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Training and Performance Appraisal: Unit - 3

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Training and Performance

Unit -3

Concept of Training and development
Training Development Education
Employee training and development implies a program in which specific knowledge, skills and
abilities are imparted to the employees, with the aim of raising their performance level, in their
existing roles, as well as providing them learning opportunities, to further their growth.

Training implies a process of upgrading an individual’s knowledge, skills and competencies. When
an employee joins the organization, he/she is given job-related training to ensure satisfactory
performance of the tasks and duties assigned, so that the employee can contribute more to the

Edwin B Flippo has defined training as, “the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an
employee for doing a particular job.” Thus, the training refers to the process of increasing the
knowledge, skill, attitude, abilities, aptitude and potentials of the employee to increase and sharpen
the job performance. The training ensures better performance of the job. Training differs from
education and development.
Development has a long-term view. It is all about preparing the employee for the current as well as future
jobs, by providing them with learning opportunities to increase their capacities, to undertake more
challenging and complex tasks.

Organisation takes up executive development programmes to enhance the capabilities, potential and
creative instinct of the managers enabling them to be more effective in performing various managerial
functions to achieve the predetermined goals.

Development activities are not job related but are oriented to both personal and organizational growth.
The focus of such activities is on broadening the learner’s conceptual and perceptual base in areas not
previously explored or experienced by the individual.

DEVELOPMENT: General transfer of similar skills to very different settings for the purposes of
improving the way people feel, think, behave, or resist learning. 
Training differs from education. Training is concerned with increase in knowledge, skill and
abilities of the employees in doing a particular job. It has a narrow aim limited to increase in
knowledge and skill. Education, on the other hand, has broader aim in sight and its purpose is to
develop the individual.

Education is concerned with enhancing general knowledge and motivating him to understand
the total environment. Education is imparted in schools, colleges and universities. Training is
vocational in orientation and is given at the factory or at workplace.

Education focuses on learning new skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will equip an individual
to assume a new job or to do a different task at some predetermined future time. 
Inputs in Training and Development
 Skills: Basic skills should be imparted to the workers, to help them operate the machinery
and other equipment correctly, with least wastage and damage.

 Education: It aims at teaching theoretical concepts along with providing a hands-on

experience to the employee. It also improves their judgement and reasoning power.

 Development: Training involves development, wherein more stress is given on increasing

knowledge, rather than the skills. Here, knowledge means an understanding of the business
environment, human relations, management, etc.

 Ethics: Ethics are the principles that regulate the conduct of an employee, at the time of
undertaking any activity. So, the training and development programme must provide
knowledge regarding ethical conduct.
 Change in attitude: One of the important benefits of training is the attitudinal changes in

employees. Attitude indicates the feelings, outlook, reaction and beliefs of the employee

towards others. It has a great impact on an employee’s morale, motivation, loyalty,

commitment and satisfaction.

 Extraordinary Skills: Apart from basic skills, training and development scheme should

impart some other skills to higher level employees such as problem-solving, decision

making, industrial analysis, etc.

 Literacy: Here literacy is not related to education, but proficiency in the corporate

language and he/she must be fully aware of the corporate culture, to deal with

international clients and customers.

Difference between Training &
1 Contents Technical &. mechanical Conceptual &philosophical
operations concepts

2 Participants Non-managerial Managerial personnel

3 Time period Short-term: one shot Long-term continuous
affair process
4 Purpose Specific, job related Total personality
5 Initiative From management- From individual himself-
External motivation Internal motivation
6 Nature of the Reactive process- To Proactive process- To meet
process meet current needs future needs
Importance of Training and Development
Determine T&D Needs

Establish Specific

Select T&D Methods

Implement T&D Programs

Evaluate T&D Programs

Needs assessment
The first step in the training process is to assess the need for training the
employees. The need for training could be identified through a diagnosis
of present and future challenges and through a gap between the
employee’s actual performance and the standard performance.
The needs assessment can be studied from two perspectives: Individual
and group.
 The individual training is designed to enhance the individual’s efficiency
when not performing adequately.
 And where as the group training is intended to inculcate the new
changes in the employees due to a change in the organization’s strategy.
What is Training Need Assessment?

Training Need Assessment (TNA) is the process of identifying the performance gap.

Why Training Need Assessment process is important?

Training Need Assessment is vital in establishing bench mark in performance as TNA helps to

identify any performance concerns that need to be identified sooner or later.

Who is responsible for conducting TNA?

Learning & Development team which is associated with HR group is responsible for conducting

Training Need Identification
The key idea of training need typically refers to a discrepancy or gap between
organization expects to happen and what actually occurs. 

Variations and gaps between employee’s skill and skills required for effective current
job performance

The conditions under which HRD activity will occur

Thus, it is obvious that need assessment forms the foundation of any training

The main purpose of a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they
should be. The difference is called THE PERFORMANCE GAP

Current level of performance V/S Desired level of performance 

Training Need Identification
Some of the methods which can be used to
carry out a TNA are
Interviews with employees


Appraisal to understand present skill levels

Focus group discussions

Deriving Instructional Objectives

Once the needs are identified, the objectives for which the training is

to be conducted are established.

The objectives could be based on the gaps seen in the training

programmes conducted earlier and the skill sets developed by the

Designing Training Programme

The next step is to design the training programme in line with the set objectives.

Every training programme encompasses certain issues such as:

Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers? What methods are to be used for the

training? What will be the level of training? etc.

Also, the comprehensive action plan is designed that includes the training content,

material, learning theories, instructional design, and the other training requisites.
Implementation of the Training Programme 
Once the designing of the training programme is completed, the next step is
to put it into the action.
The foremost decision that needs to be made is where the training will be
conducted either in-house or outside the organization.
Once it is decided, the time for the training is set along with the trainer who
will be conducting the training session.
 Also, the trainees are monitored continuously throughout the training
programme to see if it’s effective and is able to retain the employee’s
Evaluation of the Training Programme

After the training is done, the employees are asked to give their feedback
on the training session and whether they felt useful or not.
 Through feedback, an organization can determine the weak spots if any,
and can rectify it in the next session.
The evaluation of the training programme is a must because companies
invest huge amounts in these sessions and must know it’s effectiveness
in terms of money.
Thus, every firm follows the series of steps to design an effective training
programme that serves the purpose for which it was intended.
Methods of training

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