Global Market Competition
Global Market Competition
Global Market Competition
Gain relationships across borders - Not only may a company build relationships or
even partnerships within its own country, but it can also form alliances with
international companies to gain a competitive advantage in the global market.
Increase the quality of a product or service - When a company develops into a
new market, it gains greater experience. They learn knowledge at a faster rate
with analytical tools, resulting in a higher quality of service or products provided
to customers.
6. List 5 disadvantages of competing in global markets. Explain
Political Risk - While competing in international markets has significant potential
benefits, such as access to new customers, the ability to cut costs, and the
diversification of company risk, it also has significant risks. Political risk is the
possibility of government upheaval or commercial involvement harming a
company's operations within a country.
Economic Risk - Economic risk is the possibility that a country's economic
conditions and policies, as well as property rights protections and currency
exchange rates, will have a negative impact on a company's activities within that
country. Executives who head companies that do business in a variety of nations
must assess these many factors and try to predict how they will effect their
businesses. Economic risk poses significant challenges to executives since
economies are unpredictable.
8. Is global market competition vital for the growth of the organization. Explain
Yes, simply put, the potential for global competition is best when the benefits of
global volume—whether in terms of lower unit costs, a better reputation, or better
service—outweigh the additional costs of supplying that volume.
Language Barriers - When doing worldwide business, it's crucial to think about
the languages spoken in the nations where you want to expand.
Cultural Differences - Each country has its own unique language makeup, as well
as its own distinct culture or blend of civilizations. Holidays, arts, rituals, meals,
and social conventions are all part of culture for a given group of people.
Learning about the cultures of the countries where you'll be doing business is
crucial and enriching.
Managing Global Teams - Managing people from all over the world is another
issue of international business. It can be challenging to account for language
difficulties, cultural differences, time zones, and varied levels of technology
access and dependency while trying to work as a team.