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IIE Learn Module Outline ICTC6212


(First Edition: 2019)

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98 of 1978, no part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other
information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the proprietor.

The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd is registered with the

Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education
institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (reg. no. 2007/HE07/002).
Company registration number: 1987/004754/07.

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IIE Learn Module Outline ICTC6212

Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Using this Module Outline ..................................................................................................................... 4
This Module on Learn ............................................................................................................................. 5
Icons Used in this Document and on Learn ......................................................................................... 6
Module Resources ................................................................................................................................... 7
Module Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Module Outcomes ................................................................................................................................... 8
Assessments ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Module Pacer ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Glossary of Key Terms for this Module .............................................................................................. 23

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IIE Learn Module Outline ICTC6212

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in teaching, is a module that will
develop your understanding of digital teaching (technology in the hands of the teacher) and
digital learning (technology in the hands of the learner). First, developing a grounding in digital
pedagogy and what ICT means for teachers then, working towards an understanding of the
frameworks that inform the effective design of age appropriate e-lessons.

The objectives of this module are to:

• Present practical, efficient ways to integrate technology resources and technology-based

methods into everyday curriculum-specific practices.
• Present the fundamentals of computers and educational technology in an easy-to
understand format.
• Provide students with knowledge of responsible, ethical and legal uses of technology,
information and software resources.
• Foster understanding of the affordances and constraints of different school and
community contexts.

We hope you will enjoy the module and take the opportunity to use the knowledge and
experience gained in all your modules and in your future teaching practice.

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IIE Learn Module Outline ICTC6212

Using this Module Outline

This module outline has been developed to support your learning. Please note that the
content of this module is on Learn as well as in the prescribed material. You will not succeed
in this module if you focus on this document alone.

• This document does not reflect all the content on Learn, the links to different resources,
nor the specific instructions for the group and individual activities.
• Your lecturer will decide when activities are available/open for submission and when these
submissions or contributions are due. Ensure that you take note of announcements made
during lectures and/or posted within Learn in this regard.

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This Module on Learn

Learn is an online space, designed to support and maximise your learning in an active manner.
Its main purpose is to guide and pace you through the module. In addition to the information
provided in this document, you will find the following when you access Learn:

• An assessment brief;
• A list of prescribed material;
• A variety of additional online resources (articles, videos, audio, interactive graphics, etc.)
in each learning unit that will further help to explain theoretical concepts;
• Critical questions to guide you through the module’s objectives;
• Collaborative and individual activities (all of which are gradable) with time-on-task
estimates to assist you in managing your time around these;
• Revision questions, or references to revision questions, after each learning unit.

Kindly note:

• Unless you are completing this as a distance module, Learn does not replace your
contact time with your lecturers and/or tutors.
• ICTC6212 is a Learn module, and as such, you are required to engage extensively with
the content on the Learn platform. Effective use of this tool will provide you with
opportunities to discuss, debate, and consolidate your understanding of the content
presented in this module.
• You are expected to work through the learning units on Learn in your own time –
especially before class. Any contact sessions will therefore be used to raise and
address any questions or interesting points with your lecturer, and not to cover every
aspect of this module.
• Your lecturer will communicate submission dates for specific activities in class and/or
on Learn.

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Icons Used in this Document and on Learn

The following icons are used in all your modules on Learn:

Icon Description

A list of what you should be able to do after working through the learning unit.

Specific references to sections in the prescribed work.

Questions to help you recognise or think about theoretical concepts to be


Sections where you get to grapple with the content/ theory. This is mainly
presented in the form of questions which focus your attention and are aimed at
helping you to understand the content better. You will be presented with online
resources to work through (in addition to the textbook or manual references) and
find some of the answers to the questions posed.

Opportunities to make connections between different chunks of theory in the

module or to real life.

Real life or world of work information or examples of application of theory, using

online resources for self-exploration.


You need to log onto Learn to:

• Access online resources such as articles, interactive graphics, explanations, video clips, etc. which
will assist you in mastering the content; and
• View instructions and submit or post your contributions to individual or group activities which are
managed and tracked on Learn.

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Module Resources
Prescribed Material (PM) for Hardman, J., Dlamini, R., Dumas, C., Lewis, A., Lilley, W.,
this Module Madhav, N., Molotsi, A. and Simelane-Mnisi, S. eds. 2018.
Teaching with information and communication technology
(ICT). Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
ISBN: 9780190443689 (Softcover)
Recommended Readings, Please note that a number of additional resources and links
Digital and Web Resources to resources are provided throughout this module on the
Learn platform. You are encouraged to engage with these as
they will assist you in mastering the various objectives of
this module. They may also be useful resources for
completing any assignments. You will not, however, be
assessed under examination conditions on any additional or
recommended reading material.
Software required MS Office 2016
Software Licence n/a
Module Overview You will find an overview of this module on Learn under the
Module Information link in the Course Menu.
Assessments Find more information on this module’s assessments in this
document and on the Student Portal.

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Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is for teachers to develop the skills required to integrate
technology into the classroom. It examines a range of educational technologies and the
various ways in which they can be used to support teaching and learning. It further explores
different teaching and learning activities that are most conducive to the use of ICT to
enhance teaching and learning.
Module Outcomes
MO1 Apply appropriate digital tools to support teaching and learning.
Develop technology-enriched learning activities appropriate to the phase of
teaching that support active learning.
Develop a plan for the integration of technology into teaching and learning taking
into account learner diversity.
MO4 Use technology to monitor, assess and evaluate learning.

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Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE)
Minimum number of ICE activities to complete 4
Weighting towards the final module mark 10%

Summative Project
Weighting 90%
Duration 30 hours
Total marks 100
Open/Closed book Open book
Resources required None
Learning Units covered All

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Assessment Preparation Guidelines

Format of the Assessment Preparation Hints
Portfolio of Evidence
This PoE will challenge you to do • Complete the prescribed activity in each
some independent reading and learning unit on Learn, to add to your
research on the material covered in portfolio.
all of the Learning Units. This is • Engage with the textbook and all Learn
portfolio driven and so it will be content.
made up of multiple tasks and each • Do additional research on educational
task will focus on a different type of technology and practice using these tools in
skill that you will need for the field. lesson planning
• Improve the quality of your tasks by using the
provided rubric and addressing any areas of
concern such as spelling, grammar and
referencing, prior to submitting it for marking.

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IIE Learn Module Outline ICTC6212

Module Pacer
Code Programme Contact Sessions Credits
ICTC6212 BEF312 36 + 4 Learn hrs 12
Learning Unit 1 Digital pedagogy: An introduction to theories of learning and
teaching with technology


This learning unit reflects on pedagogy and the theories of teaching and learning that
explore how we develop cognitively. We look at theories of education and understand
benefits and limitations of each. We explore digital pedagogy and how it relates to our
understanding of teaching strategies. We unpack various models of digital pedagogy that are
used in technology-integrated learning environments and examine the standards for
educators from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).

If you are a contact student, you will likely spend four sessions on this learning unit.

Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please also ensure that you complete the following activities on Learn:

Activity Estimated
Time on Task
1.1.1 Perspectives on learning 40 minutes
1.2.1 HOTS and LOTS 80 minutes
1.3.1 TPACK as a starting point 90 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 3.5 hours

The challenges you may experience in this learning unit relate to the models used in
technology-integrated learning environments, so ensure that you are familiar with the way
each model integrates the use of technology to ensure an authentic learning experience.
Remember to complete the Prescribed Activity successfully to release the next Learning
Unit’s task!

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Learning Unit 1: Theme Breakdown

Sessions: Theme 1: Pedagogy and theories of Prescribed Material (PM)
1-4 education
Academic Week: LO1: Explain the benefits and limitations of PM: Chapter 1
1 the theories of education.
Related LO2: Apply the theories of education to
Outcomes: teaching and learning.
MO1 Theme 2: What is digital pedagogy? PM: Chapter 1
MO2 LO3: Describe digital pedagogy in the
MO3 context of twenty-first century skills.
LO4: Assess the usefulness of Bloom’s
revised digital taxonomy in integrating
technology in lesson plans.
Theme 3: Models for technology-integrated PM: Chapter 1
learning and ISTE
LO5: Explain the various models of digital
LO6: Apply these models when developing
meaningful technology-integrated

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Learning Unit 2 Understanding ICT and managing risks when teaching


In this learning unit, we look at the technology that makes up a communications system,
with an emphasis on software that is designed for use in education. We look at operating
systems, user interfaces, software applications and components of the system unit, as well
as input and output devices such as printers and storage media.

We briefly analyse and assess common ICT problems and solutions. In addition, we examine
associated risks when teaching with ICT and the importance of knowing yourself, your
subject and your technology. The discussion concludes with the implications of using ICT in
assessments and the importance of reflecting on the success of technology-enhanced

If you are a contact student, you will likely spend eight sessions on this learning unit.

Please work through Themes 1 to 4 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:

Activity Estimated Time

on Task
2.1.1 Understanding your hardware 90 minutes
2.2.1 Collaboration Apps Reviewed 120 minutes
2.4.1 Using ICT in Formative assessments 90 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 5 hours

The challenges you may experience in this learning unit relate to developing an
understanding of the different types of software that are designed for education and how to
select the one that best achieves the lesson outcomes. Remember to complete the
Prescribed Activity successfully to release the next Learning Unit’s task!

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Learning Unit 2: Theme Breakdown

Sessions: Theme 1: Computers and ICT in education Prescribed Material (PM)
5 - 12
Academic Week: LO1: Explain what information and PM: Chapter 2
2 communications technology means.
LO2: Describe the computer hardware
components that can be used in
Th Related Theme 2: Software in education PM: Chapter 2
Outcomes: LO3: Compare types of computer software
MO2 and how they can be used in
MO3 education.
MO4 LO4: Analyse the best use of software
categories that are specifically
designed for education.
LO5: Identify and resolve common problems
that teachers have with ICT.
Theme 3: Knowing your context & yourself PM: Chapter 3
LO6: Identify how to minimise risks of lesson
derailment when using ICT.
LO7: Plan an ICT-integrated lesson.
LO8: Develop an ICT-integrated lesson.
LO9: Present an ICT-integrated lesson.
Theme 4: Using ICT in assessments PM: Chapter 3
LO9: Experiment when planning
LO10: Reflect on past lessons and develop
strategies to improve them.

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Learning Unit 3 Identity and Teaching with ICT in a global and local context


In this learning unit, we explore how teachers can become, and remain, effective guides in a
technological landscape that is changing so rapidly. We look at digital fluencies and
developing twenty-first-century skills in our students while protecting their digital presence.
We unpack how to keep our learners safe online and what ethics mean in the digital world.

We end the unit by understanding global approaches to using ICT in education and how we
approach integrating ICT in the classroom in the South African context.

If you are a contact student, you will likely spend five sessions on this learning unit.

Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:

Activity Estimated Time

on Task
3.1.1 What is your superpower? 90 minutes
3.2.1 An acceptable use of policy 60 minutes
3.3.1 ICT integration in the South African context 120 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 4.5 hours

The challenges you may experience in this learning unit relate to understanding the global
use of ICT in education and being able to draw a comparison with the South African context.
Remember to complete the Prescribed Activity successfully to release the next Learning
Unit’s task!

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Learning Unit 3: Theme Breakdown

Sessions: Theme 1: Digital fluency and identity Prescribed Material (PM)
13 - 17
Academic Week: LO1: Describe the impact of ICT during PM: Chapter 4
3 Erikson’s eight stages of
psychosocial development.
LO2: Discuss how a teacher’s self-concept
impacts on the use of ICT.
Related Theme 2: Taking care of your digital PM: Chapter 4
Outcomes: presence
MO1 LO3: Explain how to help learners manage
MO3 their online presence.
LO4: Describe the ethical guidelines that
should be followed when teaching
with ICT.
Theme 3: Teaching with ICT in a global PM: Chapter 5
LO5: Describe how ICT is being included in
global educational policies.
LO6: Discuss what South Africa is trying to
achieve in the use of ICT in
LO7: Implement strategies for integrating
ICT in South African schools.

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Learning Unit 4 Age-appropriate ways of teaching with technology in the

Foundation and Intermediate Phases


In this learning unit, we explore age-appropriate ways of teaching with technology in the
Foundation Phase. We look at what learners are technologically capable of in this phase and
understand how to develop collaborative classrooms that support a safe and creative
learning environment.

We move on to explore the TPACK and SAMR models in relation to developing lesson plans
in the Intermediate Phase and in this way reflect on the value they offer. We begin with a
discussion on the suitability of using ICT in this phase and the benefits of building
technological competence.

We end the unit with a discussion on how to teach with technology in this phase and explore
examples of lessons that teach with technology for languages, mathematics and life skills.

If you are a contact student, you will likely spend four sessions on this learning unit.

Please work through Themes 1, 2 and 3 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:

Activity Estimated Time

on Task
4.1.1 Using apps in Foundation Phase 90 minutes
4.2.1 Rubric for Tablet Apps 120 minutes
4.3.1 Design an ICT lesson for language 90 minutes
4.4.1 Map the competence of Intermediate Phase Learners 120 minutes
4.5.1 Design an ICT lesson at the Redefinition Level 180 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 10 hours

The challenges you may experience in this learning unit relate to understanding how to
teach with technology in this phase. Pay close attention to the lesson plans provided to
guide you when developing your own. Remember to complete the Prescribed Activity
successfully to release the next Learning Unit’s task!

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Learning Unit 4: Theme Breakdown

Sessions: Theme 1: Learning about foundation Prescribed Material (PM)
18 - 21 phase learners
Academic Week: LO1: Relate how children in the PM: Chapter 6
4 foundation phase develop
LO2: Relate how children in the
foundation phase develop
LO3: Describe what children in the
foundation phase can do
Related Theme 2: Learning with technology in the PM: Chapter 6
Outcomes: Foundation Phase
MO2 LO4: Create a shared vision for learning
with technology.
LO5: Show what kind of technology works
best in the Foundation Phase.
Theme 3: Teaching with technology in the PM: Chapter 6
Foundation Phase
LO6: Implement how to teach with
technology in the Foundation Phase.
LO7: Develop lesson plans that
incorporate technology.
Theme 4: Learning about Intermediate Prescribed Material (PM)
phase learners
LO8: Explain the importance of visual PM: Chapter 7
learning for learners in the
Intermediate Phase.
LO9: Show what learners can do with
technology in the Intermediate
Theme 5: Using models in an outcomes- PM: Chapter 7
based educational system
LO10: Create a TPACK-based lesson plan.
LO11: Illustrate how SAMR extends digital
LO12: Reflect on the value of the TPACK
and SAMR models in the lesson-
planning process.

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Learning Unit 5 Reconfiguring technology for active learning


In this learning unit, we focus on how teachers can exploit familiar technologies to facilitate
active learning in the classroom. We look at reconfiguring slideshows, audio-visual
technology and document applications to support a stimulating and active environment for

We end the learning unit with the 5E Instructional model which assists in planning your
lesson to encourage active learning.

If you are a contact student, you will likely spend seven sessions on this learning unit.

Please work through Themes 1 to 4 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:

Activity Estimated Time

on Task
5.1.1 Choose your own adventure 90 minutes
5.3.1 To collaborate or not to collaborate? 90 minutes
5.4.1 Using the 5E Instructional Model 60 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 4 hours

The challenges you may experience in this learning unit relate to understanding how you
reconfigure familiar technologies to support active learning. Remember to complete the
Prescribed Activity successfully to release the next Learning Unit’s task!

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Learning Unit 5: Theme Breakdown

Sessions: Theme 1: Using slideshow technology Prescribed Material (PM)
22 - 28
Academic Week: LO1: Demonstrate how to configure PM: Chapter 10
5 slideshows for active learning tasks.
LO2: Implement new features of
slideshow application for active
Related Theme 2: Using audio-visual technology PM: Chapter 10
Outcomes: LO3: Demonstrate how to configure video
MO1 and audio input for active learning
MO2 tasks.
MO3 Theme 3: Using text in a digital context PM: Chapter 10
LO4: Demonstrate how to configure
document applications for active
learning tasks.
LO6: Implement new features of
document applications for active
Theme 4: Using models for active learning PM: Chapter 10
LO7: Use the 5E Instructional model to
integrate technology for active

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Learning Unit 6 Working with the affordances and constraints of your environment


In this final learning unit, we introduce the concepts of affordances and constraints in the
learning environment. We explore what affects our use of ICT in school environments and
how we can appropriately plan lessons to suit each environment.

This learning unit is about understanding and exploring the possibilities when introducing ICT
in the school environment.

If you are a contact student, you will likely spend four sessions on this learning unit.

Please work through Theme 1 on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s. To ensure that you are working towards mastering the objectives for
this learning unit, please complete the following activities on Learn:

Activity Estimated Time

on Task
6.1.1 Evaluating affordance for ICT-integration 120 minutes
Estimated total time for this learning unit’s activities 2 hours

The challenges you may experience in this learning unit relate simply to being able to see
possibilities and integrate ICT in learning despite environmental challenges. Remember to
complete the Prescribed Activity successfully!

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Learning Unit 6: Theme Breakdown

Sessions: Theme 1: Affordances and constraints in Prescribed Material (PM)
29 - 32 different contexts
Academic Week: LO1: Identify affordances and constraints PM: Chapter 11
6 for ICT integration.
Related LO2: Evaluate the possibilities for ICT
Outcomes: integration available at your school.
MO1 LO3: Reflect on diverse ways of
MO3 integrating ICT in different school

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Glossary of Key Terms for this Module

Term Definition My Notes
Affordance An element of an environment or object that
enables or allows certain actions and is thus
usually considered beneficial to users.
CHAT Cultural historical activity theory.
Cognitive Being able to think through a problem to
proficiency solve it; this requires that your thinking be
clear and creative.
Concrete Between the ages of eight and eleven,
operational stage children begin to think logically; however,
they are not yet able to think abstractly and
still require concrete examples of problems
in order to solve them.
Constraint An element of an environment or object that
prevents or constrains actions and is thus
usually considered detrimental or limiting to
Differentiated Refers to tailoring instruction to meet the
instruction needs of individual learners.
Digital fluency The ability to use specific digital technologies
to achieve desired outcomes.
Gamification The use of game design to enhance non-
game contexts, such as education, by
increasing participation and engagement.
ICT Information and communication technology.
SAMR Substitution-augmentation-modification-
redefinition model.
Student response A set of hand-held, wireless mobile devices
system used by teachers to gather and analyse
responses to questions.
TPACK Technological pedagogical and content
knowledge model.
Voice thread Entirely web-based app allowing you to place
images, documents and presentations in an
asynchronous chat.

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