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Book 3

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BDT in Million
Particulars 2021 2020
Cash and bank balances 101721 62638
Investments 70069 94095
Money at call and short notice 3500 0
Loans and advances 322135 273439
Fixed asset 12834 10606
Other assets 16222 13863
Goodwill 1427 1427
Non-banking assets 5 66
Total assets 527913 456134
Borrowing 47327 35943
Convertible subordinate bonds 0 0
Money at call and on short notice 0 85
Deposit and other accounts 364338 333616
Other liabilities 39300 32732
Total shareholders' equity 57187 48111
Non controlling interest 19761 5648
Total liability 470726 408023
Total liability and shareholders’ equity 527913 456134


Particulars 2021 2020
Total revenue 31623 28554
Interest income 24225 27080
Interest expense 7913 13725
Investment income 7142 8182
Commission exchange & brokerage 7993 6846
Non-interest income 8168 7017
Total operating expenses 21515 20345
Total income 39536 42279
Total expenditure 29428 34070
Operating profit 10107 8209
Profit before tax 6910 6336
Net profit after tax 4653 4041
Earnings per share (BDT) 3.93 3.17

No of shares outstanding 1392.172 1326

Price Per Share 55.3 44.3
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
69662 67046 61658 46976 41018 42356 28648 24560
55952 35133 26889 22938 20017 24226 21484 25463
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
264870 238400 203431 175841 149934 124300 119515 114086
10873 6265 5610 4233 4038 3553 2799 2862
12004 9665 9314 16891 15120 13842 11661 11997
1427 1427 1351 1382 1412 1442 1472 1427
66 66 63 62 62 - - -
414855 358005 308317 268324 231602 209719 185579 180396
35949 31303 28807 25884 22300 11742 16537 9445
0 0 2850 2951 3000 3000 3000 3000
1274 0 2700 1304 3780 1220 2848 1990
297755 259961 216930 181479 149548 146366 126679 134245
33214 25040 28600 32966 31456 26854 22639 20242
40582 35250 26600 22264 20190 19251 13024 11025
6081 6450 1830 1476 1329 1287 853 450
374273 322755 281717 246060 211412 190468 172555 169371
414855 358005 308317 268324 231602 209719 185579 180396

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

27819 26008 23701 21437 18438 15893 14407 11757
32623 27478 21734 18310 17700 17254 18716 17528
14698 11660 8201 6589 8196 8814 11379 10704
3057 2791 2915 2604 2496 2486 2766 1536
6599 7227 6882 5537 5174 4131 3567 2964
6837 7399 7253 7111 6438 4967 4304 3396
18859 16614 14279 11585 10353 8676 8266 6351
42517 37668 31902 28026 26634 24708 25786 22460
33557 28275 22480 18175 18550 17490 19645 17054
8960 9393 9422 9851 8085 7218 6141 5406
7501 8643 8284 7049 4765 4329 3208 2176
4583 5670 5498 4062 2340 2037 1339 700
3.73 4.5 4.86 6.28 3.43 3.19 2.47 1.14

1233 1073 855 710 709 709 443 385

57.1 72.7 108.4 64.1 48.7 37.2 32.6 34.8
Ratios Formula 2021 2020 2019

Current ratio Current assets / Current liabilities 1.208325 1.163747 1.1657

Debt to Equity Ratio Total liabilities / Total equity 8.231346 8.480867 9.222636
Return on investment (Profit/Investment)100 6.640597 4.294596 8.190949
Asset Turnover Ratio Revenue/average Total assets 0.806745 0.506386 0.888135
Price earning Ratio Price per share/Earning per share 16.5457 14.53645 15.36206
EPS EAT/No of shares outstanding 3.342258 3.047511 3.716951

Crrent assets 497425 430172 390484

current liability 411665 369644 334978
Current Ratio
Total Liabilities 470726 408023 374273
Total Equity 57187 48111 40582
Debt to Equity Ratio 8.231346 8.480867 9.222636

Return on investment 6.640597 4.294596 8.190949

492023.5 435494.5 386430

31623 28554 27819
Asset Turnover Ratio 0.064271 0.065567 0.07199
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

1.169314 1.17526 1.177738 1.201226 1.198044 1.161457 1.126503

9.15617 10.59086 11.05192 10.47112 9.893928 13.249 15.36245
16.13867 20.44702 17.70861 11.69006 8.408322 6.232545 2.749087
1.762601 1.930628 1.60231 1.11641 0.849847 0.470416 0.178948
13.75787 16.8574 11.20409 14.75568 12.94786 10.78551 19.14
5.28425 6.430409 5.721127 3.300423 2.873061 3.022573 1.818182

340579 291978 245755 210969 190882 169647 164109

291264 248437 208667 175628 159328 146064 145680

322755 281717 246060 211412 190468 172555 169371

35250 26600 22264 20190 19251 13024 11025
9.15617 10.59086 11.05192 10.47112 9.893928 13.249 15.36245

16.13867 20.44702 17.70861 11.69006 8.408322 6.232545 2.749087

333161 288320.5 249963 220660.5 197649 182987.5 156798.5

26008 23701 21437 18438 15893 14407 11757
0.078064 0.082204 0.085761 0.083558 0.08041 0.078732 0.074982

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