SSP4 Midterm 02
SSP4 Midterm 02
SSP4 Midterm 02
(Morality vs law)
STAGE 1: PUNISHMENT AND OBEDIENCE ORIENTATION The individual recognizes an implied agreement existing
between individuals and society-a social contract
Children or adults base their decisions on personal fear whereby the State acquires its legitimacy through the
and the avoidance of punishment. There is little of any consent of the governed. Rules are expectations,
awareness that others have needs and desires similar to therefore, contain an arbitrary elements: They are
one's own. The physical dimensions of an act or its made for social our poses and these purposes occur.
consequences largely determine its degree of badness.
(Doing the right thing to get what you are expecting.
(What is right is right, what is wrong is wrong. We don’t
determine the reason behind the act) e.g., working for a salary
Human act is ginagawa bilang isang tao, 3. CIRCUMSTANCES. There is an old saying
circumstances alter cases. That is true and that is why
On the other hand, act of man is ginagawa mo dahil the morality of a human act must be judged in the light
ikaw ay biologically man(human being) of circumstances. From the moral point of view, the
Human act requires morality, while Act of man don’t. circumstances of a human act are those factors, distinct
from the act itself and from the purpose, which may
affect the morality of the act.
Act of men: human act that animals also do (walk, eat,
sleep, etc.) animals act base on instinct.
Human act: only human can do (helping others, lying,
stealing, etc.) through deliberate and free will A physician decides not to inform a patient that his
illness is grave. Along with the medical judgment the
physician also judges that this is the morally good thing
For an act to be considered a human act, it must to do in the circumstances. Another person interested
possess the following essential attributes: in the case disagrees, claiming that the physician has a
moral obligation in this case to let the patient know the
1. It must be performed by a conscious agent who is true gravity of his illness. In response, the physician
aware of what he is doing and of its consequences. gives reasons why it is morally good to withhold that
2. It must be performed by an agent who is acting
freely, that is by his own volition and powers. Such reasons used to argue in favor of a moral
judgment is the criteria for moral judgment. Two people
3. It must be performed by an agent who decides
who disagree about a moral judgment may appeal to
willfully to perform the act.
differing, even contradictory, criteria are correct?
Human act must, therefore be knowing free and willful.
The lack of any of these renders an act defective and
less voluntary. Physician is obligated to tell but there is reason that
has something to do with his moral judgement
Makokonsensya o hindi
(Domino effect)