Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Management System Using Thermoelectric Module and Microcontroller.
Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Management System Using Thermoelectric Module and Microcontroller.
Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Management System Using Thermoelectric Module and Microcontroller.
Abstract : Electric vehicles (EV) develop fast and became popular due to their zero
emission and high tank-to-wheels efficiency. However, some factors limit the growth of the
electric vehicle, especially performance, cost, lifetime and safety of the battery. Therefore, the
management of batteries is important in order to reach the maximum performance when
operating at various conditions. Battery Thermal Management Is one among the key function
of BMS system of battery. during this the various thermal aspects of battery such as Heating,
Cooling, Ventilation and Vibrations of battery is regulated to take care of the constant battery
temperature at require level during the battery Charging and Discharging process to ultimately
improve its Life Cycles and efficiency. The cycle life goes down slowly below 10°C due to
anode plating causing sluggish chemical reactions and drops off quickly above 60°C due to the
breakdown of electrode materials. Thus, Generally the temperature must be controlled between
20°C and 40°C to make sure the performance and cycle life for the chemical batteries like
Rate of warmth transfer by Convection and conduction can be enhanced by the liquid
fluid transfer through the heat exchangers instead of direct air cooled. to enhance
cooling/heating power of passive liquid systems, there are two possible upgrades. One is thru
thermo-electric modules, which can be introduced here. the most purpose of this paper is to
develop a BTMS model for balancing the different cooling and heating circuits within the
battery pack to fulfil the performance requirements.
Thermo-electric module can convert electric voltage to temperature difference and
vice-versa. Here the previous effect is adopted. meaning it transfers heat through the module
by consuming electricity directly. Some fans with cooling and heating tubes are installed to
enhance heat transfer by forced convection. It’s easy to modify between cooling and heating
operation. to realize that, the poles of electrodes have to be reversed and also the temperature
is maintained by regulating the voltage supply to the modules in four stages, with the assistance
of Batteries BMS . Which makes this technique universal and can be adopted in any EV at
any atmospheric conditions. The combine a passive liquid cooling system with thermo-electric
module, the combined system is in a position Cool-down the battery even lower than the
intake air temperature, but the facility is still limited to around some hundreds of watts and
less than one
Keywords :- Battery Thermal Management system (BTMS), Thermoelectric module, Peltier
effect, Heat exchanger, Battery Cycle life, Electrical vehicle
1] Introduction :
The Electric Vehicle (EV) is already on the roadmap of every important car
manufacturer and is seen as the solution to a more sustainable transport system, contributing to
a discount of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The Energy Storage System (ESS) may be a
key component for EVs. This includes the battery and every one the management and
monitoring systems that compose the Battery Management System (BMS). Those batteries
have very demanding requirements regarding safety, power density (acceleration), energy
density (autonomy), high efficiency, deep discharge cycles or low self-discharge rates to call
a few. From the available chemistries for the development of EV batteries the Lithium-Iron-
Phosphate (LiFePO4), Lithium-Yttrium-Iron-Phosphate (LiY-FePO4) or Lithium-Manganate
(LiMn2O4) are the foremost safe
From portable electronics to electric vehicles (EVs), batteries are widely used as a main energy
source in many applications. Interest in batteries for EVs are often traced back to the mid-
19th century when the first EV came into existence. Today, since EVs can reduce gasoline
consumption up to 75% , EV batteries have gained renewed attention within the vehicle
market. Boston Consulting Group has reported that, by 2020, the worldwide market for
advanced batteries for electric vehicles is expected to reach US $25 billion, which is 3 times
the size of today’s entire lithium-ion battery market for consumer electronics.
The evolving global landscape for electrical distribution and use created a
requirement area for energy storage systems (ESS), making them among the fastest growing
electric power system products. A key element in any energy storage system is that the
capability to monitor, control, and optimize performance of a private or multiple battery
modules in an energy storage system and the ability to control the disconnection of the
module(s) from the system in the event of abnormal conditions. This management scheme is
understood as “battery management system (BMS)”, which is one among the essential units
in electrical equipment. BMS reacts with external events, also with an internal event. it's used
to improve the battery performance with proper safety measures within a system. Therefore, a
secure BMS is the prerequisite for operating an electrical system. To enlarge the market share
of EVs and HEVs, safety and reliability are the highest concerns of users. However, both of
them are subject to not only the battery technology but also the management system for the
battery. Therefore, A battery management system (BMS), because the connector between
the battery and the vehicle, plays an important role in improving battery performance and
optimizing vehicle operation in a safe and reliable manner. in sight of the rapid growth of the
EV and HEV market, it's urgent to develop a comprehensive and mature BMS.
Almost like the engine management system in a gasoline car, a gauge meter should be
provided by the BMS in EVs and HEVs. BMS indicators should show the state of the security
, usage, performance, and longevity of the battery. thanks to volatility, flammability and
entropy changes, a lithium-ion battery could ignite if overcharged. this is often a serious
problem, especially in EV and HEV applications, because an explosion could cause a casualty
. Moreover, over-discharge causes reduced cell capacity thanks to irreversible chemical
reactions. Therefore, a BMS must monitor and control the battery based on the safety circuitry
incorporated within the battery packs. Whenever any abnormal conditions, like over-voltage
or overheating, are detected, the BMS should notify the user and execute the preset correction
procedure. In addition to these functions, the BMS also monitors the system temperature to
supply a better power consumption scheme, and communicates with individual components
and operators.
Unlike conventional fuel, battery cells as an energy source have stricter
requirement on working environment. they're especially sensitive to temperature. to make
sure a proper thermal working environment, A battery Thermal Management System (BTMS)
will normally be integrated with battery cells. Thus, knowledge about the right working
requirements of battery is vital, and what quite management systems can sufficiently and
efficiently meet these requirements. With this cornerstone, the performance and sturdiness of
battery pack can be maximized in an electric vehicle. Furthermore, the electrical range of
vehicle is restricted due to limited capacity of the battery. it's very useful to investigate
carefully the electric energy consumption of BTMS and to look for potential savings. This
investigation will help battery performance by reducing the energy consumption of BTMS and
increasing the electric range of EVs.
2] Objective :
The most important purpose of this project is to develop a BTMS model for balancing
the different cooling and heating circuits within the battery pack to fulfil the performance
requirements. As prerequisites for the modelling, the wants of the battery pack will be
investigated at first through literature research. Then, several potential BTMSs, both in
commercial stage and study phase, are going to be listed with their pros and cons. Then BTMS
system with using the Thermoelectric device would be brief for the further development, by
using the warmth exchanger tubes consisting of liquid flowing through it as heat exchange
medium between the Thermoelectric module and battery. First the model would be built up
through simulation tool Simulink®, they're going to be tested in different initial conditions.
Lastly, the corresponding performance parameters of systems are going to be analysed and
improved battery cycle life and performance would the compared.
3] Methodology :
As stated the battery pack for safety, performance (both power and capacity) and lifespan
reasons should be stored during a controlled surrounding where the temperature is controlled
and there is no risk of thermal runaway. consistent with a foundational research, the BTMS
should be equipped with four essential functions to make sure the right operation conditions
of the battery pack:
1. Cooling :- Due to inefficiency, battery cells won't only generate electricity but also
heat. This heat should be moved from the battery pack when battery temperature
reaches the optimum temperature or maybe in advance. Thus, a cooling function is
required in BTMS.
2. Heating :- In cold climates, battery pack temperature probably falls below the lower
temperature limit. Hence, a heating function, like PTC heater, is required to help the
battery pack to reach the proper temperature range in a shorter time.
3. Insulation :- In extreme cold or weather , the temperature difference between the
within and outside of the battery pack is much larger than that in mild weather. Battery
temperature will thus fall (cold) or rise (hot) sooner out of the right temperature range.
to stop this, good insulation can hamper the falling or rising of battery temperature,
especially when the vehicle is parked outdoors.
4. Ventilation :- Ventilation is required to exhaust the hazardous gases within battery
pack. In some systems, like air systems, this function is combined with cooling and
heating functions. within the following sections, different technologies of heating and
cooling are going to be introduced in detail and their possibility and ease of ventilation
will be evaluated. Insulation affects mainly stationary conditions instead of driving
conditions, so it'll not be further discussed in this thesis. Different Thermal
management system available are :
The battery temperature should be controlled within temperature limits to avoid the thermal
issues and improve the performance. The temperature range affects the battery power and
battery cycle life, has shown below graphs. At the identical time, the temperature distribution
should be even to make sure the battery performance and lifetime. that's also the rationale
why the battery thermal management system is necessary to the battery system.
When temperature ranges from 20°C to 40°C, battery power reaches maximum. The cycle life
goes down slowly below 10°C thanks to anode plating and drops off quickly above 60°C due
to the breakdown of electrode materials. Generally, the temperature must be controlled between
20°C and 40°C to form sure the performance and cycle life. Moreover, the temperature
distribution is controlled under 5K to remain the safety and lifetime of battery (Pesaran, 2002).
additionally , ventilation is additionally essential to the battery system and will be taken into
3.4) Different Battery Thermal management systems :
The basic types of BTMS use air, liquid, heat pipe (HP) and phase change material
(PCM) as heat conduction fluids or structures to deliver the waste heat from the battery to the
outer space. Although many review articles include a discussion of hybrid BTMS, there are a
lack of systematic and targeted discussions. BTMS could be classified by different criteria.
Generally, BTMS could be divided into the active or passive system by the use of extra energy
source. For active BTMS, extra energy is consumed to power fans or pumps, which commonly
exists in the air and liquid cooling systems. For passive BTMS, particular structures will be
attached on the battery surface to achieve a higher heat transfer capacity between the battery
and the outer space, such as PCM and heat pipe. Active BTMS shows a significant difference
from passive BTMS, such as stability and complexity.
A basic BTMS adopts a single type of BTMS individually so that the way to increase
the single BTMS performance becomes the primary issue. When adopting forced air or liquid
as heat-transfer fluid (HTF), flow channel design is an important part, including the channel
shape, position of channel inlet and outlet, channel parameter and flow direction. The work
aims to obtain the optimized parameters according to different operating environments and
requirements. For thermoelectric cooling (TEC), BTMS cannot be used individually without
the assistance of other basic BTMSs to cool down the hot side near the battery surface.
Therefore, TEC is an auxiliary device used in hybrid BTMS to improve the battery module
surface’s local heat transfer capability.
So for air cooling to dissipate heat the utmost amount as water cooling, it requires higher
volumetric flow which suggests more space and more power. Air cooling system takes up
larger space and consumes much more energy comparing to liquid cooling system..
There are three sorts of cooling systems, namely passive cooling system, active cooling
system, and refrigerant cooling system.
The passive cooling system is suffering from the ambient temperature, because the warmth
dissipation is dependent on the radiator and the radiator dissipates heat through the temperature
difference between liquid and the ambient temperature. Under normal circumstances, it works
well, but under high ambient temperature it's insufficient.
Active cooling systems have good thermal performance which may keep the battery pack
within the operating temperature and keep temperature distribution between cells even because
of high heat co-efficient of the coolant. thanks to many auxiliaries and moving parts, the
structure is complicated and difficult to take care of . It also has the tendency of leaking out.
Compared to active cooling systems, direct refrigerant cooling systems are more efficient
because they use refrigerant on to cool the system instead of using refrigerant to cool coolant
first and then using coolant to cool the system. The weaknesses of refrigerant cooling system
are complicated structure and difficult maintenance, also as potential to leak out and so on.
To improve cooling/heating power of passive liquid systems, there are two possible upgrades.
One is thru thermo-electric modules, which can be introduced here. Thermo-electric module
can convert electric voltage to temperature difference. Here the previous effect is adopted.
meaning it transfers heat through the module by consuming electricity directly. The schematic
structure is presented in Figure.
Two fans with cooling and heating tubes are installed to enhance heat transfer by forced
convection. to mix a passive liquid cooling system with thermo-electric module, the combined
system is in a position to cool down the battery even lower than the intake air temperature,
but the facility is still limited to around some hundreds of watts and less than one kW. It’s
easy to modify between cooling and heating operation. to realize that, the poles of electrodes
have to be reversed.Thermo-electrics have small and light-weight structures and can turn a
heating element to an efficient cooling element by reversing the polarity. Without moving parts
to wear, thermo-electrics are reliable, durable and of low maintenance. And also easy to
exchange in case of failure. additionally , operation is quiet and vibration-free. The
performance is related to the required temperature difference. The greater the temperature
difference is, the lower the pumping capacity is, until it stops performing at 70K.
Thermo-electrics have small and light-weight structures and can turn a heating
element to an efficient cooling element by reversing the polarity. Without moving parts to wear,
thermo-electrics are reliable, durable and of low maintenance. And also easy to exchange in
case of failure. additionally , operation is quiet and vibration-free. The performance is related
to the required temperature difference.
4] Modelling of BTMS :
Both of the models were built up supported almost the same conditions, meaning that the
majority parameters were the same. Some important ones are listed within the following
Also, some parameters varied in order to represent different situations. the foremost
important variable parameters were::
This temperature represented the climate conditions of the atmosphere around the driving
vehicle. When it ranged from -20°C to 10°C, it was considered to be a cold climate. When it
ranged from 10°C to 20°C, it was considered to be a mild climate. When it ranged from 20°C
to 40°C, it was considered to be a hot climate.
It’s normally considered that battery initial temperature is exactly equal to ambient
temperature. But when pre-conditioning is applied, these two temperatures are not the same.
Battery initial temperature is higher than ambient temperature when the battery is pre-heated
in a cold climate. Battery initial temperature is lower than ambient temperature when the
battery is pre-cooled in a hot climate. Different levels of pre-conditioning could be adopted.
The desired temperature represents the temperature that the control unit of the BTMS aims
for, i.e. the optimum operating temperature point stated by the manufacturer. With different
thermal cycles the BTMS will try to control battery temperature as close as possible to the
desired temperature. In most cases of this work 𝑇𝑑𝑒𝑠 is 25°C, but some special cases with
𝑇𝑑𝑒𝑠= 20°C were also test
Here, A novel new design based on the combination of forced air cooling, liquid
cooling, and TEC is analyzed here. The battery is designed and placed alongside in the center
of the BTMS model of the cooling tubes. Flowing liquid takes away a considerable amount of
heat generated by the battery during operation. A water pump is used to drive liquid circulation.
The TEC module is used to manage the temperature of the coolant afterward. Lastly, the hot
end of the TEC will be cooled by the heat sink and fan attached to it. The PlC system is used
to regulate the supply to TEC module and also supply to solenoid valve.
1) TEC module :- The peltier module is used here working on peltier effect which state
that, if when electric supply is provide to the two dissimilar metals held at two junctions
and then one junction gets cold and other gets heated. Here cold side is used to cool the
liquid coolant flowing through tubes, while hot side would be used only if required to
heat the coolant and the thus battery.
2) Solenoid valves :- They will open the way for each heat exchanger to the Liquid
flowing tubes. The opening and closing of thus valves would be regulated by PLC.As
requirement of cooling is require then cooling side heat exchanger valve would be
actuated and liquid could now flow through cold side heat exchanger, while hot side
valve would be close. Now in cold condition when heating required, the hot side
solenoid will get get actuated and liquid will flow through it and would get heated.
Fig no:-5 Block diagram of overall BTMS system using thermoelectric module
❖ Conclusion
Battery management systems can be architected using a variety of functional blocks and
design techniques. Careful consideration of battery requirements and battery life goals will
guide you in determining the right architecture, functional blocks and related ICs to create your
battery management system and charging scheme to optimize battery life.
In electric vehicles, the necessity of designing a battery thermal management system was
determined to keep the battery pack temperature in the optimum temperature range under hot
and cold climatic conditions. Thus, the efficiency and lifetime of the battery increased. In the
case of using an liquid cooled and heated system in the battery thermal management system
high efficiency is achieved. But it is bad at to keep battery temperature within the optimum
operating temperature. Therefore, it was determined that the electric vehicle thermal
management system should consist of a liquid cooled and heated system for which
Thermoelectric Peltier module is used here to provide the heat difference to the liquid. Due the
the advantage of peltier to supply both heating and cooling by changing the polarity it had
became easy to provide optimal temperature to the battery pack.
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