Research On Yaw Stability Control of Unmanned Vehicle Based On Integrated Electromechanical Brake Booster
Research On Yaw Stability Control of Unmanned Vehicle Based On Integrated Electromechanical Brake Booster
Research On Yaw Stability Control of Unmanned Vehicle Based On Integrated Electromechanical Brake Booster
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6 authors, including:
Jian Wu
Jilin University
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Citation: Lao, D., Wu, J., He, R., Zhu, B. et al., “Research on Yaw Stability Control of Unmanned Vehicle Based on Integrated
Electromechanical Brake Booster,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0212, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0212.
determined by the feedback PI control algorithm. Secondly,
he Electromechanical Brake Booster system (EMBB) the distribution layer optimally selects the wheel with the
integrates active braking and energy recovery and highest differential braking efficiency and assigns the brake
becomes a novel brake-by-wire solution that substitutes pressure to the corresponding wheel based on the additional
the vacuum booster. While the intelligent unmanned vehicle yaw moment calculated by the decision layer. In the execution
is in unstable state, the EMBB can improve the vehicle yaw layer, the servo motor unit employs the position-current
stability more quickly and safely. In this paper, a new type of double closed-loop PI algorithm to achieve rapid building-up
integrated EMBB has been designed, which mainly includes pressure and then precise control of the single-wheel pressure
two parts: servo motor unit and hydraulic control unit. is achieved by controlling the electromagnetic valve of the
Aiming at the dynamic instability problem of intelligent hydraulic unit. Finally, with the dSPACE products, we built
unmanned vehicle, a three-layer vehicle yaw stability control the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test bench based on integrated
structure including decision layer, distribution layer and EMBB. The proposed control strategy is verified by using
execution layer is proposed based on integrated EMBB. Firstly, Similator to run CarSim in real-time and MicroAutoBox to
the decision layer calculates the ideal yaw rate and the side run the algorithm. The HIL experiment results show that the
slip angle of the vehicle with the classic 2DOF vehicle dynamics yaw stability control algorithm based on integrated EMBB
model. The boundary of the stable region is determined by can effectively restore the unstable vehicle to the stable driving
the phase plane method and the additional yaw moment is zone and enhance the driving safety of the complete vehicle.
Therefore, a new kind of brake system named
ith the revolution of automotive electrification and Electromechanical Brake Booster system (EMBB) utilizing a
intelligence, the traditional brake system using motor to drive the transmission mechanism to establish the
vacuum booster can no longer meet the require- master cylinder pressure-building, and then realizing brake
ments of active braking, compound braking and other force boost through semi-decoupling or decoupling method
advanced functions [1, 2, 3]. Therefore, more and more vehicles has received extensive attention. In [6,7,8], components
are beginning to equip with the brake-by-wire system (BBW). suppliers Bosch and Continental Teves have developed several
Among the various new brake system schemes emerged, they types of EMBB system such as iBooster and MKC-1. And
can be generally divided into two categories. The first one is Tongji University also design the integrated electro-hydraulic
the BBW of electro-hydraulic brake (EHB) system, which braking system (I-EHB) [9,10].
mainly aims to improve the hydraulic brake system based on As a promising trend in the development of brake systems
the traditional automobile. The second one is the BBW of on smart vehicles in the future, the advantages of vehicles
electro-mechanical brake (EMB) system. This type of brake equipped with the EMBB are more obvious in terms of active
system is equipped with a set of motor and reduction mecha- safety and stability control. Firstly, compared with the tradi-
nism systems as braking actuators on each wheel. However, tional electronic stability program (ESP) on active braking,
the EHB equipped with high-pressure accumulators and elec- the EMBB system has distinct advantages in terms of pressure-
tromagnetic linear valves has the disadvantages of high cost building speed and maximum pressure-building capacity.
and risk of brake fluid leakage. Some EMB systems worked Secondly, in terms of the vehicle stability control, the ESP
with 42V power pose a challenge to the current vehicle power using DC motor is not feasible for working continuously. In
supply system. At the same time, EMB cannot use actuation contrast, the EMBB could obtain fast response and continuous
energy from the driver for backup function and can require pressure building-up with superiority of high-speed and
more complex backup systems to comply with relevant regula- locked-rotor of high-performance permanent magnet
tions [4,5]. synchronous motor (PMSM). As developing trend of new
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energy vehicles, there will be more and more vehicles equipped FIGURE 1 The schematic graph of the integrated EMBB
with the integrated EMBB system. Since it can independently
adjust the pressure of four-wheel cylinders by its PMSM and
hydraulic control unit, the function of stability control can
be accomplished by the integrated EMBB. Compared with the
ESP using DC motors, the integrated EMBB will have faster
response time and higher control precision in terms of vehicle
stability control.
Currently, there are many researches focusing on the
EMBB pressure control. In [11], the feedforward plus feedback
pressure control strategy is adopted for the electro-hydraulic
servo booster system matched on the plug-in hybrid electric
vehicle. In [12], adaptive position-pressure control is applied
for the BBW. And about vehicle yaw stability control, in [13]
the vehicle stability is analyzed according to the response of
vehicle yaw rate. In [14], the phase plane of yaw rate and side
slip angle is employed for vehicle yaw stability analysis.
However, there are few researches about vehicle stability
control with EMBB. Based on the EMBB designed by our team
[15, 16, 17, 18], this paper proposes a type of integrated EMBB
system and designs a hierarchical yaw stability controller
© SAE International.
including decision layer, distribution layer and execution layer
to improve the yaw stability of the vehicle with integrated
EMBB system. Firstly, the decision layer utilizes the 2DOF
vehicle dynamics model to calculate the ideal yaw rate and
side slip angle of the vehicle. The boundary of the stable region
is determined by the phase plane method and the additional
yaw moment is determined by the feedback PI control algo- On the whole, the integrated EMBB can be divided into
rithm. Secondly, the distribution layer optimally selects the the pressure building unit and the pressure control unit. The
wheel with the highest differential braking efficiency and function of the pressure building unit is to precisely establish
assigns the brake pressure to the corresponding wheel based the master cylinder pressure through identifying the driver's
on the additional yaw moment calculated by the decision layer. braking intention for the working mode of basic brake force
In the execution layer, the servo motor unit employs the posi- boost. The pressure building unit is mainly composed of a
tion-current double closed-loop PI algorithm to achieve rapid PMSM and its transmission mechanism, a master cylinder,
pressure building-up and then precise pressure control of the an input rod, an output rod, a displacement sensor, a encoder,
single-wheel is achieved through the electromagnetic valve of a ECU, a brake fluid reservoir, etc. The function of the pressure
the hydraulic control unit. control unit is to realize the pressure distribution of each
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 wheel cylinder through the cooperation of the relevant elec-
introduces the main components and working processes of tromagnetic valves, which mainly includes DC motor, piston
the integrated EMBB. Section 3, the hierarchical yaw stability pump, inlet valve, outlet valve and low pressure accumulator.
controller is designed, which includes decision layer, distribu- Under normal working conditions, the brake fluid in the brake
tion layer and execution layer. Section 4 the HIL experimental master cylinder passes through the brake pipe, flows through
bench is built and the effectiveness of the control algorithm the inlet valve into each wheel cylinder to establish the wheel
is verified through rapid control prototype (RCP). Section 5 cylinder pressure, thereby forming the braking torque and
contains the summary of the full text. completing the braking function.
Among them, as the core component of the integrated
EMBB scheme, the structural diagram of EMBB is shown
below in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
The Structure of As shown in the Figure 2 and Figure 3, the EMBB is
mainly composed of PMSM, two-stage reduction mechanism
Integrated EMBB (a pair of gear pairs and a pair of screw-nut), reaction disk,
servo body, input rod, output rod return spring and
From the functional point of view, the currently proposed master cylinder.
brake system scheme has three options: 3-Box, 2-Box, 1-Box. When the EMBB is in the basic brake force booster mode,
The integrated EMBB proposed in this paper includes the the driver pushes down the brake pedal and the input rod
function of establishing the master cylinder pressure and moves forward and squeezes the main surface of the reaction
adjusting the wheel cylinder pressure. Moreover, the pressures disk, at the same time ECU judges the braking intention
of four wheels cylinder can be independently regulated. So it (apply, hold, and release) of the driver via a pedal rod displace-
belongs to the 1-Box scheme. The configuration of integrated ment sensor and then the PMSM is controlled to rotate. Then
EMBB is shown in Figure 1. the PMSM rotational torque is converted into the horizontal
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FIGURE 2 The physical drawing of the EMBB The three-layer yaw stability control structure includes
decision layer, distribution layer and execution layer. The
upper controller decision layer inputs real-time vehicle state
information and road surface attachment, etc. and outputs
the target yaw moment to the distribution layer. In the distri-
bution layer, according to the current vehicle state and the
target yaw moment determined by the upper controller,
utilizing the differential braking, selecting one wheel at the
same time to apply the braking torque then converting the
© SAE International.
Decision Layer
In the process of vehicle stability analysis, especially yaw
stability analysis, the classic 2DOF vehicle dynamics models
are applied, as shown in Figure 5.
Where: L is the wheelbase, a is the front wheelbase, b is
the rear wheelbase, Fy2 is the lateral force of rear axle, αr is the
side slip angle of rear tire, ω is yaw rate, Vy is vehicle lateral
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Where: ωdes is the desired yaw rate value, K is the stability TABLE 1 Weight coefficient K value
mæ a b ö Side slip angle β(deg) 0 1 2 3 4
factor of the vehicle, = 2 ç - ÷ , Kf and Kr are the front
L è Kr K f ø Weight coefficient K 0 0 0 0.1 0.3
and rear tire cornering stiffness, m is the sprung mass of © SAE International.
the vehicle.
Considering the influence of adhesion, the upper limit of The yaw moment decision algorithm based on the side
the desired yaw rate value and side slip angle is, slip angle is expressed as,
mg t
wmax = 0.85 ×
Vx (4)
DM b = K pb × e b ( t ) + K i b e b ( t ) dt (9)
b max = tan ( 0.02 m g )
-1 0
FIGURE 6 Comparison of yaw moment generated by FIGURE 7 Master cylinder pressure closed loop
braking each wheel control structure
© SAE International.
a quantitative relationship between the volume and the
displacement of master cylinder piston. So we can know the
EMBB system proposed in this paper also has a specific rela-
tionship between position of the output rod (PMSM rotor
position) and the master cylinder push rod, that is, there is a
© SAE International.
hydraulic inertia.
In order to verify the control algorithm, typical pressure
test experiment such as step, slope and sine are designed. The
experiment results are shown in Figure 8
Figure 8(A) (B) (C), show the displacement of servo body
under different test. In Figure 8(A), the raising time is
Thus, based on the current vehicle steering wheel angle
and the desired yaw rate value, we can determine the wheel
to brake. As shown in the Table 2 below, δf is the steering FIGURE 8 The experiment results of position tracking
wheel angle, the counterclockwise direction is the
positive direct1718ion.
Execution Layer
The integrated EMBB system proposed in this paper realizes
its pressure-building by PMSM plus two-stage reduction
mechanism pushing the master cylinder push rod. The wheel
pressure regulation is realized by hydraulic control unit. The
basis for realizing vehicle yaw stability control is that the
hydraulic pressure of each wheel cylinder can follow the target
value issued by the upper controller. Therefore, it is the first
step to discuss the pressure control strategy of the master
cylinder and wheel cylinder.
Before conducting the master cylinder pressure control,
we firstly explain the PV characteristics of the hydraulic
system. The PV characteristics of the system refer to the rela-
tionship between the pressure P generated by the brake fluid
entering the master cylinder and the volume V of the brake
© SAE International.
about 200ms, and in figure 8(B), (C), under slope and sine opening degree of the valve port, α is the direction angle, L is
test, the maximum tracking error is around 0.2mm. In the damping length and ρ is the brake fluid density.
Figure 8(a) (b) (c), current of motor Q axle can closely track Meanwhile, when the valve is in open state, the relation-
the target value. Although the actual current signals have ship between the valve core opening degree and the flow rate
some jitters, the servo body position tracking performs well. flowing through the valve port can be expressed as,
After the master cylinder pressure is built up, the function
of the pressure control unit is to control the actual pressure Q = C d A ( x ) 2 Dp / r × sign ( Dp ) = Q ( x , Dp ) (15)
value of each wheel cylinder to follow the target value sent by Where, A(x) is the cross-sectional area of the valve an it
the upper controller. The hydraulic control unit of the inte- can be seen as a function of the displacement of the push rod.
grated EMBB proposed in this paper uses high-speed on-off Therefore, it can be considered that the flow rate of the valve
valve. For normally open high-speed on-off valves (such as port liquid is also related to the pressure difference between
the inlet valve), there are three working states: fully open, two ends and the displacement of the push rod.
partially open and fully closed, as shown in the Figure 9. For the control of high-speed on-off valves, pulse width
When the valve is fully opened, under the preload force modulation (PWM) is widely used at present. By selecting the
of the return spring the valve core push rod is in the initial appropriate PWM value, accurate pressure control can
position, which is the state of maximum flow. When the valve be achieved for this type of valve. After the practical calibra-
coil is conducted with a certain value of current, the moving tion and considering the actual vehicle communication cycle,
iron pushes the valve core downward under the action of the the PWM frequency is set to 50Hz.
electromagnetic force and the flow rate is reduced at this The wheel cylinder pressure control mode includes single
moment. Eventually, when the valve core moves down to the wheel boost mode, two-wheel differential boost mode, and
extreme position, the fluid channel is completely closed and four-wheel pressure regulation mode. The pressure source
the normally open valve is fully closed. during boosting process is provided by EMBB, and the
When the high-speed on-off valve works normally, its pressure reduction process and the pressure regulation process
force relationship is, are all performed by the hydraulic control unit. The control
logic diagram is shown below in Figure 10.
mx = Fm + Fh - Fs - Fv - Ff (12)
As shown in Figure 10, in the “valve initial state”, FL/RR/
Where, m is the mass of the valve core push rod, x is the FR/RL respectively stands for the PWM value of inlet valve
displacement of the valve core push rod, Fm is the electromag- in front-left/rear-right/front-right/rear-left wheel cylinder.
netic force, Fh is the hydraulic pressure, FS is the spring force, WCP stands for the wheel cylinder pressure, while MCP
Fv is the viscous resistance and Ff is the friction. Usually, stands for the master cylinder pressure. ∆P stands for the
compared to other forces, Fv and Ff can be ignored in difference between ideal pressure and actual pressure.
the calculation. “WCP1_IV=1” means the PWM value of inlet valve in wheel
The electromagnetic force and hydraulic pressure in cylinder1 is 1, and “WCP2_IV=PWM” means that the PWM
equation (12) can be expressed as, value of inlet valve in wheel cylinder1 is decided by
the controller.
Fm = ( NI ) / 2d 2 m0S0 = m0S0 N 2 I 2 / 2 ( l + x ) = Fm ( I ,x ) (13)
2 2
In single-wheel boost mode, only one wheel cylinder will
have a boost request at the same time. At this moment, for the
2Dp dx wheel cylinder with the demand for pressurization, the inlet
Fh = 2p C dC v R Dp sin(2q )cosa + r LC d p sin(2q ) (14)
r dt valve is opened, and the remaining inlet valves must be closed.
Where, N is the number of coil turns, I is the coil current,
δ is the air gap length, μ0 is the air gap permeability, S0 is the
air gap cross-sectional area, Cd is the liquid flow coefficient, l FIGURE 10 The flowchart of wheel pressure
is the minimum working air gap, Cv is the liquid flow coeffi- regulation modes
cient, R is the radius of the push rod, Δp is the pressure differ-
ence between the two ends of the valve port, 2θ is the plane
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The target pressure value of the master cylinder is obtained FIGURE 11 The full view of the HIL test bench
by subtracting current wheel cylinder pressure value from the
target pressure value.
In the two-wheel differential boost mode, the wheel
cylinder with a larger target pressure demand is regulated by
the master cylinder and its inlet valve is fully opened. The
other valves utilize valves and DC motor to regulate the
pressure. The PID algorithm is applied based on the target
wheel cylinder pressure and the actual wheel cylinder pressure
at the same time taking into account the pressure difference
of the valve port.
In the four-wheel pressure regulation mode, the pressure
of the wheel cylinder with the maximum pressure demand is
controlled by the master cylinder, that is, the target master
cylinder pressure at this moment is the difference value
between the maximum target wheel cylinder pressure and the
actual pressure. The pressures of remaining wheel cylinders
are controlled by the pressure control unit.
© SAE International.
a 1015mm to accomplish the master cylinder pressure-building and
b 1895mm respectively control the four-wheel cylinder pressure through
B 1675mm the hydraulic control unit. In order to improve the yaw
stability of the vehicle under extreme conditions, this paper
Kr/Kf 40000N/rad
designs a hierarchical yaw stability controller, including
decision layer, distribution layer and execution layer. The
FIGURE 12 Results of DLC test decision layer uses the typical 2DOF vehicle reference model
to calculate the ideal yaw rate and side slip angle, while the
vehicle stability region is determined by the phase plane
method. And the desired additional yaw moment is obtained
through weighted method. In the distribution layer, one wheel
cylinder is selected at the same time by comparing the effi-
ciency for generating yaw moment to make the vehicle return
to the steady state as quickly as possible. The execution layer
acts as the bottom level controller that tracks the upper target
pressure. By designing the master cylinder and wheel cylinder
pressure control strategy, each wheel cylinder can accurately
follow the target pressure value in real-time. Finally, the
control algorithm was verified by building HIL test bench
containing the rapid prototype controller MicroAutoBoxII,
real-time simulation tool Mid-Size Simulator and practical
car-size braking system. The experiment results show that the
proposed hierarchical control strategy can improve dynamic
stability under extreme conditions and improve the safety of
the vehicle.
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Appendix A
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