Services Marketing
Services Marketing
Services Marketing
Online Examination:
Section - I Instructions:
- While attempting subjective examination Text formatting facility will be disabled such as use of bullets,
making the text bold, underlining the text etc. Only normal character on the key board will be available.
- Special characters available on the keyboard will be allowed.
- Students can not attempt more than 2 questions out of given 3.
- A blank (space typed) or any entry in the space provided will be considered as question is answered.
- Hand written answers are not allowed. Subjective test can be answered by using key board.
- No brail support shall be provided, but writer assistance shall be allowed. The student has to intimate it to
SCDL well in advance by completing applicable formalities.
- Answers for both the questions should not exceed more than 110 words. The maximum word limit per
answer is 55 words (for Subjective part).
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1) List the Elements covered in an effective Marketing Research Programme for Services.
The Complaint Solicitation The Critical Incidents Study Requirements Research The Relationship Surveys
Trailer Calls or Post-transactional Survey Service Expectation Meetings and Reviews The Process
Checkpoint Evaluations Market Oriented Ethnography Mystery Shopping Customer Panels The Lost
Customer Research Future Expectations Research
A marketer can increase the net value of a service either by adding benefit to the product, enhancing
supplementary services, by reducing the financial costs associated with the purchase and use of the
product, improve value by minimizing unwanted non-financial outlays for customers.
1. Create memorable images of specific companies and their brands. 2. Build awareness of, an unfamiliar
service or brand. 3. Build preference by communicating the special strengths and benefits of a particular
brand. 4. Encourage trial by offering promotional incentives. 5. Familiarize customers with service
processes in advance of use. 6. Teach customers how to use a service to their own best advantage. 7.
Stimulate demand in low-demand periods and discourage demand during peak periods 8. Compare
uncertainty and the sense of risk by providing useful information and advice. 9. Provide reassurance by
promoting service guarantees. 10. Recognize and reward valued customers and employees. 11. Reposition
a service relative to the competing offerings.
Section 1 is complete.
Section - II Instructions:
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Total Questions : 27
Total Marks : 60
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3] right support
4] right competitors
25) People, Physical Evidence &Process are three additional "Ps" of services marketing.
1] True
2] False
Section 2 is complete.
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