MC Text English
MC Text English
MC Text English
In the name of Allah, The Most Compassionate and The Most Merciful, peace and
blessings upon our greatest Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Let us start our assembly by imbibing some sense of gratitude towards Allah the
Almighty. Without further ado, we start with Asma’ul Husna.
Next, our assembly will be continued with the recitation of Rukunegara Oath. I
would like to invite ____________________ to recite the oath.
Our assembly will proceed with singing of national anthem, state anthem and
followed by school anthem. Please stand still and get ready to sing.
Without wasting our time, I would like to welcome the teacher on duty for this
week, _______________________ to deliver her/his speech. Please welcome.
Now, with much honour, let’s hear some brilliant speech from our beloved
headmistress/senior assistant, __________________________. Please welcome.
Thank you for the advice. Hopefully, all of us here could learn something from the
beneficial speech.
With that, we have come to the end. I end this assembly with Tasbih Kafarah. You
may dismiss. Thank you, wabilahitaufiq, walhidayah. Assalamualaikum