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Principles 1 and Procedures IWCF Preparation Course ita ) | Basic knowledge II Basic pressure lll Warning signs and indicators IV Shut in procedures V Data to Collect VIKill Methods VIl Fractures and MAASP- VIll_ Generals IX Vertical Kill sheet X Horizontal Kill sheet 1 BOP Stack Configuration. II Diverter system. Ill_ Annular Type Blowout Preventer. IV Ram Type Blowout Preventer. V BOP End Flanges & Ring Gaskets. VI Stab In Valves, Floats & Darts. Vil Hydraulic BOP Control System . | VIlL_ BOP Remote Control Panel. (IX Auxiliaries, X_ Procedure XI_ Instrumentation. “XII Drills. Xill Miscellaneous Equipment. Basic knowledge | Akick is the “displacement of fluid at the top of a well” by an unwanted influx of | formation fluid, which occurs due to a reduction of hydrostatic pressure below °, formation pressure. Ackick that is not recognized, or is allowed to continue, will unload the fluid from the well. When a kick takes place, and it is not recognized, or if no action is taken, it could develop into a blowout. It will blow out the fluid, and hence its name. IF the well unloads from one zone into another formation, its called an "Underground Blowout". Kick:- Its an influx (flow ~ gain) of formation Fluids (water ~ oll ~ gas) into the wellbore. Blowout:- An uncontrolled exit of the formation fluids at the surface or i underground. Primary Control Using mud hydrostatic pressure to prevent formation fluids from kicking. Secondary Control Using BOPs to shut-in the well and control the kicking fluids and restore primary control. EME Cm eine aE Barrier Concept A barrier element is any device, substance or fluid that prevents the flow of formation fluids into the wellbore. - Abarrier is in effect a defense system to avoid or reduce the consequences of accidental well control events * Barrier(s) may be located downhole (mechanical plugs, columns of fluid), topside (valves, plugs, BOPS). * Even if a barrier element is designed to prevent well flow on it own, it must always be accompanied by other barrier elements, In other words two barriers must exist at all times. Barrier elements include: 1- Mud hydrostatic pressure: designed to stop flow but must have another barrier such as BOPS as a back up 2- Mechanical barriers * Casing and Cement * Drill string * BOPs *Wellhead *Deep set tubing plug *Production Packer * Stab-in Safety Valves *Completion String Tubing Hanger Oem en ae Basic knowledge Negative impact and Effects of a Well Control Incident : ‘+ Human Impact: The well may release high levels of H2S and explosives and flammable gases which result in fire injury and death to rig personnel ‘= Environmental Impact: Hydrocarton release of any kind can cause damage to environmentally sensitive areas. ‘Employment impact: A blowout will cause disruption to people employed directly on the rig and indirectly to people providing equipment and services support. ‘= Business Impact: (human and material), loss of sales and reduction in cash flow, contract problems, litigation and usually a drop in the company stock value, ‘ Reputation: A blowout has a disastrous impact on the company public image, especially if the blowout causes human, ‘Asset impact: Loss of rigs, offshore platforms, well(s), large loss of hydrocarbons and possibly severe damage to the reservoir. + Society ‘The loss of the asset is as a loss to the society of a precious finite fuel resource. ‘Claim Impact: Recent blowouts have resulted in large liability claims agzinst the operating company, some are real and some are received. ‘Why itis important for individuals involved ‘well operation to be properly trained and ‘assessed in well control ? choose three ‘A. So they know how to react i there is well, ‘contro! problem. B. So they can earn more money in bonuses. . Soclient wells sre drilled without any Kick. . So shift changeavers take place more effectively. E.So they are more easily promoted, F So their colleagues can rely on them knowing what todo. In the event of an escalating well contro! ‘event resulting ina blowout , identify the ‘potential impaets. choose three answers. A. Loss of life B Financial loss C. Damage to the environment . Loss of fluid into reservoir E.No impact on company reputation Mod eu) Basic pressure Pressure is defined in physics as force per area unit. Pressure in fluids (Hydrostatic Pressure) is_ defined as the pressure due to the unit weight and vertical height of a column of fluid. The total force, which acts on a plane, is divided by the area of the plane. The result is called pressure, The unit for force is pounds-force and the unit for area is square inch, Therefore the unit for pressure willbe pounds per square inches. Note: It is the vertical height/depth of the fluid column that matters, its shape is unimportant. Hydrostatic pressure Hp = fluid density * true vertical depth. m » =a + 12 eh = o0si9se. time inet? “fe » Fallen The constant is 0.051948 and if we round it up, it will be 0.052. P= 0,052 * h ft * density ppg Pressure Gradient:- It is the pressure exerted by ‘one foot of length of a column of liquid. Gradient of liquid is obtained by multiplying the weight measured in ppg by 0.052. PG(psi/ft) = pressure/TVD = 0.052*Mwt(ppg) Doe em cd Pressures System 1. Overburden pressure: s defined asthe pressure verted by the total weight of overlying formations above the point of interest. The total weights the combined weight ofboth the formation solids (rock matrix) and formation fluds in the pore space. The density of the combined weight I eferred to as the bulk density (pb), approximataly cov equals sift. 2. Formation Fluid (Pore) Pressure: Is defined as the pressure of the fluds in the pore spaces ofthe rock. So far it has been assumed that there is a direct proportional relation between formation pressure and fluid density and true vertical depth from the surface, That means that the formation fluid prossure is only affected by the fluid density and the true vertical depth. ‘The influence of the overlying rock formations has so far not been considered. The reason is that incase of a permeable and poraus formation system every single rock particle rests upon or leans up against other particles just bbolow and to the side of it. Therefore the rock structure supports its own weight, and regardless of depth docs not affect the formation fluid pressure, 3. Formation Fracture Pressure (formation strength) Is the pressure required to fracture a glven formation. To fracture the formation, the wellbore pressure must exceed the strength of the rock matrix itself, and then it ‘must exceed one of three principal stresses within the formation. The formation strength is recorded by means Doe em cd Pressures System 4. Mud HyerosatiePresureidetine asthe pressure exerted by a column of the ding fluid, The pressure is a function of the average fluid density and the vertical height or true RLLCOLLARS vercal depth TVD ofthe declan. Mathematically desta pressure empresedas- | | __ ms Ph (psi) = 0.052*density (ppg)*TVD (ft) 5, Mud Cireulation Pressure: (DYNAMIC PRESSURE ) ‘Bump pressute Is defined asthe pressure required to overcome the sum ofthe fiction (press losses) the mud circulating system to circulate the mud down the hola and up tothe surface, The Circulating Pressure During Pump Running Against Formation Equals To Annular Pressure Loss (APL). Equivalent circulating density - defined asthe mud weight equivalent to circulation (dynamic fretlon}, depends on annulus pressure loss, Annular pressure loss affected by flow rate, flow regime, cutting concentration, annular size, and mud shoology (yield point and viscosity). Bottom hole pressure APh. 0052-1v0 ~~ 052 -1VD Doe em cd Ec = Dynamic pressure in the wellbore (Circulating Pressure) Dynamic Pressure (PC) is dependent on three factors: 6. Surge and Swab Pressure:- result from the movement of the drillstring in or out of > Components in the flow system (Flow area, drill string Iiulnele. WHoptigitilie Kilscausty singe length, nozzles size etc) banat » The fluid characteristics (Rheology) while swabbing is the result of pulling out of > The flow rate (SPM, liner size, pump efficiency etc) the hole. Myst? The surge and swab pressures are due the CUBE ROz'= FA» (en piston effect of the movement of the = drillstring in the hole. ‘SPM2\186=: Case2: Pc2 = Pcl * (=) SPM. Excessive surge pressures can cause ‘was _ (spua\2 formation fracture, while excessive Case3: Pc2 = Pci « (™) * (=) swabbing can cause an influx of formation fluids into the wellbore. *(IF SPM down to % pressure down to %) Oem en ae Differential pressure Tn well contro. is defined as the difference Between the formation pressure and the bottomhole hydrostatic pressure. These ae classified as When Kicks Occur? Overbatanced differential pressure tmeans the hydrostatic praccure exerted on the bottom of the holes greater than the formation pressure. Le. HP > FP Underbalanced differential pressure TMT tmeans the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the bottom of the hole Is less than the formation pressure. 1.2. HP < FP PeTireee e Balanced differential pressure means the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the bottom of the hole s equal tothe formation pressure. Le. HP = FP @R) "Necessary overbalance: tts secn that to obtain the highest possible penetration rate the Cegree of overbalance has to be as small as possible. In practice a sufficient overbalance must bbe used to avoid kicks fram taking place. To rill awell underbalanced is dangerous in most parts of the world and s therefore usualy rot practiced in oll well driling Tress However in certain areas whete sufficient data are avalable it s practiced anyway mainly because drilling can take place with a high penetration rate eee Rare t EM OL eae ar ce Trip margin A situation that can bring the well in underbalance is when the drill string is pulled upwards during a connection and when tripping the . string out of the well. The lower Formation part of the drill string acts as a y a" piston that results in reducing the pressure below the string when pulling upwards. esa When the pressure in the wellbore is reduced the formation fluids can enter the well ‘Swab underneath the bit. es EMO eae ace Rate of Penetration versus overbalance break:-An increase in Rate of Penetration (ROP) with constant drilling parameters is called a drilling break. It should be known that a drilling break is an early warning of a kick. If the Driller reacts on the observation by making a flow check the well may still be overbalanced with the pumps stopped, Even that an increase in Rate of Penetration may be caused by other factors than a change in differential pressure, the Driller should always play safe and perform a flow check in order to confirm that the well is in balance. A natural reaction must also be to inform the supervisors of any drilling breaks. CMO om cued Rate of Penetration Fumin a 2000 "AP = Ditterenval Pressure 12 Abnormal Pressure 1) Normal ie equal to the hyorortatcpresute of = column of formation fad exten fom te surface to the subsurface formation, approximately equal to deny of water 34 pps or 46S pa 2) Abnormal (overpressure or gropressure:is defines as any pore pressure that Isreeter than the Idrostatc pressure ofthe formation water accupying the pore space. 3) Subnormal:is dfn as an formation pressure that ler than the corresponding Fu hysrosate ressure ata gven deoth. The rate ofinflueis dependent onthe degree of underbelance and om the formation’ permeability Abnormal Pressure Applications:- 3L-Artesian Well-Whon taking about artccian well, we aro normally talking about water walls here we have a porous sandstone witch has communication to higher laying areas creating abnormal pressure below a cap rock. 2- Under compaction Let us consider that a a particular paticd in a rock fermation's development IR was not possible forthe formation fluds to escape since an impermeable formaton type placed con top prevents ths from happening. Therefore the rock particles can nat be compacted and consolelated suficently to carry the weight ofthe overlying rock. Since the flue trapped in between the parties could not escape the uid will be exposed to compressing forces. “These forces result in an increased formation fluid pressure, which is abnormal atthe given depth. It can be realized thatthe trapped formation Fluid has to carry the weight of the overlaying fermation, along with the formation rock in which is trapped. Ina stuaton such as this the formation pressure wil be greatly afferent from a calculated normal pressure/depth forecast. CMO om cued HORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE AT THE WELL UNTILL BELOW THE CAP ROCK LAKE FROM oa FORMATION. WATER ‘COLUMN POROUS SANDSTONE BELOW CAP ROCK ‘HyDRosTaTIC PRESSURE Abnormal Pressure Transition zones and under compacted shale:- Wherever massive shale formations are found the risk for transition zones and high pressure is present. This is caused by thick impermeable shale restricting the disposal of formation fluid. Due to new sediments are settled on the seabed increasing weight load is exerted on the shale from the formation above. The water, gas or oil trapped within the shale cannot escape. The result is the development of abnormal pore pressures. The terminology under compacted shale is used to indicate these circumstances. The indication of changes in the formation can therefore be observed by the Driller by means of changes in Rate of Penetration, To confirm whether the well is still in balance, the Driller must stop and observe if the well is static. The terminology for this operation is “flow checking the well", ‘SHALE-DBNSITY DECREASES WITH DEPTHAWATER ENCLOSED Abnormal Pressure 3- isolated zone:- If a sandstone formation at 4000 ft depth Is considered it will have a normal pressure of 1860 psi. On account of geological processes the area of sandstone becomes isolated by impermeable rock. Through earth movements the formation moves toa shallower depth of 2500 ft. In this situation the sandstone will retain it's original 1860 q psi pore pressure but he surrounding formation has a pore pressure of 1160 psi Such an isolated zone is called a high-pressure zone or abnormal pressured zone. It may as a er well be the case that the isolated sandstone by earth movements was brought down to. st 5000 ft depth. The normal pressure for $000 ft would be 2325 psi and the isolated ee sandstone area with Its 1860 psi would become a low-pressure or subnormal-pressured zone, 4- Surcharged formations by underground blowouts:- & different reason for abnormal formation pressures are the result of previous blowouts underground. Shallower sands can. become charged as the result of an uncontrolled underground blow out from an adjacent well or from a bad cement job. Even the well has successfully been closed in on surface the pressure from the deeper zone can communicate to the shallower sand reservoir. C When the next wel depth. drilled the abnormal pressure is encountered at the much shallower orca un a Abnormal Pressure 5- Gas cap: Abnormal pressured formations can also develop because of differences in the contained formation fluid and gas densities. The following figure shows an anticline. An anticline is the geological term for an atea of formations which, due to earth movements has been pushed upwards to take a shape like a dome. In the figure the anticline consists of porous sandstone which contains gas. A layer of impermeable shale that prevents the gas from escaping caps the sandstone. The formation surrounding the anticline has a pore content of salt water and a base depth of S000 ft. The formation pressure is considered to be normal. Formation pressure of the salt water bearing rock at 5000 ft will therefore be: PF = 5000 x 0.465 = 2325 psi If the sandstone in the anticline contained salt water instead of gas, the formation pressure at the very top of the anticline would be exactly the same as the formation just above. Pressure @ anticline top = 2325-200=2125 psi end co Drilling TOP HOLE ‘A fault gives a means of communication betwean deeper formations with high pressure and shallower formations. ‘The higher pressure escapes into the shallower formation where an abnormal pressure willbe the result. kicks from shallow sands (gas and water) whilst drilling in the top hole section with short casing strings can be ‘very hazardous, as documented by many case histories. Some of the kicks from shallow sands are eaused by charged formations: poor cement jobs, casing leaks, injection ‘operations, improper abandon ments, and previous underground blowouts can produce charged formations. ‘The shallow gas is harder to detect and handle than deeper gas kicks and there is no BOP and lower fracture gradient, Good drilling practice during driling top hole: 1. Run a conductor pipe and install a diverter system to divert any shallow: 2. onl a pilot hole (.e. 8.5” to casing point, if safe then with hole opener to 17.5") 3. Pump out of hole trip with pumps on a tight hole to avoid swabbing) 4. Control ROP to prevent excess loading with cutting which may fracture the surface formations and cause lost circulation and finally a kick or blowout, Ifa shallow gas occurs the downwind diverter line should be open, and the dlverter activated, maintaining the pump rate or Increasing and keep pumping mud, if there Is no enough mud pump sea water, and If wal ito ‘evacuation should be done keep the pump running CMO om cued i uuraoue Kick Occurrences Kick Occurrences A kick can occur when the formation pressure becomes higher than the hydrostatic pressure that the drilling fluid column is exerting in the wellbore. A kick (influx) can be caused by any of the following: 1 Insufficient driling fluid weight:- The influx of fluid or gas into the wellbore further reduces the hydrostatic pressure, which results in increased flow at the surface land therefore further influx from the formation. The influx into the ‘well bore shall therefore be stopped as rapidly as possible by closing-in the well Usually the mud hydrostatic pressure must overbalance the formation pore pressure (pump light mud — circulate hole clean — loss of barite ~ run into bubble). There are two normal reasons why the formation pressure can || exceed the hydrostatic pressure in the welloore: 1: Pore pressure or formation pressure increase more rapidly than driling fluid weight 2- The drilling fluid weight is sufficient to balance the formation ‘when the wel is full of driling fluid, but when the height of the = Reservoir pressure (f negative check, run back to bottom and circulate bottom up) if positive check, shut-in the wel) The causes of smabbing ar: 5) or BAA fstab, mits crm Catan) balig ‘Swab = b) puting out too fast aunty LAN ¢) high viscosity and ge! strength [Poor driling fluid properties 6) heaving or sweling or small clearance or tight hole and overpull with pumps of). Its recommended to (pump out=pump on: keep purnp running while tip out) CO meu Kick Occurrences, t:-rusos 4- Lost circulation: refers to the situation where the amount of fluid going inte the hole does not equal the amount coming out. Return flow rate decrease or not seen the mud level (fill annulus with water and record volume) (the kick does not always happen after total lost circulation, it depends on level drop and Pf) 1. High dling fu weight 2. Annulus loaded with cuting after an extended period of fast driing. 23. Tp ns (Rt) too fast "surge 4. igh annulus press loss 8 ECD. Lost cirulation:- Overbalance in the well i present when the drilling fluid hydrostatic pressure exerts a higher pressure than the formation pressure. In this situation formation fluids cannot intrude into the wellbore. The reverse can occur whereby drilling fluid will seep into the formation, and lost cculation may be the result. This fs not a desirable situation, If driling fluid seeps into the formation the formation's permeability becomes reduced. When the overbalance becomes t00 large the formation will break allowing large amount ofthe driling fluid to flow into the formation. ‘This situation s called lost circulation When lost circulation has been the result a dangerous situation Is created, The drilling fluid level drops and hydrostatic pressure is lost. When hydrostatic pressure Is lost the formation pressure higher up becomes. Underbalanced which can result ina blow out. CO meu Kick Occurrences, t:-rusos ‘When describing asses, the duration for which they occur needs to be taken into account, eg. @ 10 bbl loss that stops after ‘3 min, should not be reported as 120 bbl/hr losses. ‘The description of losses can dfer from operator to operator but falls into the following categories: 2 No losses: oss than 2 bbl/hour (0.2385 m3/h). 'b Soopage Losses: between 2 and 5 bbl/hour (0.5962 m3/hr). Partial Losses: between 5 and 50 bbi/hour (6 m3/hr}. 1 Severe Losses: greater than 50 bbl/hour (6 m3/hr). & Complete Losses: unable to maintain a fluid level at surface with the desired mud weight, regardless off pumping rate should also be recognized that the rate of losses wil change under static or dynamic conditions: 1) Static Losses: The losses that occur when the walls not being circulated and the dril string i stationery. 2} Dynamic Losses: The losses that occur when the well ls being circulated, or the dril string creating surge pressure. Standard blowout control procedure cannot be used i the well cannot be circulated, With total lost-circulation gas can rise Upto the surface, but there is also the danger of an underground blowout. The only way to solve the problem is first to stop loss of drilling fluid to the formation so the well can be killed with the help of standard procedure, CMO om cued Pz) Kick Occurrences 5 Drilling Fd cut by gas or water: 2 Dring Mid Cut by Water: -If ring Nd donsity ts reduced by the addition of water there must be a corresponding rise, equal tothe amount Inf, in the driling ld pits. Therefore, this should seldom happen. bering flue cut by Gas:~ Ges cutting ofthe dling fluid nees not always i at kick has Increasing gx levels indicate hign dawn hale pressures (abnormal) which could lead toa kick or blow out, so de-gasser should work Background gas: Gas in shale that forms a bateline For continuous ge levels. Certain Iihologles (overpressured shales) may show considerable rapid variation in background gas but usually with come consistent average value. Gas-cut (gas show): Gas from sands that cause sudden changes in gas levels from background level - Drilled gas: When 2 formation containing gx sdlled, cuttings containing gas are circulated up the hole. As hydrostatic pressure fs reduced, gas In cutings expands and releases to the mud system, and cutting the mud weight ‘Connection gas: that Is associated with stopping pumps and pick up (swabbing) fora connection. The solutions ar: (keep connection time to minimum) & (control ROP so only one slug of gas nthe hole) Runninginto Bubbles, Connection gas, Action tobe takan:- Increase mud weight, Contro diling, Minimize the connection time. ‘Trip gas: that is associated with stopping pumps and swabbing during tips. The good dling practic sto pump out ofthe hole. eC) Pa) EMO, Kick Occurrences Gas cut drilling fluid:- is the term used when the drilling fluid contains a percentage of gas in the form of small bubbles, when it returns to the surface. Generally gas cut drilling fluid does not decrease the hydrostatic pressure so much as to cause underbalance/kick situations. This is because the gas content in the drilling fluid is mostly compressed, except very close to the surface. Every atmosphere (14.7 psi) reduces the gas volume by half, Therefore the drilling fluid weight considerably reduces the volume of the gas. If the volume of the gas in the drilling fluid is very small the reduction in bottom well pressure will also be very small. The following figure shows a typical example of pressure reduction bottom well caused by gas cutting of drilling fluid. Hayder Lazim Abdulridha DECREASE IN BP pa) sweet eu asian P Kick Occurrences i i i i Mud gdp Calg Cop ciel gh 6. Well Control While Running & Pulling Casing 2, Hydsatc Prue in :- Jossifcasing Hat fails (casing capacity + Armalus capacity bbs t) 1) Running & Pulling Casing 2) Cementing Casing & Liner Casing float failure: If a string of casing is run FLOWINE into the hole with conventional float, and the Driller did not fill the casing. If the float were to fail at this point, and mud U-tubes up inside ‘MUD LEVEL the casing, the bottom hole pressure will decrease suddenly and the well may kick. EMO eae ace Kick Occurrences 7. Abnormal pressure zones: (formation pressure that is greater than normal formation water hydrostatic) 0.465 psi/ft. The causes of abnormal pressure are: 1. Under compaction of shale and trapped water (the most common cause of abnormally pressures worldwide). The density of shale normally increases with depth (porosity decrease), but decreases as abnormal pressure zones are drilled. 2, Sand lens and salt dome and tectonic stresses. 3, Faulting and uplifting a formation to a shallow depth. 4, Artificially charged zones due to poor cement isolation. 5. Artesian effect: A formation is over-pressured by an artesian effect when a formation water source located at a higher level than the rig floor. 6. Gas cap: In a trapped gas reservoir, the highest point of the reservoir usually has the highest pressure as gas is less dense than formation water. CMO om cued Warning signs and indicators, Pressure Indicators, Kick Indicators During Orilling:- 1) Inereased Drilling Rate ROP (drilling break) (not more than 10 ft) (stop drilling & Flow check) si 2) Change in shape, cuttings). and amount of cuttings (undrilled 3) Increased Drill String Torque and Drag (due to cuttings}. 4) Shale under-compaction (density decrease — porosity Increase). 5) Increase gos cut in return drilling fluid. 6) Pump pressure decrease. 7) Increase In Rotary Speed. (RPM) 8) Change in Drill String Weight. 4) Increase in Flow line Temperature 10) Increase in Chlorides lon (salt) Content. orca un a 1) Improper hole fill during tripping: The wellbore should to be filled up with mud when pipe is pulled from the well. If the well is taken less than calculated volume, then fluids from the formation may have entered the well. Flow check if —ve ,strip back to bottom and circulate bottoms up and monitor returns for any swabbed fluids. 2) Increase in connection gas and trip gas: An increase in the gas content of a driling fluid is a good indicator of abnormally pressured zones. 3) Tight well on connections: which is when the formation | closes back in on the drill string, which can occur when pumps shut down and connections are made and can indicate high pressure formations. This condition can also warn us that there is a danger of the drill string becoming stuck. Kick Warning Signs and Kick Indicators ‘= Akick warning sign is any surface indication that indicates the BHP is elther approaching or has fallen below the formation pressure “There are several kick warning signs including: 1) Increased penetration rate 2) Increased back ground gas. 3) Increased cuttings volume , etc ‘ Akick indicator is a surface warning sign that indicates a kick or Influx has entered the well, Surface kick indicator are of two types: Primary kick indicators:- are definitive indicators of a kick include: 1) pit volume increase, 2) well flows with the pumps shut off 3) Hole not taking correct amount of mud while tripping 4) flow rate increase * Ifa primary kick indicator is observed then this indicates : » the kick has already been taken * the formation fluids are inside the well bore, CO meu ‘Secondary kick indicators - are not definitive indicators of a kick and indicate that the well may or may not be under balance Incluging: 41) Drilling break 2) Change in pump speed or pump pressure. 3) Increased gas levels including: trip gas, gas, background gas, and pump Off gas 4) Oil or gas shows at surface. 5) Hook load decrease 6) Chlorides increase 7) Change in mud properties '8) Increase in flow line temperature 9) Decrease in shale density 10) Torque. drag 11) Cutting size and shape Kick Indicators and First Actions There are four definitive primary indicators Of kicks: 1 Pit volume increase: Pit gain is the most reliable and definitive indicators ofa kick. 2. Well flows with the pumps shut off: f the well flows when the pumps stop , Then this indicates that the pressure overbalance in the well was due to dynamic pressure effects (ECD). And will be lost when the pumps are off 3. Hole not taking correct amount of mud while tripping If while tripping, the hole takes less volume to ill than calculated then a entered the well 4, Flow rate increase If the flow rate out of the well i greater than the flow rate a kick must have been taken flux must have First Actions ‘* Flow check for 15 minutes ‘If well continues to flow, shut the well in = Record shut in pressures on drillpipe and casing ‘Record total pit gain Inall cases, fin doubt, flow check the well. “The well should be closed in quickly after 3 kick has been detected in order to’ a. Minimize the size of the influx Into the wellbore. b. Minimize the SICP. c. Minimize the casing shoe pressure Important note ‘There will bea lag time between ‘observing surface warning signs of kicks and the actual occurrence of the kicks down hole. «The lag time is the time taken for bottom hole samples to reach the surface. orca un a Flow Check - If any of the primary kick signs occur or several secondary kick signs occur then a flow check should be carried out to confirm the situation, A flow check should always be carried out into a trip tank , is carried out as follows: * Pick up off bottom and space out + Shut off pump ‘Line up the well on a trip tank with a known volume of mud already in the tank. * Direct flow to trip tank + If flow from well continues, measure flow over a period of 15-30 minutes * This confirms that a kick is in progress ‘* Record the depth, time and duration of the flow check. ‘+ Make a record of returned fluids. If well flow is confirmed, the well should be closed in quickly in order to: 2. Minimize the size of the influx into the wellbore. b. Minimize the SICP. c. Minimize the casing shoe pressure CMO om cued Gas Kick Behavior: Oil based mud vs. water based mud The behavior of hydrocarbon gases in an oil | The behavior of gas kicks in oll based flud is cifferent from kicks in water based fluid. Gas that based drilling fluid is fundamentally enters a wellbore which contains oll based fluid will go into solution. itis estimated that the Giereck biti sichasterkvansior ‘majority (60% or more) of gas that enters the wellbore wil go into solution. based drilling luid. The solubility of Synthetic oll based mud will exhibit the same gas absorption characteristics as regula ll based methane in diesel oil is approximately 100 | mud, but toa lesser extent, depending on the synthetic muds composition. It is more dificult to times greater than in water. The gas will | "2cognlze a kickin oll based fluid remain in solution inl based mud until with water based fluid, the pit gain would rofleet the siz ofa gas influx. For example, ifthe well pressure in the annulus reaches the bubble was shut in witha 10 barrel pit gain, this would be the result ofa 10 barrel influx of gas. With oil point pressure which is approximately based fluid, the same 10 barrel gas kick would cause a pit gain of only 2 to 3 barrels. 11000-2000 ft from the surface. This inconsistent pit gan can disguise the severity of the kick, This is where the problem starts! ‘Once shut in, the gas in solution will not migrate to any appreciable extent, thereby giving the (a appearance of aliquid kick. The assumption thet the kick sol or saltwater should not be made iF Gus sehity ‘il based fluid is being used. The influx wll not expand 2s ts circulated until the Kick nears the Rein in sbfion surface. When the gas comes out of solution, wil expand rapidly f the wells being circulated, ‘this wil resut na sudden unloading ofthe fuid above the gas ast expands. f the kick is being Red ketene res circulated through the choke, this rapid expansion will require choke adjustments to maintain 3 itech constant bottom hole pressure. The choke operator should anticipate the change from a liquid toa Detect 295, asthe Kick nears the surface and should be prepared to make the necessary acjustments CMO om cued Gas Kicks in Oil Based Mud o ‘Diesel alone 0 x 7000 oe oe $5 thane indst a 5 a © 000 © goo y y i j 8000. 8 6.000. 2 & © @ & E 5 00, ‘000 8 : & 10.000, 10.000, F a ‘RELATIVE VOLUME: RELATIVE VOLUME: = TEMPERATURE F " CMO om cued Kick Theory, General Gas Law “The Genera Gae Laws FPL The oriinal absolute prssure, Vi ~The orginal volume, 12 The orsinal abzolute temperature, 21 The variation from perfect compressbilty ofthe gasat PL ‘and 13, (PV 2 Valuce at any other constvone, ‘oye: Law sony true when the temperature Is constant \f the temperature changes the formula gen below used Tex} T(C%) 1273 (Centirade system) = 8° ork) “TR THE) 460 (Fahrenheit sete) ‘Generally, temperature Tand compressibility Zare ignored. Temperature isnot typically used in the equation since we cannot simultaneously measure temperatures slong al point ofthe wel. Z dsccrises the deviston of as trom an idea or perfect, ‘2s Gaces encountered in the fld sre motures For example, hydrogen tan ele, but soften attoteted a a compound gas such as methane, CHA, or hydrogen sue, 125, so lgnoring and the equation becomes ‘he effects and behavior of kcke must be understood in eer to prevent keke {rom turing into blowouts Important Notes: gas kick must be allowed to ‘@ppand a comes up, wah most f the expanion near che surface, Uncontrolled ‘oro expansion of ago hick wl create problems that can lead toa blowout, Gas can migrate and increases wellbore pressure a wells let shut in. Because ofthis, shutin pressures naed to be monitored. When the walle shut in, bleed procecires should be ured toallow gnsexnansion, or unt king procedures can be stated For matters of simplicity and baie understanding, kicks ate presented ae cngle ‘coherent volume. In eat, the infix may soread several hundreds or thousands ‘of fet or meters tvoughout the wellbore. Gas ca compressible had. The valume ‘tcecupies depends on the pressure imposed on it f pressure increases volume decreases. However, the behavior of natural ss can be appraximsted using an verse ‘roportionalty. This means that doubling pressure will compress the gosto about half the original volume Reducing presaue by half wll double the ariginl volume. Gasislighter than liquid, therefore migration occurs whether or not the well is shut in ltvough gas may separate int smaller bubbles, most scussions describe ‘kick as single slug of ga. The aeneralities of gas behavior inthe wellbore shouldbe understood and antiapated to mantain contol of 2 gas kick end 35 Shut-in Theory No Gas Expansion OR Gas Is Not Allowed to Expand 1,300 pst op: HB 20ve R25 2,600 pst 3,900 psi 5,200 psi orcasing, ~ on Die sear eeu 5.200 psi 00.6 5.200 psi 5,008 Behe 5200 pei rr reve 5.200 psi 20.000 fe 26br Bottomhole 5,200 psi > 6.500 ps4 - 7,200 psi ~ 9,100 ps1 ~ 10,400 pai Barrel Barret CMO om cued Shut-in Theory “The well has @ depth of 10000 ft and there Isa swabbed gas bubble on bottom. The diling fluid density Is 22.5, The well is open and in balance. Consequently no closed-in pressure atthe surface. The pressure in the gas Is therefore | i oe saps Co 6 € a “The weakest point in the wellbore s normally believed to be at the casing shoe level When the pressure increases above the strength at the weakest point the formation at ‘that point wil fracture, The risk for an underground blow out Is high ap CMO om cued 37 Shut-in Theory Uncontrolled Gas Expansion ‘The weil is not shut-in and the pump has started to circulate the bubbie out of the hole ops ops ops ost : —.e on 7.008 2.2ebie Bottomhote 10,000 F sept CMO om cued Shut-in Theory contro! Gas Expansion Gas is allowed to expand to maintain BHP equal or slightly above formation pressure. Controlled bleed-off at the choke, holding surface backpressure to maintain BHP surtace Pressure oft 2.500% = Z | 4 apie 5.000% Bottomhole 10,000 ft asp CMO om cued Liquid Kicks Oil, water and saltwater are nearly incompressible. They will not expand to any appreciable extent if pressure on them is reduced. Because of this property, their pumping and return rates will be essentially equal. Ifa liquid kick will not expand as it is circulated out of the hole, the casing pressure will not increase (compared with a gas kick). With constant bottomhole pressure kill methods, the hydrostatic pressure on the annular side will change due to variations in well geometry. Casing pressure will also change due to choke adjustments, as the heavier mud replaces both original fluid and kicking fluid If the liquid kick does not migrate, shut-in pressures will not increase (from migration) to the same extent as seen on a gas kick. Most water influxes will contain some solution gas that will make the surface pressures form the same pattern encountered during a gas kick, but to a lesser degree. It Is Important to treat every kick as if it were a gas kick Fractures and MAASP During Shut in operations, we must observe the casing pressure as it begins to rise and ensure that It does not exceed the pre-determined MAASP value (Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure). MAASP means the highest surface pressure that can be allowed at the top of the casing in excess of hydrostatic pressure that is likely to causes losses at the shoe formation if exceeded. MAASP = Formation Breakdown pressure at shoe — Hydrostatic Pressure of mud in use in the casing shoe MAASP = (Fracture gradient ~ Mud gradient) x True Vert. Shoe Formation fracture pressure (formation strength) @ shoe = Ph at shoe + LOT Fracture Mw (max. allowable Mw) (break down Mw) =formation fracture pressure / (0.052 x1V shoe ) romarenareenen Test A TGSC 8 Moment arTesT (o_o = MW + LOT/(0.052 x TV shoe) MAASP = formation fracture pressure - mud hydrostatic @shoe Inti MAASP = 0,052 x TVDshoe x (Frac.MW- Current MW) Final MAASP = 0.052 x TVDshoe x (Frac.MW- Kill MW) (9° sroewweer Cea CO meu Leak-off Test Procedures _ Aleak-off test may be conducted as follows: 1. After running, cementing the casing. Drill -15 ft rat hole into the new formation (virgin hole), 2. Circulate to condition and obtain the same mud weight around the well (Mwin = Mwout), 3. Raise the bit inside the casing shoe to avoid stuck pipe. 4, Shut-in the well using Ram BOP. 5. Pump into the well ata very slow rate (1/4 to 1/2 bbl/ min) with accurate pump and record final volume @LOT 6. At leak off shut down the pump, record LOT surface pressure ,bleed back pressure, monitor the restored mud volume. - The cement pump is generally used since they have a smaller displacement and thus are easier ta control and are fitted with very accurate low pressure gauges. orca un a ‘A leak-off test can be carried out in various Peintotteakon [TREND ways. The aim isto find the surface annulus pressure value when the drilling fluid begins to seep into the formation, without at the same time to cause an actual fracture of the formation. The less drilling fluid volume thatis pumped into the formation, the less damage there is caused to the formation. FORMATION INTIGRITY TEST (FIT) FIT:- Pressure up to agreed value (max anticipated mud weight) without any leak-off,, The main reasons for performing formation integrity test (FIT) are: 41) To investigate the strength of the cement bond around the casing shoe and to ensure that no communication is established with higher formations. a ‘oo/ sees \e 2) To determine the fracture gradient around the casing shoe and therefore establish the upper limit of the primary well control for the open hole section below the current casing. FIT = Formation integrity FOP = Formaiion breakdown presse / FPP = Fracture propagation pressuiro ISI = Inctantancous shut.n pressure FOP = Fracture closure pressure b —_ 3) To investigate well bore capability to withstand pressure below the casing shoe in order to validate or invalidate the well engineering plan regarding the casing shoe setting depth. CO meu Kick Tolerance Kick Tolerance is defined as the maximum kick volume (Length) that can be taken into the wellbore and circulated out without fracturing the formation at weak point (shoe). The kick tolerance will be calculated after a leak off test, and after any change in muc weight. Kick intensity — 1 the different between the maximum anticipated formation pressure and planned mud weight. For example, the planned mud weight is 13.0 ppg and the possible kick pressure is 13.5 ppg. Therefore, the kick intensity is 0.5 ppg (13:5 ~ 13.0) \Weakest formation point in the open hole ts assumed to be at the shoe depth of the previous casing. The well Bore wil be fractured if@ summation of hydrostatic and surface pressure exceeds the weakest pressure (Leak Off Test pressure). The maximum surface pressure befare breaking the formation s called “Maximum ‘Allowable Shut In Casing Pressure” (MASICP).. [Make it simplor for your understanding. MASIC® Is the total of kick tolerance budget. It consists of pressure from kick Intensity and hydrostatic pressure loss due to gas. (MASP (Mud gradient psi/ ft Influx Grad f))x influ Height 21, Kick Tolerance ppg po _——arocr—errrrrroee eer TVD x 0.052 Kick tolerance in feet MAASP - SIDPP. ort | = Max Tol Length of Influx cM. Gt CO meu Cem or Shut in procedures If we are drilling ahead and for any reason we have cause to ‘think that @ kick may be developing, the well must immediately be checked for flow. If there is no flow and everything is in order we go back to drilling, Ifthe wells, flowing, we shut the well in either using a soft shut-in or a hard shut-in procedure. If itis positive kick indication that is observed keep in rmind that no flow check is carried out, but the well is shut In instantly. Now the well is shut-in, the pressure in bottom of the well will soon come into balance with the formation pressure, The different between the two existing methods to close the well in is that the Hard Shut-in Procedure reduces the ‘amount of influx into the wellbore with resulting lesser ‘annulus pressure and surface pressure when circulating out the kick. CMO om cued Hard shutin (choke closed) Soft Shutin (choke open) ‘Dnling Oring joperrce ae ae iii eT TT ae tag th Increase water hummer Easy to remember rig up Reduce water hummer Check if choke line is clean chy n Data Collection 1: Before _kick:-(RRCP:) [RRCP isthe friction loss in the system at a decided pump speed (reduced pump rate). These pressures are noted at several diferent reduced pump ‘ates, for example at 20, 30, and 40 SPta and the pressure Is recorded on the remote choke panel and noted on the pre-recorded kill sheet, Slow Pump Rate Pressure = kill rate pressure RCP Reduced rate circulating prossure = SCR Slow Circulating Rate =Dynamic Loss. % 1/4-2/2 driling rate =20, 20, and 40 SPM. > Should be read @ remote choke panel with bit on bottom, > always stand pipe gage lower than pump gage due to surface losses. When to be recorded (RRCP}: ‘Lat the begin of each shift 2.After mud properties (weight viscosity) change 3,After BHA (nozzle, motor, D/C) change. ‘after drilingiong section of hole rapid (500 fe) SWhen return to dling after kil Causes of choice to kill the well using slow pump rate: 1) Reduce the total pressure required from the mud pumps during kill operation 2) Reduce the pressure exerted on formation (due to annular pressure loss) 3) Size of choke and choke lines 4) Reduce overloading the mud/gas separator 5) Allow kick to be handled @ surface 6) Pressure changes on the drill pipe and casing can be easily monitored which allow the choke operator to make adjustments (delay time 1 second/1000 ft). 7) Give the rig personnel time to prepare the kill mud (rig mixing capacity) Allowing modifications to the killing procedures to be made. y Hayder Lazim Abdulridh Ty Shut-in Data Collection 2- After _kick:- (SIDPP, SICP, Pit Gain) Shut in drill pipe Pressure (SIDPP):- - The under balance (back pressure) inside pipe - Used to calculate KMW & ICP & formation pressure - Affected by mud weight and formation pressure Formation pressure= Ph + SIDPP Kill mud weight KMW = Formation pressure /0.052xTVD KMW = OMW + SIDPP /0.052xTVD Initial circulating pressure ICP = RRCP + SIDPP Final circulating pressure FCP = RRCP x (KMW/ OMW) CMO om cued ci Shut-in Data Collection Shut-in Casing Pressure, SICP :-The under balance inside the annulus:- - Used to correct start up (establish) the pump during kill operation (SICP constant) - Used to calculate the influx gradient to predict the influx type. Used in the second circulation of the driler's method while the kill mud is pumped inside the drill string holding casing pressure constant instead of step down * On account of the influx in the bottom of the well there can now be read pressure on the standpipe (Psy) and pressure on the Casing (Pace). The cause for the kick is an increase in the formation pressure P,. * This new pressure will be the sum of the hydrostatic pressure from the column of drilling fluid in the drill pipe Py» and the pressure (on standpipe (P,zp,). The new pressure of the formation will also be the sum of the hydrostatic pressure from the column of drilling fluid-gas in annulus (P,) and the pressure on the casing (Pas). For well control the Prop is used to calculate the kill drilling fluid density required for killing a well with a certain influx. The drill pipe is full of clean and homogeneous drilling fluid newly treated from the pits, To know how much to increase the drilling fluid density to kill a well itis necessary to know how much the original drilling fluid density to begin with is 50 the Pog is used. The annulus or casing has cuttings and gas or salt water init, so it is much harder to determine an accurate driling fluid weight increase from it OC oe eC ar cE Shut- Pe=Pua* Paco . Pron + Peon = Pr SICP depends Hence Prop + Psopp= Pua + Puce And On:. Hi: Height of influx, Mui: Density of influx n Data Collection 1- Formation Hw x 0.0526S10PP ~ (HHI we x0.052+4 aM x0.052-SICP permeability SIDPP~SICP = Hi x Mwt x0.052 + Hi xMwvix0.052 (X -1) Hix Mort x0.082 — Hi xMin.052 2- Type of influx (water - oil - gas Mut ) ui = SP IDR “H+ 0.052 — Itean be decided what te inftuxis (gas oll or watep, by making calculation Br eae ce Re au ee i 3- Influx volume sicP ~ siDPP 4- Annulus a capacity 13. Huightofinflacte = ‘Kikizo bis + Annulus Volume bois/t || S= Formal (ICP pai -SIDFP px) pressure 14. Gradient of fnflux pai/ft = (Mud weight ppg x 0.052y- Influx Height CO meu n Data Collection (sIDPP & SICP):- They are Different, Mud in Annulus |s Contaminated Therefore Less Hydrostatic and higher SICP, the shut-in casing pressure is usually higher than the shut-in drill pipe pressure as the Influx s usualy less dense (Ighter) than used mud. Hits heavier i willbe The opposite. SICP = SIDPP (the same vortical depth in DP and Ann) = 1 Off bottom (kick doesn't enter Dp yet) 2. Horizontal well 2. After 1st cre. of driller method SICP = 0: after the well kicks the hole packed off around dei collars SIcP2 < SICPA : ifthe annulus loaded with cuttings after long period of fast break sicPwater < SICPoll Se. Formation permeability affects: 1. time of pressure gages stabilization (the higher the permeability the lower the time) 2 SICP (the higher permeability and bigger the size the higher SICP) 3 sizeof influx the higher the permeability the bigger the size) = After stabilization, both SIDPP & SICP start graduelly increase by the same rate, the influxis gas and is migrating up where: SIDPP (UP), SICP (UP), SHP (UP), Shoe Presst (uP), = If after shut in both SIDPP & SICP suddenly drop, a weak formation had broken down (lost circulation). = If total lost circulation taken place, try tofillthe annulus with water and record the volume pumped. Fast g g 3 a é : £ Time Time 50 Shut in data — float in the string oy Float inthe dil pipe Pump Slowly Down Drill Pipe : ifthere sa latin the dil string the SIOPP may be And Watch Build Up zero, Some floats have 23/16" hole drilled through the float witch val allow the pressure to build up stouly on the dil pipe site the flat wah: provides complate shutoff tere ar several ways to chack for there ea pew SIDPP 1 Pump 2s slowly 2s possible (310 5 SPM) unt the casing pressure starts tose, Then stop pumping. The pressure after the pump stops should be Psope Te 2. Slowly bring the pump up toil ate holding casing sIcr pressure constant. The circulating oil pie prescure is | gag Identical to the ICP (inital circulating pressure). The Pp can now be calculated usin the formula below: Poppe = Circulating dil pipe pressure ~ Pre-recorded ‘al rate pressure, CO eu Kick Kill Fundamentals Kill-To re-control or restore primary well contol By 41. Clean out influx and permit the gas to expand to Wecrease gos pressure 2-Inerease mud weight to KMW to control the formation pressure. Under the condition of: maintatning bottom hole pressure constant By: using adjustable choko. Adjustable Choke: Is a device for adjusting back pressure BHP includes: Ph (up & down according to gas & KMW) Ann, Press. Loss Back pressure (adjustable) Goob Practice: ~ Re-Zero: re-zero stroke counter after surface volume, if not considered the kill will be longer and result in lower pressure in well bore. - Correct start up: to insure bottom hole pressure constant. - Bring pumps up to kill speed holding casing pressure (SICP) constant, if SICP up... BHP up. - If Increase pump rate required: holding SICP constant, if SIDPP const. BHP down. - If Decrease pump rate required: holding SICP constant, if SIDPP const. BHP up. ~ Actual ICP: actual (true) ICP at start up may be differ than calculated ICP, then re- calculate the step down. CO meu Kill Methods There are several methods recognized | Non Constant bottom hole pressure methods: within the industry to control formation - Volumetric method pressure while circulate out a kick and the primary object regardless of method is to keep constant bottom hole pressure. - Lubricate and bleed - Stripping - Snubbing - Reverse circulation - Bullheading method - Dynamic Kill Constant bottom hole pressure methods:- - Driller’s Method - Wait and Weight Method. -C it Method. oncurrent Metho - Managed Pressure Drilling, MPD. - Relief wells CMO om cued Es) Driller’s Method First circulation ‘* Bring pump to kill rate, opening choke HOLDING CASING PRESSURE CONSTANT * Once at kill rate, look at drill pipe pressure. * Drill pipe pressure should be the sum of the SCR and SIDPP (ICP). = Hold this pressure constant until the influx is removed. * Casing pressure will continue to INCREASE because of gas expansion. ‘+ Shoe pressure is increasing with same value as the casing pressure and reaches maximum value when gas reaches the shoe, EM OL ean Second circulation = When pump to kill rate hold casing pressure constant and continue keep it constant until kill mud reaches the bit - Once kill mud enters the annulus, switch to drill pipe pressure and hold constant until kill mud reaches surface - Casing pressure will continue to decrease and will be ZERO when kill mud at the surface - Both of D/P and Casing pressures become zero after shutting the pump. 54 Driller’s Method Es) Seem eC Wait & weight method Bring pump to kill rate, HOLDING CASING PRESSURE CONSTANT *Once at kill rate switch to drill pipe pressure (ICP) * Allow drill pipe pressure to fall From ICP To FCP as kill mud is pumped to the bit. *Going to FCP as per the calculated step down chart: ICP = SIDPP + SCR Pressure FCP = SCR X Step Down From ICP To FCP EMO eae ace a | Wait and Weight (W&W) (Engineer's) Method trie? contre PRESSURE sumer pang a evetae SLOWLY am [|e Sete ly ‘awry verdes cece | | aO)—atra | strgpnee a = =O fentecteeee | ke (icp=FeP) +100 ae __ap_____(icp~Fcp)+100__ m0. 100 Strocks Surface to bit strocks meorgrtn at mm NS ‘eta Can] Chale il Auld hous Yenyconet mm cam te © “ a EMO eae ace Ey | Wait and Weight (W&W) (Engineer's) Method Steerer DRILL PIPE PRESSURE sasasae aeneeasCASING PRESSURE EM OL eae ar Ey The Concurrent Method This is the most complicated of the three methods and its main value lies in the fact that the killing operation can be started as soon as the closed in pressures have been recorded. Instead of waiting until the surface drilling fluid has all been weighted up to the kill drilling fluid weight, circulation at the reduced rate is started and the drilling fluid weight is increased while circulating. The rate of increase will depend on the mixing facilities available on the rig. The complication here is that the dril pipe can be filled with fluids of different densities, making calculation of the bottom well hydrostatic pressure difficult. However, provided adequate supervision is available on the rig this could be | 7 the most effective way of killing 2 kick. Aeeseiente - Kills the well in more than two circulation may be three may be more. - Gradual increase in mud wt. from the original mud to kill mud wt. - Every cir. has its own ICP,FCP & its own step down schedule. -The well is completely killed after the last circulation. i ud Pape b8| ———> OC oe eC ar 59 A Comparison Of Casing Pressures Under Killing According To The Used Method PRESSURE HOD WAIT and WEIGHT 1000 ‘2000 ‘3000 ‘4000 ‘5000 ‘6000 7000 STROKES CONCURRENT METHOD Teed 60 [Kill Methods | ead Licino Driller Engineer Concurrent 1. Simplest to teach and understand, 2. Very few calculations. 3, Circulation can be started almost immediately. 4, Kill mud weight can be mixed to uniform density hile first circulation is completed. 5. Does not require special consideration and ‘modification in directional wells or wells with tapered strings. :L. Minimum of one circulation, less time. 2. Less wear on choke and gas handling machinery. 3. Lowest casing pressure, 4, Lowest casing shoe pressure. 1. Minimum of non-circulating time. 2. Excellent for large increases in mud weight (underbalanced drilling) 3. Mud condition (viscosity and gels) can be maintained along with mud weight. 4. Less casing pressure than Driller’s Method. ‘5. Can easily be switched to Wait ‘and Weiht Method. CMO om cued 1. Minimum of two circulations. 2. More time, 3, More wear on choke and gas handling machinery. 4, Higher casing shoe pressure if long open hole section (gas kick) open hole volume is less than drill String volume. 5, Higher annular pressure (gas kick). 1. Waiting period to mix mud. 2. Requires the longest non circulating time while ‘mixing heavy mud. 3, Requires alittie more arithmetic. 4, Requires special considerations or modifications In directional wells and wells with tapered strings, |. Arithmetic is more complicated. 2. Requires more an-choke circulating time. 3. Higher casing and casing shoe pressure than Wait land Weight Method. oy VOLUMETRIC WELL CONTROL ‘Volumetric Method is used, if gas or gaseous influxes for one or another reason cannot be circulated out, Teste eh = Deli psec: Md gap Examples of such situation can be: - Prior to pumping kil fluid with conventional method. - Pipe off bottom, - bn string orb plugged. cao Dil string out of hole = Wash out in the drill string, fdr string have been cut and left in hole - Ropairs to pumps or other equipment fallure such that normal kil procedure cannot be cenrercised. {ai Gmetena|eee ta) Volumetric Method can be used to allow the bubble to expand while it migrates up the hole, 1 teat keeping bottom hole pressure constant. Bleed mud through manual choke maintaining SIDPP constant & permit SICP to increase as gas expand. Volume of mus to bleed off to make BHP Ifyou hold SICP constant, BHP will decrease, as you open the choke rapidly. constant = capacity * * CAPM CMO om cued Lubricate and Bleed (Lubrication) The Lubricate & Bleed Method is used when kick fluid reaches the wellhead. It is considered a continuation of the Volumetric Method. Generally, workover operations more commonly use the Lubricate and Bleed technique because circulating ports in the tubing are plugged, sanded tubing, or circulation is not possible. In this method, fluid is pumped into the well on the annulus side, Enough time must be allowed for fluid to fall below gas, Volume must be precisely measured so hydrostatic pressure gain in the well can be calculated, This value increase will then be bled off at surface. It means : repeatedly pumping in small quantities of kill mud into the well bore and then bleeding off excess pressure. It works on the principle that the heavier kill mud will sink below the lighter well bore fluids and so bleeding off the pressure will remove the latter leaving an increasing quantity of kill mud in the well bore with successive steps. CMO om cued sy} Stripping Stripping is an emergency well contro! procedure. It requires good planning, proper training of personnel and careful execution, The primary objective of the stripping operation shall be to maintain a constant bottom hole pressure, thus preventing a build up of excessive wellbore pressures or influx from exposed permeable zones. The objective in all stripping operations is to maintain a constant bottom hole pressure, slightly greater than the formation pressure, throughout the entire operation. In general, the annular preventer is used for stripping pipe into or out of the hole. The annular preventer allows the use of one preventer and permits the tool joints to pass through the packing element without creating excessive pressure surge in the well bore. To minimize the wear, the pipe should be well lubricated with grease and closing pressure applied to the annular preventer kept to a mini ACCUMULATOR BOTLE PRECHERGE @ 40S orca un a Palsation Dumpener, Well bore assist INSTALLATION HOOKUP 8 a) 5 CLOSING PRESSURE - psi 8 Seem eC c “a ‘xo, WELL PRESSURE -psi 65 Snubbing Snubbing involves moving pipe in and out of a well under pressure, while maintaining constant bottom hole pressure. The operation is very similar to stripping except that the pipe will not move into the well under its own weight and must be forced in through the application of external force at the surface. Two types of snubbing system are generally employed namely mechanical snubbing units and hydraulic snubbing units Mechanical snubbing units require the use of the drilling rig's hoisting system, while hydraulic snubbing units are self contained Reverse Circulation Advantages Of Reverse Disadvantages Of Reverse Outlet of fluid at drill pipe. : Circulation Circulation 1, Itis the quickest method of 1 Higher pressure is placed on Hula iscirsuiaied circulating something to the formation and casing. into the annulus. BLE 2. Excessive pressure may cause Gets the problem inside the fluid losses/casing and/or Strongest pipe from the formation failures. beginning. 3.Not applicable for uses where . Generally, the annular fluid is plugging of circulating ports, bit dense enough to maintain nozzles of string are possible. Control of the formation. which | } 4 Gas filled or multiple densities in reduces fluid mixing and tubing may present problems weighting requirements. polenta inoreccets et ate rates. > EMO eae ace Bullheading (Deadheading) Bullheading, or deadheading is used as a method of killing wells often fn workover situations, it involves pumping back well fluid into the reservolr, clsplacing the tubing or casing with a good amount of kil fui Bullheadting is generally recommended in the following circumstances: 1 Fa kick is taken with the dri string far off bottom, or with no pipe in the hole. With the pipe close to bottom, stripping in should be considered. The decision to strip, x well asthe stripping procedure, must allow for the effects displacing the influx up-hole and for the effect of gas migration. if the upward force (closed in pressure multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the closed-end dill pipe) exceeds the string weight, ic wil nat be possible tostripin, 2-If the influx has the potential for containing H2S. 2 circulating the kick out could result in excessive gas rates through the well control system. 4-1 the influx is very large, resulting In excessive surface pressures OL ea eur iur Volume pumped ——$—=—$ waptios saxo Low Choke Method - Dynamic Kill Dynamic kill is a process used to kill a blowout well by pumping fluid into the wellbore at high rates to generate | enough friction to suppress the flow. This method of well control is occasionally proposed for handling shallow gas kicks. Ifit is anticipated that shutting-in a kick will result in surface pressure above the maximum allowable, the well is allowed to flow through the choke (and kill) ine and surface pressure is maintained slightly below the maximum allowable value. In this way the rate of influx may be sufficiently slowed to allow well control to be regained by circulating kill fluid down the drill string. There may be circumstances under which this technique can be implemented successfully, however there are inherent dangers. Initially bottom hole pressure is maintained at a value below the kicking formation pressure and inflow will therefore continue. The continued influx will reduce bottom hole pressure further as the annulus is unloaded. Only if kill fluid can be circulated into the annulus at a sufficient rate to overcome this unloading effect and increase the bottom hole pressure will well control be regained. The low choke method is an attempt to out run a kicking well, and should not be attempted except for handling shallow gas kicks. CMO om cued ) Managed Pressure Drilling, MPD AS WS Overburden oa > Overburden Pressure Pressure Ss SSC S&S S EMO eae ace Managed Pressure Drilling, MPD MPD Advantage:- Conventional Drilling: BHP = MW + Annulus Friction Pressure BHP control = only pump speed & MW change, because it’s an “Open to Atmosphere” System. Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD): BHP = MW + Annulus Friction Pressure + Backpressure BHP control = pump speed change, MW change & application of back-pressure, because it's an “Enclosed, Pressurized System”. Managed Pressure Drilling IADC Definition: *“The objectives are to ascertain the downhole pressure environment limits and to manage the annular hydraulic pressure profile accordingly”. *MPD does not change the downhole pressure window — pore pressure and fracture gradient remain unchanged but MPD helps us to remain in the “operating window” * MPD can reduce NPT in 43% of problems Makes Problems Disappear CAP WITH BLIND DRILLING... Pressure Drilling (Mud Cag ‘The Mud Cap Drilling (MPD, Managed Pressure Drilling) | > is a technique that can be used even in case of total circulation losses. A sacrificial fluid is pumped through the drillstring and lost to the formation while the annuls is full of the so called "dual gradient” fluid system, i.e. the sacrificial fluid itself on the lower portion of the hole, and the (heavy) Mud Cap Drilling in the upper portion. Although the Mud Cap Drilling (MPD, Managed Pressure Drilling), is not underbalance drilling in the sense that formation fluids are not allowed to flow to surface, the hydrostatic head of the dual system is such that it equals (or itis slightly lower than) the formation gradient > > > Last casing set as close as possible to the top of Requirements for Mud Cap Drilling Heavy (total) circulation losses in fractured formations Fractures that can take the drilling cuttings Availability of low cost sacrificial fluid Capability to build mud volume fast and effectively Adequate additional surface equipment (Rotating BOP, high pressure pumping system). For most effective results, the following options are preferred: fractured zone ‘Small (say 8 1/2”) hole size to help hole cleaning and minimize injection rate. Hayder Lazim Abdulridha J Relief wells are used in the natural gas and petroleum industry, a relief well is drilled to intersect an oil or gas well that has experienced a blowout. Specialized liquid, such as heavy (dense) drilling mud followed by cement, can then be pumped down the relief well in order to stop the flow from the reservoir in the damaged well. eager a ea ced Killing Bad Practice Procedures Correct Action Wrong What Effect On BHP Action happened? Bring pump upto Constant CSG & DPT Constant DP Chokeopened Decrease L kill speed Increase pump —_—Constant CSG & DPT Gonstant DP Choke opened Decreasel speed Decrease pump Constant CSG & DPL Constant DP Chokeclosed — increase T speed 4*'circ. Driller’s Constant DP (ICP) & CSGT Constant CSG_ Choke opened Decrease 24 circ. KMW to bit Constant CSG &DP drop Constant DP Chokeclosed —_increaseT (cP—>FCP) Constant DP (FCP) & CSGL 20d circ. KMW to Constant CSG Chokeclosed —_increaseT surface WEW KMW to bit DP Drop (ICP-FCP) Constant DP Chokeclosed increase evee au CHRO Constant DP (ECP) & iB cso Smoke oPened Gas manrL surface CSGT with gas onstant joke close: 1s out sat with Chokeclosed if Gas out HPT Volumetric method Constant DP & CSGT Constant Choke opened Decreased Well Control Complications Loss Of Circulation stocrwase ine Lost First : * i oe oat ft & Eo Shut-in and Change Choke Nozzle Wash-Out le#«- String Wash-Out Stop Pumping Use Dene nee ie mecioa iii J —_— =- is above Washout Then Resume Pumping Neuere f— <=> <= Hole Pack Off SIDPP ZERO. => aE ee EID eae eoeeeCe: aac Well Control - Deviated and Horizontal wells Currently, horizontal wells are widely drilled around the world because the production from the horizontal wells is outperform normal vertical or deviated wells at the same location. The productivity of the well increases because of longer penetration into Meg a pay zone and/or more intersection of reservoir fractures. Well control for the horizontal wells has the same fundamental principle during the circulation of influx from the well. There are some corrections which adjust for frictional pressure between true vertical depth and measure depth since the horizontal wells usually have very long depth in comparison to wellbore true vertical depth. All hydrostatic pressure-related calculations should be based on Horizontal Well true vertical depth values. This means that the standpipe kill graph of a deviated welll has a different curve as compared to the graph prepared for a vertical well due to the behavior of Pdp. Shut in for horizontal wells Drillpipe Casing CO eu Horizontal well kill Method swsiesose-ine Prepare calculations for using "Driller’s Method”. ~Calculate open hole strokes from bit to end of horizontal section. Keep constant casing pressure while bringing pumps to required SPM to give minimum 100 ft/min annular velocity. - Keep constant drill pipe pressure while flushing influx out of horizontal section. - Keep constant casing pressure while bringing pumps down to reduced circulating rate. = Continue circulating influx out of the well bore using "Driller’s Method". = With influx out of well bore keep constant casing pressure while pumping kill fluid to bit using, reduced circulating rate. - With kill fluid at bit keep constant casing pressure while bringing pumps to required SPM to give minimum 100 ft/min annular velocity. - Keep constant drill pipe pressure while flushing light drilling fluid out of the horizontal section - Keep constant casing pressure while bringing pumps down to reduced circulating rate. = Continue circulating light driling fluid out of the well bore using "Driller’s Method", orca un a Strokes Wait and Weight eae Cee eCe: aT me C un Le emer eR DEVIATED & HORIZONTAL WELL CONTROL 100 1000 3000 = 200 100 t r 7 biti | |) 000 ‘ROE ‘STROKES 0 1500 3000 4500 60007500 9000 10800 12000, 0 3000 000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000 24000 CO meu Ey Fracture Pressure Down To a Full Number. No Range Bottom Hole Pressure Down To a Full Number. No Range Maximum Allowable Density Down To One Decimal Place No Range MaasP Down To a Full Number No Range Kill Mud Density Up To One Decimal Place No Range Ice Number No Range FCP Up To a Full Number No Range Step Down Pressures ‘Strokes To Nearest Full Number +/- 1. psi/100 strokes Number of Strokes ‘To Nearest Full Number 41-21% Volume ‘To Nearest Full Number +/-1% Circulation Time To Nearest Full Number +/- 1 minute Influx Gradient Two Decimals +/- 0.01 Number of stands Down To a Full Number No Range Number Of Cylinders Up To a Full Number No Range PIPE Eas) (CF Preparation Course, By Hayder Lazim Abdulridha , Thi_Qar Oil Company’ IWCF Preparation Course Equipment ce ee ee IWCF- Equipment * Functions of Blow Out Preventers | Basic BOP stack *% Associated well control equipment + Choke manifold and chokes “* Auxiliary equipment. “+ Barriers + Testing “+ BOP control systems Basic BOP Stack-Land and Jack Up Operations - Annular Preventer: closes on any size and shape Of pipe in well - Ram1 (pipe rams}: closes on drill pipe only = Ram? (blind/shear rams): closes on open hole and Shear rams are designed to cut drill pipe and seal open hole - Drilling spool with hydraulically operated valves. - The valves are called HCR (high close ratio). - Ram3 (Pipe or variable bore rams): closes on drill pipe only - Casing head or casing spool : designed to hang and seal casing - The inside diameter (through bore) of the stack is select according to the inside diameter of the upper most casing head (BOP 13 5/8" on casing 13 3/8"), (It makes bit 12.25 or casing 95/8 throwing smoothly) - The back up ram preventer is used in case the main ram preventer fails ~All well control equipment must be maintained, function- and pressure- tested according to company policy and procedures to ensure correct function and integrity when required. ayder Lazim Abdulridha BOP Stack Configuration ~ Well control equipment have diferent pressure ratings to sult | There are Four types of rams = different driling conditions, Every installed ram BOP should have | - Pipe rams 35 a minimum a rated working pressure ( RWP) equals to the Blind rams ‘maximurm antleipated surface pressure encountered, = Shear rams = Variable rams ~ BOP components are typically described upward from the Lppermast piece of permanent wellhead equipment, or from the bottom of the BOP stack Annular BOP's may have a lower rated working pressure than the ram BOPS. Operational Justification (RpSRbRpA) ‘= When the blind rams are closed, the hole can be closed to permit changing the upper pipe rams. ‘The lower pipe rams can be closed to repair the upper preventers driling spool, and lowlines. ‘= With the drillppe in the hole, the blind rams can be changed to pipe rams, the dl pipe can then be stripped into the hole using, the two top pipe rams, keeping the lower pipe rams in reserve, ‘= There would be no control should a leak occur around the dil spool and lower pipe rams with the bling rams closed. ROC ea en ure Rotating head ‘annular type BOP ‘Single ram type BOP with one sot cof rams, either blank or fr pie, as operator Prefers Double ram type BOP with two sets of rams, positioned in secardance with operators choice Triple ram type BOP with three sets of rams, positioned in ‘accordance with operator's choice Dring spool with side. outlet connection for choke and kil ines 1,000 ps rated working pressure | Pipe Ram Construction CAMERON TYPE U MANUFACTUR Bs TYPE Type “U" cancion Type "uci monet! Model “T” Hydril Ram ; mnie Preventer 600000 Ib with 5" ram Model “SL” , 425000 Ib with 3 os pipe Shetier Model “LS” fant Koomey dine bec cad ayder Lazim Abdulridha Pipe Ram Parts overview By Hayder Lazim Abdulridha , Pipe Ram Parts overview | Ram guide Pins By Hayder Lazim Abdulridha , Pipe Ram Parts overview Ram Change Cylinder Prastic Packing Fitting = a Click anywhere - to continue Locking Screw Housing By Hayder Lazim Abdulridha , Primary& Secondary Seals (On many ram preventer there is a “weep hole” located on the under side of the preventer body. This hole is lined up with the “trave!” of the ram. The weep hole is actually inline with secondary rod shaft seals and is there to indicate leaks in those seals. Ifneeded, the cap screw is removed and using an wrench, plastic sealant is injected through a check valve and around the ram shaft between seals fo temporarily stop the leak. The intermediate flange is the barrier between the well bore and the hydraulic operating chamber and contains the seals around the operating shaft. In the bottom of the intermediate flange a weep or vent hole is positioned which must ‘always be clean, The weep hole has several functions: {During pressure test of the ram BOP leakage through the weep hole Indicates worn seals against the well bore and require immediately change out prior to commence operation 2.Leakage during pressure test of the hydraulic chamber indicates worn seal against. the hydraulic ‘operating side and require immediately change out prior to commence operation, 2 The weep hole avoid well bore pressure on the opening side ofthe hydraulic chamber. Me gree emer rN ad ers Pee Annulus Seals The slip-and-seal assembly (Slips) provides a primary annulus seal, while the elastomeric seal in the bottom of each casing and tubing spool also provides a seal. The casing-spool flange connection becomes a secondary seal for both annulus and wellbore pressure Therefore, there are two separate barriers which prevent pressure from communicating with the environment outside the wellhead and up with the subsequent annulus. Some of these secondary seals require plastic injection to re-energize or energize them, Weare eu kecr ies By Hayder Lazim Abdulridha , Thi_Qar Oil Company’ Feedable rubber All ram type BOP’s are only designed to contain and seal Rated Working Pressure from below the ram. Extrusion plates molded into the front packer into the front packer serves several purposes: a- To support the rubber to prevent unwanted extrusion due to wellbore forces in the vertical direction. b- Act as pistons to extrude feedable rubber to the point of pipe contact Self Feeding Elastomer Packing The front elements of ram seals have steel “extrusion” plates bonded to the rubber. As the rams close the steel plates meet and begin to force elastomer packing into the sealing area. When stripping, the front face of the ram sealing element will wear. This self-feeding feature will allow the sealing to be maintained during the stripping operation. fee Ball Pipe, @ pr Ram Extrusion Plates Self-leeding Action of Elastomer ayder Lazim Abdulridha BOP Rams All BOP manufactures supply three different types of rams: - Fixed ram assemblies. pS rede - Variable ram assemblies. -Shear/Blind ram assemblies. - Fixed ram assembly: The ram assembly consists of Ram Body, Front Packer and Top Seal To dress the ram body the front packer must be installed first. The top seal is then installed and lock the front packer in place. can be obtained in different sizes from 2-3/8” to 6-5/8". Ram packers and top seals should be in good condition. Rubber should not be missing from the pipe contact area on the front packer or sheared off on the top seal. As a general rule, ram packers should be considered acceptable when 80% of the rubber in the pipe contact area is still in place. Ee ert ey 5 Blind rams * Blind rams are similar to pipe rams, except that packers are replaced by two plane rams that have no cut outs in the rubber. * Blind rams are designed to seal off an empty well when no drill string or casing is present in the well . * Blind rams are used to prevent objects being accidently dropped F Ram Cl down the well. : = ' Ranopmn siBiindirain.ceallon pipaleads te collapse it. Fear Open Pert | Operation of Blind Rams Map ea a a} Blind Shear Rams | ‘+ Shear rams are a type of blind rams that are designed to cut drill pipe and seal the well, or close the well in as blind rams. ‘* Shear rams are not designed to cut tool joints, only designed to cut the pipe body, Hence the drill pipe must be spaced out so that the tool joint is either above or below the shear rams. ‘+ Most shear rams require 3000 psi to cut the drill pipe body, buttered ebenntem:t yen * Blind shear rams are dual-purpose rams, Under normal operating see mn Siew conditions, they are used as blind rams to shut-off an open hole. ‘+ When used as a blind ram, the blade packer in the upper shear ram seals against the front face of the lower shear ram. '* The shearing/blind rams should not be the bottom ram in order to allow the drill pipe to be landed on a bottom pipe rams or sheared higher up and to allow circulation to be established. Maeda a} BOP Rams - Variable ram assembly: Fs / of eS One set of variable bore rams can be used to seal on a range of pipe. A set of variable bore rams installed in a BOP saves a round trip of a BOP stack by eliminating the need to change rams when different diameter drill strings are used. A set of variable bore rams in a stack : eee Cameron ram assembly provides backup for two or more sizes of standard pipe rams or serves as the primary ram for one size and the backup for the other. * However VBRS have limited hang-off capacity compared to pipe rams BOP Rams, Shaffer ram assembly Cameron ram assembl Operating Ratio “Closing & Opening Ratio” FORCE (ibs) = PRESSURE (psi) * AREA (in? hydraulic closing pressure * piston closing area = well bore pressure * ram shift cross sectional area ‘well bore pressure piston closing area as << ———_ ye RWG CHNBER Hydraulic closing press. ram shift cross \ sectional area well bore pressure piston opening ares Opening Ratio = Hydraulic Opening press. ram shift toss, 1 \ sectional area cw a CHAEER EC ic} ST Annular Type Blowout Preventer MANUFACTURER ‘Cameron Type “DL ‘Type GK Hydsit Type “GL” ‘Type"Gx" ‘Type “MSP* Shaffer Shafer Spherical ‘+ Can close around any size or shape of pipe in the hole + Can leo close an opan hole and wireline ‘Can not however, lose and seal on wireline. + Annular preventers allow stripping of dill pipe under pressure while ‘maintaining a seal. + Annular preventers allow reciprocating ofthe dil string during wel control operations. += Cameron has two flanges make control on Insert packer to change packing clement, that’s what called “ quick release top” ROE ea en re How does an Annular Preventer work ‘+ Annular preventers can only be closed hydraulically ‘To close an annular, hydraulic pressure from the Koomey unit is applied to the closing chamber through the closing port «The hydraulic pressure raises the piston upwards ‘The piston contacts the packing element and compresses it transversely pening pressure Opening area ‘= Awoar plate above the packing element prevents the packing unit from moving upwards Closing area * The piston force causes the packing unit to expand laterally towards the wellbore and provide an annular seal ‘= The wellbore pressure acting on the Bottom of the Operating Piston helps keep the annular Closed «= The packing element can be released by directing fluid pressure above the piston through the opening chamber ‘The fluid pressure will force the piston to move downwards thereby allowing ‘the packing elements to expand and retain their original retracted position. + Annular preventer Requires a variable hydraulic closing pressure according to the task carried out (strippingycasing. cscs) IWCF Preparation Course, By Hayder Lazim Abdulridha,, Thi_Qar Oil Company"T.0.C” (23/7-2/3}-2017 103

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