2009)). room. insulation led to a period during which the compressor was not operating compared with
longer melting time and 2 ◦ C in the system without PCM. Adding load into the test system could
lower product prolong this period by 8 h–12 h compared with the empty system as it
increased thermal inertia (Oró et al., 2012a, 2012b).
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
T. Leungtongkum et al. Journal of Food Engineering 317 (2022) 110874
Fig. 3. Test product temperature evolution during “turn off” closed display cabinet (Adapted from Oró et al. (2012a, 2012b)).
temperature from 8 ◦ C to 11 ◦ C after turning off the cooling system) by injury, particularly when a PCM is directly in contact with sensitive
75%–145% (Sonnenrein et al., 2020). products. To avoid this problem, some studies proposed, for instance, to
Frost formation on evaporator was still a challenge since it exerted a precondition the PCM before product loading.
greater effect on airflow than the PCM due to higher thermal resistance The use of PCMs in insulated boxes exerts environmental impacts
(Berdja et al., 2019). Azzouz et al. (2008) pointed out that greater because of the PCM production itself, the production of the insulating
numbers of door openings led to lower PCM efficiency as the PCM did material and the energy consumption required for charging the PCM
not completely melt by the time the compressor restarted and could not before each use, along with PCM waste etc. Consequently, additional
provide full cooling capacity. Maiorino et al. (2019) indicated that an specific studies on these issues may help evaluate the feasibility and
ambient temperature that was 7 ◦ C higher raised energy consumption by sustainability of the use of PCMs. Some progress has been achieved in
38.4%–63.6% although PCM was applied in both conditions. the development of new insulating materials with less environmental
impacts. For example, Jiang et al. (2021) and Khalaf et al. (2021)
4. General discussion fabricated cellulose-based and chitosan-based insulating materials,
respectively. Melone et al. (2012) also developed a composite cellulose
The application of PCMs in the cold chain has been widely studied and paraffin (melting point 0 ◦ C–10 ◦ C) insulating material acting as
with a wide variety of types of equipment. PCMs can be used in com phase change material for transporting perishable products.
plement with cold production in refrigerated equipment or as alterna
tive cooling systems. For example, when refrigeration equipment is not 5. Conclusions and suggested future research
available or the ambient temperature during transportation is not
appropriate, an insulated box with a PCM can be an alternative. It en Applying PCMs in the food cold chain provides several benefits: less
sures a low, stable temperature, and thus preserves food quality. temperature abuse, and thus better product quality and better energy
The incorporation of PCM in refrigerated equipment is mostly per management. To achieve these benefits, many factors should be
formed for energy-management-related purposes. Many studies have considered: insulating material (thermal conductivity and thickness),
been conducted on PCM in domestic refrigerators and display cabinets, PCM type (i.e. heat storage capacity and its melting point), its quantity
but fewer studies have been performed on cold rooms. This may be due and position, load characteristics (load nature, mass and arrangement),
to difficulties related to the controlling and recharging of PCMs. and operating conditions (i.e. ambient temperature and storage and
What clearly appears from the existing studies is the absence of an transport duration). These factors significantly affect the efficiency of
ideal general solution to apply PCM in equipment and boxes as it in the system, especially when PCM is the only cold source (no refriger
volves complex interactions between the parameters of the studied ating machine). Thus, optimization of these factors is necessary in order
system such as the insulating material, the external temperature, the to design the best configuration for achieving the objective of each
product load, the melting point and the quantity of the PCM. application.
To design such a system, experimentally validated numerical studies Modeling is a complementary experimental approach but is more
(CFD or zonal models) can be used to simulate other configurations. complicated to develop. By using modeling, the prediction of results
These models often consider heat transfer by conduction alone, although under unexplored operating conditions is possible e.g. ambient tem
radiation and free convection can exert significant impacts in insulated perature, transport/storage duration, load type and its initial tempera
boxes, especially in terms of temperature heterogeneity. Consequently, ture. Existing models could be improved by acquiring a better
it is important to quantify heat flux by conduction, convection, and ra understanding of the instantaneous heat transfer and airflow in the cold
diation since none of them can be neglected. Therefore, further studies equipment. Knowledge of airflow can be acquired by using innovative
are essential to better understand the relationship between heat transfer optical techniques such as Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and Particle
and airflow by natural convection. Studies on the effect of the load Image Velocimetry (PIV). These techniques are already used for several
porosity on heat transfer by convection and conduction and on the types of refrigerated equipment (refrigerated trucks, display cabinets
impact of the emissivity of walls or product packages on heat transfer by and domestic refrigerators) but are not yet applied to insulated boxes
radiation should be undertaken. with PCM in which the air velocity is very low because natural con
Other concerns in the application of PCMs are related to chilling vection is the driving phenomenon.
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