Sustainability 14 05157
Sustainability 14 05157
Sustainability 14 05157
Barriers to Using ESG Data for Investment Decisions
Bjorg Jonsdottir 1 , Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson 1,2, * , Lara Johannsdottir 1 and Stefan Wendt 3
Abstract: Institutional investors who commit to integrating environmental, social and governance
(ESG) aspects into investment decisions require ESG data of sufficient quality. However, concerns
have risen over a lack of quality in ESG data, as outlined by the Global Reporting Initiative. The
lack of quality in ESG data deters institutional investors from using the data for investment deci-
sions. This study outlines the ESG data reporting process and explores where in the process quality
concerns emerge. Semi-structured interviews are applied with professionals involved in ESG data
analysis and reporting of listed companies, a rating agency and institutional investors. The results
show that current barriers to using ESG data include a lack of materiality, accuracy and reliability.
Interviewees agree that access to data collected by governmental institutions is lacking, and that
companies’ purchase of carbon credits raise questions about the reliability of ESG data. Companies
hold contrasting views to the institutional investors on the useability of the data they disclose. The
results enhance our understanding of the common and contrasting concerns about the lack of quality
in ESG data. The results can be used as guide for companies, investors and regulators for actions to
mitigate barriers related to the lack of quality in ESG reporting.
Figure 1. ESG
1. ESG reportingprocess.
reporting process. Source:
Source: Own
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5157 3 of 14
Approaching data collection from a reporting process perspective sheds light on where
in the process quality concerns emerge. The study accordingly explores the following
research question amongst companies, rating agency and institutional investors: Which
quality-related barriers occurring in the ESG reporting process hinder the utilisation of ESG
data for decision making for institutional investors?
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 outlines an overview of the relevant
literature. Section 3 describes the research method, followed by a presentation of main
findings. The findings are deliberated in Section 5, followed by a concluding section which
outlines the theoretical and practical implications of the study.
2. Literature Review
As of March 2022, there were over 4800 signatories to the PRI, with assets under
management of more than USD 120 trillion in 2021 [20]. To integrate the ESG aspects
into investment decisions, institutional investors require substantial amounts of qual-
ity ESG data to evaluate companies’ performance in relation to the ESG aspects [8,21].
Consequently, there has been substantial growth in the number of companies that report on
their sustainability performance by collecting and disclosing data on (1) the environmental
aspect, such as carbon emissions, biodiversity, water consumption, waste management and
protection of natural resources; (2) the social aspect, such as employee working conditions,
diversity and equal pay; and (3) the governance aspect, which includes diversity of the
companies’ leadership, anticorruption programs, executive pay, shareholder rights, audits
and internal controls [14,22].
In addition to the principles for sustainability report quality and content issued by
the GRI [11] outlined in the previous section, companies can use various frameworks
and standards for ESG reporting. The most recognised ones include the International
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) framework, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),
Principles of Responsible Banking (PRB), Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI), the
Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Sustainability Accounting Standards
Board (SASB) framework and the UN Global Compact [16,23,24]. GRI is the most widely
adopted framework for ESG reporting [24].
SRAs include specialist rating agencies, investment banks’ analysis departments, operators
of securities indices, credit rating agencies as well as non-governmental organisations [25–27].
The sustainability ratings are employed to benchmark the companies against their peers. SRAs
are therefore instrumental in defining the features of ESG portfolios in terms of risk exposure
and how the monetary impact of the ESG aspects is assessed [28]. SRAs require accurate,
transparent and reliable ESG data to evaluate companies’ sustainability performance [17]. SRAs
aggregate the ESG data provided by the companies and from external sources to evaluate how
the reporting companies are performing in relation to the ESG aspects, as shown in Figure 1.
The publicly available data sources used for collecting ESG-related data include audited
financial statements and the companies’ annual reports and policy statements. In addition,
social and news media, companies’ websites, industry research reports and other publicly
accessible data sources are also used for gathering and aggregating ESG data [3,13]. Many of
the leading SRAs give companies an opportunity to provide feedback or additional data to
their reports [29].
Despite the rising popularity in ESG investing followed by a vast increase in the
volume and variety of available ESG data, a substantial proportion of the investment
community is not pursuing ESG aspects as part of their investment strategy [30]. Several
studies have suggested that the vast variety and volume of available ESG data has resulted
in poor data quality [3,6,14], because it becomes “increasingly challenging for investors
to efficiently determine the quality of those datasets in any principled way” [17] (p. 7).
Although the purpose of GRI principles is to improve the quality of ESG data, it is still
a voluntary requirement; companies can choose which reporting framework to use for
collecting and disclosing their ESG data [31–33].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5157 4 of 14
The Corporate Reporting Dialogue [33] is an initiative organised by the Integrated Report-
ing Framework for the purpose of achieving “greater coherence, consistency and comparability
between corporate reporting frameworks, standards and related requirements” [33] (p. 2). The
Corporate Reporting Dialogue states that:
“There is a large and stultifying ecosystem of regulation, voluntary frameworks
and standards, and surveys and questionnaires seeking the disclosure of ESG
information. It is clear from the stakeholder engagement that report preparers
lack the resources to effectively navigate and respond to these reporting requests,
leaving report users with disclosures that are not as comprehensive, consistent,
or comparable as desired” (p. 28).
The term “quality” in relation to ESG data is multifaceted, and it is complex to shed a
light on which of the various quality aspects, as defined by GRI, are currently relevant and
hindering the utilisation of the ESG data [10]. Currently, institutional investors are mainly
concerned about ESG data lacking quality aspects related to data materiality, accuracy,
reliability and comparability [16].
2.1. Materiality
The GRI principles on quality define material data as relevant on matters “that can rea-
sonably be considered important for reflecting the organization’s economic, environmental,
and social impacts, or influencing the decisions of stakeholders” (p. 10). Despite the GRI
principle, the challenge to obtain high-quality data on material ESG exposures persists.
Studies by Khan et al. [15] and Amel-Zadeh et al. [14] showed that although companies
have identified the strategic importance of ESG reporting and increased the volume of the
ESG data they disclosed, the data are commonly over-generalised and thus irrelevant and
immaterial for making investment decisions. According to Danisch [34], the significance
of materiality in ESG data might even render the GRI quality requirement for complete-
ness in ESG data less important if the content disclosed is focused on materiality analysis.
Another reason for over-generalisation and lack of relevance in ESG data is a “tick the box”
approach by companies which emerges because of the exponential rise in the number of
SRAs and the corresponding increase in demand for ESG data. This shortcut is taken due to
a lack of resources or motivation to respond to the increasing data demand [6,13]. A study
by Kotsantonis et al. [6] showed that only half of the fifty listed Fortune 500 companies
included in their study reported on having a health and safety policy, and that only about
15% disclose their lost time incident rates and workplace fatalities, which is significant
because “employee health and safety is a material ESG issue for 9 out of the 11 sectors,
according to SASB’s framework” (p. 50). Moreover, Kotsantonis et al. [6] claimed that there
is “currently no agreed method on how to handle diversified businesses, in terms of which
ESG issues are material to them” (p. 54).
2.2. Accuracy
According to the GRI principle on accuracy, ESG data disclosed by companies should
be “sufficiently accurate and detailed for stakeholders to assess the reporting organiza-
tion’s performance”. Kotsantonis et al. [6] showed that because of the lack of alignment
in reporting frameworks, the reporting process becomes overly complex and resource
heavy. Consequently, because of the complexity and heavy resource demand, the ESG
data disclosed by companies become inaccurate as the companies might avoid ESG data
disclosure, and those that do disclose might provide inferior quality ESG data, leaving
large gaps in the data for key ESG aspects [6].
Adding to the lack of accuracy in ESG reporting is the “difficulty in accurately under-
standing the [overwhelming GRI] requirements and preparing a complete report” (p. 285),
which causes reporters’ fatigue amongst the reporting companies’ employees, as revealed
in a study by Dissanayake et al. [35]. Furthermore, In et al. [10] added that because of the
resource-heavy process required to aggregate ESG data and “verify the accuracy” (p. 246),
institutional investors refrain from gathering more data to enhance data accuracy.
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The study by Kotsantonis et al. [6] also showed that the companies used over twenty
different terminologies and metrics for reporting on the same ESG aspect. The inaccuracy
of the disclosed data leads to inconsistencies and therefore to a lack of comparability among
companies’ ESG performance evaluations [14,30].
Del Giudice et al. [36] claimed that ESG data lacked accuracy because “non-financial
reporting is still in its infancy” (p. 1) and the reporting thus lacks. They added that “[t]his
exposes the ESG information released by companies to varying of accuracy, which can
ultimately impact the reliability of ESG scores” (p. 1).
2.3. Reliability
The GRI reliability principle requires that companies “gather, record, compile, analyze,
and report information and processes used in the preparation of the report in a way that
they can be subject to examination, and that establishes the quality and materiality of the
information” (p. 15). Nevertheless, institutional investors consider self-assessment of ESG
performance unreliable because companies are prone to report only the positive aspects
of their activities. ESG data will therefore not correspond to their actual behaviour, which
increases the risk of window dressing [13,18,19,37].
Companies that perform poorly often attempt to whitewash the ESG data using lan-
guage that is imprecise but optimistic [19,38]. Similarly, companies with riskier operations
tend to augment their ESG data disclosure as window dressing, but this also enhances the
transparency of their operations and decreases the companies’ risk [39]. Cho et al. [18]
define the concept of window dressing as the misleading use of ESG data disclosure,
designed to create a favourable view without the intention to honour the disclosure by
implementing actions.
To mitigate the risk of whitewashing, many of the global SRAs, including MSCI,
RepRisk and Refinitiv, commonly aggregate ESG data only from external, public data
sources [3,13,29]. The SRAs collect external data via sources including audited financial
statements and annual reports of the disclosing companies, media information, companies’
websites or other publicly accessible data sources [3,13,39].
Moreover, because of the distrust in the legitimacy of the self-assessed performance
related to the ESG aspects, institutional investors are calling for mandatory ESG data
disclosure [12,40,41] and auditing of ESG reports, based on global standards by external
assurance providers, such as accounting or consulting firms [22]. The shift from voluntary
to mandatory sustainability reporting emerged via the European Union (EU) Directive
95/2014, which enforces large companies to disclose sustainability data [31,42]. Although
empirical evidence shows that mandatory ESG data disclosure is believed to improve the
quality in ESG reporting [43,44], evidence also shows that ESG data still lack reliability
because large companies lack robust internal controls to ensure reliable ESG disclosure [45],
that gaps still occur in the ESG datasets and, importantly, that the risk of whitewashing still
prevails [46]. In addition, according to La Torre et al. [40], mandatory reporting increases a
facile approach to ESG data disclosure by companies and thus escalates the “inconsistencies
between corporate talk and action” (p. 9). Moreover, the lack of aligned standards in
ESG performance evaluations interferes with making the evaluations comparable if the
disclosure is still voluntary in other parts of the world [47].
2.4. Comparability
Comparability, according to the GRI, refers to the consistent collection and disclosure
of ESG data by companies. The data “shall be presented in a manner that enables stake-
holders to analyze changes in the organization’s performance over time, and that could
support analysis relative to other organizations” (p. 14). In a survey of 652 investment
professionals [14], the most significant challenge facing investors in utilising ESG data as a
base for investment decisions related to a lack of cross-company comparability. The lack of
comparability was a consequence of the multidimensionality in the standards governing
the ESG reporting, which makes it difficult for institutional investors to identify which
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5157 6 of 14
outcomes were related to ESG performance [12,48]. In et al. [10] also stated that “today’s
ESG ratings are inconsistent and incomparable, as they are not relying on shared theoretical
foundations, nor sharing the common reporting standards” (p. 240).
Furthermore, the heterogenous missions and goals that drive institutional investors to
seek ESG data, as well as sector-specific approaches and national preferences, have made it
difficult to define acknowledged standards and frameworks for constructing a comparable
and dependable ESG investable universe [7,49].
3. Research Method
The semi-structured interview method was chosen to enable the interviewer to control
the conversation [50,51]. Nine interviewees were purposefully chosen to ensure their
involvement in the implementation of ESG reporting and utilisation in their organisations.
The interviewees were therefore likely to possess the knowledge sought for the purpose of
the study [52–54]. The interviewees were from companies in different industries listed on
the Nasdaq Nordic-Iceland stock exchange, a rating agency, and institutional investors to
reflect key actors in the ESG reporting process and to allow us to follow ESG data through
the process, as shown in Table 1.
As suggested by Creswell et al. [52] and Patton [53], the interviewees were selected
from a list of high-level sustainability managers and experts within the entities. The
commercial banks reported sustainability data from their operations, but they are also
institutional investors. Therefore, the participating commercial banks were able provide
data from the perspectives of the ESG data collection and disclosure procedures as well as
the utilisation of ESG data for investment decisions.
The total interview time was 7.32 h for nine interviews. An interview guide was
followed during the interviews to achieve optimal use of interview time and to keep the
interviewees focused on the topic [54]. After each interview, the interview guide was
revisited to evaluate the need for any adjustment. A qualitative method was used for the
study to describe and explain what the interviewees revealed and to avoid generalising the
results. In this sense, repetition of the study would not necessarily give the same results.
However, this does not detract from the results of the study. To ensure reliability and
consistency in the data, an audit trail was used to describe exactly how the data collection
was conducted [55].
Interviews were transcribed and analysed thematically using the atlas.ti software to
identify the main themes arising from the interviews. Each sentence was analysed and
coded. Over 500 codes were obtained and subsequently sorted into categories and labelled
to create a descriptive concept for each category. The main categories that emerged from
the from the interview data [56–59] were data accuracy, reliability, comparability and data
materiality. The results were drawn from the interview data and are presented in the
following section.
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4. Results
The institutional investors who participated in the study were all signatories to the
PRI and were integrating ESG data into their investment analysis and decision making. The
pension funds had also incorporated the governance aspect into their policies and practices
but not the environmental and social aspects. Accordingly, interviewees actively engaged
as shareholders with the board and managers of the invested companies. The shareholder
engagement occurred mostly during annual meetings but also, on occasion, directly with
company managers. Some interviewees claimed that Iceland is two to three years behind
the rest of Europe in the integration of ESG aspects into investment policy, a key reason
being the deep impact of the 2008 banking crisis. As a result, their focus to date was on the
governance aspect.
The commercial banks were further advanced in using ESG data for investment deci-
sions than the pension funds and were building a framework to evaluate the sustainability
of the asset and lending portfolios. Interviewees from the pension funds, however, had
not formally engaged in issues related to the ESG aspects beyond the governance aspect,
although they invested a portion of their funds in foreign sustainability equity funds. The
pension fund interviewees did so by choosing which ESG strategy corresponded with their
investment strategy and/or which ESG performance measurement methodology most
appealed to them.
One of the pension funds was further ahead than the other pension funds in the
utilisation of ESG data for foreign investments, because they cooperated with a global SRA.
For domestic investments, however, the pension fund managers looked at ESG data on
a case-by-case basis. Most of the pension funds were thus still in the initial stages using
ESG data; these interviewees were contemplating which of the ESG integration approaches
to take and whether and how the integration of ESG aspects into investment decisions
would impact their main duty, which was to deliver returns to their shareholders. ESG
data thus served as a secondary perspective on domestic investments and were not critical
for a decision to invest or not.
All the participating companies used Nasdaq guidelines as a framework for sustain-
ability reporting; three of the interviewees used either GRI or TFCD guidelines as well. One
company interviewee claimed to extract ESG data from the GRI report into the Nasdaq re-
port to produce “fast boiled” information for investors who do not have time to go through
the GRI report. Another company interviewee claimed to use the TFCD guidelines because
they were more comprehensive than the Nasdaq guidelines and were better suited for
providing a forward-looking perspective on ESG data. The company interviewee claimed
that the climate crisis was a financial risk for institutional investors and, as such, relevant to
the survival of the companies they invest in. Two company interviewees claimed that the
Nasdaq reporting guidelines were better suited for companies that were at the beginning
of the ESG reporting integration process, rather than organisations that were further ahead
in the process.
The SRA interviewee, however, explained that the reason for the wide application of
the Nasdaq guidelines was because when ESG reporting first emerged, companies were
overwhelmed by the enormity of data required. Moreover, the main challenge encountered
by SRAs was the lack of standardisation in the field, particularly between the methodologies
applied by the various SRAs.
Asked if the ESG data currently disclosed by the companies were useable for institu-
tional investors for investment decisions, the company interviewees answered that the data
should be usable for institutional investors because the data are collected and disclosed per
GRI and Nasdaq ESG guidelines. The investors “should [therefore] be able to compare us
with others”, claimed one company interviewee.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5157 8 of 14
The commercial bank interviewee also described how complex it was to delve into the
reports for a better understanding and to:
“Analyse the numbers to distinguish, for example, whether a fishing company
that gets a loan is using that loan to buy fossil fuels . . . then you often end up
hitting walls . . . It is difficult to determine if a fishing company that receives a
loan uses the money to invest in more environmentally safe energy supplies.”
Institutional investors and the reporting companies also require access to ESG data
from sources outside the companies. A commercial bank and two pension fund interviewees
stated that they faced challenges when considering investments in, e.g., eco-friendly
housing (built to reduce the carbon footprint and use energy sources efficiently), or a
more sustainable fishing industry. Governmental institutions, including the Icelandic
Directorate of Fisheries, the National Energy Authority, the Environmental Agency and
the Housing and Construction Authority, collected data from various businesses to seek
to enhance sustainability reporting by companies. The Icelandic authorities could play a
bigger role in leading a scaled-up utilisation of ESG data for reporting and utilisation.
A commercial bank interviewee described how the commercial bank had met with vari-
ous governmental authorities to see whether ESG data, especially on climate resilience, existed.
The authorities could, as mentioned by a pension fund interviewee, help improve
the accuracy and reliability of ESG data by making the data that are aggregated by the
governmental institutions more accessible for ESG reporting actors, and thus enhance
the data quality disclosed by the companies and potentially reduce the costs incurred in
data collection.
While one of the participating commercial banks had purchased certified carbon credits
to offset the operations and became certified as “carbon neutral”, a company interviewee
claimed that whitewashing is inherent in the transactions with carbon credits and therefore
questionable in terms of the goals for zero carbon emissions. The company interviewee
claimed that:
“There is a common misunderstanding in the market regarding carbon. At the
end of the day, companies are not becoming greener if they purchase carbon
credits for the purpose of claiming they are carbon neutral.”
ESG data provide a status report on company performance in terms of sustainability. If
a manufacturing company purchases carbon credits, as does the end user of the component,
it will be carbon neutralised twice. The component and the end products, however, will
not become “greener” at the end of the day, as claimed by a company interviewee. This
defeats the objective of becoming carbon neutral and, consequently:
“There is a big issue about ‘green washing’ in Iceland because companies misun-
derstand what being carbon neutral means.”
Two of the pension fund interviewees seconded the companies’ statements regarding
carbon credits and talked about how the market transactions with carbon credits has become
a money-making industry, thus reducing the pension funds’ trust in sustainability data.
Further on the topic of ESG data reliability, one pension fund interviewee stated that
the “Holy Grail” is to ensure that there are benefits for the companies and investors. For
instance, when companies issue green bonds, investors can offer specific loan agreement
terms with lower interest rates that are linked to achieving specific ESG performance goals.
The companies have thus “linked sustainability development to financial benefits”, which
requires the companies in question to disclose reliable data on their ESG performance.
5. Discussion
The key findings in this study show that the paramount quality-related concerns in
ESG data relate to the lack of materiality, accuracy and reliability of the data collected
and disclosed by companies for institutional investors. The concerns arise because of
misalignment in the frameworks available for companies to follow when collecting and
disclosing ESG data [5,35], amongst other reasons.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5157 11 of 14
The companies’ interviewees claim to be overly burdened with “ticking boxes” for the
annual reports and fending off SRAs. Consequently, the companies leave large gaps in the
disclosed data or disclose data that are immaterial from an institutional investors point of
view. These issues are in line with the literature [6,13,14,34].
Corresponding to Cort et al. [9], the lack of accuracy in ESG data is also a barrier for the
utilisation of ESG data because the institutional investors, as stated by a commercial bank
interviewee, are unable to testify to the significance of companies’ sustainability certificates,
e.g., certified fishing (MSC) for the fishing industry. This issue of lack of accuracy has, so
far, not been emphasised in the literature.
The participating institutional investors claim that they distrust the companies’ self-
assessment of their sustainability performance, which is a barrier to the utilisation of ESG
data for investment decisions. The institutional investors claim that the ESG data do
not reveal the companies’ actual behaviour and the risk of window dressing is therefore
prevalent [13,18,19]. Moreover, institutional investors’ calls for external auditing [23] to
mitigate the risk of whitewashing is in line with the literature.
Concerns about the lack of comparability in ESG performance evaluations was not as
significant for most of the pension funds interviewed, as outlined in the literature [14,37],
although the interviewees recognised that the issues existed. Most of the pension funds
claimed to resolve the issues of incomparability in ESG performance evaluations by choos-
ing the ESG investment policy or performance measurement methodology they most
agreed with.
Other quality-related concerns revealed in this study, which do not align with the
literature, include the carbon credits market. The carbon credit topic kept recurring amongst
the companies and pension fund interviewees during the interviews, in relation to data
on carbon offsetting. There was a consensus amongst some companies and pension fund
interviewees that purchasing carbon credits increased the risk of whitewashing because, at
the end of the day, the purchased credits neither offset the companies’ carbon emissions
nor result in greener end products.
Additional findings which were not found in the literature include the outlining
by two pension fund interviewees of loan agreements that tie interest rates to specific
sustainability goals. The loan agreement terms help mitigate the risk of whitewashing and
create a financial incentive for companies to improve the quality in their reporting. The
institutional investors also call for more extensive support from governmental authorities
in terms of making the data the institutions (e.g., Icelandic Inland Revenues and Customs)
collect from the companies more accessible and thus reducing the gaps in the ESG datasets.
Moreover, not in line with the literature was the apparent consensus between the com-
panies and the pension funds interviewees interviewed when asked about the useability of
the disclosed data for investors. As stated by the companies’ interviewees, the ESG data
disclosed are useable because they follow the GRI or Nasdaq reporting frameworks. The
findings, however, highlight various quality-related concerns, such as a lack of material-
ity, accuracy and reliability, that bar institutional investors from using the ESG data for
investment decisions.
6. Conclusions
This study analysed the quality in ESG data and identified which quality-related
aspects, of the aspects defined in the ten GRI principles on quality, are currently lacking.
Studies on the lacking quality in ESG data and how the quality issues appear among ESG
actors in an ESG reporting process are still relatively scarce, although interest in the subject is
growing apace. This study therefore adds to the knowledge on the significance of quality in
ESG data and how the lack of quality related to materiality, accuracy and reliability emerges
from the companies’ data collection and disclosure. Lack of ESG data comparability is a
concern amongst the participating institutional investors but not a hindrance to using the
data for investment decisions because they analyse the methodology behind the data and
choose to follow the one, they most agree with. Practical implications are that management
Sustainability 2022, 14, 5157 12 of 14
boards, fund managers and SRAs need to be aware that the transactions with carbon credits
raise concerns in relation to the reliability of the companies’ ESG data disclosures. They also
need to partner with regulators and issuers of sustainability certificates to shed a light on
the accurate meaning and impact of companies’ sustainability certificates, e.g., MSC in the
fishing industry. The companies and institutional investors need to consider the practical
implications of a scaled-up utilisation of loan agreement terms that tie the interest rates to
the achievement of specific sustainability goals. The companies, SRAs and investors need
to partner up and call on governmental institutions for more extensive support in terms of
making available the data the institutions collect from the companies.
The novelty of the study resides in the research approach, which follows the ESG
reporting process to provide valuable insights into the common and controversial concerns
related to the lack of quality in ESG data. The approach also explores where within
the process the quality-related issues emerge. Moreover, the reporting process approach
clarifies the links between the companies, SRAs and institutional investors within the
reporting process. The study is, however, limited by the small number of interviewees
especially related to SRAs, although the interviewees were key players in their fields and
as such can provide valuable data.
Future studies on this topic should therefore explore how the quality-related concerns
in ESG data disclosed by companies appear in ESG performance evaluations by SRAs
and/or institutional investors. Moreover, it could be worth exploring further whether
and, if so, how the market transactions with carbon credits negatively impact institutional
investors’ reliance on ESG data. Another topic to explore is whether the utilisation of
loan agreement terms tied to ESG goals as a tool to mitigate the risk of whitewashing in
ESG data could be scaled up. In addition, further understanding is needed on the wider
significance, meaning and impact of sustainability certifications, as well as enhancing the
role of governmental authorities in the ESG reporting process.
Author Contributions: Conceptualisation, B.J. and T.O.S.; methodology, B.J.; validation, T.O.S., L.J.
and S.W.; writing—original draft preparation, B.J.; writing—review and editing, B.J., T.O.S., L.J. and
S.W.; visualisation, B.J., T.O.S., L.J. and S.W.; supervision, T.O.S.; project administration, T.O.S. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Anonymous and confidential interviews were conducted.
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the interviewees for their valuable insights to the research topic.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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