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Aisv6 - Vi - Science - Sample Paper - I Term Exam 2022-23

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Name of the student: _________________________Class & Section_____ Roll No._______
General Instructions:
1. Attempt all the questions in proper sequence. Do neat work and leave one line after each
answer. Write the same answer number and their subpart as mentioned in the question.
2. Section A consists of 12 Multiple Choice Questions of 1 mark each.
3. Section B consists of very short answer questions of 28 marks.
4. Section C consists of 6 questions of 2 marks each.
5. Section D consists of 6 questions of 3 marks each.
6. Section E consists of 2 questions of 5 marks each.

Section- A
Choose the most correct option in each case. [1X12=12]
Q1. Name the ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals.
a) Salt b) Spinach c) Water d) Salt and water both.

Q2. Which is not an essential ingredient of kheer?

a) Dry fruits b) Milk c) Sugar d) Rice

Q3. An individual consumes a diet rich in fats, carbohydrates, and proteins but ignores to
incorporate adequate amount of fluids. What will be the likely effect to the body if the
individual continues with the same diet?
a) The body will show rapid growth and development. (b)The body will eliminate all the nutrients from
body. c)The body will reduce the output of sweat and urine. (d)The body will readily digest the
consumed food.
Q4. Which of the following main nutrient is found in banana?
a) Carbohydrate b) Fat c) Proteins d) Roughage

Q5. Which set of substances is not used for making fibres?

(a) Silk, chemicals (b) Yak hair, camel hair (c) Husk, bones (d) Flax, wool
Q6. What is the significance of “Khadi”, in India’s freedom struggle?
a) It was cotton spun in Mahatma Gandhi’s ashram, exported to Britain.
b) It was promoted as hand-spun cotton yarn to shun imported textile.
c) It was the imported textile from Britain which became unpopular.
d) It was knitted wool from India that was exported, worldwide.
Q7. A student performed an experiment with two pots to determine the role of roots in holding soil
particles together. He planted grass in pot 1 but the pot 2 had only soil. Student watered both these
pots for a week. After a week, the student placed these pots inclined under the tap water. What can
likely to be observed by the student?
(a) b)

c) d)

Q8. Identify the types of roots shown below.

a) A- Tap root, B-Fibrous roots b) A- Lateral root, B-Fibrous roots

c) A- Fibrous roots, B-Tap root d) A- Lateral root, B-Tap root

Q9. Which of the following can never form a circular shadow?

(a) A ball (b) A flat disc (c) A shoe box (d) An ice cream cone

Q10. March past of soldiers in a parade is an example of which type of motion?

a) Oscillatory b) Rotational c) Vibratory d) Rectilinear

Q11. Motion of an ant is an example of ____________ motion.

a) Oscillatory b) Rotational c) Random d) Rectilinear

Q12. What is wrong related to shadows?

a) Shadows are formed when light is stopped by an object. b) An object forms shadow on the
opposite side to the source of light. c)We require three things to observe a shadow- a source of
light, an opaque object and a screen. d) An object forms shadow on the same side to the source
of light.

Answer the very short answer questions given after every case study on the basis of your
understanding of the paragraphs and the related studied concepts.

Q13. Conduct an activity with at least two of your friends at night or in a dark room. Ask one of your
friends to hold a mirror in his/her hand at one corner of the room. Stand at another corner with a torch
in your hand. Cover the glass of torch with your fingers and switch it on. Adjust your fingers with a small
gap between them so that you can get a beam of light. Direct the beam of the torch light onto the mirror
that your friend is holding. Do you see a patch of light on the other side (Fig. 1)? Now, adjust the
direction of the torch so that the patch of light falls on another friend standing in the room.

1. What happens to the light when it falls on the mirror? [1]

2. The direction that a path of light takes can change depending on the position of

Q14.a) A student stands in front of a lamp to produce the shadow of his body. The
shadow of the boy is formed on the screen as shown.

What can be concluded from the observation regarding formation of the shadows? Choose the
correct option from below. [1]
(a) the screen must be placed in front of the opaque object
(b) the opaque object must be placed behind the source of light
(c) the opaque object must be placed between source of light and the screen
(d) the source of light must be placed between the opaque object and the screen
Q14b) The image shows the setup of the reflection and shadow formation.
What can be concluded by the observation? [1]
Q15 a) A student is making a model of a garden. He wants to cover the model with a
sheet that allows everyone to see through it. Which type of sheet material should the
student use? [1]
b) The image shows three objects made of glass. Which object has the ability to emit light? [1]

Q16. Identify the types of motion in each one of the following given below. [1x3=3]
a) a) A spinning top b) Path of light c) Pulse movements.

Q17. Solve the crossword given in Fig. 7.5 as per the clues given below it: [6X0.5=3]
1. The term that describes upward movement of water in a stem.
3. The part of leaf which is attached to the stem.
5. This part is attached to the tip of filament.
1. Plants that are weak and spread on the ground.
2. Ovules are present in this part of flower.
4. Is the broad part of leaf.
Q18. a) The image shows some unlabelled parts of a flower. [1]

Identify the parts that form the pistil of a flower.

Q18 b) Label the parts of a leaf shown below. [2]

Q19. Identify the devices given below. For which purpose they are used? [5]

Q20. Give one- word answer for the following statements [1x4=4]
1. Vitamin which is formed in the early morning sunlight.
2. Which mineral deficiency in the body causes an abnormal enlargement of neck gland?
3. Rice and potato are rich in this type of carbohydrate .
4. Which component of food is not a nutrient but it prevents constipation?
Q21. a) From which part of the plant (edible) oil is extracted? [1]

b) Mention the edible part of the following plants? [2]

1.Chilli 2. Potato 3. Onion 4. Cabbage
c) In which category would you place dog and mice based on the type of food that
they eat? [1]


Q22. Observe the picture of an activity given as Fig. 7.4 carried out with leaves of plants and
polythene bag. [2]

Now answer the following:

(1) Which process is demonstrated in the activity?
(2) When will this activity show better results – on a bright sunny day or a cloudy day?
(3) What will you observe in the polythene bag after a few hours of setting up the activity?
(4) Mention any one precaution you must take while performing this activity.
Q23. Draw the two types of leaf venation. [2]
Q24. In which step of cotton fibre processing, does the separation of seeds take place? Define the
process involved here. [2]
Q25. Give two differences between natural and synthetic fibres. [2]
Q26. ‘Water does not provide nutrients, yet it is an important component of food’. Explain. [2]
Q27. (a) List all those components of food that provide nutrients. [1]
(b) Mention two components of food that do not provide nutrients. [1]


Q28. Describe the two main processes of making fabric from yarn. [3]
Q29. Boojho was riding in his bicycle along a straight road. He classified the motion of various parts
of the bicycle as (i) rectilinear motion, (ii) circular motion and (iii) both rectilinear as well as circular
motion. Can you list one part of the bicycle for each type of motion? Support your answer with
reason. [3]
Q30.a) Correct the following statements. [2]
(i) The colour of the shadow of an object depends on its colour of the object.
(ii) Transparent objects allow light to pass through them partially.
Q30.b) Observe the picture given in figure. A sheet of some material is placed at position ‘P’, still the
patch of light is obtained on the screen. What is the type of material of this sheet? [1]

Q31. A) Give two differences between herbivores and carnivores. (Please note examples will not
considered as a difference). [2]
B) In which category would you place an eagle on the basis of its food habit? Why? [1]

Q32. The diet of a growing child and a labourer should not be same. Why? Give reasons to
support your answer. How they are different? [3]
Q33. a) What is the full form of PEM? [1]
b) Write two differences between the diseases which you have studied under PEM. [2]


Q34.a) What is a pin-hole camera? On what principle does a pinhole camera work? [2]
a) In which two ways images formed by a pinhole camera are different from an image formed by
a plane mirror? [2]
b) State two differences between the pinhole images and the shadows. [1]
Q35. a) Draw the veins of leaves given in Fig 7.2 below and write the type of venation. [3]

Q35. b) How you will identify the root of a plant without uprooting the plant? Explain in detail. [2]

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