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來源 Measuring self-regulation in online and blended learning environments

Lucy Barnard 2008

Item Subscale
1. I set standards for my assignments in Goal setting
online courses.
2. I set short-term (daily or weekly)
goals as well as long-term (monthly or
for the semester).
3. I keep a high standard for my learning
in my online courses.
4. I set goals to help me manage
studying time for my online courses.
5. I don't compromise the quality of my
work because it is online.
6. I choose the location where I study to Environment structuring
avoid too much distraction.
7. I find a comfortable place to study.
8. I know where I can study most
efficiently for online courses.
9. I choose a time with few distractions
for studying for my online courses.
10. I try to take more thorough notes for Task strategies
my online courses because notes are
even more important for learning online
than in a regular classroom.
11. I read aloud instructional materials
posted online to fight against
12. I prepare my questions before
joining in the chat room and discussion.
13. I work extra problems in my online
courses in addition to the assigned ones
to master the course content.
14. I allocate extra studying time for my Time management
online courses because I know it is time
15. I try to schedule the same time
everyday or every week to study for my
online courses, and I observe the
16. Although we don't have to attend
daily classes, I still try to distribute my
studying time evenly across days.
17. I find someone who is Help seeking
knowledgeable in course content so that
I can consult with him or her when I
need help.
18. I share my problems with my
classmates online so we know what we
are struggling with and how to solve our
19. If needed, I try to meet my
classmates face-to-face.
20. I am persistent in getting help from
the instructor through e-mail.
21. I summarize my learning in online Self-evaluation
courses to examine my understanding of
what I have learned.
22. I ask myself a lot of questions about
the course material when studying for an
online course.
23. I communicate with my classmates
to find out how I am doing in my online
24. I communicate with my classmates
to find out what I am learning that is
different from what they are learning.

1. 我為我的線上課程的作業設定了標準。
2. 我設定短期(每天或每週)目標以及長期(每月或整個學期)目標。
3. 我對我的線上課程的學習保持高標準。
4. 我設定目標以説明我管理線上課程的學習時間。
5. 我不會因為在網上學習而影響我的工作品質。
6. 我選擇學習的地點,以避免過多的分心。
7. 我找到一個舒適的地方來學習。
8. 我知道在哪裡可以最有效地學習線上課程。
9. 我選擇一個沒有什麼干擾的時間來學習我的線上課程。
6. 我選擇學習的地點以避免過多的分心。
10. 我試著為我的線上課程做更全面的筆記,因為筆記對於線上學習來說甚至比
11. 我大聲朗讀網上發佈的教學材料,以克服分散注意力。
12. 我在加入網路課程教室和討論前準備好我的問題。
13. 我在網上課程中做額外的問題,除了指定的問題,以掌握課程內容。
14. 我為我的線上課程分配了額外的學習時間,因為我知道這需要時間。
15. 我嘗試每天或每週安排同樣的時間來學習我的線上課程,並且我遵守這個時
16. 雖然我們不需要每天上課,但我還是儘量將學習時間平均分配到各天。
17. 我找到一個對課程內容有研究的人,這樣我就可以在需要幫助時向他或她諮
18. 我在網上與同學們分享我的問題,這樣我們就能知道我們在糾結什麼,如何
19. 如果需要,我儘量與同學們面對面交流。
20. 我堅持不懈地通過電子郵件從老師那裡獲得幫助。
21. 我在網上課程中總結我的學習,以檢查我對所學知識的理解。
22. 在學習線上課程時,我向自己提出很多關於課程材料的問題。
23. 我與我的同學交流,瞭解我在網上課程中的表現。
24. 我與我的同學交流,以瞭解我所學的東西與他們所學的東西有什麼不同。

第二篇 來源
Motivational and Self-Regulated Learning Components of Classroom Academic
Paul R. Pintrich and Elisabeth V. De Groot 1990

The following scales and items represent the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire (MSLQ) that was used in this study to measure students' motivational
beliefs and self-regulated learning.
The numbers next to the items reflect the item's actual position on the questionnaire.
Items marked (*R) were reflected before scale construction. There were 56 items on
the questionnaire, but only 44 were used in this study to form the following five
Motivational Beliefs
量表之前就已經反映出來。問卷上有 56 個專案,但在本研究中只使用了 44 個,
A. Self-Efficacy 動機信念

2. Compared with other students in this class I expect to do well.

7. I'm certain I can understand the ideas taught in this course.
10. I expect to do very well in this class.
11. Compared with others in this class, I think I'm a good student.
13. I am sure I can do an excellent job on the problems and tasks assigned for this
15.1 think I will receive a good grade in this class.
20. My study skills are excellent compared with others in this class.
22. Compared with other students in this class I think I know a great deal about the
23. I know that I will be able to learn the material for this class.
B. Intrinsic Value
1. I prefer class work that is challenging so I can learn new things.
5. It is important for me to learn what is being taught in this class.
6. I like what I am learning in this class.
9. I think I will be able to use what I learn in this class in other classes.
12. I often choose paper topics I will learn something from even if they require more
17. Even when I do poorly on a test I try to learn from my mistakes.
18. I think that what I am learning in this class is useful for me to know.
21. I think that what we are learning in this class is interesting.
25. Understanding this subject is important to me.
C. Test Anxiety
3. I am so nervous during a test that I cannot remember facts I have learned.
14. I have an uneasy, upset feeling when I take a test.
24. I worry a great deal about tests.
27. When I take a test, I think about how poorly I am doing. Self-Regulated Learning
D. Cognitive Strategy Use
30. When I study for a test, I try to put together the information from class and from
the book.
31. When I do homework, I try to remember what the teacher said in class so I can
answer the questions correctly.
33. It is hard for me to decide what the main ideas are in what I read. (*R)
35. When I study, I put important ideas into my own words.
36. I always try to understand what the teacher is saying even if it doesn't make sense.
38. When I study for a test I try to remember as many facts as I can.
39. When studying, I copy my notes over to help me remember material.
42. When I study for a test, I practice saying the important facts over and over to
44. I use what I have learned from old homework assignments and the textbook to do
new assignments.
47. When I am studying a topic, I try to make everything fit together.
53. When I read material for this class, I say the words over and over to myself to help
me remember.
54. I outline the chapters in my book to help me study.
56. When reading I try to connect the things, I am reading about with what I already
E. Self-Regulation
32. I ask myself questions to make sure I know the material I have been studying.
34. When work is hard I either give up or study only the easy parts. (*R)
40. I work on practice exercises and answer end of chapter questions even when I
don't have to.
41. Even when study materials are dull and uninteresting, I keep working until I
43. Before I begin studying, I think about the things I will need to do to learn.
45. I often find that I have been reading for class but don't know what it is all about.
46. I find that when the teacher is talking, I think of other things and don't really listen
to what is being said. (*R)
52. When I'm reading, I stop once in a while and go over what I have read.
55. I work hard to get a good grade even when I don't like a class.

2. 與這個班的其他學生相比,我希望能做得更好。
7. 我確信我能夠理解這門課程所教授的思想。
10. 我希望我在這門課上做到完美。
11. 與本班其他同學相比,我認為我是個好學生。
13. 我確信我能出色地完成這門課所佈置的問題和任務。
15. 我認為我在這門課上會得到一個好成績。
20. 與本班其他同學相比,我的學習能力很好。
22. 與本班其他學生相比,我認為我對這門課有很大的瞭解。
23. 我知道我有能力學好這門課的材料。
B. 內在價值
1. 我更喜歡有挑戰性的課堂作業,這樣我就能學到新東西。
5. 對我來說,學習這門課的內容很重要。
6. 我喜歡我在這門課上學到的東西。
9. 我認為我能夠在其他課程中使用我在這個班級學到的東西。
12. 我經常選擇我將會學到東西的論文題目,即使它們需要更多的工作。
17. 即使我在考試中表現不佳,我也會努力從我的錯誤中學習。
18. 我認為我在這門課上所學的知識對我來說是有用的。
21. 我認為我們在這門課上所學的東西很有趣。
25. 瞭解這個主題對我很重要。
C. 考試焦慮
3. 我在考試時非常緊張,以至於我無法記住我所學的事實。
14. 當我參加考試時,我有一種不安的、不高興的感覺。
24. 我對考試非常擔心。
27. 當我參加考試時,我會想到我的成績有多差。自我調控的學習策略
D. 認知策略的使用
30. 當我為考試複習時,我試著把課堂上和書上的資訊放在一起。
31. 當我做家庭作業時,我試著記住老師在課堂上講的內容,這樣我就能正確地
33. 我很難決定我所讀的書中的主要觀點是什麼。(*R)
35. 當我學習的時候,我會把重要的觀點用自己的語言表達出來。
36. 我總是試圖理解老師所說的內容,即使它沒有意義。
38. 當我為考試學習時,我儘量多地記住一些事實。
39. 學習時,我把我的筆記複製過來,以説明我記住材料。
42. 當我為考試複習時,我反復練習對自己說重要的事實。
44. 我利用從以前的家庭作業和課本中學到的知識來完成新的作業。
47. 當我學習一個課題時,我努力使所有的東西都能結合起來。
53. 當我閱讀這門課的材料時,我反復對自己說這些話以幫助我記憶。
54. 我在書中列出各章節的大綱,以幫助我學習。
56. 在閱讀時,我試圖把我所讀的東西與我已經知道的東西聯繫起來。
E. 自我調控
32. 我問自己問題,以確保我知道我所學的材料。
34. 當工作遇到困難時,我要麼放棄,要麼只學習容易的部分。(*R)
40. 即使沒有必要,我也會做練習題和回答章末的問題。
41. 即使學習材料枯燥無味,我也會堅持工作直到完成。
43. 在開始學習之前,我想過我需要做的事情,以便學習。
45. 我經常發現我一直在為上課而讀書,但不知道它的內容是什麼。(*R)
46. 我發現當老師在講課時,我在想其他的事情,並沒有真正聽進去老師在講什
52. 當我在閱讀時,我偶爾會停下來,複習一下我所讀的內容。
55. 即使我不喜歡某門課,我也會努力工作以獲得好成績。

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