KV VP Summer Holiday Homework Class-II To V Session 2022-23 (Ist Shift)
KV VP Summer Holiday Homework Class-II To V Session 2022-23 (Ist Shift)
KV VP Summer Holiday Homework Class-II To V Session 2022-23 (Ist Shift)
1. Write 10 pages of neat and clean handwriting.
2. Prepare a beautiful greeting card on the occasion of “Father’s Day”. Write 5
lines about your father.
3. Reading is good habit. Read two stories and write the names of
your favourite character from stories.
4. Write 10 doing words (Action words).Also paste the pictures.
5. Learn the poem
a) First day at school
b) I am lucky
6. Write few lines on your favourite animal or bird. Also paste the pictures.
NOTE: Do the work in the scrap book.
Question – 1 Draw the family tree of your family and paste pictures of
your family members in it.
Question – 2 Draw / Paste the pictures of 5 healthy food and 5 junk food.
Also write their names.
Question – 3 Draw / Paste the pictures of 5 food items each according to
their taste that is
➢ Food that tastes sweet
➢ Food that tastes salty
➢ Food that tastes sour
➢ Food that tastes bitter. Also write their names.
Question – 4 Draw / Paste the pictures of 4 seasons. Also write their
names. Question – 5 Draw / Paste the pictures of 5 clothes each that we
wear in summer season.
ह द
िं ी कक्षा 2
1. पालतू और जिंगली जनवरों के नाम ललखो और उनके चित्र बनाओ या
चिपकाओ ।
2.खरगोश शेर भालू बबल्ली और बिंदर के मक ु ु ट बनाओ ।
3. 1 से 20 तक ह दिं ी में चगनती ललखे शब्दों में ।
4.पाटट 1 से 20 तक पढो ररमझिम की पस् ु तक से ।
5. 20 पेज सलु ेख ललखो ।
1. Learn and write table up to 20.
2. Do daily 8 Questions of all four operations
i.e. two of addition
two of subtraction total 8 daily (use a separate
two of multiplication
two of division.
3. Revise chapter 1 to 3.
4. Solve 10 Questions of place value and face value and write its
application in day today life.
5. Make some patterns with the help of colour papers and decorate 10
sheets of A4 size paper. (For reference see page no.3 of your text book)
Do HW in scrap book
Activity 1 - Fun with Colours (page number 24) take a paper and fold it in the middle
now unfold it and put some drops of colour on it to get any shape for the paper to get
the other half of the shape.
Activity 2 - Draw and colour sources of water.
Activity 3 - Write the slogan about water.
Activity 4 - Draw and colour water cycle.
Activity 5 - Draw make a paper bird or Bird from any trash.
Activity 6 - Collect wrapper of five food item and paste them in the scrapbook and
collect given information
date of manufacturing
date of expiry
7.Learn work done in class with correct spelling for pt1.
विषय- व िं दी
1) प्रतिदिन एक सुलेख ललखें।
2) प्रतिदिन एक कहानी या कवििा पढ़े ।
3) 1 से 50 िक गिनिी ललखने का अभ्यास करें ।
4) ककसी भी एक जानिर का मुखौटा बनाकर उस पर 5 िाक्य ललखें ि याि करें ।
5) 5 कीटों के नाम ललखों ि गित्र गिपकाओ।
6) 5 ऎसे पक्षियों के नाम ललखें जजनमें आ, उ, ऊ, इ, ई की मात्रा आिी है ि उनके गित्र
7) पाठ 1 ि 2 याि करें ।
Do HW in Computer Notebook
Ques-1 What is Computer?
Ques-2 Write 5 uses of computer?
Ques-3 State True or False :-
• Computer is an electronic device.
• A CD or DVD comes in a circular shape.
Subject- E.V.S.
Give birth to young ones Lay eggs and have Lay eggs but do not have
and feathers feather or hair on their
have hair on their body on their body. body
Subject – ENGLISH
Q1) Make a list of 10 things that you can measure in Meters and Centimeters.
Q2) Draw any 4, 2D and 3D shapes and also write the difference between the
Q3) Measure the height of all your family members and write the difference of
height between the longest and shortest family member.
Q4) Make 5 different floor pattern of your own and also colour them.
Q5) What is the difference between a line and a line segment? Also draw line
segment of the following:
(i) 6.2cm (ii) 4cm (iii) 5.5cm (iv) 7.6cm (v) 8cm
Q6) what is the difference between place value and face value? Also write the
place value of 4 in following numbers:
(i) 4623 (ii) 6243 (iii) 2426 (iv) 92643 (v) 69784
Q7) Name at least 4 things with their diagrams which are used to measure
different things.
Q8) Learn and write tables up to 19.
Q9) Guess and find out?
(i) How long is the distance between their home and their school?
(ii) How long is the string of a kite reel? Can it be more than a kilometer long?
Q10) Choose any 5 objects from your home and make a table writing their
height, breadth and length.
विषय- ह द
िं ी
1. पाठ 1 से 4 तक पढ़ना और सुलेख
2. बीस मुहावरों के अर्थ ललखकर वाक्य
3. "मैंने गलमथयों की छुट्टियाां कैसे बबताई" दस वाक्य
4."मेरा खखलौना" ववषय पर दस वाक्य
5. ववलिन्न बेलवादी सब्जियों के चित्र चिपकाओ।
कोलाि बनाएां।
6. हमारे मददगार कौन हैं उनके चित्र चिपकाकर
कोलाि बनाएां।
7. अपने वपतािी और मातािी के ललए धन्यवाद कार्थ
Do HW in Computer Notebook
1. All the physical parts of a computer that you can see, touch and feel are called ………….
2. The ……… does all the arithmetic calculations and takes logical decisions in a computer.
*Today a reader, Tomorrow a leader - Read any one story book of your choice.
*Make a list of summer activities on A-4 size sheet and paste the pictures related to it.
*Write 10 pages of neat and clean handwriting.
*Prepare any one article using waste material at home.
*Make a list of 10 describing words and write their opposite also. For example – Big -
*Write 10 words that are formed by joining two words. Example – Teamwork - Team +
*Read Newspaper daily.
*Learn the Question - Answers of topic completed.
Do the work in SCRAP BOOK
Read and leam Lesson 1& 2. Super senses & A Snake Charmer Story.
Make any two animals puppet using waste material. Paste picture of snake charmer,
been and write few lines about their work.
Paste and label pictures of 5 Endangered animals and 3 Extinct animals. Paste
POLITICAL MAP of India in Scrap book and mark the following states.
1. Jim Corbett National park- Uttarakhand
विषय- ह द
िं ी
1. 10 पेज सुलेख ललखें।
2. तिब्बि के बारे में और जानकारी प्राप्ि करके ललखखए इससे सिंबिंधिि धित्र भी बनाइए या धिपकाएिं।
4. ह द
िं ी के समािार पत्र से या िीिी से प्रतिहदन कोई दो मख्
ु य समािार पढ़कर ललखखए।
6. ह द
िं ी में 1 से 100 िक धगनिी ललखें और याद करें ।
Que.1 Draw and colour and four things which look like
A. Rectangle B. Square C. Circle D. Triangle
Que.2 Make a Table and write any four vegetables name, rate of 1 kg each. Then
find out the rate of 5 kg each vegetable and make total of all.
Que. 3. Write and learn multiplication table 15 to 25.
Que.4 Draw and Indian place value chart and write the following numbers.
A. 85469544
B. 98303548
D. Five Crore eighty two lakh ninety thousand four hundred nine.
E. Sixty Three lakh five thousand thirty five.
F. Ninety Nine lakh ninety thousand nine hundred nine.
Que.5 The speed of the following vehicles given below. Answer the questions as
given below. Answer the questions as per information given in the table.
F. A car and motor boat started their journey at a same time. How much time
do they take to travel a distance of 200 km?
Que. 6. Prepare a degree clock.
Que. 7 Rani took a loan of Rs. 12000 from a bank and paid Rs. 12600 after
on. Find the answer. A. How much extra money did she pay to the bank?
B. How much money did she pay to the bank in one month?
Do HW in Computer Notebook
Ques – 1 What is Computer and its parts?