SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Presented by:
Ms. Donalyn C. Manalo
Ms. Regina N. Melañes
Ms. April O. Sandrino
San Roque Elementary School formerly known as San Roque Primary School is founded on 1969. It is
situated in five thousand (5,000.00) square meter land area located at Barangay San Roque Guinayangan
Quezon, with the school ID 108746. It is 13 kilometers away from the Municipal town proper and habal habal
is the mode of transportation, and one hundred twenty-four (124) kilometers away from Guinayangan to
Schools Division Office. There is no incidence of crimes and other human – induced hazards. Then the most
frequent natural hazards occurred is flooding and the vicinity of the school is along the roadside.
San Roque Elementary School is now a progressing School from FY. 2015 the MOOE Allocation for
this School only amounting 5,000.00 pesos and now the school has the Monthly MOOE Allocation amounting
20,000.00 pesos it shows how was the school improved itself from the past few years.
Based on the data given from School’s Report Card (SRC) the school’s current situation is in progress
let us enumerate all those areas where the school shows the classroom quantity. Based on the Classroom
Quantity the Schools has 4 classrooms all those classrooms are in Good Condition they have 7 teachers for 114
pupils, the learner classroom ratio is 1 teacher for 16 pupils or 1:16 which is below standard. From the previous
three (3) school year of Enrollment we can see that the school maintained its number of pupils in SY 2018-2019
up to 110 this year 2022, it is a good indication of growing and progressing school from the far plunge area.
There is no out of school youth record, therefore it is an indication that the people in the community giving a
high value for education. The school has a hundred percentage in graduation rate at all grades level yet the
school doesn’t have a NAT result because before it is Primary School, only School Year 2015-2016 where
school recognized as San Roque Elementary School.
In addition, the relationships among stakeholders are very in tacked it shows evidently in the attendance
from every activity were schools had. It’s because the school always keep the stakeholders in touch when it
comes to plan for the betterment of the school. When it comes to health the school has few numbers of
malnourished children because it was implemented the canteen policy that all junk foods are not allowed to sell.
In line to the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV Section I. The State shall protect and promote
the right of all citizens to quality education at all level and shall take appropriate steps to make such education
accessible to all. We the teachers want to ensure the quality education for our learners, help them as well as the
school itself address the existing problem by developing a program.
Highly-trained/competent Teachers
San Roque Elementary School participated in their yearly INSET training programs for their continuous
learning. In fact, there are 100% of the teachers attended the “Televised Virtual In-Service Training for Teacher
3.0” conducted by Office of the Secretary for Administration (OUA) through the Information and
Communication Technology Unit held last August 8-11, 2022 with 15 CPD units.
Also, this training will provide them digital literacy such as video editing, poster design, mobile
application, etc. As evidenced, those skills are being used during modular distance learning.
Two teachers (2) in San Roque Elementary School finished their master’s degree and five (5) teachers
are currently taking master’s degree.
MA/ MaEd
with MA units
Because of short time allotment teachers failed to extend his/her time to explain and to reach out every
pupil and to answer their individual needs in numbers, 25% of student’s population have difficulties in
numeracy. That’s why SRES will conduct different activity concerning low level of numeracy among the
students in the said school. Through different activities, the students will develop in counting and numbers
recognition. They also understand and familiarize the four fundamental operations that they can apply in solving
Mathematics problems.
Because of poor study habit, low reading level as well as lack of interest by the pupils in reading 20% of
the school’s student populations are poor in reading comprehension. That’s why SRES will conduct continuous
activities concern in reading comprehension to inculcate and boost the willingness as well as the interest of the
recipient’s students of San Roque Elementary School learners in reading English with comprehension.
Funding agencies/LGU and other Private Institution offers free seminar and trainings
The school seeking funding agencies to continue the program in the school and to equip them with
knowledge and skills that will prepare them and their students in globalization and to cope up with 20th Century.
Teachers must grab these opportunities for their self-improvement and professional development since these
trainings and seminars offered free for them by the Department of Education. School may receive donations
from different public institutions and private individual to help their program and activities in the school.
Availability Online Resources
The school may use different online tutorial and videos for learning resources that gives additional
knowledge and techniques that they can use in teaching-learning process. The teachers where are expected to
employ various instructional and learning resources to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching and to
promote learners’ outcomes and hand- on skills. Some online platform like YouTube, T.V. series, Google, K
Channel, and other website where give information to the teachers and to the learners.
Water Resources
One of the potential opportunities of SRES is having water resources within the area of the school.
Water is essential in the school because it serves several purposes, such as cleaning and sustaining the needs of
the school in sanitation.
The school/town of Guinayangan always experience power interruption. It might affect the flow of
discussion inside the classroom as well as other school programs. In addition to that SRES do not have
generator to sustain the power whenever the interruption happened.
Unavailability of other mode of transportation within the barangay
Only Habal-habal is the mode of transportation available within the barangay and can’t accommodate
number of passenger, mostly the student passengers that come to school. No other public vehicles available in
the area like jeepney.
Since the barangay has no streams along the way, the most frequent natural hazards occurred is the
presence of flooding because the vicinity of the school is along the roadside.
5. Poor Reading Comprehension There are 20% of students are poor in reading
comprehension due to poor study habits, low reading
level, and lack of interest of the pupils.
Problems Identified Project/Solution
1. High Risk of Absenteeism Impose rules and regulations at the very first school days to avoid
confusions and make an agreement for minor offenses regarding this
Provide resources; seek funds or donations from NGO’s, private partners,
2. Lacking of Other School or stakeholders.
Conduct continuous activities concern in reading, to inculcate and boost
3. Having number of Students who the willingness as well as the interest of the recipient’s students of San
are struggling in read Reading Roque Elementary School Learners in reading English.
4. Low Level of Numeracy Uplift the level of pupils numeracy, teachers will provide questions which
are fitted to the pupils’ numeracy level from simple to complex. The
students will be monitored monthly after consolidating the summative test
based on the level of their performance from the consecutive weeks.
5. Poor Reading Comprehension Provide reading materials for the students, peer tutoring, remedial
teaching, adapt and generate suitable approaches and methods in reading.