Roleplaying Game Handbook: Brandon Mcfadden
Roleplaying Game Handbook: Brandon Mcfadden
Roleplaying Game Handbook: Brandon Mcfadden
Brandon McFadden
Artwork by Brandon McFadden and Anthony Cournoyer
First Edition
Smoking Salamander is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
This work, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced without the express written permission of
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No contributor work may constitute a complete game. For the purposes of this license, a "complete
game" is defined as any work that an individual can use for character generation and/or reference in
game play exclusive of the Tiny Dungeon handbook. As a general guideline, if the work is so
complete as to make the Tiny Dungeon handbook obsolete, it fits the definition of a complete game
for the purposes of this license.
Smoking Salamander
420 Tioga St
York, Pennsylvania 17404
To my wonderful wife, who continues to support my crazy ideas and random flights of fancy.
Examples of ranged weapons are slings, bows, and Should you die, don’t worry too much. There are
crossbows. usually ways for the dead to be brought back to life,
and hopefully one of your companions will be
Hit Points willing to drag your useless corpse to a temple
where you can be resurrected. Of course, this
Now that you know your way around the basics of probably won’t be cheap.
Combat, it’s time to discuss Hit Points. Hit Points
are determined by your selected Race, and they
reflect the punishment your body can take before Hiding & Sneaking
you lose consciousness. In Combat, every Attempting to hide or sneak around is performed
successful hit deals 1 point of damage unless simply by making a standard Test with 2d6. If the
otherwise noted by the Game Master. Your choice Test is successful, you are hidden, or your actions
of weaponry does not alter this. Other game went unnoticed.
systems generally have you roll for the damage you
deal or have different weapons deal different Note that you can’t simply hide in plain sight, so
amounts of damage. Tiny Dungeon does away with you need some sort of cover or concealment to
this, because a well-placed dagger can be just as hide. It is up to the Game Master to determine if
deadly as getting hacked by a broadsword. you are in a situation where you could potentially
Ultimately, the final blow is the one that counts. hide.
Allies and enemies alike can also make a standard are also able to sense magic around them or in
2d6 Test to locate someone – or something – that is items.
To use this ability, simply describe in detail what
Hiding during Combat uses an Action, as does you are trying to do, and perform a standard 2d6
searching during Combat. These Tests can only be Test. If you are trying to manipulate an object, you
done during your Turn while in Combat. must have eye contact with it. You can also
perform a simple Ranged attack with magic, such
Humans are the most prolific
race due to their extreme
adaptability and determination.
Humans are capable of living in
punishing conditions, from icy
tundra to blistering deserts.
They can produce glorious
cities or live simple lives as
6 Hit Points
Humans select an
additional Trait from
the Trait List.
Known as elves to humans, Fey Fey are slightly shorter than the
build their cities secluded deep average human, with slender,
within forests. They are graceful frames and elongated
renowned for their talent with ears that taper to a point. They
archery, which they use to have a tendency to be
deadly effect to protect their androgynous in appearance and
territories, while remaining are considered to be incredibly
hidden in the treetops. They are beautiful even by members of
by nature a secretive people, and other races.
it can be difficult to earn their
6 Hit Points
Fey start with the
Racial Trait Bow
Bow Mastery: You
have Mastered bows
and have Advantage
when using them.
This is in addition to
the Mastered
weapon chosen at
Dwarves are stocky and gruff On average, both male and
creatures that hail from female dwarves stand 4 feet tall,
magnificent cities hewn into and have broad, muscular
mountains. They pride bodies. It is highly suspect to
themselves on their drinking, find an adult male dwarf without
craftsmanship, and fighting a long, braided beard. Beard
prowess. Dwarven society is growth is a rite of passage for
heavily influenced by a strong dwarven men, and once they
sense of honor and justice. start growing their beard, they
Because of this, they are viewed never shave it off.
as being trustworthy individuals,
but also stubborn and set in their
8 Hit Points
Dwarves start with the Racial
Trait Dark Vision.
Dark Vision: You
are able to see 30
feet around you in
total darkness.
Goblins are a diminutive, green- Standing just over 3 feet tall,
skinned people that eke out a goblins are on average very
living wherever they can – scrawny and have wide, oblong
usually living in small tribes or heads with protruding, bat-like
as solitary individuals. Their ears. They are notoriously quick,
behavior, even in adulthood, is and due to their compulsive
childlike. They are inquisitive by fascination with gold, they have
nature and somewhat gained notoriety as being
mischievous, although their thieves. Despite their appearance
antics are rarely malicious. and impish nature, goblins are
Goblins are also easily distracted usually good-natured creatures
by shiny objects, and they have a that enjoy the company of
particular affection for gold. anyone who can tolerate them.
4 Hit Points
Goblins start with the Racial
Trait Goblin Agility.
Goblin Agility: You can Test
1d6 whenever you are
successfully hit by an
enemy. If your Test is
successful, you evade
the attack and do not
take damage. Declaring
Evade as an Action has
no additional
Salimar have earned a reputation On average, Salimar stand
for being hard-nosed, but fair roughly 4 and half feet tall; they
merchants, living by waterways have elongated bodies with
and port cities to conduct somewhat stumpy legs and thick
business. They are highly tails. It is widely known that
intelligent and dignified Salimar are not only immune to
creatures with a great respect for fire, but are actually healed by it.
- and interest in - culture. In
Salimar culture, being well-
dressed is an absolute must, as it
is symbolic of their wealth and
stature. Their skin is glossy
black and smooth with patches
from their head to their tail that
range from snow white, to silver,
to dark grey.
5 Hit Points
Salimar start with the
Racial Trait Pyrothermic
Pyrothermic Healing:
Any amount damage that
would be dealt to you by a
source of fire instead heals
you for that amount.
Trait List
Acrobat: It’s up there? No problem! You Educated: I didn’t go to academy for four
gain Advantage when Testing to do years for nothing. You gain Advantage
acrobatic tricks such as tumbling, long- when checking to see if you know
distance jumps, climbing, and maintaining specific information.
Eidetic Memory: You remember that guy
Alchemist: Dragon’s blood has many in that city? Who did that thing? What did
uses. It’s also great on salads. Provided he say? When Testing to recall
the right reagents and recipes, you can information you have seen or heard
mix potions, elixirs, and poisons. You previously – even in passing – you
also gain Advantage when identifying succeed on a roll of 4, 5, or 6.
unknown liquids.
Familiar: Your faceless shadow cat is
Beastspeaker: What is it, boy?! The king really freaking me out, man. For as long
fell down a well?! You are able to as you can remember, you have never
communicate with animals. This form of truly been alone. Another spirit has linked
communication is primitive and very itself to yours, accepting you as its friend
simplistic. and master. (See Magic)
Perceptive: What has been seen cannot Strong: Forget the doorknob! Stand back,
be unseen. You gain Advantage when I’ll kick it in! You gain Advantage when
Testing to gain information about your Testing to do something with brute force.
surroundings or find things which may be
hidden. You gain this even while asleep. Survivalist: These berries are safe to
eat… I think. You gain Advantage when
Quick Shot: Pew, pew, pew! You are able Testing to forage for food, find water,
to reload a Ranged Weapon and fire it in seek shelter, or create shelter in the wild.
one Action.
Tough: I have not journeyed all this way
Resolute: I will not be a casualty of fear. because I am made of sugar candy. You
You gain Advantage on all Save Tests. gain 1 additional Hit Point.
Shield Bearer: I’ve got you covered. Tracker: These prints are fresh. He went
While wielding a shield, Test with 2d6 on that way. You gain Advantage when
Evade or Goblin Agility Actions instead Testing to track someone or an animal in
of 1d6. If you choose this Trait, your the wilderness. While outside, you can
Adventurer gains a shield at Adventurer also locate true north without Testing.
Trapmaster: It’s a trap! You gain
Sneaky: Silent, but deadly. You gain Advantage when Testing to create, locate,
Advantage when Testing to hide or sneak and disarm traps.
around without others noticing you.
Vigilant: Better to stay ready than to get
Spell Reader: P as in phylactery. You ready. You gain Advantage on Initiative
have spent years learning the sacred Tests.
language of the arcane, allowing you to
read power-laced words from magic
scrolls. (See Magic)
Weapons Items and Equipment
There are three weapon categories: Light Melee, An assortment of additional items and equipment
Heavy Melee, and Range. These categories include can usually be purchased at local shops in towns.
a variety of individual weapons, and the listed This list is not an exhaustive list of every item you
weapons provided can be supplemented with can procure, but is meant to act as a general guide.
additional weapons with approval from your Game The list divides items and equipment by rarity.
Prices are suggestions and represent an average
Prices are suggestions and represent an average cost.
cost for basic weaponnry.
A successful Test leads the party to a clearing, containing what was presumably the
missing caravan’s campsite.
The smoke is coming from the smoldering remains of the two wagons. There are obvious
signs of a struggle, but only two lay dead on the ground.
A successful Test will reveal there are tracks leading away from the campsite and into
the surrounding hills.
After another two hours of travel into the foothills. As you come around a bend in the
path you are travelling, you are able to see a crude door on your left leading into a hill.
The footprints you have followed lead to the door.
The Entrance
When opening the door, you realize very little light gets into the room beyond.
Inside you find a roughly hewn room that is approximately twenty-five feet long and
twenty-five feet wide. The ceiling hangs low, only eight feet from the floor. Above you
are remnants of mining support beams, but the room appears to be sealed off from any
mine shafts. The air is dry and stale. Piled on the stone floor is a jumbled heap of bones,
lying in the dusty remains of flesh.
A successful Test reveals a trail of fresh blood on the ground that seems to disappear
under the wall opposite the entrance. A second Test to inspect the wall reveals this
A successful Test to inspect the inscription will reveal that there appears to be dust or
dirt rubbed into the chiseled inscription.
A successful Test to further inspect the remains on the floor will reveal there is a large
pile of dust under the bones, and one of the skeletal hands has a ring on it.
As you reach down and attempt to remove the ring from the bone, you suddenly hear a
rustling sound and the bone leaps from your grasp. The bones link together and form a
frightening skeleton, ready to attack!
Initiative Test!
HP: 1 Move: 20 feet
Description: Skeletons are weak creatures, but are held together by powerful
dark magic.
Rise Again: At 0 HP the skeleton makes a Save Test, if successful, it
reforms with 1 HP.
Treasure: The ring is fashioned from gold and topped by a clear quartz
crystal in the shape of an eye. A successful Test will reveal this is a Ring
of Focus. This ring allows the bearer to Focus as a free Action once per
As your palm smears the dust into the engraved letters on the wall, they begin to glow. A
faint rumbling sound can be heard from behind the wall, and slowly the wall descends
into the ground, revealing a dark hallway.
The Hallway:
The hallway beyond is ten feet wide and stretches for thirty feet before ending at a heavy
wooden door, bound with iron. You can hear some muffled sounds coming from the
room beyond. The air feels warm and very dry, and you catch the faint scent of
something in the air.
A successful Test to inspect the walls reveals that there are odd holes placed five feet
apart, roughly four feet off the ground.
A successful Test for traps can locate the plate. A second successful Test is required to
disable the trap.
If not disabled, when the first Adventurer applies any pressure to the plate (directly or
indirectly), all Adventurers in the hallway should make a Test. Should any pass:
Your foot presses down on the stone and it seems to give slightly under your weight. You
begin to hear a faint hissing noise, and the faint odor you caught upon entering the
hallway becomes much stronger.
You hear a grinding sound behind you and realize that the secret door has closed behind
Each time pressure is applied to the plate again, or each time an attempt to disarm it
The room erupts as jets of fire spew from holes in the walls of the hallway!
A Save Test can be performed. On a success, the damage is prevented. On a failure, the
individual takes 2 points of fire damage.
The door at the end of the hall is not trapped but is locked and will require a
successful Test to unlock.
The door can be broken own after delivering 2 points of damage to it.
As you open the door you find the chamber beyond appears to have actually been
carefully crafted. It is forty-five feet wide and thirty-five feet long. The ceiling is
approximately 15 feet above you, making this room feel spacious compared to the
previous two. Piles of bones litter the floor.
Toward the back of the room is an imposing alter with a pool of blood surrounding it.
Chained to the top is a mostly naked human, whose shrieks of pain have become raspy,
as though he has been doing so for quite some time. Standing above the table, facing
you, is a robed male human. He is chanting passages from a book while using a knife to
flay the slowly dying man’s skin and muscle away from his bones. His right leg is
completely devoid of flesh and there is a pile of gore at the feet of the chanting figure.
The chanting human stops abruptly at your entry.
“Ah, I knew it wouldn’t be long before some rag-tag band of heroes would show up at
my door.” He unceremoniously slits the throat of the gasping man still lingering on the
alter. “I am Novok the Animator!” he states proudly as he gestures to himself. “I have
become far too powerful for the likes of you!” Novok begins to chant and four skeletons
assemble themselves from the piles of bones in the room, ready to protect Novok!
Initiative Test!
Novok’s first action will be to summon another skeleton and fire a magic bolt at the
nearest enemy. No more than five skeletons should be on the field. Novok’s priority will
be to retreat if possible, resummon skeletons that have fallen, and then attack with magic
Novok the Animator
HP: 6 Move: 25 Feet
Description: Necromancers are individuals who have dabbled in dark rituals to
gain power over the dead. By the time they are discovered, they usually have
already raised small army of undead to protect them.
Inventory: Minor Healing Potion ( Heals for 2 HP), Dagger (Mastery), Scroll of
Torment (When successfully read with a 2d6 Test, all enemies make a Save
Test. If they fail, they take 1 point of damage and are at a Disadvantage until the
end of their next turn.)
Spell Reader
Raise Dead: As an Action, you can summon a simple fodder skeleton
with 1 Hit Point and a movement of 20 feet within a 30 foot radius of
yourself. The skeleton begins its turn at the end of your turn.