Relationship Between Vehicle Routing & Green Logistics - Project4
Relationship Between Vehicle Routing & Green Logistics - Project4
Relationship Between Vehicle Routing & Green Logistics - Project4
Working Paper
The basic Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem (VRSP) is described followed
by an outline of solution approaches. Different variations of the basic VRSP are
examined that involve the consideration of additional constraints or other changes
in the structure of the appropriate model. An introduction is provided to Green Lo-
gistics issues that are relevant to vehicle routing and scheduling including discussion
of the environmental objectives that should be considered. Particular consideration
is given to VRSP models that relate to environmental issues including the time-
dependent VRSP, the transportation of hazardous materials and dynamic VRSP
models. Finally some conclusions are drawn about further research needs in this
area and the relation to road pricing.
Keywords: vehicle routing, scheduling, emission, congestion, environment, green
1 Introduction
The Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem (VRSP) concerns the determi-
nation of routes and schedules for a fleet of vehicles to satisfy the demands of
a set of customers. The basic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP)
can be described in the following way. We are given a set of homogeneous
vehicles each of capacity Q, located at a central depot and a set of customers
with known locations and demands to be satisfied by deliveries from the cen-
tral depot. Each vehicle route must start and end at the central depot and the
total customer demand satisfied by deliveries on each route must not exceed
the vehicle capacity, Q. The objective is to determine a set of routes for the
vehicles that will minimize the total cost. The total cost is usually propor-
tional to the total distance traveled if the number of vehicles is fixed and may
Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School, LA1
also include an additional term proportional to the number of vehicles used if
the number of routes may vary.
The CVRP and many of its variants have been well studied in the literature
since its introduction by Danzig and Ramser in 1959 [17]. Its exact solution
is difficult to determine for large-scale problems as it is a member of the class
of NP-Hard problems, where no algorithms have yet been devised where the
time to find a guaranteed optimal solution that is proportional to the size of
the problem (in this case, the number of customers). Specialised algorithms
are able to consistently find optimal solutions for cases with up to about 50
customers; larger problems have been solved to optimality in some cases, but
often at the expense of considerable computing time.
In practice, other variations and additional constraints that must be taken
into consideration usually make the vehicle routing problem even more diffi-
cult to solve to optimality. So many solution procedures are based on heuristic
algorithms that are designed to provide good feasible solutions within an ac-
ceptable computing time, but without a guarantee of optimality.
There are several books and survey articles that have been written that
summarise different approaches and provide references to the large number
of journal articles that have been written on this topic, for example Golden
and Assad (1988) [34] and Toth and Vigo (2001) [67]. There are many other
research works about the classical CVRP; we may cite some exact methods
for this problem, for example Laporte and Nobert (1987) [44] or Agarwal et
al., (1989) [2] have proposed optimal approaches to solve the CVRP. Others
have proposed approximate methods and heuristics due to the complexity of
the problem and to try to solve it in a reasonable computing time: we cite,
for example, Laporte and Semet (2002) [45] and Cordeau and Laporte (2004)
[14], and Cordeau et al., (2005) [15] or Gendreau et al., (2002) [32]. Most of
these approaches are based on local search techniques.
Most papers assume that the costs and times of traveling between the depot
and the customers and between customers are known and fixed. They are
either given or calculated using a shortest path algorithm on the graph or
network representing the locations. In practice, the times and shortest paths
may vary, particularly by time of day and this feature will be discussed more
fully in Section 3.
The following section outlines other variations on the basic CVRP which
are important in practical distribution problems.
developed for the VRPTW and attributed to Kolen et al., (1987) [41]. Other
more recent papers include, for example, Kallehauge et al., (2006) [38] who
have developed an exact algorithm. Approximate and heuristic methods have
also been built, for example, Potvin and Rousseau (1993) [60], Braysy (2002)
[9] or Lau et al., (2003) [46].
appropriate for a situation where vehicles are hired from a third party and the
cost of the hire is based on the distance traveled while the vehicles are loaded.
For more details, one may refer to Brandaõ (2004) [8] and Fu et al., (2005)
[29]. An exact method for the Open VRSP is to be found in Letchford et al.,
(2006) [48].
One variant of the Open VRSP includes the constraint that each route
terminates at one of the driver nodes which are specified beforehand. Driver
nodes practically correspond to parking lots or homes of drivers. The presence
of such fixed driver nodes suits especially those situations in which deliveries
to customers are outsourced to a shipping company, or drivers use the same
vehicles to commute between home and depot.
Baldacciet al., (2006) [5]. For the case of shipping, we cite Barnes-Schuster
and Bassok (1997) [4].
operations in other zones, regions or areas of operation. More details can be
found in Secomandi (2001) [64] and Laporte et al., (1992) [42].
2 Green Logistics Agenda
The consideration of environmental costs is essentially changing the trans-
portation policy in developed countries, especially those within the European
Union. The new environmental sensitivity in today’s societies and govern-
ments has been described in several studies, such as INFRAS/ IWW and
UNITE (INFRAS/IWW [37], Betancor and Nombela [7], Samson et al., [65]).
The European Conference of Ministers of Transport [28] urged European Gov-
ernments to develop new instruments to incorporate externalities and environ-
mental costs in transport management accounting. Therefore, environmental
concerns have highlighted the importance of sustainable transport design.
The objectives for road transport are therefore to promote efficient road
freight and passengers transport services, to create fair conditions for com-
petition, to promote and harmonise safer and more environmental friendly
technical standards, to ensure a minimum fiscal and social harmonisation and
to make sure that the rules in road transport are effectively applied without
bad ecological impact.
Carbon dioxide emissions from transport have risen throughout the 1990s
and now account for around one quarter of the UK’s total carbon dioxide emis-
sions. These emissions contribute to climate change that has grave domestic
and global consequences. The Government has recently shown international
leadership by committing the UK to work towards a 60% reduction in its car-
Information may be consulted on (accessed 13/01/2007)
bon dioxide emissions by 2050. For a first model one can refer to Davis et al.,
(2005) [18].
Transport contributes to poor air quality. Although discharges of many of
the most damaging air pollutants have declined over the last decade, there
are still “hot spots” in some city centres and along motorway corridors where
concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and particulates from road vehicles exceed
safe levels. The Department of Health estimates that there are between 12,000
and 24,000 early deaths each year resulting from poor air quality in our cities.
More can be found in London Development Agency Report, March 2004 (2 ).
• Over the past 25 years the number of journeys made by car have increased
while those by foot, rail, bus and cycle have decreased. The majority of
personal travel (93%) and freight movement (65%) is now made by road
(10 year transport plan, DTLR 2000).
• Road traffic in the UK, at 7,800 vehicle kilometres for each member of
the population, is 26% higher than the OECD Europe average (Environ-
mental Performance Reviews, Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development).
• Road transport accounts for around 22% of UK CO2 emissions. For more
details, see (3 ).
• Emissions from road transport are the main causes of chronic hot spots
for particulates and nitrogen dioxide in major urban areas. Road trans-
port emits 44% of the UK’s nitrogen oxides and up to 75% or more of
nitrogen oxides in conurbations. Similarly vehicles account for 20% of
particles nationally but about twice this in conurbations (The Urban En-
vironment in England and Wales - a detailed assessment, Environment
Agency 2002).
The Public Health Impact of Cities and Urban Planning, Karen Jochelson, The
King’s Fund, March 2004, (accessed
3 transstats/
documents/pdf/dft transstats pdf 026311.pdf (accessed 15/12/2006)
• The proportion of human - induced climate change accounted for by
transport is three times greater than that of the equivalent amount of
ground level emission of carbon dioxide. This is due to the range of
greenhouse gases emitted by engines. For more details are available in
the Publications of the Parliament, 19 July 2006 (4 ).
The Vienna Declaration in 2006, included some important statistics and
views on the fuel used in transport particularly the impact of oil. It
said “Transport accounts for about 70% of annual oil consumption in
the EU. Ninety-six per cent of the fuel burned in internal-combustion
engines comes from mineral oil. No other area of economic activity is
so dependent on oil. In view of the foreseeable shortage of oil resources
and the further price rises this will entail, all-out efforts must be made
to develop oil substitutes for use in transport and, at the same time, to
make transport operations far more energy-efficient. From an environ-
mental perspective, there is no alternative to a strategy of weaning the
economy off oil, and such a strategy cannot succeed unless it focuses on
transport too. In all of this, however, protecting the climate must re-
main the overarching aim. The adverse impact of some oil substitutes,
such as liquidised coal or mined shale, is so drastic that they cannot be
contemplated as sustainable alternatives”. For more details see (5 )
this is generally not measured or emphasized. Palmer (2004) [58] has studied
the connection between vehicle routing and emission in the context of grocery
home delivery vehicles.
There are some examples in the literature where there are some links be-
tween VRSP and the reduction of environmental pollution. These links may
not be direct and such issues are discussed in the following subsections.
the graph representing the road network, a set of travel times are also required
for every time interval defined. The shortest time path between any two nodes
may be different depending on the time of travel. This is developed in Fu and
Rilett (2000) [30].
The TDVRSP approach is therefore likely to achieve environmental benefits,
but in an indirect way and none of the articles referenced directly measure the
environmental benefit of this approach. Part of the work in Work Package 6
of the Green Logistics project is designed to examine this issue.
or both? Should they use historical accident rates on that highway (or highway
class)? What about known danger spots, such as railroad crossings and left
turns? To evaluate the population to be impacted, should they use the num-
ber of people that live within a certain distance of the highway? If so what
should be this distance? How to include buildings with a high concentration of
population (such as schools and hospitals) in their analysis? How to consider
environmental risk? It seems that the problem of selecting the “best” route for
hazardous waste shipment between two destinations is more complicated than
the selection of the route for any long weekend trip.”
complete scheduled transportation route is safe if the loads of all the vehicles
do not exceed the upper bound of each road segment when passing along it.
Other approaches may aim to assign each vehicle to a different route in order
to spread the risk. In this case the model assigns one and only one route for
each vehicle between the depot and each customer or each pair of customers.
An alternative approach is not to consider the measure of risk as an addi-
tional constraint, but to assign a risk measure to the use of any road link and
then find a set of routes that minimize the total risk as an objective.
Research has primarily addressed route-finding techniques that minimize
either the total travel time, the expected number of accidents (fatal or oth-
erwise), the accident probability, the residential population within a given
distance from the route, the risk of spill, or some combination of these factors.
This research has been surveyed by List et al., [49]. It is immediately apparent
that such single objective models cannot take into account conflicting criteria
such as truck operating costs and expected damage. In fact, other researchers
have considered Hazmat transportation as a bi-objective problem where one
objective relates to risk and the other to the cost of the route (see Zografos
and Davis (1989) [71]).
Psaraftis (1980, 1988) [62][63] lists 12 issues where the dynamic vehicle
routing problem differs from the conventional static routing problem. Below
we give a brief summary of these issues as they are indeed very central to our
discussion of static versus dynamic routing.
1. Time dimension is essential. In a static routing problem the time dimen-
sion may or may not be important. In the dynamic counterpart time
is always essential. The dispatcher must as a minimum know the posi-
tion of all vehicles at any given point in time and particularly when the
request for service or other information is received by the dispatcher.
in a static problem. The routes start and end at the depot. In a dynamic
setting the process may very well be unbounded. Instead of routes one
considers paths for the vehicles to follow.
be alleviated by using time window constraints or by using a nonlinear
objective function penalizing excessive wait.
10. Time constraints may be different. Time constraints such as latest pickup
times tend to be softer in a dynamic routing problem than in a static one.
This is due to the fact that denying service to an immediate demand, if
the time constraint is not met, is usually less attractive than violating
the time constraint.
11. Flexibility to vary vehicle fleet size is lower. In static settings, the time
gap between the execution of the algorithm and the execution of the
routes usually allows adjustments of the vehicle fleet. However, within
a dynamic setting the dispatcher may not have instant access to backup
vehicles. Implications of this may mean that some customers receive
lower quality of service.
4 Conclusions
“Classical” vehicle routing and scheduling models aim to minimize cost (usu-
ally related to the number of vehicles and distance). This will also provide some
environmental benefit compared with solutions that use unnecessary distance
(because there will be some fuel saving). In their INRETS report, Pronello and
André (2000) [61] suggest that existing models to measure the pollution caused
by a set of vehicle routes may be unreliable. This is because reliable pollution
models require input measures which are not normally part of the output of
VRSP models. For example, the time spent travelling by a vehicle when the
engine is cold may have a significant effect on the pollution produced. With-
out these linking models it is difficult to quantify the environmental benefits
of different VRSP solutions.
Even if it is difficult to measure the precise environmental benefit, there
should be some value in versions of VRSP models that consider alternative
objectives to pure economic considerations. For example, the time-dependent
vehicle routing models represent an approach which should indirectly produce
less pollution because vehicles will tend to be directed away from congestion.
A policy which is being considered is the introduction of “Road Pricing”.
The use of roads would be charged in the UK and higher charges would be
levied for vehicles using roads then tend to become congested at particular
times of day. If this policy is adopted, then the development of VRSP models
to minimise costs including the road price may also tend to produce environ-
mental benefits and prevent congestion. However, the environmental benefits
will depend heavily on the size of any additional charges and the schemes that
are applied.
Road Pricing means that motorists pay directly for driving on a particu-
lar roadway or in a particular area. Value Pricing is a marketing term which
emphasizes that road pricing can directly benefit motorists through reduced
congestion or improved roadways. Economists have long advocated Road Pric-
ing as an efficient and equitable way to pay roadway costs and encourage more
efficient transportation. Road Pricing has two general objectives: revenue
generation and congestion management.
However in this literature review of VRSP and Green Logistics, we have
not encountered any models where the objective to be optimized is an envi-
ronmental objective, in terms of a measure of pollution. This is a research
challenge for the future.
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