Payoneer Account Statement: Reference Number: 100206462378302
Payoneer Account Statement: Reference Number: 100206462378302
Payoneer Account Statement: Reference Number: 100206462378302
Seller Address : Rajpoot house 7th mile, Shair shah road Multan, Multan, 60000, Pakistan
IBAN : IE47CITI99005170978302
Instructions: This Account Statement is to be uploaded into Seller Central along with the National ID document as
Payoneer is regulated in various jurisdictions, including the following: Payoneer Inc., a Delaware corporation, is a
Money Service Business registered with FinCEN and is a licensed money transmitter under the laws of various
states in the United States of America; Payoneer (EU) Limited, a Gibraltar registered company (Registered
number 105734), authorized as an electronic money institution by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission
and licensed thereby to provide payments services; Payoneer Japan Limited, a Japanese corporation, is a
registered Funds Transfer Service Provider in Japan; Payoneer Hong Kong Ltd., a Hong Kong corporation, is a
licensed Money Services Operator with the CCE in Hong Kong; Payoneer Canada Ltd., a Canadian corporation,
is a registered Money Services Business with FINTRAC in Canada; Payoneer Inc. also acts as an online payment
gateway service provider (as prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India) in India for the purpose of facilitating
certain payment services.