Energy Drink
Energy Drink
Energy Drink
The supply and demand of energy determine the course of global development in every sphere of
human activity. Sufficient supplies of clean energy are intimately linked with global stability,
economic prosperity, and quality of life. Finding energy sources to satisfy the world’s growing
demand is one of society’s foremost challenges for the next half-century. The importance of this
pervasive problem and the perplexing technical difficulty of solving it require a concerted
national effort marshalling our most advanced scientific and technological capabilities.
The world now uses energy at a rate of approximately 4.1 × 10 20 joules/yr, equivalent to a
continuous power consumption of 13 trillion watts, or 13 terawatts (TW). Even with aggressive
conservation and energy efficiency measures, an increase of the Earth’s population to 9 billion
people, accompanied by rapid technology development and economic growth world-wide, is
projected to produce more than double the demand for energy (to 30 TW) by 2050, and more
than triple the demand (to 46 TW) by the end of the century. The reserves of fossil fuels that
currently power society will fall short of this demand over the long term, and their continued use
produces harmful side effects such as pollution that threatens human health and greenhouse gases
associated with climate change. Alternative renewable fuels are at present far from competitive
with fossil fuels in cost and production capacity. Without viable options for supplying double or
triple today’s energy use, the world’s economic, technological, and political horizons will be
severely limited.
Our primary source of clean, abundant energy is the sun. The sun deposits 120,000 TW of
radiation on the surface of the Earth, far exceeding human needs even in the most aggressive
energy demand scenarios. The sun is Earth’s natural power source, driving the circulation of
global wind and ocean currents, the cycle of water evaporation and condensation that creates
rivers and lakes, and the biological cycles of photosynthesis and life. Covering 0.16% of the land
on Earth with 10% efficient solar conversion systems would provide 20 TW of power, nearly
twice the world’s consumption rate of fossil energy and the equivalent 20,000 1-GW e nuclear
fission plants. These comparisons illustrate the impressive magnitude of the solar resource,
providing an energy stream far more potent than present-day human technology can achieve.
All routes for utilizing solar energy exploit the functional steps of capture, conversion, and
storage. The sun’s energy arrives on Earth as radiation distributed across the color spectrum from
infrared to ultraviolet. The energy of this radiation must be captured as excited electron- hole
pairs in a semiconductor, a dye, or a chromophore, or as heat in a thermal storage medium.
Excited electrons and holes can be tapped off for immediate conversion to electrical power, or
transferred to biological or chemical molecules for conversion to fuel. Natural photosynthesis
produces fuel in the form of sugars and other carbohydrates derived from the reduction of CO 2 in
the atmosphere and used to power the growth of plants. The plants themselves become available
as biomass for combustion as primary fuels or for conversion in reactors to secondary fuels like
liquid ethanol or gaseous carbon monoxide, methane, and hydrogen. We are now learning to
mimic the natural photosynthetic process in the laboratory using artificial molecular assemblies,
where the excited electrons and holes can drive chemical reactions to produce fuels that link to
our existing energy networks. Atmospheric CO2 can be reduced to ethanol or methane, or water
can be split to create hydrogen. These fuels are the storage media for solar energy, bridging the
natural day-night, winter-summer, and cloudy-sunny cycles of solar radiation.
In addition to electric and chemical conversion routes, solar radiation can be converted to heat
energy. Solar concentrators focus sunlight collected over a large area to a line or spot where heat
is collected in an absorber. Temperatures as high as 3,000°C can be generated to drive chemical
reactions, or heat can be collected at lower temperatures and transferred to a thermal storage
medium like water for distributed space heating or steam to drive an engine. Effective storage of
solar energy as heat requires developing thermal storage media that accumulate heat efficiently
during sunny periods and release heat slowly during dark or cloudy periods. Heat is one of the
most versatile forms of energy, the common link in nearly all our energy networks. Solar thermal
conversion can replace much of the heat now supplied by fossil fuel.
Although many routes use solar energy to produce electricity, fuel, and heat, none are currently
competitive with fossil fuels for a combination of cost, reliability, and performance. Solar
electricity from photovoltaics is too costly, by factors of 5–10, to compete with fossil-derived
electricity, and is too costly by factors of 25–50 to compete with fossil fuel as a primary energy
source. Solar fuels in the form of biomass produce electricity and heat at costs that are within
range of fossil fuels, but their production capacity is limited. The low efficiency with which they
convert sunlight to stored energy means large land areas are required. To produce the full 13 TW
of power used by the planet, nearly all the arable land on Earth would need to be planted with
switchgrass, the fastest-growing energy crop. Artificial photosynthetic systems are promising
routes for converting solar energy to fuels, but they are still in the laboratory stage where the
principles of their assembly and functionality are being explored. Solar thermal systems provide
the lowest-cost solar electricity at the present time, but require large areas in the Sun Belt and
breakthroughs in materials to become economically competitive with fossil energy as a primary
energy source. While solar energy has enormous promise as a clean, abundant, economical
energy source, it presents formidable basic research challenges in designing materials and in
understanding the electronic and molecular basis of capture, conversion, and storage before its
promise can be realized.
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences held a Workshop on Solar
Energy Utilization on April 18–21, 2005, in Bethesda, Maryland, to examine the challenges and
opportunities for the development of solar energy as a competitive energy source. The workshop
brought together 200 participants representing the basic science and technology of solar energy
utilization. Participants were drawn from academia, industry, and national laboratories in the
United States, Europe, and Asia, with interdisciplinary expertise spanning physics, chemistry,
biology, materials, and engineering. Their charge was to identify the technical barriers to large-
scale implementation of solar energy and the basic research directions
showing promise to overcome them. The workshop focused on the grand challenges in solar
energy research, where scientific breakthroughs will produce revolutionary, not evolutionary,
progress in bringing solar conversion a significant share of the energy marketplace.
The workshop comprised panels that examined the conversion of solar energy into three end
products: solar electricity, solar fuels, and solar thermal conversion. The chairs of the panels and
subpanels were drawn from universities, research institutions, and national laboratories. Pat
Dehmer, Director of DOE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences, launched the opening plenary
session of the workshop, presenting the charge to participants and the scope. Energy experts from
academia and industry set the stage with plenary talks on future energy demand, potential sources
of supply, the impact of energy on environment, and the status of commercial solar technologies.
Scientists from the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy briefed the
participants on the accomplishments and outlook for its solar energy programs. The chairs of the
workshop panels presented the current scientific status and the grand challenges in solar electric,
solar fuels, and solar thermal conversion.
Following the opening plenary session, the participants divided into panels and subpanels
examining solar electric, solar fuels, and solar thermal conversion options (see Appendix 3 for
the workshop schedule). Each of these panels invited expert speakers to analyze the grand
challenges and scientific routes to achieve them. The sub-panels then developed a set of high-
priority research directions with potential to produce revolutionary, not evolutionary,
breakthroughs in materials and processes for solar energy utilization. These Priority Research
Directions (PRDs) are the major output of the workshop and are presented in this report.
The scientific stage is set for rapid progress in solar energy research. The last five years have
seen rapid advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology, allowing unprecedented manipulation
of the nanoscale structures controlling solar capture, conversion, and storage. Light interacts with
materials on the scale of its wavelength, a few hundred nanometers. Energy capture occurs via
excited electron states confined by defect structures or interfaces to dimensions of tens of
nanometers. Conversion of excited electrons to fuels such as ethanol, methane, or hydrogen
occurs in chemical reactions at the scale of molecules. These nanoscale processes have never
been more accessible to observation and manipulation. Advances in fabrication of nanoscale
structures by top-down lithography and bottom-up self-assembly are rapidly broadening our
horizons for creating and interconnecting the functional units for capture, conversion, and storage
of solar energy. Parallel advances in experimental tools that probe complex systems at ever
shorter length and time scales by electron, X-ray, and neutron scattering at major facilities and by
the explosion of scanning probe microscopies at the benchtop are now revealing secrets of
electron transfer, catalytic activity, and chemical transformation that have long been hidden.
Advances in density functional theory coupled with multinode computational clusters now enable
accurate simulation of the behavior of multithousand atom complexes that mediate the electronic
and ionic transfers of solar energy conversion. These new and emerging nanoscience capabilities
bring a fundamental understanding of the atomic and molecular processes of solar energy
utilization within reach.
The revolution in biology is a second major force enabling rapid progress in solar energy
research. The twin triumphs of genome sequencing and protein production promise
unprecedented control of the natural assembly process of photosynthetic systems, with deeper
insights into the role of specific proteins in mediating specific functions. Natural photosystems
show remarkable robustness, often functioning effectively for decades through sophisticated
systems of protein repair and replacement, and by implementing defect-tolerant networks of
redundancy. We are on the verge of understanding these powerful natural longevity mechanisms,
and of applying them to our own designs for synthetic molecular machines. Self-repair and defect
tolerance are powerful new paradigms that we can adapt from nature to extend the life of
artificial solar conversion systems by many decades. Structural biology now allows
determination of the atomic positions of biocatalysts like hydrogenase and the solar water-
splitting complex in Photosystem II to the 3.5 Å level. Such information brings us tantalizingly
close to the ability to reproduce their structures and functions artificially. This is the kind of
breakthrough that will generate qualitatively new routes to solar energy conversion:
deconstruction of natural solar energy converters followed by reconstruction of artificial variants
that maximize targeted objectives. While such scientific capability is within sight, bringing it
within reach requires further breakthroughs in biology and nanoscience.
This report presents information on several levels. The Executive Summary describes the
motivation and challenge of meeting world energy demands over the next century with the solar
resource. It presents in capsule form the research opportunities and the scientific gaps to making
sunlight a significant player in the energy marketplace. The Technology Assessments describe
the present state of commercial technology for utilizing solar energy. The Panel Surveys of Solar
Electric, Solar Fuel, and Solar Thermal Conversion present the scientific basis of each of these
fields and the grand challenges that must be met for solar energy to become competitive with
fossil fuel in supplying our energy needs. The Priority Research Directions represent the
collective wisdom of the workshop and are its most specific output. They identify the high-
priority research directions that address the grand challenges of solar energy utilization and
promise revolutionary progress in bringing solar energy to its full potential in the energy
The threat of climate change imposes a second requirement on prospective energy resources:
they must produce energy without the emission of additional greenhouse gases. Stabilization of
atmospheric CO2 levels at even twice their preanthropogenic value will require daunting amounts
of carbon-neutral energy by mid-century. The needed levels are in excess of 10 TW, increasing
after 2050 to support economic growth for an expanding population.
The three prominent options to meet this demand for carbon-neutral energy are fossil fuel use in
conjunction with carbon sequestration, nuclear power, and solar power. The challenge for carbon
sequestration is finding secure storage for the 25 billion metric tons of CO 2 produced annually on
Earth. At atmospheric pressure, this yearly global emission of CO 2 would occupy 12,500 km3,
equal to the volume of Lake Superior; it is 600 times the amount of CO 2 injected every year into
oil wells to spur production, 100 times the amount of natural gas the industry draws in and out of
geologic storage in the United States each year to smooth seasonal demand, and 20,000 times the
amount of CO2 stored annually in Norway’s Sleipner reservoir. Beyond finding storage volume,
carbon sequestration also must prevent leakage. A 1% leak rate would nullify the sequestration
effort in a century, far too short a time to have lasting impact on climate change. Although many
scientists are optimistic, the success of carbon sequestration on the required scale for sufficiently
long times has not yet been demonstrated.
Nuclear power is a second conceptually viable option. Producing 10 TW of nuclear power would
require construction of a new one-gigawatt-electric (1-GWe) nuclear fission plant somewhere in
the world every other day for the next 50 years. Once that level of deployment was reached, the
terrestrial uranium resource base would be exhausted in 10 years. The required fuel would then
have to be mined from seawater (requiring processing seawater at a rate equivalent to more than
1,000 Niagara Falls), or else breeder reactor technology would have to be developed and
disseminated to countries wishing to meet their additional energy demand in this way.
The third option is to exploit renewable energy sources, of which solar energy is by far the most
prominent. United Nations (U.N.) estimates indicate that the remaining global, practically
exploitable hydroelectric resource is less than 0.5 TW. The cumulative energy in all the tides and
ocean currents in the world amounts to less than 2 TW. The total geothermal energy at the
surface of the Earth, integrated over all the land area of the continents, is 12 TW, of which only a
small fraction could be practically extracted. The total amount of globally extractable wind
power has been estimated by the IPCC and others to be 2-4 TW e. For comparison, the solar
constant at the top of the atmosphere is 170,000 TW, of which, on average, 120,000 TW strikes
the Earth (the remainder being scattered by the atmosphere and clouds). It is clear that solar
energy can be exploited on the needed scale to meet global energy demand in a carbon-neutral
fashion without significantly affecting the solar resource.
Solar energy is diffuse and intermittent, so effective storage and distribution are critical to
matching supply with demand. The solar resource has been well established, and the mean yearly
insolation values are well documented. At a typical latitude for the United States, a net 10%
efficient solar energy “farm” covering 1.6% of the U.S. land area would meet the country’s entire
domestic energy needs; indeed, just 0.16% of the land on Earth would supply 20 TW of power
globally. For calibration purposes, the required U.S. land area is about 10 times the area of all
single-family residential rooftops and is comparable with the land area covered by the nation’s
federally numbered highways. The amount of energy produced by covering 0.16% of the Earth’s
land area with 10% efficient solar cells is equal to that produced by 20,000 1-GWe nuclear
fission plants. This many plants would need to be constructed to meet global demands for
carbon-neutral energy in the second half of the 21st century if carbon sequestration were to prove
technically nonviable and if solar energy were not developed.
Edmund Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic (PV) effect in 1839, when he observed that a
voltage and a current were produced when a silver chloride electrode immersed in an electrolytic
solution and connected to a counter metal electrode was illuminated with white light (Becquerel
1839). However, the birth of the modern era of PV solar cells occurred in 1954, when D. Chapin,
C. Fuller, and G. Pearson at Bell Labs demonstrated solar cells based on p-n junctions in single-
crystal Si with efficiencies of 5–6% (Chapin, Fuller, and Pearson 1954). This original Si solar
cell still works today — single-crystal Si solar cells dominate the commercial PV market.
From the mid 1950s to the early 1970s, PV research and development (R&D) was directed
primarily toward space applications and satellite power. Then, in 1973, a greatly increased level
of R&D on solar cells was initiated following the oil embargo in that year, which caused
widespread concern regarding energy supply. In 1976, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
along with its Photovoltaics Program, was created. DOE, as well as many other international
organizations, began funding PV R&D at appreciable levels, and a terrestrial solar cell industral
quickly evolved. Figure 1 shows a plot of annual PV power production vs. time for the period
1988–2003 (Surek 2005). Total global PV (or solar) cell production increased from less than 10
MWp/yr in 1980 to about 1,200 MW p/yr in 2004; the current total global PV installed capacity is
about 3 GWp. The “peak watt” (Wp) rating is the power (in watts) produced by a solar module
illuminated under the following standard conditions: 1,000 W/m 2 intensity, 25°C ambient
temperature, and a spectrum that relates to sunlight that has passed through the atmosphere when
the sun is at a 42° elevation from the horizon (defined as air mass [or AM] 1.5;
i.e., when the path through the atmosphere is 1.5 times that when the sun is at high noon).
Because of day/night and time-of-day variations in insolation and cloud cover, the average
electrical power produced by a solar cell over a year is about 20% of its Wp rating.
Solar cells have a lifetime of approximately 30 yr. They incur no fuel expenses, but they do
involve a capital cost. The cost for the electricity produced by the cell is calculated by amortizing
the capital cost over the lifetime of the cell and considering the total electrical output energy
produced over the cell lifetime. Higher PV efficiency thus directly impacts the overall electricity
cost, because higher-efficiency cells will produce more electrical energy per unit of cell area over
the cell lifetime. The cost figure of merit for PV cell modules ($/W p) is determined by the ratio of
the module cost per unit of area ($/m 2) divided by the maximum amount of electric power
delivered per unit of area (module efficiency multiplied by 1,000 W/m2, the peak insolation
power). In Figure 2, this cost per peak watt ($/W p) is indicated by a series of dashed straight lines
having different slopes. Any combination of areal cost and efficiency that is on a given dashed
line produces the same cost per peak watt indicated by the line labels. Present single-crystalline
Si PV cells, with an efficiency of 10% and a cost of $350/m 2, thus have a module cost of
$3.50/Wp. The area labeled I in Figure 2 represents the first generation (Generation I) of solar
cells and covers the range of module costs and efficiencies for these cells.
In addition to module costs, a PV system also has costs associated with the non-photoactive parts
of the system. These are called balance of system (BOS) costs, and they are currently in the range
of $250/m2 for Generation I cells. Thus, the total cost of present PV systems is about
$6/Wp. Taking into account the cost of capital funds, interest rates, depreciation, system lifetime,
and the available annual solar irradiance integrated over the year (i.e., considering the diurnal
Solar power can be converted directly into electrical power in photovoltaic (PV) cells, commonly called solar cells. The sun has a
surface temperature of about 6,000°C, and its hot gases at this temperature emit light that has a spectrum ranging from the ultraviolet,
through the visible, into the infrared.
According to quantum theory, light can behave either as waves or as particles, depending upon the specific interaction of light with
matter; this phenomenon is called the wave-particle duality of light. In the particle description, light consists of discrete particle-like
packets of energy called photons. Sunlight contains photons with energies that reflect the sun’s surface temperature; in energy units of
electron volts (eV), the solar photons range in energy (hν) from about 3.5 eV (ultraviolet region) to 0.5 eV (infrared region). The energy
of the visible region ranges from 3.0 eV (violet) to 1.8 eV (red); the peak power of the sun occurs in the yellow region of the visible
region, at about 2.5 eV. At high noon on a cloudless day, the surface of the Earth receives 1,000 watts of solar power per square meter
(1 kW/m2).
Photovoltaic cells generally consist of a light absorber that will only absorb solar photons above a certain minimum photon energy. This
minimum threshold energy is called the “energy gap” or “band gap” (Eg); photons with energies below the band gap pass through the
absorber, while photons with energies above the band gap are absorbed. The light absorber in PV cells can be either inorganic
semiconductors, organic molecular structures, or a combination of both.
In inorganic semiconductor materials, such as Si, electrons (e-) have energies
that fall within certain energy ranges, called bands. The energy ranges, or
bands, have energy gaps between them. The band containing electrons with the
highest energies is called the valence band. The next band of possible electron
energies is called the conduction band; the lowest electron energy in the
conduction band is separated from the highest energy in the valence band by
the band gap. When all the electrons in the absorber are in their lowest energy
state, they fill up the valence band, and the conduction band is empty of
electrons. This is the usual situation in the dark.
When photons are absorbed, they transfer their energy to electrons in the filled
valence band and promote these electrons to higher energy states in the empty
conduction band. There are no energy states between the valence and
conduction bands, which is why this separation is called a band gap and why
only photons with energies above the band gap can cause the transfer of
electrons from the lower-energy-state valence band into the higher-energy-state
conduction band. When photons transfer electrons across the band gap, they create negative charges in the conduction band and leave
behind positive charges in the valence band; these positive charges are called holes (h+). Thus, absorbed photons in semiconductors
create pairs of negative electrons and positive holes. In a PV cell, the electrons and holes formed upon absorption of light separate and
move to opposite sides of the cell structure, where they are collected and pass through wires connected to the cell to produce a current
and a voltage — thus generating electrical power.
In organic molecular structures, the energy of the photons also must first exceed a certain threshold to be absorbed. This absorption
creates an energetic state of the molecular system, called an excited state. These excited molecular states can also generate separated
electrons and holes.
Furthermore, certain organic polymers and other molecular structures can form organic semiconductors that provide the basis for
organic PV devices. One difference between inorganic and organic PV cells is that in organic cells, the electrons and holes are initially
bound to each other in pairs called excitons; these excitons must be broken apart in order to separate the electrons and holes to
generate electricity. In inorganic PV cells, the electrons and holes created by the absorption of light are not bound together and are free
to move independently in the semiconductor.
All PV cells depend upon the absorption of light, the subsequent formation and spatial separation of electrons and holes, and the
collection of the electrons and holes at different energies (called electrical potential). The efficiency of electron and hole formation,
separation, and collection determines the photocurrent, and the energy difference between the electrons and holes in their final state
before leaving the cell determines the photovoltage. The product of the photocurrent and photovoltage is the electrical power generated;
this product, divided by the incident solar irradiant power, determines the efficiency of converting solar power to electrical power. The
output power rating of a solar cell is expressed as the peak power (Wp) generated at high noon on a cloudless day.
PV cells can be divided into three categories: (1) inorganic cells, based on solid-state inorganic semiconductors; (2) organic cells, based
on organic semiconductors; and (3) photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells, based on interfaces between semiconductors and molecules.
The figure shows the structure of an inorganic solar cell based on a sandwich structure of two types of semiconductor material: one type
has mobile free negative electrons (called an n-type semiconductor), and the second type has mobile free positive holes (called a p-type
semiconductor). The sandwich, called a p-n junction, allows the photogenerated electrons and holes to be separated and transferred to
external wires for electrical power production. PV cells have no moving parts and are silent. (Source: Surek 2005)
cycle and cloud cover, which produces an average power over a year that is about 1/5 of the peak
power rating), the $/Wp cost figure of merit can be converted to $/kWh by the following simple
relationship: $1/Wp ~ $0.05/kWh. This calculation leads to a present cost for grid-connected PV
electricity of about $0.30/kWh. Areas labeled II and III in Figure 2 present the module costs for
Generation II (thin-film PV) and Generation III (advanced future structures) PV cells.
Figure 3 presents the historical progress of the best reported solar cell efficiencies to date (Surek
2005). The efficiencies of commercial (or even the best prototype) modules are only about 50–
65% of the efficiency of the best research cells. The plot includes the various PV technologies of
single-crystal Si, thin films, multiple-junction cells, and emerging technologies — such as dye-
sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 cells and cells based on organic compounds.
Over the past decades, improvements have also been made in a second important metric, the
manufacturing cost of PV modules. The prices of PV modules have followed a historical trend
along a so-called “80% learning curve.” That is, for every doubling of the total cumulative
production of PV modules worldwide, the price has dropped by approximately 20%. This trend is
illustrated in Figure 4 (Surek 2005). These data are based on annual surveys conducted by PV
Inorganic PV and electrochemical PV (EPV) cells operate upon the establishment of an electric potential difference between the n- and
p-type regions in an inorganic PV cell or between an n- or p-type semiconductor and redox electrolyte, in the case of an EPV cell. This
difference creates an electrical diode structure. The current-voltage behavior of such junctions follows the diode equations, in which the
current flow in one direction across the junction is constant with voltage, whereas the current flow in the other direction across the
junction increases exponentially with the applied voltage. Hence, the dark current density (Jdark [amps/cm2), as a function of the voltage
(V) applied to this diode (assuming ideal diode behavior), is:
Jdark (V) = J0( eqV/kT – 1) (1)
where J0 is a constant, q is electronic charge, k is Boltzman’s constant, and T is temperature (K).
If a diode is illuminated, additional charge carriers will be created upon absorption of the light. These carriers will create an additional
current flow across the junction, and they must be added to the dark current to obtain the total current in the system. For illumination
with light comprising many different wavelengths, the total photo-induced current can be calculated by summing (i.e., integrating) the
contributions to the current from excitation at each wavelength. Hence, the short-circuit photocurrent density (J sc) is:
Jsc = q ∫ Is (E) (QY)(E) dE (2)
where Is = solar photon flux, E = photon energy (inversely proportional to the wavelength of the photon), and QY = quantum yield
(electrons collected per incident photon).
The net current density (J) is:
J(V) = Jsc – Jdark (V) = Jsc - J0( eqV/kT – 1) (3a)
However, ideal diode behavior is seldom seen. This is accounted for by introducing a non-ideality factor, m, into Equation 3a:
J(V) = Jsc – Jdark (V) = Jsc - J0( eqV/mkT – 1) (3b)
Because no current flows at open circuit, the open-circuit voltage (Voc) for the ideal device is obtained by setting J(V) = 0,
Voc = [kT/q] ln [(Jsc/ J0) + 1] (4)
A plot of the net photocurrent density (J) vs. voltage is provided in the figure, which shows the current-voltage characteristic of a PV
News (PV Energy Systems 2004). The final data point for 2003 corresponds to about $3.50/Wp
and a cumulative PV capacity of 3 GW. An important issue, in terms of future projections, is
how this price-reduction trend will continue in the future. As Figure 4 shows, a major reduction
in the projected future cost of PV modules depends upon the introduction of thin films,
concentrator systems, and new technologies.
The third significant metric for PV cells is module reliability. Today, most crystalline Si module
manufacturers offer warranties of 25 years, typically guaranteeing that the power output of the
module will not decrease by more than 20% over this period.
Further details about the current status of solar electricity technologies, costs, and
implementation can be found in the Solar Electric Technology Assessment in Appendix 1.
In 2004, the United States consumed approximately 4.0 × 10 12 kWh (energy consumed in one
year at an average power of 0.46 TW) of electricity (Energy Information Administration [EIA]
2005); this amount represents about 14% of total U.S. energy consumption (EIA 2005). The U.S.
electricity produced by solar PV cells currently represents a tiny fraction (<0.02%) of the total
electricity supply. The challenge for generators of solar electricity is to produce it at very low
cost, ultimately approaching $0.40/Wp, which is equivalent to an energy cost of $0.02/kWh.
Achieving this cost would require a reduction in the $/Wp price of about a factor of 15–25
Figure 4 Learning curve for PV production. The present learning curve rate is
80% (20% cost reduction for every doubling of cumulative production); projected
rates of 90% and 70% are shown for years beyond 2003. (Source: Surek 2005)
relative to present PV costs. Such a low cost for solar electricity would be expected to result in
massive implementation of solar energy systems in the energy infrastructure in the United States
and globally. Such a cost breakthrough would also represent a major advance in using solar
energy to alleviate the anticipated future problems associated with energy supply, energy
security, and unacceptable levels of atmospheric CO2. In addition to satisfying electrical power
needs, solar electricity at $0.02/kWh could also contribute to the goal of producing cost-effective
non-carbonaceous solar fuels, such as hydrogen (National Academy of Engineering, Board on
Energy and Environmental Systems 2004). However, to achieve the latter goal, major advances
in suitable and scalable storage and distribution technologies will also be required.
Solar electricity can be produced from PV cells or from turbines operating with high-temperature
steam produced from concentrated solar power. This Panel Survey addresses only PV solar cells;
the latter method for producing solar power is discussed in the section on Basic Research
Challenges for Solar Thermal Utilization.
Since the 1970s, the PV industry has continually reduced the cost of solar electricity. Over the
past three decades, the cost of PV modules has decreased at a rate of 20% for each doubling of
module production (see Figure 4). The cost of PV modules per peak watt has declined from about
$70/Wp in 1976 to about $3.50/Wp in 2003. The BOS cost (support structures, maintenance, land,
etc.) for a grid-tied PV system is about $2.50/Wp. Considering both module and BOS costs,
together with present cell efficiencies, the cost of solar electricity has dropped from about
$3.65/kWh in 1976 to about $0.30/kWh in 2003. However, if the present learning curve for PV
cells is followed, the projected attainment of very-low-cost PV power ($0.02/kWh) and its
widespread implementation would lie far in the future (20–25 years depending upon the
annual production growth rate; see Figure 5). Therefore, basic research is needed to not only
maintain the existing technology path and learning curve in support of evolution, but to also
produce a revolution to dramatically change the slope of the historical learning curve and
produce dramatic reductions in the PV module cost-to-efficiency ratio (Figure 5). The goal is to
reduce the cost per peak watt by a factor of about 15–25 relative to present systems through the
use of new designs, materials, and concepts for solar electricity production, and to do so more
quickly than would be accomplished by staying on the existing learning curve — thereby
materially impacting global energy supply in 10–15 years rather than by the mid-21st century.
Figure 5 Learning curve for solar cells. The module price has been dropping 20% for every doubling of
module production (80% learning curve) since 1976. Extrapolation of this historical trend into the future,
plus a projected technological revolution at an annual production level of 150,000 MW p, results in a
prediction that $0.40/Wp would not be reached for another 20–25 yr. Reaching $0.40/Wp sooner to
accelerate large-scale implementation of PV systems will require an intense effort in basic science to
produce a technological revolution that leads to new, as-yet-unknown technology. This revolution
requires a major reduction in the ratio of the PV module cost per unit area to the cell efficiency.
The following paragraphs describe the basic research that is required to produce breakthroughs
that would change the slope of the learning curve and accelerate cost reduction
Needs of the Si Photovoltaic Industry. More than 99% of today’s PV production is Si based,
with the best performance coming from the highest-quality single crystals and the lowest
performance from amorphous Si cells. Because of the inherent costs of making and handling
wafers, the production cost would be substantially reduced if high-quality crystals could be
obtained by thin-film growth on glass or on another inexpensive substrate. Thin-film crystalline
Si on glass is now used for some display technologies. An exciting research opportunity would
use this thin-film Si technology to grow high-efficiency solar cells at the cost of amorphous Si
cells. Even though Si technology is considered to be relatively mature, planar, one-sun Si cells
have recently set new performance records by use of heterointerfaces with amorphous Si to
passivate the surfaces and withdraw carriers. Further improvements in performance are presently
limited because researchers do not yet understand the mechanisms of this improvement.
Needs of Concentrator Cell Technology. A third strategy would reduce costs by using
inexpensive optics to concentrate the light on small-area solar cells. Four recent
achievements/developments provide a foundation and momentum:
Taken together, these recent developments imply that concentrator cell technology may be poised
for rapid growth. Key to this growth is the integration of multiple materials for fabrication of
higher-efficiency solar cells.