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Evolis SDK

Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents
API MODE : EVOLIS SERVICES PROVIDER FAQ .................................................................. 3
What is the API Mode ? ..................................................................................................................... 3
What is the Evolis Services Provider Framework (ESPF) ? ...................................... 3
How to relaunch the ESPF Server ? .......................................................................................... 3
API MODE Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. 4
What are the system requirements for using the API MODE : Evolis
Services Provider? ................................................................................................................................ 4
Can the Evolis legacy printers benefit from the API MODE : Evolis
Services Provider (Quantum2, Tattoo RW2)? .................................................................. 4
Can I design an application for Mac OS, Linux, Android, or iOS using the
API MODE : Evolis Services Provider ?.................................................................................... 4
DIRECT COMMUNICATION MODE FAQ .................................................................................... 5
Is Zenius, Primacy, Elypso compliant with direct communication mode
development method? ..................................................................................................................... 5
Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Disable printer’s supervision.......................................................................................................... 5
Most current use-cases developing in direct communication mode with
Iomem.dll library ....................................................................................................................................6
Matrix differences for Evolis Premium Suite release inferior to 7 versus
above 7 (Primacy2) ...............................................................................................................................7
API MODE (Evolis Services Provider) : demo tool :........................................................9
Recommended resolutions for optimal designs ..........................................................10
Disclaimer .....................................................................................................................................................10

What is the API Mode ?

The Evolis API MODE leverages a client/server architecture where the server, part
of the Evolis Premium Suite (or Edikio Printer Suite, Badgy Premium Suite, or Evolis
Premium Suite 2) , interprets requests and distributes them to interconnected
services (IPC) provisioned by the Evolis Suite. Users of the API mode must deploy:

• A client agent (see here for documentation, samples, and available source code)
• A flow of requests, according to their needs (see here)

What is the Evolis Services Provider Framework (ESPF) ?

The ESPF is the server-side part offered by the Evolis Premium Suite (or the Edikio
Printer Suite, Badgy Premium Suite) which handles communications based on
textual JSON requests. This server is enabled using the Evolis Services Provider

Note : for Evolis Primacy 2, Evolis Services Provider 2 must be used instead.

How to relaunch the ESPF Server ?

Simply by relaunching the related service (requires an administrator's account). Or

copy/paste the following command lines (Windows-R, cmd.exe):

net stop "Evolis Services Provider"

net start "Evolis Services Provider"

Use "Evolis Services Provider 2" for Evolis Premium Suite 2 instead of "Evolis
Services Provider"

API MODE Prerequisites

Evolis Suite = Evolis Premium Suite, Evolis Premium Suite 2, Badgy Premium Suite,
Edikio Printer Suite.

What are the system requirements for using the API MODE :
Evolis Services Provider?

The target printer must be supported by the Evolis Premium Suite, the Edikio
Printer Suite, or Badgy Premium Suite in Supervision and Standard.

Can the Evolis legacy printers benefit from the API MODE :
Evolis Services Provider (Quantum2, Tattoo RW2)?

No, Evolis legacy printers are not supported by any Evolis Suite, only direct
communication mode development methods are available (e.g., iomem.dll,
spooler, …).

Can I design an application for Mac OS, Linux, Android, or iOS

using the API MODE : Evolis Services Provider ?

Client-level software can be designed for any operating system, provided:

The Evolis Suite supports the printer used with the scope of the development
project (Acting as a server).
both the client and the platform hosting the Evolis Suite are networked

As of today, the Evolis Suites only supports Windows-based platforms.

Is Zenius, Primacy, Elypso compliant with direct communication
mode development method?

Yes, but it requires to follow below guideline.


• Evolis Premium Suite: setup version or higher (published

• IOMEM.DLL version or higher
• Printer firmware version : 1413 or higher
• Windows 7 SP1, or above (32 or 64-bits version)

This section states the mandatory prerequisites to develop application software
using direct communication method instead of API MODE.

• Related Evolis printers : Zenius, Primacy, Elypso, KC200, KC200/B,

KM500/B, KM2000B, Edikio Flex, Edikio Duplex, Edikio Access, Badgy
100, Badgy 200, Apteo.

• Related driver : Evolis Premium Suite, Edikio Printer Suite, Badgy

Premium Suite

Disable printer’s supervision

Evolis "Suites" relies on Printer’s supervision feature (allowing to have a "real

time" and "before printing" status of Evolis printers). It is a regular exchange of
information between the printer and the computer and can be exclusive for
some events (ribbon end, cover open…).

Disabling the printer’s supervision is required in order to use direct

communication features (i.e. : run SDK examples, send commands, …)

In other words, to avoid any communication conflict that could lead to an issue
between application software and Evolis printer, it is mandatory to disable the
printer supervision.

Most current use-cases developing in direct communication
mode with Iomem.dll library

Developing for a printer that has an Evolis Suite driver (e.g., Evolis Premium
Suite, Edikio Printer Suite, Badgy Premium Suite) :

• Install Evolis Suite in minimal mode

• Use latest IOMEM.DLL (could be found in the Evolis suite installation folder, then
"redist", e.g. "c:\program files\Evolis Card Printer\Evolis Premium Suite\Redist")
• Migration from Dualys 3, Pebble 4 to Evolis Primacy (Old driver architecture to
Evolis Suite)
• Already developed application software for Evolis previous printer range
(Pebble,Dualys…) and require replacement printer by a newer range.
• Delete all older versions of IOMEM.DLL (i.e. c:\windows\system32\IOMEM.DLL)
andinstall Evolis Premium Suite in Minimal mode.
• Use latest IOMEM.DLL and ensure that your application software is set to the
correct version of IOMEM.DLL.

Mixing Evolis previous range (Dualys 3, Pebble 4, …) and newer range

(Evolis Primacy, Zenius, …):

• Delete all previous versions of IOMEM.DLL (i.e.

c:\windows\system32\IOMEM.DLL) and install Evolis Premium Suite in
minimal mode.
• Use latest IOMEM.DLL that supports full backward compatibility with our
previous range and send a Pps;0 command to the Zenius, Primacy, Elypso
• Ensure that your application software is set to the correct version of

Matrix differences for Evolis Premium Suite release inferior to 7 versus above 7 (Primacy2)
Item Espf with Setup inferior to 7 Espf with setup superior to 7
Additional information Adiitional information

Compliance Zenius, Primacy 1, Elypso, Badgy 100, Primacy 2

Badgy 200, Apteo, Edikio Access,
Edikio Flex, Edikio Duplex.

Configuration espfsvc.properties evoservice.properties

file path : C:\Program Files\Evolis Card Printer\Evolis Premium Suite path : C:\Program Files\Evolis Card Printer 2\Evolis Premium Suite

File content ESPFService.logrequest RequestServer.logrequest

modification ESPFServerManager.port RequestServer.tcpport
ESPFServerManager.serveraddress RequestServer.pipeaddr
ESPFServerManager.disablepipeserver RequestServer.disablepipeserver
ESPFServerManager.enabletcpatstart RequestServer.tcpenabled
ServiceAddOnManager.addondir (default absolute path only) ServiceAddOnManager.addondir (absolute or relative path)
ServiceAddOnManager.isrelativeaddondir (relative path activation)

Pipe Default Pipe Server name : EspfServer00 (configurable setting) Default Pipe Server name : Espf2Server00 (Configurable setting)

TCP Default TCP port : 18000 (configurable) Default TCP port : 18200

Installation "Model" folder removed : settings available through

folder command line (see evosettings utility)

New "bin" folder :

- contains Evoservice (Evolis Services Provider 2 service)
- contains Evomanager (Evolis Printer Manager

New "tools" folder :

- evoprn (driver simulator), replace evoprntool
- evocom (low level communication command line utility)
- evosettings (printer's configuration command line utility)

Utilities evosetting becomes evosettings

EvoPrnTool becomes evoprn

New abstraction DRV, DRVP, REG, REG2, DEV are directly addressable via

PRN is now addressable via PRINTER connector

API MODE (Evolis Services Provider) : demo tool :

To test the requests set, possibly use the demo toolselect your communication mode
in the first section / tab, then copy/paste requests one by one sequentially (the
expected results(Answer) shows up in the lower pane of the demo application).

Select in the param

section PIPE or TCP
connection. Type in
correct IP address in case
of TCP connection.

first (onetime is
enough) thanks to
the Echo section.

Copy/paste requests
and send them
sequentially (request 1,
2,3…). Pay attention
than proper base64
data must be added
for the graphics (see

Evolis - 14 Avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé 49070 Beaucouzé - France

T +33 (0) 241 367 606 - F +33 (0) 241 367 612 - info@evolis.com
Recommended resolutions for optimal designs


While Evolis makes every effort to deliver high quality products, we do not guarantee that our products
are free from defects. Our SDK, samples and demo software, any content or documentation delivered in
this package (Evolis SDK) is provided "as is". The use of it is at your own risk.

Evolis makes no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any
other warranties whether expressed or implied.

No oral or written communication from or information provided by Evolis shall create a warranty.

Under no circumstances shall Evolis be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this Software Development Kit (named Evolis
SDK), even if Evolis has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Evolis - 14 Avenue de la Fontaine - ZI Angers-Beaucouzé 49070 Beaucouzé - France

T +33 (0) 241 367 606 - F +33 (0) 241 367 612 - info@evolis.com

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