L5 Terma
L5 Terma
L5 Terma
Topic Outline
1 Definition of Term
2. Classification of terms according to:
a) meaning
b) quality
Definition of a Term
Because idea is abstract, it needs terms to externally express it. Hence, term is defined as a
sensible conventional sign expressive of an idea. (Jayme, 1994)
1. Sensible. Whatever is perceivable by the senses is considered sensible, for example, books,
ball-pen, and dress. But, terms, either spoken or written, can be perceived through the senses.
So, terms are sensible.
2. Term is a sign. A sign is something that leads to the knowledge of something else. AS a sign, a
term manifests another object. For example, the term “chalk” refers to the object that is used
for writing on the blackboard.
3. Conventional sign. A conventional sign is a sign whose connection with the object it
represents is provided by common understanding or agreement. For ' example, native costume
indicates nationality; a flag represents a country. A term Is a conventional sign because its
usage has been agreed upon or at least made by common understanding.
Other signs are: (a) Natural sign, one whose connection with the object it manifests is given by
nature (examples: dark clouds for rain, crying as expression of pain or other emotions; (b)
Formal sign, a manifestation of an object from its likeness or resemblance to it (example:
photograph); and (c) Instrumental sign, one which is used as a means to know a thing.
Examples: flag, school uniform.
4. Expressive of an idea. Since terms represent idea they should bear meanings. For this
reason, terms are distinguished from words which actually do not convey meaning. Hence, a
word that expresses a meaning is called a term while the word that does not bear a meaning is
simply called a word. But words together with terms are needed to express an idea in a
Classification of Terms
If terms serve to represent ideas, then the kinds of ideas must also be the kinds of terms.
Hence, just like the ideas, terms are classified according to:
In order to easily identify the terms according to Extension, certain indicators or quantifiers are
2. The extension of universal term is indicated by quantifiers, such as: all, every, each,
everything, anything, whoever, whichever, whatever, any, everyone, nobody, no one, none,
nothing. Examples: All students must study. Nobody is above the law.
3. The extension of particular term is indicated by quantifiers like: some, few, many, several,
almost all, practically all, not all, not every, a lot of, mostly, and the use of numbers. Examples:
Four robbers were arrested last night. Many Students are serious in their studies.
According to Meaning: Univocal, Analogous, or Equivocal
1. Univocal term is a term that carries one and the same meaning in its several uses. The term
“animal” has the same meaning applied to dog, cat, cow, snake, and birds. The term “student”
has the same meaning applied to high school, college, commerce, or HRM students. The term
“son” is also univocal because it has one and the same meaning.
2. Analogous term is the term that expresses more or less similar meaning or associated
meaning. “Good school,” “good politician,” and “good medicine” do not have the same
meaning but only associated or related meaning. “Head of the department” and “head of man”
or “high fever” and “high school” do not have the same meaning but similar meaning only.
3. Equivocal term is the term that carries a different meaning in its various applications. Pinon
(1979:42) says that a term may be equivocal in three ways:
a) In pronunciation only. Examples: dear-deer, reign-rain, son-sun. These terms are equivocal
only when spoken, but if written they become univocal terms.
b) In writing only. For example the terms “bow” (bowing of head) and “bow” (a weapon) are
equivocal if written only, but they become univocal if spoken or pronounced.
c) In pronunciation and in writing. Examples: trunk of a tree or trunk of a car; “ring” in reference
to a piece of jewelry or basketball ring or sound of bell; “present”, as in “His father was present
when he received that present.” The term becomes univocal only if it used in a sentence.
a) Positive in form and in meaning. Examples: computer, rice, justice, money, love, hope, faith,
b) Positive in form but negative in meaning. Examples: evil, misery, fever. Terms “evil”, “misery”
and “fever” are positive in forms because they do not have negative prefix, although their
meanings are clearly negative.
1. A term is a sensible conventional sign expressive of an idea. The extension of a term can be
singular, universal, particular and collective. A term can be designated of a meaning namely:
Univocal, Equivocal and Analogous. A term expressed in a number of ways but in one and the
same sense is univocal. An equivocal term is expressed in a number of ways but in an entirely
different meaning. A term that expresses a meaning that is partly the same and partly different
is analogous.
2. By virtue of its quality, a term is positive or negative. Positive signifies something real and
actual. Negative signifies the absence or privation of something or lack of its perfection.
1. Ardales, V.B. (2008). Logic: Towards Critical Thinking and Reasoning. Ermita, Manila:
Educational Publishing House, pp. 39-40.
2. Maboloc, C.R.B. and Pascua, E.B. (2011). Elements of Logic. Manila: Rex Book Store, pp.13-17.
3. Malitao, A. L. (2010). Essential Logic: Revised Edition. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store,
pp. 30-34.
4. Nabor-Nerry, M.!. (2010). Fundamentals of Logic. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, pp.
16-20. Palmiano, D.A. (2010). Logic Makes Sense. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc., pp. 42-45.
Nabor-Nerry, M. |. (2010). Fundamentals of Logic. Mandalyong City: National Book Store, pp.
15 & 20.
Maboloc, C.R.B. and Pascua. E.A. (2011) Elements of Logic: An Integrative Approach. Manila:
Rex Book Store, pp. 15-17.
Palmiano, D.A. (2010) Logic Makes Sense. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc. pp. 26-27.