IBIR 006 Rev 6.501 PDF
IBIR 006 Rev 6.501 PDF
IBIR 006 Rev 6.501 PDF
1. DOCUMENT APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................. I
2. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 IDENTIFICATION .........................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1 Intended Data Usage by SARS .......................................................................................................2-4
2.2.2 Intended Data Usage by the REQUESTOR ....................................................................................2-5
2.3 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................................2-5
2.4 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................................2-5
3. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................................................3-1
3.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ..........................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................................3-1
4. INTERFACE SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 INTERFACE DIAGRAM.................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................4-1
4.2.1 Performance Parameters ................................................................................................................4-1
4.2.2 Physical Link Specification ..............................................................................................................4-2 Leased Line ..............................................................................................................................4-2 Alternative Transmission Channel ...........................................................................................4-2
4.2.3 Protocol............................................................................................................................................4-3 Security Considerations ...........................................................................................................4-3 Authentication and Encryption .................................................................................................4-3 Sequenced Files .......................................................................................................................4-3 File Polling ................................................................................................................................4-4 File Archiving ............................................................................................................................4-4 File Modes ................................................................................................................................4-4 Directory and File Naming Convention ....................................................................................4-4 Files in Error .............................................................................................................................4-5 Missing Files .............................................................................................................................4-5 File Size ....................................................................................................................................4-5 Data Exchange Process Flow ..................................................................................................4-6 Tax Directive Simulation and/or Actual Tax Directive Request Process Flow .........................4-6 Directive Query Process Flow ..................................................................................................4-7 Directive Cancellation Process Flow ........................................................................................4-7 Recognition of Transfer / Purchased Annuity Process Flow ....................................................4-7
4.2.4 Data Requirements ..........................................................................................................................4-8 File Layout ................................................................................................................................4-8 Data Description Conventions ..................................................................................................4-8 File Types .................................................................................................................................4-8 Directive Request IRP3(a) File ...............................................................................................4-10 Directive Request IRP3(a) Header Record ........................................................................4-10 Directive Request IRP3(a) Data Record .............................................................................4-11 Directive Request IRP3(a) Trailer Record ..........................................................................4-14 Directive Request IRP3(s) File ...............................................................................................4-15 Directive Request IRP3(s) Header Record .........................................................................4-15 Directive Request IRP3(s) Data Record .............................................................................4-16 Directive Request IRP3(s) Trailer Record ..........................................................................4-19 Directive Request FORM A&D File ........................................................................................4-20 Directive Request FORM A&D Header Record ..................................................................4-20 Directive Request FORM A&D Data Record ......................................................................4-21 Directive Request FORM A&D Trailer Record ...................................................................4-33 Directive Request FORM B File .............................................................................................4-34 Directive Request FORM B Header Record .......................................................................4-34 Directive Request FORM B Data Record ...........................................................................4-36
TABLE 2-1: GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................. 2-5
TABLE 3-1: APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS........................................................................................ 3-1
TABLE 3-2: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................... 3-1
TABLE 4-1: PERFORMANCE AND SYSTEM PARAMETERS ............................................................. 4-1
TABLE 4-2: FILE MODES ........................................................................................................... 4-4
TABLE 4-3: FILE RECORD TYPES............................................................................................... 4-8
TABLE 4-5: DIRECTIVE REQUEST IRP3(A) HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ....................................... 4-10
TABLE 4-6: DIRECTIVE REQUEST IRP3(A) DATA RECORD LAYOUT ........................................... 4-11
TABLE 4-7: DIRECTIVE REQUEST IRP3(A) TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ....................................... 4-14
TABLE 4-8: DIRECTIVE REQUEST IRP3(S) HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ....................................... 4-15
TABLE 4-9: DIRECTIVE REQUEST IRP3(S) DATA RECORD LAYOUT ........................................... 4-16
TABLE 4-10: DIRECTIVE REQUEST IRP3(S) TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ..................................... 4-19
TABLE 4-11: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM A&D HEADER RECORD LAYOUT............................... 4-20
TABLE 4-12: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM A&D DATA RECORD LAYOUT ................................... 4-21
TABLE 4-13: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM A&D TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT .............................. 4-33
TABLE 4-14: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM B HEADER RECORD LAYOUT.................................... 4-35
TABLE 4-15: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM B DATA RECORD LAYOUT ........................................ 4-36
TABLE 4-16: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM B TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ................................... 4-46
TABLE 4-17: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM C HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ................................... 4-47
TABLE 4-18: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM C DATA RECORD LAYOUT ........................................ 4-48
TABLE 4-19: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM C TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ................................... 4-59
TABLE 4-20: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM E HEADER RECORD LAYOUT.................................... 4-60
TABLE 4-21 DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM E DATA RECORD LAYOUT ......................................... 4-62
TABLE 4-22: DIRECTIVE REQUEST FORM E TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ................................... 4-69
TABLE 4-23: ROT01 HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ...................................................................... 4-70
TABLE 4-24: ROT01 DATA RECORD LAYOUT .......................................................................... 4-71
TABLE 4-25: ROT01 TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ...................................................................... 4-74
TABLE 4-26: ROT02 HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ...................................................................... 4-75
TABLE 4-27: ROT02 DATA RECORD LAYOUT .......................................................................... 4-76
TABLE 4-28: ROT02 TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ...................................................................... 4-79
TABLE 4-29: DIRECTIVE QUERY HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ...................................................... 4-80
TABLE 4-30: DIRECTIVE QUERY DATA RECORD LAYOUT .......................................................... 4-81
TABLE 4-31: DIRECTIVE QUERY TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ...................................................... 4-81
TABLE 4-34: DIRECTIVES VALIDATION RESPONSE TRAILER RECORD ........................................ 4-84
TABLE 4-36: PROCESSED DIRECTIVES RESPONSE DATA RECORD LAYOUT ............................... 4-86
TABLE 4-40: DIRECTIVE CANCELLATION REQUEST DATA RECORD LAYOUT ............................... 4-93
TABLE 4-45: PROCESSED ROT RESPONSE HEADER RECORD LAYOUT ..................................... 4-97
TABLE 4-46: PROCESSED ROT RESPONSE DATA RECORD LAYOUT ......................................... 4-99
TABLE 4-47: PROCESSED ROT RESPONSE ERROR RECORD LAYOUT ....................................... 4-99
TABLE 4-48: PROCESSED ROT RESPONSE TRAILER RECORD LAYOUT ................................... 4-100
TABLE 7-1: STOP ORDER PAYMENT BREAKDOWN ..........................................................................3
TABLE A-2: DIRECTIVE APPLICATION STATUS CODES.................................................................. 32
TABLE A-3: DIRECTIVE CANCELLATION REQUEST RESPONSE CODES .......................................... 32
TABLE A-4: FORM A&D DIRECTIVE REQUEST REASON CODES .................................................. 32
TABLE A-5: FORM B DIRECTIVE REQUEST REASON CODES ....................................................... 33
TABLE A-6: FORM C DIRECTIVE REQUEST REASON CODES ....................................................... 33
TABLE A-7: FORM E DIRECTIVE REQUEST REASON CODES ......................................................... 34
TABLE A-8: IRP3(A) DIRECTIVE REQUEST REASON CODES......................................................... 34
TABLE A-9: IRP3(S) DIRECTIVE REQUEST REASON CODES......................................................... 34
TABLE A-10: INCOME TAX AREA CODES ..................................................................................... 35
TABLE A-11: PASSPORT COUNTRY CODES ....................................................................................1
FIGURE 4-1: SYSTEM INTERFACE RELATIONSHIP........................................................................ 4-1
FIGURE A-1: IRP3 LUMP SUM DIRECTIVE HARD COPY SAMPLE .................................................. 7-2
FIGURE A-2: TAX DIRECTIVE SIMULATION HARD COPY SAMPLE .................................................. 7-3
FIGURE A-3: IT88(L) PAGE 1 HARD COPY SAMPLE.................................................................... 7-5
FIGURE A-4: IT88(L) PAGE 2 HARD COPY SAMPLE.................................................................... 7-6
FIGURE A-5: TAX REFERENCE NUMBER MODULUS 10 TEST ....................................................... 7-7
Document Name Document Description
IBIR-006 Directives Management Interface Requirement Specification
This document describes the generic interface between the Income Tax System (ITS) of the South African
Revenue Service (SARS) and any external system used in applying for directives (IRP3).
2.1 Identification
This interface document describes the protocol and data format to use when applying for directives
electronically and receiving responses to such applications.
The SARS system shall be capable of processing different types of directive requests and either provide the
requested directive or decline the directive request and provide a reason for doing so.
The system using this interface to submit requests for directives and receive responses for these requests is
referred to as the ‘REQUESTOR’.
A response is created for each request while processing the requests. The response is returned to the
REQUESTOR and comprises:
1. The response code indicating if the request was processed or declined
2. The amount deductable as Pay As You Earn (PAYE) for a lump sum
3. A reason for the decline, if relevant
NB: The IT88L information will not be provided with the tax directive simulation response. The IT88L refence
number will be provided indicating there is outstanding debt on the members tax records. The detailed IT88L
information will only be provided when the response is created for the actual tax directive request, if
applicable.If all requirements and rules are not met, the SARS system will automatically decline the request
and supply the reason for the decline. The REQUESTOR will be notified of the decline.
Calculations applicable to directives are not provided in this document, but may be obtained in [A1] and
Schedule 2.
Stop orders (IT88L) will not be provided with the simulation response. These will only be provided as part of
the response to an actual tax directive request.
The interface will provide for the following tax directive simulation requests:
1. FORM A&D- Retirement or Death: Pension/Provident Fund (including Preservation funds)
2. FORM B - Resignation or Transfer: Pension/Provident Fund (including Preservation
3. FORM C - Retirement, Death/Transfer: Retirement Annuity Fund
4. FORM E - Annuity Commutations: Retirement Annuity Fund
5. IRP3(a) - Retrenchment or Retirement: Employer
6. IRP3(s) - Share Options: Employer
Forms A&D, B, C & E may only be submitted by retirement fund administrators. IRP3(a) & IRP3(s) forms
may only be submitted by employers on behalf of their employees.
Request Actual Tax Directive
The external organisation will forward a single or multiple requests to the SARS system in the form of a file.
The REQUESTOR must indicate in the header record of each file that all requests in the file are in respect of
actual tax directive requests.
Each tax directive request receives a unique request number by the REQUESTOR. This number is used by
the REQUESTOR for subsequent queries regarding this tax directive request. This number may not be
allocated to any other tax directive request issued by this REQUESTOR.
SARS will process all the requests and grants-, declines- or refers requests.
The SARS system validates- and assesses the request and automatically grants a directive should all the
rules for automatic granting be satisfied.
The REQUESTOR allocates a unique identification to each tax directive request. This identification must be
unique within the REQUESTOR’s organisation and may not be repeated for any other directive request
coming from that organisation. An example of a unique number could be a concatenation of the
REQUESTOR’s system identification, the taxpayer number and a sequential number.
A response is created for each request while processing the requests. The response is returned to the
REQUESTOR and comprises:
1. The response code indicating if the request was granted or declined
2. The unique directive application identification allocated by SARS. This identification differs from
the unique number allocated by the REQUESTOR
3. The unique directive number allocated by SARS, if granted
4. The amount deductable as Pay As You Earn (PAYE) for a lump sum or a fixed rate/amount
directive. NOTE: The PAYE amount is based on the information on the SARS system when the
actual tax directive request is received and may differ from the simulation request due to actual
tax directive requests received after the simulation response was issued and before this actual
tax directive was processed.
5. A reason for the decline, if relevant
6. Details of other deductable amounts to be paid over to SARS (per IT88L) for other taxes
(Assessed Tax, Provisional Tax, Admin Penalties), if applicable
If all requirements and rules are not met, the SARS system may:
1. Automatically decline the request and supply the reason for the decline. The REQUESTOR will
be notified of the decline
2. Refer the request for an intervention to the applicable SARS office. The REQUESTOR will only
be notified of the directive request status once the request processing is finalised
Calculations applicable to directives are not provided in this document, but may be obtained in [A1] Schedule
2 and rates applicable to lump sums.
The SARS Directives section (ncts@sars.gov.za) will be tasked to address a referred request. An ad hoc
response will be triggered to inform the REQUESTOR once a referred request is complete.
In certain cases the response may be accompanied by a stop order (IT88L) instructing the REQUESTOR to
deduct outstanding tax (Assessed Tax, Provisional Tax & Admin Penalties) from the amount payable to the
Taxpayer and does not form part of the PAYE indicated to be withhold from the lump sum payable. This is
an additionbal amount to be deducted and is a sepert amount payable into the taxpayers account.
The interface will provide for the following tax directive requests:
1. FORM A&D- Retirement or Death: Pension/Provident Fund (including Preservation funds)
2. FORM B - Resignation or Transfer: Pension/Provident Fund including Preservation
3. FORM C - Retirement, Death/Transfer: Retirement Annuity Fund
4. FORM E - Annuity Commutations: Retirement Annuity Fund
5. IRP3(a) - Retrenchment or Retirement: Employer
6. IRP3(s) - Share Options: Employer
Forms A&D, B, C & E may only be submitted by retirement fund administrators. IRP3(a) & IRP3(s) forms
may only be submitted by employers..
Query the Status of a Directive Request
Each request for a directive has a unique request number allowing the REQUESTOR to query the status of
individual requests previously submitted. The ITS will respond with the current status of the request, i.e.
granted, declined or referred, together with any other relevant details.
Cancel Directive
The REQUESTOR may request the cancellation of a previously issued directive. The ITS assesses the
request and where applicable, marks the granted directive as cancelled. The cancellation of a directive
results in the cancellation of any stop order related to the directive.
A directive cannot be cancelled if ROT’s have been submitted for this directive.
A directive request cannot be extended. Should the REQUESTOR want to change any details of a directive
request after it was granted, the original directive must first be cancelled, whereafter the new request should
be submitted.
A cancelled tax directive cannot be reinstated.
Submit Recognition of Transfer/GN18 Purchase (ROT)
The Receiving Fund/Insurer must acknowledge receipt of all funds received.
The external organisation will forward a single or multiple requests to the SARS system in the form of a file.
Each request to submit a ROT receives a unique request number by the REQUESTOR. This number is
used by the REQUESTOR for subsequent queries regarding this request to submit a ROT. This number may
not be allocated to any other request issued by this REQUESTOR.
SARS will process all the requests and accept or decline the requests.
The SARS system validates- and assesses the request and automatically accept the request should all the
rules be satisfied.
The REQUESTOR allocates a unique identification to each request to submit a ROT. This identification must
be unique within the REQUESTOR’s organisation and may not be repeated for any other request coming
from that organisation. An example of a unique number could be a concatenation of the REQUESTOR’s
system identification, the taxpayer number and a sequential number.
A response is created for each request while processing the requests. The response is returned to the
REQUESTOR and comprises:
1. The response code indicating if the request to submit a ROT was accepted or declined
2. The unique application identification allocated by SARS. This identification differs from the unique
number allocated by the REQUESTOR
3. A reason for the decline to submit a ROT, if relevant
If all requirements and rules are not met, the SARS system will automatically decline the request and supply
the reason for the decline. The REQUESTOR will be notified of the decline to submit a ROT.
The interface will provide for the following requests to submit a ROT:
1. ROT01 - Recognition of transfer between approved funds
2. ROT02 - Recognition of GN18 purchase of member/beneficiary owned pension/annuity
Test Data
Each REQUESTOR intending to use the tax directive interface will be required to submit at least one test file
for each file type used the first time around and whenever changes to this document are published. The
REQUESTOR may use the facility for submitting test files to test the software package used, or to ensure the
communication medium between the REQUESTOR and SARS is operational.
To reduce situations where the REQUESTOR submitts test files instead of production files, the SARS
system administrator is alerted every time the REQUESTOR sends more than a predetermined number of
consecutive test files without a production file sent in between. The ITS system administrator will confirm
with the REQUESTOR that this is a genuine test process or a mistake on the part of the REQUESTOR.
2.4 Glossary
Table 2-1: Glossary
Term Explanation
Applicant A person or a person’s beneficiaries on whose behalf a request for a tax directive is made
REQUESTOR An institution applying for tax directives for its employees/members (e.g. pension funds,
retirement annuity funds, employers)
Physical Link
4.2.3 Protocol
TTTTTTTT is the file type. See File type can be up to 8 characters long.
M is the file mode. See
NNNNN is the file sequence number. See
The REQUESTOR identification for the purposes of the directory structure on the ITS file server shall be
uniquely allocated by SARS and made known to the REQUESTOR during the registration process with
SARS. Tax Directive Simulation and/or Actual Tax Directive Request Process Flow
The following data exchange process is followed for a bulk tax directive simulation and/or actual tax directive
request. The actual file exchange occurs in accordance with
1. The REQUESTOR generates the tax directive simulation and/or actual tax directive request file
or files and sends these to the SARS system.
2. The SARS system detects the directive request files and acknowledges receipt thereof to the
REQUESTOR using directive validation response files. This file will contain data records that
failed the required format validation, and indicates the successful receipt of the directive
simulation request file.
3. The SARS system independently processes the files in accordance with the SARS business
4. As a result of the processing, a processed directives response file is created. Each tax directive
simulation and/or actual directive request received from the REQUESTOR has a response,
once the tax directive simulation and/or actual directive request process is complete and the
directive granted or declined. These requests will be processed at regular intervals throughout
the day. The response to requests processable without human intervention will be provided as
soon as it has been finalised. The response to requests referred for manual intervention may
take longer to process, and will be provided as soon as it has been finalised. These turnaround
times may be assessed and changed by SARS from time to time. Separate processed directive
response files are created for tax directive simulation requests and actual tax directive requests.
5. The processed directives response file will contain either tax directive simulation responses or
actual tax directive responses, not both. This will be indicated in the header record of the
response file.
6. The REQUESTOR copies both the upfront validation and processed directives response file(s) to
its own data area on its host computer.
3. Independently, the SARS system processes the ROT request files and extracts the information
regarding the request.
4. As a result of the processing, processed ROT response files are created containing ROT
confirmations or ROT declines.
5. The REQUESTOR copies both the validation and processed ROT response files to its own data
area on its host computer.
Table 4-4: List of File Types for the SARS system – REQUESTOR Interface
11. If ‘S’ is selected, tax directive simulations will be performed on all applications submitted in this
file. If ‘A’ is selected, all applications in this file will be processed as actual tax directives. If any
other value is selected, the entire file will be rejected.
CC is the century
YY is year
MM is month
DD is day in month
6. The amount is specified rounded to the nearest Rand
7. Directive application reasons may be found in Appendix A
8. One and only one of these fields must be supplied. The Passport No / Permit No other ID
number shall only be specified if the taxpayer does not have a South African ID number. SA ID
number must not be entered as ‘Passport No / Permit No’ ‘other ID number’ as it causes the
tax calculations to be incorrect.
9. Unique serial identifier is allocated by the REQUESTOR. This identifier may be alphanumeric
and may not be repeated in any subsequent directive request.
10. The two rightmost digits denote Cents and the remainder denote the Rand amount. The value
must be set to zero if not provided.
11. This amount must be equal to the sum of all previous amounts, except Annual Salary
12. No longer applicable
13. The first occurrence of OTHER-AMOUNT-NATURE corresponds to the first occurrence of
OTHER-AMOUNT, the second occurrence of OTHER-AMOUNT-NATURE corresponds to the
second occurrence of OTHER-AMOUNT and so on. The amount nature is the nature of any
other payments not leave payment, pro rata bonus, or notice paid. A short textual description
must be provided in the OTHER-AMOUNT-NATURE field. If OTHER-AMOUNT is not provided
it must be set to 0.
14. The Income Tax reference number must be provided. If this number is not available, a reason
must be provided. NOTE: If the taxpayer is registered and the application is submitted without
a tax number the directive will be declined. If provided, the fund must apply the modulus 10 test
to ensure it is a valid tax reference number (See Annexure A).
15. The tax year must be fully provided in the form of CCYY, where:
CC is the century
YY is year
16. The PAYE reference number of the taxpayer’s employer must be provided
17. At least one amount is required. If SEVERANCE-BENEF-PAYABLE, EMPLOY-OWNED-
POLICY-AMOUNT is not specified, then at least one OTHER-AMOUNT and OTHER-AMOUNT-
NATURE must be specified.
18. If this application is submitted due to the death of the taxpayer, these fields must contain the
executor’s postal address otherwise the taxpayer’s postal address must be specified.
19. The indicator will be defaulted to ‘N’; the directive will be issued in electronic form only.
20. Annual income includes all income, i.e. salary remuneration, earnings, emoluments, wages,
bonus, fees, gratuities, commission, pension, overtime payments, royalties, stipend, allowances
and benefits, interest, annuities, share of profits, rental income, compensation, honorarium.
21. This is a mandatory field. E-mail addresses must be in a valid format.
22. If the selected directive application reason is ‘Employer owned policy proceeds – taxable’ or
‘Employer owned policy proceeds – exempt s(10)(1)(gG), the field EMPLOY-OWNED-POLICY-
AMOUNT must be specified
23. If the selected directive application reason is one of the severance benefit reasons, the field
SEVERANCE-BENEF-PAYABLE must be specified, excluding Leave payments, Notice
payments, and Arbitration/CCMA Award. A separate directive must be submitted for these
directive reason ‘Other’ must be used.
24. If the selected directive application reason is ‘Other’, and the payment is in respect of a Leave
Payment, the field LEAVE-PAYMENT must be specified. The fields SEVERANCE-BENEF-
PAYABLE & ARBITRATION-CCMA-AWARD may not be specified in this case.
25. If the selected directive application reason is ‘Other’, and the payment is in respect of a Notice
Payment, the field NOTICE-PAYMENT must be specified. The fields SEVERANCE-BENEF-
PAYABLE & ARBITRATION-CCMA-AWARD may not be specified in this case.
26. If ‘No’ is selected, the directive application will be rejected. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all
the information provided on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the
fiscus due to incorrect information provided.
27. If the selected directive application reason is ‘Section 10(1)(gB)(iii) compensation’, the field
SECT-10-1-GB-III-COMP must be specified.
28. If the selected directive application reason is ‘Other’, and the payment is in respect of an
Arbitration/CCMA Award, the field ARBITRATION-CCMA-AWARD must be specified. The fields
may not be specified in this case.
29. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No is captured. May not be captured if a
South African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the list of valid
codes as specified in Appendix A.
MM is the month
DD is the day in month
hh is hours
mm is minutes
ss is seconds
8. This field contains the identification of the REQUESTOR (ISP0901 system parameter).
9. If the value of this field is Y, the information in this file must not be applied to the production
database of the SARS system. If the value of this field is N, the information must be applied to
the production database. Alternatively, the file must be rejected.
10. This file must always contain the character S.
11. If ‘S’ is selected, tax directive simulations will be performed on all applications submitted in this
file. If ‘A’ is selected, all applications in this file will be processed as actual tax directives. If any
other value is selected, the entire file will be rejected.
CC is the century
YY is year
MM is month
DD is day in month
6. The amount is specified rounded to the nearest Rand
7. Directive application reasons may be found in Appendix A
8. One and only one of these fields must be supplied. The Passport No / Permit No other ID
number shall only be specified if the taxpayer does not have a South African ID number. SA ID
number must not be entered as ‘Passport No / Permit No’ ‘other ID number’ as it causes the
tax calculations to be incorrect.
9. Unique serial identifier is allocated by the REQUESTOR. This identifier may be alphanumeric
and may not be repeated in any subsequent directive request.
10. The two rightmost digits denote Cents and the remainder denote the Rand amount. The value
must be set to zero if not provided.
11. No longer applicable
12. The Income Tax reference number must be provided. If this number is not available, a reason
must be provided. NOTE: If the taxpayer is registered and the application is submitted without
a tax number the directive will be declined. If provided, the fund must apply the modulus 10 test
to ensure it is a valid tax reference number (See Annexure A).
13. The tax year must be fully provided in the form of CCYY, where:
CC is the century
YY is year
14. The PAYE reference number of the taxpayer’s employer must be provided
15. If this application is submitted due to the death of the taxpayer, these fields must contain the
executor’s postal address otherwise the taxpayer’s postal address must be specified.
16. The indicator will be defaulted to ‘N’; the directive will be issued in electronic form only.
17. Annual income includes all income, i.e. salary remuneration, earnings, emoluments, wages,
bonus, fees, gratuities, commission, pension, overtime payments, royalties, stipend, allowances
and benefits, interest, annuities, share of profits, rental income, compensation, honorarium.
18. This is a mandatory field. E-mail addresses must be in a valid format.
19. If ‘No’, the directive application will be declined. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all the
information provided on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the
fiscus due to incorrect information provided.
20. This field is applicable only if the employee is a tax resident.
21. This field is applicable only if the employee is a tax resident and has indicated that the
exemption in terms of section 10(1)(o)(ii) is applicable.
22. This field is applicable if the employee is a tax resident and has indicated that the exemption in
terms of section 10(1)(o)(ii) is applicable, or if the employee is not a tax resident.
23. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No is captured. May not be captured if a
South African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the list of valid
codes as specified in Appendix A.
13. Total provident fund contributions by member up to 1 March 2016, excluding profits and
interest. Applicable to a provident fund only. This amount should be limited to the gross
amount payable.
14. Total provident fund contributions after 1 March 2016, excluding profits and interest. Applicable
to a provident fund only. This amount should be limited to the gross amount payable.
15. Reason codes for the directive application may be found in Appendix A
16. Was a period consisting of a number of completed years used to determine the quantum of the
benefit in terms of a formula described in terms of the rules of the fund? Enter ‘Y’ or ‘N.
• If ‘Y’, then period of employment must be provided
• If ‘N’, then period of membership contributions must be provided
17. This is the member’s membership number in the pension fund, provident fund, pension
preservation or provident preservation fund.
18. If this application is submitted as a result of the death of the taxpayer, these fields must contain
the executor’s postal address. Otherwise, the taxpayer’s postal address must be specified.
19. These fields are provided to calculate the average salary actually earned during any five
consecutive years in the service of the employer during the taxpayer’s membership of the fund.
A number less than 5 will be provided if the taxpayer did not complete an employment period of
5 years with the employer.
20. The first ANNUAL-SALARY-YEAR corresponds to the first ANNUAL-SALARY-AMOUNT. The
second ANNUAL-SALARY-YEAR corresponds to the second ANNUAL-SALARY-AMOUNT and
so on.
21. This field is rounded to the nearest Rand value. Cents are not provided.
22. This amount must be provided upon death only and must consist of income for the 12-month
period prior to the date of death. If not provided, it must be set to 0. This field is mandatory if
the date of accrual is prior to 1 October 2007 and the reason for directive is ‘Death’.
23. This is the PAYE reference number of the taxpayer’s employer. If not applicable this field must
be zero-filled
24. The fund type may be one of the following:
01 - Provident Fund
02 - Pension Fund
04 - Provident Preservation Fund
05 - Pension Preservation Fund
25. The reason for creating the fund may be one of the following:
01 - Public sector fund
02 - Approved fund
99 - Other fund (no explanation required)
26. The calculated start- and end dates are provided as applicable, either in terms of years of
employment or according to a formula described in terms of the rules of the fund. These fields
cannot contain the same dates.
27. The actual date the taxpayer joined the fund must be provided.
28. The indicator will be defaulted to ‘N’; the directive will be issued in electronic form only.
29. Annual income includes all income, i.e. salary remuneration, earnings, emoluments, wages,
bonus, fees, gratuities, commission, pension, overtime, payments, royalties, stipend,
allowances and benefits, interest, annuities, share of profits, rental income, compensation,
honorarium. .
30. Salary includes any amount received or receivable annually under a contract of service
including cost of living allowances, commission, shares of profit, etc. but not occasional
bonuses or fees dependent on the whim of directors or employer.
31. Mandatory. This is the fund’s PAYE reference number that must start with ‘7’.
32. This amount includes the amount deemed to have accrued in respect of paragraph 2(1)(b)(iA)
(divorce) of the Second Schedule if the date of accrual is prior to 1 March 2012.
33. Amount is required. The two rightmost digits denote Cents. The remainder denote the Rand
amount. The gross amount of lump sum payment may be zero in cases where the member
elects to utilise the gross amount of total benefit to purchase annuities, meaning no gross
amount of lump sum payment is taken.
34. Benefit purchased indicator and fund paying annuity/pension indicator can both be set to ‘Y’ or
‘N’. the member may elect to purchase one or more annuities and or leave an amount
remaining in the fund. This indicator must be set where the ‘GROSS-AMOUNT-TOTAL-
BENEFIT minus the ‘GROSS-LUMP-SUM’ payment is greater than zero.
The following fields are compulsory:
Annuity/pension policy number
Amount utilised to purchase annuity/pension
Name of insurer where annuity/pension was purchased
E-mail address of insurer
FSCA Registered Insurer Number (Also referred to as a Life License Number (starts
with 10/10/1/followed by 4 digits), e.g. 10/10/1/0004).
Telephone number (Including dialling code) of insurer
Cell number of insurer
Please note where one of the abovementioned fields are supplied the other fields
must also be supplied.
Remaining fund amount is compulsory.
35. These fields must only be completed where a benefit was transferred on or after
1 March 2006 from a Public Sector Fund (pension fund as contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b)
of the definition of ‘pension fund’ in section 1) to an Approved fund (a fund as contemplated in
paragraph (c) of the definition of pension fund in section 1(approved fund).
➢ Please note where one of the abovementioned fields are supplied the other fields must
36. Mandatory fields if the date of accrual is prior to 1 October 2007
37. These fields must only be completed by a Public Sector fund where the benefit was transferred
from another Public Sector fund to current fund.
➢ The Indicator must be ‘Y’.
➢ The date from and date to will be used to calculate Formula C.
38. This is a mandatory field.
39. This is the registration number, as allocated by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct
Authority), and must be provided in the format 12/8/8888888/999999, where 888888 is the
registered fund or registered umbrella fund number and 999999 is the participating employer
number. Approved funds must only use the FSCA number in the correct format. If the FSCA
number does not consist of 7 digits after the 12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the
number to avoid the decline of the directive. If the zeroes are entered after the FSCA number it
will not match the validation and the application will be declined. If the name and number used
on the tax directive application form do not match the information on the FSCA list, the tax
directive application will also be declined.
40. This name is required when the FSCA registration number has been provided, and there is a
participating employer registration number (last 6 digits of the FSCA approved registration
number contains a value greater than zero). This name must be different from the ‘Fund Name’
and must correspond with the name on the ‘Active Employer’ list and the number on the FSCA
website. The last 6 digits of the FSCA approved registration number must be 000000, if the
application is not participating employer registration number.
41. This is a mandatory field when annuities are purchased, and when supplied, must contain
information which is in a valid e-mail address format.
42. This is the registration number, as allocated by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct
Authority) (Also referred to as a Life License Number), and must be provided in the format
10/10/1/ followed by 4 digits. If the FSCA no does not consist of 4 digits after the 10/10/1/,
zeroes must be inserted in front of the number to avoid the decline of the directive, e.g.
10/10/1/0004). If the zeroes are entered after the FSCA registered insurer number it will not
match the validation and the application will be declined. To avoid the decline of the tax
directive ensure the numer and the name of the registered Long-term Insurer correspond with
the information on the FSCA website.
43. If ‘No’ is selected, the directive application will be declined. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all
the information provided on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the
fiscus due to incorrect information provided.
44. Mandatory field. Must be “Yes” if the member took a partial withdrawal amount from this benefit
in the previous or current Fund/s prior to this payment, else it must be set to “No”.
45. Mandatory if the member took a partial withdrawal amount from this benefit in the previous or
current Fund/s prior to this payment.
46. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
originally issued for the partial withdrawal/resignation. A finalised directive must exist for the
Directive ID as supplied by the external agent.
47. In the case of member’s death before retirement and where the fund purchased an annuity in the
name of a beneficiary / dependant / nominee , the following fields are mandatory
48. This field must be specified if the reason is ‘Transfer before Retirement [Par 2(1)(c)]’ when the
applicant has elected to transfer the full retirement benefit on retirement date to another fund.
49. The transfer fund type can only be
03 - Retirement Annuity Fund
04 - Provident Preservation Fund
05 - Pension Preservation Fund
50. The transfer amount must be equal to the gross amount of total benefit. The gross lump sum
benefit amount must be equal to the gross amount of total benefit.
51. The e-mail address is mandatory and must be in a valid format.
52. This field must be completed if a benefit was transferred from a Public Sector Fund to an
Approved Fund, and the Public Sector Fund benefit was subsequently transferred from the 1st
Approved Fund to another Approved Fund, only if the benefit was transferred to the 2nd
approved fund after 1 March 2018. (The original amount attributed to the period of membership
in the public sector fund (full benefit) was supplied).
53. Must be “Yes” or “No” if some or all of the benefits in the current fund originated from the public
sector fund (The original amount attributed to the period of membership in the public sector fund
(full benefit) is supplied). Therefore it must be ‘Yes’ if the benefit was received directly from the
Public Sector Fund and ‘No’ if the benefit was not received directly from a Public Sector Fund.
54. Must be “Yes” or “No” if the answer to the question “Was the above benefit received directly from
a Public Sector Fund?” is “No”.
55. These fields must only be provided when the fund member is a non-resident , and may only be
submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via eFiling.
56. Optional field and contains blanks if not provided. If provided, it must be right-justified and Zero-
57. Must be ‘Y’ when Non-resident indicator is ‘Y’. Reject the record when provided and not
submitted via eFiling.
58. These fields must only be used if the Pension fund benefit was transfer before 1 March 2021 to a
provident fund. The directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by ITS, in respect of the
directive originally issued for the transfer from pension fund (after tax amount) to the provident
fund before 1 March 2021. A finalised directive must exist for the Directive ID as supplied by the
external agent.
59. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
issued for the public sector fund original transfer. A finalised directive must exist for the
Directive ID as supplied by the external agent.
60. The pre-1 March 2021 provident fund or provident preservation fund vested rights including
growth and post-1 March 2021 provident fund or provident preservation fund values must be
provided, if the transfer amount contains any of these values, where the accrual date of the
transfer is greater than or equal to 1 March 2021.
61. This is a mandatory field if an annuity was purchased. Indicate the type of annuity purchased.
Valid values are ‘G’ (Guaranteed Annuity) or ‘L’ (Living Annuity).
62. If a provident fund benefit has been transferred on or after 1 March 2021, this field, regardless of
the age of the member on 1 March 2021, this field must always be completed.
63. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No is captured. May not be captured if a South
African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the list of valid codes as
specified in Appendix A.
8. The Income Tax reference number may only be omitted if the taxpayer is not registered as an
Income Taxpayer. A reason must be provided for the omission. NOTE: If the taxpayer is
registered and the application is submitted without a tax number the directive will be declined.
The exception is when the reason for the directive application is “Transfer – Inactive Member
with Insufficient Information”, in which case this field may not be supplied. If provided, the fund
must apply the modulus 10 test to ensure it is a valid tax reference number (See Annexure A).
9. One and only one of these fields must be supplied. The Passport No / Permit No other ID
number must only be specified if the taxpayer does not have a South African ID number. SA ID
number must not be entered as ‘Passport No / Permit No’ ‘other ID number’ as it causes the
tax calculations to be incorrect and a loss to the fiscus.The first exception is when the reason
for the directive application is “Transfer – Unclaimed Benefit”, in which case neither of these two
fields have to be supplied if not available. The second exception is when the reason for the
directive application is “Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information”, in which case
neither of these two fields may be supplied.
10. These fields are optional except when the applicant has elected to transfer a portion of the
accrued benefit, or the total of the accrued benefit, to another pension/provident/retirement
annuity fund, pension preservation fund, or provident preservation fund.
11. No longer applicable
12. This is the member’s membership number in the pension fund, the provident fund, pension
preservation fund, or provident preservation fund.
13. Amount rounded to the nearest Rand value.
14. Total provident fund contributions by member up to 1 March 2016, excluding profits and interest.
Applicable to a provident fund only. It must be set to 0 if not provided. This amount should be
limited to the gross amount payable.
15. Total provident fund contributions after 1 March 2016, excluding profits and interest. Applicable to
a provident fund only. This amount should be limited to the gross amount payable.
16. This field contains Y if the reason for the directive is “Transfer” to a public sector pension or
provident fund. In all other instances this field must contain N.
17. If, in terms of the fund’s rules, a policy of assurance is ceded to the member, this field will contain
the surrender value of such policy as at date of cession (for the purposes of paragraph 4(2)bis
of the Second Schedule of [A1]).
18. Application reason codes are in Appendix A. Note that if the directive reason is ‘Transfer’ or
‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’, the transfer amount must be equal to
the gross lump sum. If the directive reason is other than Transfer, the transfer amount may be
smaller than the gross lump sum.
19. The tax year must be fully provided in the form of CCYY, where:
CC is the century
YY is year
20. This field must be specified if the benefit has been transferred to another approved pension,
provident, retirement annuity fund, pension preservation fund, or provident preservation fund.
21. The fund type may be one of the following:
01 - Provident Fund
02 - Pension Fund
03 - Retirement Annuity Fund
04 - Provident Preservation Fund
05 - Pension Preservation Fund
07 - Unclaimed Provident Preservation Fund (Only if a transferree fund)
08 - Unclaimed Pension Preservation Fund (Only if a transferree fund)
Note that FORM B may not be used for withdrawals from retirement annuity funds, but must be
used if there is a transfer from an Approved fund to a Retirement annuity fund.
22. Fund created reason may be one of the following:
01 - Public sector fund
02 - Approved fund
99 - Other fund
23. The approved fund number allocated by SARS. This number must be provided if the fund is a
Public sector fund. Approved funds must only use the FSCA registration number. Refer to
remark 32.
24. These fields are only applicable if the taxpayer was a member of a public sector fund from where
he resigned AND transferred those funds to the current public sector fund from which he is now
resigning. These fields must remain blank if the taxpayer was not previously a member of a
public sector fund. The start date must be less than the end date.
25. The actual date the taxpayer joined the current fund must be provided. This date must be after
the end date mentioned in remark 24.
26. The indicator will be defaulted to ‘N’; the directive will be issued in electronic form only.
27. Annual income includes all income, i.e. salary remuneration, earnings, emoluments, wages,
bonus, fees, gratuities, commission, pension, overtime payments, royalties, stipend, allowances
and benefits, interest, annuities, share of profits, rental income, compensation, honorarium. Is
mandatory if the date of accrual is prior to 1 March 2009 and if the reason for directive is 09 –
Sec 1 Par (eA).
28. Mandatory. This is the fund’s PAYE reference number that must start with ‘7’
29. Employment years start and end dates are only applicable to public sector funds, where a
member purchased additional service years after 1/3/1998, which can result in the end date
being greater than lump sum accrual date. Mandatory if a public sector fund transfer to another
fund. This fields must be provide even if it is equal to the commencement date and date of
1. If fields are used then both, start and end dates must be supplied.
2. Employment start date cannot be less than 16th birthday.
3. Employment start date can be less than or equal to date membership started (date from)
where service was bought back prior to 1 March 1998.
4. Employment end date must be greater than start date.
5. Employment end date must be greater than commencement date of membership.
6. Employment end date can be greater than date membership ended (date of accrual) where
services was bought back after 1 March 1998.
30. These fields must only be completed where a benefit was transferred on or after
1 March 2006 from a Public Sector Fund (pension fund as contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b)
of the definition of ‘pension fund’ in section 1) to an Approved fund (a fund as contemplated in
paragraph (c) of the definition of pension fund in section 1 (approved fund).
Please note where one of the abovementioned fields are supplied the other fields must also
Public Sector fund: Where a benefit was transferred from one public sector fund to
another public sector fund only the EMPLOYMENT START-DATE and EMPLOYMENT
START-DATE must be provides and these fields must be blank. (Refer to point 29)
31. This is a mandatory field. If the field contains an email addres the E-mail addresses must be in a
valid format.
32. This is the registration number, as allocated by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct Authority),
and must be provided in the format 12/8/8888888/999999, where 888888 is the registered fund
or registered umbrella fund number and 999999 is the participating employer number. Approved
funds must only use the FSCA number in the correct format. If the FSCA number does not
consist of 7 digits after the 12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the number to avoid the
decline of the directive. If the zeroes are entered after the FSCA number it will not match the
validation and the application will be declined. If the name and number used on the tax directive
application form do not match the information on the FSCA list, the tax directive application will
also be declined.
33. This name is required when the FSCA registration number has been provided, and there is a
participating employer registration number (last 6 digits of the FSCA approved registration
number contains a value greater than zero). The last 6 digits of the FSCA approved registration
number must be 000000, if the application is not participating employer registration number.
This name must be different from the ‘Fund Name’ and must correspond with the name on the
‘Active Employer’ list, including the number on the FSCA website.
34. If ‘No’ is selected, the directive application will be declined. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all
the information provided on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the
fiscus due to incorrect information provided.
35. Must be “Yes” if the member took a partial withdrawal amount from this benefit in the previous or
current Fund/s prior to this payment.
36. Mandatory if the member took a partial withdrawal amount from this benefit in the previous or
current Fund/s prior to this payment.
37. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
originally issued for the partial withdrawal prior to retirement. A finalised directive must exist for
the Directive ID as supplied by the external agent.
38. This field must be completed if a benefit was transferred from a Public Sector Fund to an
Approved Fund, and a benefit was subsequently transferred from the 1st Approved Fund to
another Approved Fund. Complete only if the benefit was transferred to the 2nd Approved Fund
on or after 1 March 2018. (The original amount attributed to the period of membership in the
public sector fund (full benefit) was supplied).
39. Must be “Yes” or “No” if some or all of the benefits in the current fund originated from the public
sector fund (The original amount attributed to the period of membership in the public sector fund
(full benefit) is supplied).. Therefore it must be ‘Yes’ if the benefit was received directly from a
Public Sector Fund and ‘No’ if the benefit was not received directly from a Public Sector Fund.
40. Must be “Yes” or “No” if the answer to the question “Was the above benefit received directly from
a Public Sector Fund?” is “No”.
41. The Application number of the original transfer, as allocated to that request, by the SARS
system, which was declined due to insufficient information. This value must be provided if the
directive reason is ‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’, and may not be
provided for any other directive reason. The value must be set to zero if not provided.
42. These fields must only be provided when the reason for directive is ‘Emigration Withdrawal’, and
may only be submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via
43. These fields must only be provided when the fund member is a non-resident, and may only be
submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via eFiling.
44. These fields must only be provided when the reason for directive is ‘Withdrawal due to Visa
Expiry’, and may only be submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not
submitted via eFiling.
45. Optional field and contains blanks if not provided. If provided, it must be right-justified and Zero-
46. Optional field and contains blanks if not provided. If provided, it must be fully provided in the form
of CCYYMMDD, where:
CC is the century
YY is the year
MM is the month
DD is the day in the month
47. Must be ‘Y’ when Non-resident indicator is ‘Y’. Reject the record when provided and not
submitted via eFiling.
48. These fields must only be used if the Pension fund benefit was transfer before 1 March 2021 to a
provident fund. The directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the
directive originally issued for the transfer from pension fund (after tax amount) to the provident
fund before 1 March 2021. A finalised directive must exist for the Directive ID as supplied by the
external agent.
49. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
issued for the public sector fund original transfer. A finalised directive must exist for the Directive
ID as supplied by the external agent.
50. The pre-1 March 2021 provident fund or provident preservation fund vested rights including
growth and post-1 March 2021 provident fund or provident preservation fund values must be
provided, if the transfer amount contains any of these values, where the accrual date of the
transfer is greater than or equal to 1 March 2021.
51. These fields must only be provided when the reason for directive is ‘Cessation of SA Residence’,
and may only be submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via
52. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No is captured. May not be captured if a South
African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the list of valid codes as
specified in Appendix A.
The file trailer record contains the file integrity check fields. The table below provides the format of the trailer
section of a file containing FORM B requests.
Table 4-16: Directive Request FORM B Trailer Record Layout
18. The reason for creating the fund may be one of the following:
02 - Approved fund
99 - Other fund
19. Amount rounded to the nearest Rand value
20. If the reason for the directive request is ‘Death’ then the date of death must be provided
21. If the reason for the directive request is ‘Death’ then the taxpayer’s own contributions plus the
accumulated interest, to the time of death, must be provided. Must only be provided if the date
of accrual is prior to 1 October 2007.
22. This is a mandatory field when funds are transferred and/or annuities are purchased, and when
supplied, must contain information which is in a valid e-mail address format. (This note is not
used anymore)
23. The indicator will be defaulted to ‘N’; the directive will be issued in electronic form only.
24. Annual income includes all income, i.e. salary remuneration, earnings, emoluments, wages,
bonus, fees, gratuities, commission, pension, overtime payments, royalties, stipend, allowances
and benefits, interest, annuities, share of profits, rental income, compensation, honorarium.
25. Total value of annuity includes the lump sum payable plus the remaining two-thirds payable over
the life of the policy.
26. Mandatory. This is the fund’s PAYE reference number that must start with ‘7’
27. The actual date the taxpayer joined the fund must be provided.
28. The gross lump sum amount includes the amount deemed to have accrued in respect of
paragraph 2(1)(b)(iA) (divorce) of the Second Schedule.
29. These fields must only be completed where a benefit was transferred on or after 1 March 2006
from a Public Sector Fund (pension fund as contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b) of the
definition of ‘pension fund’ in section 1) to an Approved fund (a fund as contemplated in
paragraph (c) of the definition of pension fund in section 1 (approved fund).
Please note where one of the abovementioned fields are supplied the other fields must
30. This is a mandatory field. If an E-mail addresses it must be in a valid format.
31. This is the registration number, as allocated by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct Authority),
and must be provided in the format 12/8/8888888/999999, where 888888 is the registered fund
or registered umbrella fund number and 999999 is the participating employer number. Approved
funds must only use the FSCA number in the correct format. If the FSCA number does not
consist of 7 digits after the 12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the number to avoid the
decline of the directive. If the zeroes are entered after the FSCA number it will not match the
validation and the application will be declined. . If the name and number used on the tax
directive application form do not match the information on the FSCA list, the tax directive
application will also be declined.
32. This is the registration number, as allocated by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct Authority)
(Also referred to as a Life License Number), and must be provided in the format 10/10/1/
followed by 4 digits. If the FSCA no does not consist of 4 digits after the 10/10/1/, zeroes must
be inserted in front of the number to avoid the decline of the directive, e.g. 10/10/1/0004). If the
zeroes are entered after the FSCA registered insurer number it will not match the validation and
the application will be declined.
33. If ‘No’ is selected, the directive application will be declined. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all
the information provided on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the
fiscus due to incorrect information provided.
34. This is a mandatory field when annuities are purchased, and when supplied, must contain
information which is in a valid e-mail address format.
35. This is a mandatory field when funds are transferred, and when supplied, must contain
information which is in a valid e-mail address format.
36. Benefit purchased indicator and fund paying annuity indicator can both be set to ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
The following fields are compulsory:
Annuity/pension policy number
Amount utilised to purchase annuity/pension
Name of insurer where annuity/pension was purchased
E-mail address of insurer
FSCA Registered Insurer Number (Also referred to as a Life License Number (starts
with 10/10/1/followed by 4 digits e.g. 10/10/1/0004).
Telephone number (Including dialling code) of insurer
Cell number of insurer
Please note where one of the abovementioned fields are supplied the other fields
must also be supplied.
Remaining fund amount is compulsory .
37. In the case of member’s death before retirement and where the fund purchased an annuity in the
name of a beneficiary / dependant / nominee , the following fields are mandatory
38. Must be “Yes” if the member took a partial withdrawal amount from this benefit in the previous
Fund prior to this payment.
39. Mandatory if the member took a partial withdrawal amount from this benefit in the previous Fund
prior to this payment.
40. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
originally issued for the partial withdrawal/resignation. A finalised directive must exist for the
Directive ID as supplied by the external agent.
41. This field must be completed if a benefit was transferred from a Public Sector Fund to an
Approved Fund, and a benefit was subsequently transferred from the 1st Approved Fund to the
current Approved Fund. Complete only if the benefit was transferred to the 2nd Approved Fund
on or after 1 March 2018. (The original amount attributed to the period of membership in the
public sector fund (full benefit) was supplied).
42. Must be “Yes” or “No” if some or all of the benefits in the current fund originated from the public
sector fund (The original amount attributed to the period of membership in the public sector fund
(full benefit) is supplied). Therefore it must be ‘Yes’ if the benefit was received directly from a
Public Sector Fund and ‘No’ if the benefit was not received directly from a Public Sector Fund.
43. Must be “Yes” or “No” if the answer to the question “Was the above benefit received directly from
a Public Sector Fund?” is “No”.
44. This field must only be provided if this benefit was transferred from a provident fund, and contains
the total provident fund contributions by member up to 1 March 2016, excluding profits and
interest. It must be set to 0 if not provided. This amount must be limited to the total value of full
45. This field must only be provided if this benefit was transferred from a provident fund, and contains
the total provident fund contributions after 1 March 2016, excluding profits and interest. This
amount must be limited to the total value of full annuity.
46. These fields must only be provided when the reason for directive is ‘Emigration Withdrawal’, and
may only be submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via
47. These fields must only be provided when the reason for directive is ‘Withdrawal due to Visa
Expiry’, and may only be submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not
submitted via eFiling.
48. Optional field and contains blanks if not provided. If provided, it must be right-justified and Zero-
49. Optional field and contains blanks if not provided. If provided, it must be fully provided in the form
of CCYYMMDD, where:
CC is the century
YY is the year
MM is the month
DD is the day in the month
50. Must be ‘Y’ when Non-resident indicator is ‘Y’. Reject the record when provided and not
submitted via eFiling.
51. These fields must only be provided when the fund member is a non-resident, and may only be
submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via eFiling.
52. These fields must only be used if the Pension fund benefit was transfer before 1 March 2021 to a
provident fund. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of
the directive originally issued for the transfer from pension fund (after tax amount) to the
provident fund before 1 March 2021. A finalised directive must exist for the Directive ID as
supplied by the external agent.
53. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
issued for the public sector fund original transfer. A finalised directive must exist for the Directive
ID as supplied by the external agent.
54. These fields must only be provided when the reason for directive is ‘Cessation of SA Residence’,
and may only be submitted via eFiling. Reject the record when provided and not submitted via
55. The pre-1 March 2021 provident fund or provident preservation fund vested rights including
growth and post-1 March 2021 provident fund or provident preservation fund values must be
provided, if the transfer amount contains any of these values, where the accrual date of the
transfer is greater than or equal to 1 March 2021.
56. This is a mandatory field if an annuity was purchased. Indicate the type of annuity purchased.
Valid values are ‘G’ (Guaranteed Annuity) or ‘L’ (Living Annuity).
57. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No is captured. May not be captured if a South
African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the list of valid codes as
specified in Appendix A.
14. This is the directive number i.e. IRP3 number allocated by the ITS, in respect of the directive
originally issued by the transferring fund, for funds transferred. A finalised directive must exist
for the Directive Number as supplied by the fund that applied for the directive.
15. The approved fund number allocated by SARS. This number must be provided if the fund is a
Public sector fund. Approved funds must only use the FSCA registration number. Refer to
remark 16.
16. This is the registration number, as allocated by the FSCA (Financial Services Conduct
Authority), and must be provided in the format 12/8/8888888/999999, where 888888 is the
registered fund or registered umbrella fund number and 999999 is the participating employer
number. Approved funds must only use the FSCA number in the correct format. If the FSCA
number does not consist of 7 digits after the 12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the
number to avoid the decline of the directive. If the zeroes are entered after the FSCA number it
will not match the validation and the application will be declined. If the name and number used
on the tax directive application form do not match the information on the FSCA list, the tax
directive application will also be declined.
17. If ‘No’, the ROT will be declined. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all the information provided
on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the fiscus due to incorrect
information provided.
18. One and only one of the following fields must be provided:
• Approved fund number
• FSCA registration number
19. The two rightmost digits denote Cents; the remainder denotes the Rand amount. The value
must be set to zero if not provided.
20. The receiving fund must obtain the information from the fund transferring the benefit.
21. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No is captured. May not be captured if a
South African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the list of valid
codes as specified in Appendix A.
3. This is the total number of records in the data record section of the file, used to check the file
4. The two rightmost digits denote Cents and the remainder denote the Rand amount
9. If the value of this field is Y, the information in this file must not be applied to the production
database of the SARS system. If the value of this field is N, the information must be applied to
the production database. Alternatively, the file must be rejected.
10. This file must always contain the character S.
10/10/1/ follows by 4 digits. If the FSCA no does not consist of 4 digits after the 10/10/1/,
zeroes must be inserted in front of the number to avoid the decline of the directive e.g.,
10/10/1/0004. If the zeroes are entered after the FSCA registered insurer number it will not
match the validation and the application will be declined.
14. If ‘No’, the application will be declined. If ‘Yes’ the capturer declares that all the information
provided on the application form is correct and can be liable for any loss to the fiscus due to
incorrect information provided.
15. This is a mandatory field and must be provided.
16. One and only one of these fields must be supplied. The other ID number shall only be specified
if the beneficiary does not have a South African ID number. SA ID number must not be
entered as ‘other ID number’.
17. This is an optional field. If provided, it must be in a valid e-mail address format.
18. This information must be provided if the original directive issued was for directive reason “Death
before/prior to retirement” (Form A&D/Form C) or “Death – Member / Former Member after
Retirement” (Form E), excluding the “Email address (Beneficiary)” and “Cell number
(Beneficiary)”, which are optional fields. First Names and Initials are mandatory only if the
beneficiary is an Individual.
19. The two rightmost digits denote Cents; the remainder denotes the Rand amount. The value
must be set to zero if not provided.
20. The receiving fund must obtain the information from the fund transferring the benefit to be
utilised to purchase an annuity.
21. This is a mandatory field if a Passport No / Permit No / Trust Deed No is captured. May not be
captured if a South African Identity Number is captured. The value will be validated against the
list of valid codes as specified in Appendix A.
MM is the month
DD is the day of the month
hh is hours
mm is minutes
ss is seconds
8. If the value of this field is Y, the information in this file must not be applied to the production
database of the receiving system. If the value of this field is N, the information should be
applied to the production database. Alternatively, the contents of this file must be rejected.
9. This unique number will be allocated by the SARS system for reference purposes
10. The unique file identifier supplied by the REQUESTOR in the file causing this response is
returned in this field.
11. The processing status could be one of the following:
01 - Processed successfully
02 - File totals incorrect
03 - File format error
04 - Duplicate file.
05 - Missing file(s)
06 - File size exceeded
12. This field must always contain the character S
8. This is the record key where an error was detected. The key for a directive request file is the
unique request number allocated by the REQUESTOR, i.e. REQ-SEQ-NUM. If an error was
detected in the header record or in the trailer record this field will be left blank.
9. This is an error number allocated by the SARS
10. This field contains free text describing the error. To comply with the Income Tax Act of 1962 as
amended from time to time, SARS may elect not to provide a descriptive text in this field.
2. Request declined
3. Request referred for manual intervention
8. If the value of this field is Y, the information in this file must not be applied to the production
database of the receiving system. If the value of this field is N, the information should be
applied to the production database. Alternatively, the contents of this file must be rejected.
9. This unique number will be allocated by the SARS system for reference purposes
10. The unique file identifier supplied by the REQUESTOR in the file that caused this response, will
be returned in this field. This field will be blank in the case of ad hoc response files.
11. The processing status could be one of the following:
01 - Directives response provided.
12. If ‘S’, all the responses (Data Records) are in respect of tax directive simulation requests. If ‘A’,
all the responses (Data Records) are in respect of actual tax directive requests.
MM is the month
DD is the day
16. A list of Income Tax areas is provided in Appendix A.
17. If a stop order forms part of this directive response, this field will contain the income tax reference
number. If no stop order provided with this directive response, this field is left blank.
18. This field contains the amount of contributions allowed as exemption from the lump sum. This
amount is only applicable to FORM A&D, FORM B, FORM C and FORM E directive requests.
19. Date of accrual of lump sum.
20. This amount is only applicable as a response to FORM A&D, FORM B, FORM C, FORM E,
IRP3(a) and IRP3(s). It contains the calculated tax-free portion of the gross remuneration
amount excluding own contributions.
21. This amount is only applicable as a response to FORM A&D, FORM B, FORM C, FORM E,
IRP3(a) and IRP3(s).
22. These stop order details must be considered by the REQUESTOR as binding, in accordance with
[A1] and the REQUESTOR’s application to use the interface specified in this document
23. The format of the provisional tax period is as follows:
CCYY – Century and year
NN – Period number within the year (01 or 02)
24. The first Provisional tax stop order amount corresponds with the first outstanding Provisional tax
period. The second outstanding Provisional tax stop order amount corresponds with the
second Provisional tax period and the third outstanding Provisional tax stop order amount
corresponds with the rolled up amount of the remainder of the outstanding tax periods. The
payment reference number must appear on the IT88L when remitting to SARS.
25. This amount is a stop order for outstanding assessed tax. The payment reference number must
appear on the IT88L when remitting to SARS.
26. The Income Tax reference number applicable to these amounts is specified in the IT-REF-NO
27. Stop order payments to SARS must be itemised per payment reference number. A single
payment per group of taxpayers must not be made electronically, i.e. via bank transfer, as it is
not possible to itemise the tax reference numbers. If payment is done electronically then this
must be done individually per stop order.
28. Optional field
29. Mandatory field
30. This amount is a stop order for outstanding administrative penalties. The payment reference
number must appear on the IT88L when remitting to SARS.
31. Payment Reference Number to be used when making a stop order payment to SARS in respect
of outstanding assessed taxes
32. Payment Reference Number to be used when making a stop order payment to SARS in respect
of outstanding administrative penalties
33. Payment Reference Number to be used when making a stop order payment to SARS in respect
of outstanding provisional taxes, per provisional tax period where an amount is outstanding
34. These values are as per the SARS Income Tax System (Carry-over values)
35. The directive application ID is allocated to the request by the SARS system.
36. If a tax directive simulation is requested only the IT88L reference number will be provided and
must be reflected on the simulation document. This IT88L reference number indicates that there
is an outstanding debt amount.
3. This field is not used. It is provided for compatibility purposes with other file headers.
4. This field contains the identification of the REQUESTOR (ISP0901 system parameter).
5. Right-justified
6. The version number increases whenever there is a change to this file layout
7. The sending system will insert an identifier that will uniquely identify the file
8. The date and time of file creation in the form of CCYYMMDDhhmmss, where:
CC is the century
YY is the year
MM is the month
DD is the day in month
hh is hours
mm is minutes
ss is seconds
9. If the value of this field is Y, the information in this file must not be applied to the receiving
system’s production database. If the value of this field is N, the file information must be applied
to the receiving system’s production database. Alternatively, the contents of the file must be
10. This field must always contain the character S
1. Blank-padded
2. Left-justified
3. This field is not used. It is provided for compatibility purposes with other header records
4. This field contains the identification of the REQUESTOR (ISP0901 system parameter)
5. Right-justified
6. The version number increases whenever there is a change to this file layout
7. This unique number will be allocated by the SARS system for reference purposes
8. The date and time of file creation in the form of CCYYMMDDhhmmss, where:
CC is the century
YY is the year
MM is the month
DD is the day of the month
hh is hours
mm is minutes
ss is seconds
9. If the value of this field is Y, the information in this file must not be applied to the production
database of the REQUESTOR. If the value of this field is N, the information in this file must be
applied to the production database of the REQUESTOR. Alternatively, the contents of the file
must be rejected.
10. The unique file identifier supplied by the source of the input file will be returned in this field. This
field will be blank in the case of ad hoc response files.
11. The processing status may be one of the following:
01 - Cancellation response provided
1. Blank-padded
2. Left-justified
3. The directive request sequence number provided in the directive request
4. The directive ID allocated by the SARS system
5. The Income Tax reference number of the person on whose behalf the directive request was
6. A list of response codes may be found in Appendix A
7. A textual response where the response code is ‘Other’
8. Directive status after consideration of the cancellation request. Possible directive status codes
detailed in Appendix A.
6. Left-justified
7. This is the record number of the declined response record. The header record will be record
number 1 whereas the first data record will be record number 2.
8. This is the key of the declined response record. The key for a processed ROT response file is
the directive request ID number.
9. This is a declined reason code allocated by the SARS
10. This field contains free text describing the reason for the declined directive request. To comply
with the Income Tax Act of 1962 as amended from time to time SARS may elect not to provide
a descriptive text in this field.
6.3 Commissioning
Once the REQUESTOR completed the registration process required by SARS to use this interface, test files
may be sent. At least one test file is required before production files are sent to the SARS system.
Submission of test files after the live implementation of the interface may be requested either by the
Refer to the Interfaces User Guide for the procedures that must be followed if faults are detected whilst
using this interface.
the reason for the directive application is “Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient
Information”, in which case neither of these two fields may be supplied.
• Passport Country/Country of Origin
o Mandatory on Forms A&D, B, C, E, IRP3(a), (s), ROT01, ROT02; if a Passport No/Permit No
is captured, only if the Taxpayer is an Individual
o The passport country must be valid as per Appendix A
o If the passport country is ZAF (South Africa), then a South African Identity number must be
captured, and then the passport country may not be specified
o The passport country may only be specified if the fund member does not have a South
African Identity number
o The passport country may not be specified if the Taxpayer is a Trust or a Company
o If the fund member is an asylum seeker/refugee, the passport country must be OTH (Other),
a valid Permit No must be provided in the Passport No/Permit No field, and a South African
Identity number may not be specified
• Reason for non-registration (Unemployed or ‘Other’ specified) if no reference number entered
o Note: If the taxpayer is registered and the application is submitted without a tax number to
avoid a rejection the directive will be declined. The tax reference number must be provided
• Taxpayer’s physical address and postal code
• Taxpayer’s postal address and postal code
• Annual Income of taxpayer
o Mandatory on Forms A&D, B, C & E accruals before 1 March 2009
o Mandatory on Forms A&D, B, C & E accruals from 1 March 2009, where the Fund Created
Indicator is ‘Other’
o Mandatory on Form B accruals from 1 March 2009, where the reason for directive is ‘Par (eA)
o Mandatory on IRP3(a) and IRP3(s)
o Not required on the ROT01, ROT02 forms
• Particulars of the Administrator/Employer/Fund/Insurer
o PAYE Reference Number (Must be a valid number)
o Name
o Contact person
o Telephone number (including the dialling code)
o E-mail address
o Postal address, including postal code
• Reason for directive (retirement, resignation, transfer, etc.)
o If the reason for the directive is “Death before retirement” and where the fund purchased an
annuity in the name of a beneficiary / dependant / nominee
▪ Surname of the beneficiary / dependant / Nominee
▪ Full names of the beneficiary / dependant / Nominee
▪ Date of birth of the beneficiary / dependant / Nominee
▪ ID number of the beneficiary / dependant / Nominee
▪ Passport number of the beneficiary / dependant / Nominee
▪ Tax reference number of the beneficiary / dependant / Nominee
o Was benefit calculated in terms of rules of fund (Y/N). If date of accrual is before 1 October 2007
o Member of fund purchased an annuity/pension (Y/N) (PURCHASED-TRANSFERRED-ANNUITY-
INDICATOR). If the indicator is yes, then the following fields are mandatory:
▪ Amount(s) utilised to purchase annuity/pension
▪ If one or more amounts (up to four) were utilised to purchase annuities, for each amount
˚ Name of the registered long term insurer where the annuity/pension was purchased
The name must be captured exactly as on the FSCA list to avoid rejection of the
tax directive from September 2022
˚ Annuity/pension policy number
˚ Type of annuity purchased (Guaranteed Annuity or Living Annuity)
˚ FSCA Registered Insurer number (Also referred to as a Life License Number) the
correct format must be used e.g. 10/10/1/0004
˚ E-mail address of long term Insurer (to be used when SARS does not receive the
Recognition of purchased pension)
˚ Telephone number (Including dialling code) of long term Insurer (to be used when
SARS does not receive the Recognition of purchased pension)
˚ Cell number of long term Insurer (to be used when SARS does not receive the
Recognition of purchased pension)
˚ Special conditions
o If the fund is paying the annuity/pension
▪ The amount remaining in the fund for the annuity/pension is mandatory
NOTE: If the fund type is provident fund, both indicators (‘Fund paying annuity/pension’ and ‘Member
of fund purchased an annuity/pension’) can be ‘N’, if the member takes the full benefit in cash.
• Form B
o The SARS Fund approval number (18/20/4) or FSCA registration number (12/8) must be used
(not both). Approved funds must only use the FSCA registration number. If the FSCA
registration number on the approval document / letter from the FSCA does not consist of 7
digits after the 12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the number e.g. 12/8/12345 is on the
FSCA letter, on the tax directive application form the number must be reflected as
12/8/0012345/000000. These 7 digits cannot be equal to 7 zeroes or 7 nines. The same is
applicable to a participating employer of a Type A umbrella fund e.g. 12/8/12345/6 is on the
FSCA letter, on the tax directive application form the number must be reflected as
NOTE: From the 2nd half of 2015, if the approved fund uses the fund approval number (18204),
the directive will be declined. Approved fund must only use the FSCA registration number
o Participating employer name must be provided, if the last six digits of the FSCA registration
number (is greater than zero e.g. 12/8/0012345/000006) The name must be captured exactly
as on the FSCA list and match the participation employer number to avoid rejection of the tax
directive from September 2022
If the reason for directive application is ‘Transfer’ or ‘Divorce Transfer’ or ‘Transfer Unclaimed Benefit’
or ‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’ or even if the reason is
withdraw/resignation and a portion of the gross lump sum is transferred, the following information
must also be furnished:
o Name of the receiving fund (More than two alphanumeric characters) The name must be
captured exactly as on the FSCA list to avoid rejection of the tax directive from
September 2022.
o E-mail address of Transferee Fund (to be used when SARS does not receive the Recognition of
Transfer of funds) (Valid e-mail address format required)
o Telephone number (Including dialling code) of Transferee Fund/Insurer (to be used when SARS
does not receive the Recognition of Transfer of funds)
o Cell number of Transferee Fund (to be used when SARS does not receive the Recognition of
Transfer of funds)
o The SARS Fund approval number (18/20/4) or FSCA registration number (12/8) must be used
(not both). Approved funds must use the FSCA registration number. If the FSCA registration
number on the approval document / letter from the FSCA does not consist of 7 digits after the
12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the number e.g. 12/8/12345 is on the FSCA letter, on
the tax directive application form the number must be reflected as 12/8/0012345/000000. These
7 digits cannot be equal to 7 zeroes or 7 nines. The same is applicable to a participating
employer of a Type A umbrella fund e.g. 12/8/12345/6 is on the FSCA letter, on the tax directive
application form the number must be reflected as 12/8/0012345/000006. Therefore the last 6
digits must be 6 zeros if the receiving fund is a Retirement Annuity fund.
NOTE: From the 2nd half of 2015, if the approved fund uses the fund approval number (18204),
the directive will be declined. Approved fund must only use the FSCA registration number
o Participating employer name must be provided, if the last six digits of the FSCA registration
number (is greater than zero e.g. 12/8/0012345/000006) The name must be captured exactly
as on the FSCA list and match the participation employer number to avoid rejection of the tax
directive from September 2022
o Amount transferred (Must be equal to amount of lump sum payment if the reason is ‘transfer’)
If the reason for directive application is ‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’
o The Application number of the original transfer, as allocated to that request, by the SARS
system, which was declined due to insufficient information. This value may not be provided for
any other directive reason.
• Form C:
o The SARS Fund approval number (18/20/4) or FSCA registration number (12/8) must be used
(not both). Approved funds must use the FSCA registration number. If the FSCA registration
number on the approval document / letter from the FSCA does not consist of 7 digits after the
12/8/, zeroes must be inserted in front of the number e.g. 12/8/12345 is on the FSCA letter, on
the tax directive application form the number must be reflected as 12/8/0012345/000000. These
7 digits cannot be equal to 7 zeroes or 7 nines. If the fund type is Retirement Annuity Fund the
last 6 digits of the FSCA registration number must be zeroes.
NOTE: From the 2nd half of 2015, if the approved fund uses the fund approval number (18204),
the directive will be declined. Approved fund must only use the FSCA registration number
o Taxpayer policy number
o Gross amount of lump sum payment, excluding where the member elects to utilise the total value
of full annuity/pension to purchase annuities
o Total value of full annuity
o Date of accrual
o Commencement date of policy
o Type of fund (Retirement Annuity)
o Fund created reason (approved or other)
o If Taxpayer ‘estate’ application, tax year cannot be greater than estate year
o If the field “Was there a partial withdrawal amount taken from this benefit in the previous or
current Fund/s prior to this payment?” was specified as ‘Yes’, for each withdrawal
▪ Date of partial withdrawal
▪ Amount of partial withdrawal
▪ Directive number for the partial withdrawal
o Fund/Member purchased an annuity/pension – ‘Y’/’N’
o If the Fund/Member has purchased an annuity/pension
▪ Amount(s) utilised to purchase annuity/pension
▪ If one or more amounts (up to four) were utilised to purchase annuities, for each amount
˚ Name of the registered long term insurer where the annuity/pension was purchased.
The name must be captured exactly as on the FSCA list to avoid rejection of the
tax directive from September 2022
˚ Annuity/pension policy number
˚ Type of annuity purchased (Guaranteed Annuity or Living Annuity)
˚ FSCA Registered Insurer number (Also referred to as a Life License Number)
˚ E-mail address of long term Insurer (to be used when SARS does not receive the
Recognition of purchased pension)
˚ Telephone number (Including dialling code) of long term Insurer (to be used when
SARS does not receive the Recognition of purchased pension)
˚ Cell number of long term Insurer (to be used when SARS does not receive the
Recognition of purchased pension)
˚ Special conditions
o If the reason for the directive is “”Death before retirement” and where the fund purchased an
annuity in the name of a beneficiary / dependant / nominee
o The end date of the benefit exceeds the accrual date if it is an approved fund.
o If the Taxpayer is an Estate, and the tax year of the directive application is greater than the tax
year in which the Taxpayer became an estate (except if the directive reason is ‘Unclaimed Death
o The date of accrual is prior to the date of birth of the taxpayer
o The taxpayer was younger than 15 when joining the fund or commencing employment
o The calculated ‘date from’ and ‘date to’ cannot be equal
o If the fund type is Pension Preservation or Provident Preservation
o The fund created reason is public sector fund
o The reason for directive is ‘Unclaimed Benefit’ and the date of accrual is on or after 1 March 2009
o If the amount attributed to Pre 1 March 2021 Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund
vested rights plus growth was specified
o This amount is greater than the total benefit amount
o The date of accrual is before 1 March 2021
o If the fund type on the current application is Provident Fund or Provident Preservation
Fund, and the policy commencement date on the current application is on or after 1 March
▪ No transfer from a Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund has previously
been requested
▪ A transfer from a Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund has previously
been requested
• The policy commencement date of that fund was on or after 1 March 2021
• Note: If the date of accrual of that transfer was on or after 1 March 2021,
and the policy commencement date of that fund was before 1 March 2021
o If the member was younger than 55 on 1 March 2021, they are
entitled to receive the Pre- 1 March 2021 contributions and growth
transferred from a previous provident fund or provident
preservation fund into the current provident fund or provident
preservation fund as a lump sum
o If the member was 55 or older on 1 March 2021, they are entitled
to receive the Pre- and Post- 1 March 2021 contributions and
growth transferred from a previous provident fund or provident
preservation fund into the current provident fund or provident
preservation fund as a lump sum
o If the fund type on the current application is Pension Fund or Pension Preservation Fund
▪ No transfer from a Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund has previously
been requested
▪ A transfer from a Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund has previously
been requested
• The policy commencement date of that fund was on or after 1 March 2021
• Note: If the date of accrual of that transfer was on or after 1 March 2021,
and the policy commencement date of that fund was before 1 March 2021
o If the member was younger than 55 on 1 March 2021, they are
entitled to receive the Pre- 1 March 2021 contributions and growth
transferred from a previous provident fund or provident
preservation fund into the current pension fund or pension
preservation fund as a lump sum
▪ If the amount remaining in the fund after the member has taken a gross lump sum
is greater than or equal to R165000
• The amount of any of the annuities purchased, or the amount remaining in
the fund to pay the annuity (if an amount was specified), is less than
▪ If the amount remaining in the fund after the member has taken a gross lump sum
(balance) is less than R165000
• The balance was not used to either purchase a single annuity, or left in the
fund to pay the annuity
• Form B
o The date of accrual is prior to the date of birth of the taxpayer
o The application fund is indicated as a Retirement Annuity Fund
o The taxpayer was younger than 15 when joining the fund or commencing employment, excluding
where the reason for directive is ‘Par 1(eA)’, ‘Future Surplus’, “Divorce Transfer” or “Divorce –
Non-Member Spouse” (Public Sector Fund only).
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Transfer’ or ‘Divorce Transfer’ or ‘Transfer Unclaimed Benefit’
or ‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’ and the amount transferred is not
equal to the gross lump sum due
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Resignation’ or ‘Winding up/Withdrawal’ and the amount
transferred is equal to the gross lump sum due
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Termination of Employment - Retrenchment’ or ‘Divorce
Transfer’ and the date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2009
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Transfer – Unclaimed Benefit’
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2017
o Where the reason for directive is ‘Future Surplus’, ‘Divorce – Member Spouse’, ‘Divorce – Non-
Member Spouse’, ‘Emigration Withdrawal’ or ‘Withdrawal due to Visa Expiry’
o The transfer lump sum indicator is “Yes” (Transfer not allowed)
o If an amount was specified for the transfer from pension fund (after tax amount)
o The fund did not specify a directive number for the pension fund transfer
o No finalised directive exists for this directive number
o The finalised directive was not for a transfer from a pension fund to a provident fund or a
provident preservation fund before 1 March 2021
o The transfer amount on this directive (after tax amount) is less than the transfer from
pension fund (after tax amount) supplied on the current application
o The date of accrual of the transfer from the pension fund was on or after 1 March 2021
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Emigration Withdrawal’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2019
o The date of emigration is greater than or equal to 01/03/2022
o The Total value of the full annuity is not equal to the Gross Amount of Lump Sum Payment
o The answer to any of the following questions is not “Yes”
▪ Was an application for emigration recognised by the Reserve Bank?
▪ Is the certificate of residence of the new country of residence attached?
▪ Is proof of a valid Tax Clearance certificate attached?
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Cessation of SA Residence’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2021
o The date of Cessation of SA Residence is less than three years prior to the date of accrual
o The answer to any of the following questions is not “Yes”
▪ Certificate of residence
▪ Document confirming cessation of residence
o Where the reason for directive is ‘Withdrawal due to Visa Expiry’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2016
o The answer to any of the following questions is not “Yes”
▪ Was the visa issued in terms of paragraph (b) or (i) of the definition of visa in
section 1 of the Immigration Act, no 13 of 2002?
▪ Did the visa expire?
▪ Did the member exit South Africa?
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’
o The tax reference number, ID number or other ID was supplied
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2017
o The fund transfer from and to combination is not one of the following
▪ Pension Fund to Pension Fund
▪ Provident Fund to Provident Fund
▪ Provident Fund to Pension Fund
▪ Pension Fund to Provident Fund (Only if the date of accrual is greater than or equal
to 1 March 2021)
o No declined Form B transfer was found, using the Application number of the original
transfer provided on the Form B transfer being applied for
o The original Form B transfer was not declined due to insufficient information
o Where the reason for directive is ‘Withdrawal’
o The fund type is Pension Preservation or Provident Preservation and a Form A&D ‘Transfer
before Retirement [Par 2(1)(c)]’ was previously done to the same fund
o Where the reason for directive is not ‘Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information’
o The Application number of the original transfer was provided
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Divorce – Non-Member Spouse’ or ‘Divorce – Member
Spouse’ or ‘Divorce Transfer’
▪ The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2009 (Divorce – Non-Member Spouse)
▪ The date of accrual is prior to 13/09/2007 (Divorce Member spouse)
▪ The date of divorce order is not completed
o The fund type is Pension Preservation or Provident Preservation
▪ The fund created reason is public sector fund
▪ The reason for directive is not Winding up/Withdrawal, Divorce, Transfer, Transfer
Unclaimed Benefit’, Divorce – Non-Member spouse or Divorce Transfer
o The reason for directive is ‘Unclaimed Benefit’ and the date of accrual is on or after 1 March 2009
o If the answer is ‘Yes’ to ‘Were any services rendered inside / outside the Republic during the
period of membership to the fund?’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is before 1 March 2015
o The date of accrual is after 28 February 2017
o Total number of months services were rendered while contributing to the fund was not
o Total number of months services were rendered outside the Republic while contributing to
the fund was not specified
o Non-resident indicator was not specified as “Y”
o The application was not received via eFiling
o The application was not received via eFiling, or the application was received via eFiling and the
non-resident indicator was not specified as “Y”; and one or more of the following fields were
specified (Non-Resident Service Rendered Inside/Outside the Republic)
o Were any services rendered inside/outside the Republic during the period of membership
of the Fund?
o Total number of months services were rendered while contributing to fund
o Total number of months services were rendered inside the Republic while contributing to
o Total number of months services were rendered outside the Republic while contributing to
o Non-resident indicator was specified as “Y” (eFiling submissions only)
o The application was not received via eFiling
o Certificate of residence attached indicator was not specified as “Y”
o Non-resident indicator was specified as “N” or blank
o Certificate of residence attached indicator was specified as “Y”
o If the date of accrual is after 1 March 2016 and the fund type is Provident and the value “Provident
Fund Contributions up to 1 March 2016” was provided and the value “Provident Fund
Contributions after 1 March 2016 was not provided
o If the commencement date is after 1 March 2016 and the fund type is Provident Preservation and
the value “Provident Fund Contributions up to 1 March 2016” was provided and the value
“Provident Fund Contributions after 1 March 2016 was not provided
o If the commencement date is before or on 1 March 2016 and the fund type is Provident
Preservation and the value “Provident Fund Contributions after 1 March 2016” was provided
o If funds were transferred to an annuity fund
o The fund approval number was captured
o The public sector fund indicator was specified as “Y”
o If public sector fund transfer to another fund
▪ Employment start and end dates have not been provided
▪ Employment start date is less than 16th birthday
▪ Employment end date is less or equal than start date
▪ Employment end date is less or equal than commencement date of membership
o If the FSCA registration number was supplied
o The number is not in the format 12/8/8888888/999999 (where 8888888 and 999999
represents numeric digits (0-9))
o The middle seven digits consist of seven zeroes (0000000) or seven nines (9999999)
o The middle seven digits do not start with two zeroes
o If a directive number was supplied for the partial withdrawal
▪ No finalised directive exists for this directive number
o The finalised directive was not for a transfer from a pension fund to a provident fund or a
provident preservation fund
o The transfer amount on this directive (after tax amount) is less than the transfer from
pension fund (after tax amount) supplied on the current application
o The date of accrual of the transfer from the pension fund was on or after 1 March 2021
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Emigration Withdrawal’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2008
o The date of emigration is greater than or equal to 01/03/2022
o The Total value of the full annuity is not equal to the Gross Amount of Lump Sum Payment
o The answer to any of the following questions are not “Yes”
▪ Was an application for emigration recognised by the Reserve Bank?
▪ Is the certificate of residence of the new country of residence attached?
▪ Is proof of a valid Tax Clearance certificate attached?
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Cessation of SA Residence’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2021
o The date of Cessation of SA Residence is less than three years prior to the date of accrual
o The answer to any of the following questions is not “Yes”
▪ Certificate of residence
▪ Document confirming cessation of residence
o Where the reason for directive is ‘Withdrawal due to Visa Expiry’ (eFiling submissions only)
o The date of accrual is before 1 March 2016
o The answer to any of the following questions is not “Yes”
▪ Was the visa issued in terms of paragraph (b) or (i) of the definition of visa in
section 1 of the Immigration Act, no 13 of 2002?
▪ Did the visa expire?
▪ Did the member exit South Africa?
o Non-resident indicator was specified as “Y” (eFiling submissions only)
o The application was not received via eFiling
o Certificate of residence attached indicator was not specified as “Y”
o Non-resident indicator was specified as “N” or blank
o Certificate of residence attached indicator was specified as “Y”
o If the amount attributed to Pre 1 March 2021 Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund
vested rights plus growth was specified
o This amount is greater than the total benefit amount
o The date of accrual is before 1 March 2021
o No transfer from a Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund has previously been
o A transfer from a Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund has previously been
▪ The policy commencement date of that fund was on or after 1 March 2021
▪ Note: If the date of accrual of that transfer was on or after 1 March 2021, and the
policy commencement date of that fund was before 1 March 2021
• If the member was younger than 55 on 1 March 2021, they are entitled to
receive the Pre- 1 March 2021 contributions and growth transferred from a
previous provident fund or provident preservation fund into the current
retirement annuity fund as a lump sum
• If the member was 55 or older on 1 March 2021, they are entitled to
receive the Pre- and Post- 1 March 2021 contributions and growth
transferred from a previous provident fund or provident preservation fund
into the current retirement annuity fund as a lump sum
o If (approved fund) and (the directive reason is ‘Retirement’ or ‘Retirement due to ill health’) and
(the date of accrual is before 1 March 2021)
o Gross lump sum payment is greater than ((1/3 of member’s total portion (total benefit minus
spouse amount)) plus spouse amount (divorce order)), except if the total benefit amount
(Includes previous directives’ total benefit amounts against the same FSCA registration
number/approved fund number for accruals from 1 October 2007 onwards) is less or equal
than the de-minimus value
o If (approved fund) and (the directive reason is ‘Retirement’ or ‘Retirement due to ill health’) and
(the date of accrual is on or after 1 March 2021)
o Gross lump sum payment is greater than the allowable lump sum (Result D), which is
calculated as follows:
▪ Total benefit amount (Amount A)
▪ Amount attributed to non-member spouse in respect of divorce order (Amount B)
▪ Amount attributed to Pre 1 March 2021 Provident Fund or Provident Preservation
Fund vested rights plus growth (Amount C)
▪ Allowable lump sum (Result D): ((1/3 of (Amount A minus Amount B minus Amount
C)), plus Amount B, plus Amount C)
o The exception to this rule is if the total benefit amount (Includes previous directives’ total
benefit amounts against the same FSCA registration number/approved fund number),
excluding amounts attributed to Pre 1 March 2021 Provident Fund or Provident
Preservation Fund vested rights plus growth, is less or equal than the de-minimus value,
and the gross lump sum payment is equal to the total benefit amount.
o If an amount was specified in field “Amount attributed to Pre-1 March 2021 Provident Fund or
Provident Preservation Fund vested rights plus growth” or “Amount attributed to Post-1 March
2021 Provident Fund or Provident Preservation Fund value” (As part of the transfer details)
o If the total amount of these two fields added together is greater than the amount transferred
to the transferee fund
o If the date of accrual is before 1 March 2021
o Where the reason for directive is ‘death before retirement’ and the Date of Accrual is on or after
01/10/2007 and the fields 1/3 commutation of annuity/pension preceding death and/or own
contributions plus interest have been captured
o Where the reason for a directive is ‘Divorce Transfer’ and the date of accrual is prior to
o Where the reason for directive is ‘Divorce – Non Member Spouse’ or Divorce – Member Spouse’
or ‘Divorce Transfer’
▪ The date of accrual is prior to 01/03/2009 (Divorce – Non Member Spouse)
▪ The date of accrual is prior to 13/09/2007 (Divorce Member spouse)
▪ The date of divorce order is not completed
o Where the reason for directive is death before retirement the following information must be
▪ Date of death
▪ If the value “Was any value of the annuity or part of the retirement interest
commuted before?” was selected as “Y”
• The lump sum benefit payable exceeds R50000
▪ If the value “Was any value of the annuity or part of the retirement interest
commuted before?” was selected as “N”
• The lump sum benefit payable exceeds R75000
o The reason for directive is Par (c) Living Annuity – Commutation or Death – Member / Former
▪ The field Benefit payable to was not set to Member / Former Member
o The reason for directive is Death – Member / Former Member or Death – Next Generation
▪ The date of accrual does not match date of death (on taxpayer register)
o The reason for directive is Death – Next Generation Annuitant or Next Generation Annuitant –
▪ The field Benefit payable to was not set to Next Generation Annuitant
▪ ID Number of original member was not completed
▪ Name of original member was not completed
o The reason for directive is Death – Member / Former Member, Death – Next Generation Annuitant
or Next Generation Annuitant - Commutation
o The value “If death of member / annuitant please indicate whether any portion of the benefit
was used to purchase an annuity for a beneficiary / nominee(s)” was not supplied
▪ If the above value was selected as “Y”
▪ No Beneficiary / Nominee details were captured. All the required information
per beneficiary / nominee must be completed.
▪ The Beneficiary / Nominee Amount fields plus the Lump Sum Payable do
not add up to the full value of annuity field
▪ If the date of accrual is greater than or equal to 1 March 2022 (excluding
‘Death – Member / Former Member and ‘Death – Next Generation
• If the amount remaining in the fund after the member has taken a
gross lump sum is greater than or equal to R165000
o The amount of any of the annuities purchased is less than
• If the amount remaining in the fund after the member has taken a
gross lump sum (balance) is less than R165000
o The balance was not used to purchase a single annuity
o The member purchased more than one annuity, and the same annuity policy number/FSCA
Registered Insurer number combination was used more than once (Cannot purchase more than
one annuity with the same annuity policy number and FSCA Registered Insurer number)
o The taxpayer type on the directive application is a Trust
o Annuity purchased details were captured on the directive application
o If the reason for the directive is not “Death Member / Former Member after Retirement” or “Death
– Next Generation Annuitant” or Next Generation Annuitant - Commutation , and any particulars
of pension/annuity purchase for a beneficiary/nominee were supplied
o The reason for directive is Transfer and the amount transferred is not equal to the gross lump sum
and total value of full annuity
o The calculated portion of the gain qualifying for exemption, for all Years of Assessment in source
period added together, is not equal to the Exempt amount of the gain/amount under section
o The calculated exempt amount of the gain under section 10(1)(o)(ii) is not equal to the exempt
amount of the gain under section 10(1)(o)(ii) as captured by the employer
o The calculated taxable portion is not equal to the taxable portion as captured by the employer
• ROT01
o No finalised tax directive exists for the specified Directive (IRP3) number
o One or more of the following values as specified on the form do not correspond to the values on
the Directive where the transfer was done
▪ Taxpayer Income Tax Reference Number
▪ Taxpayer SA ID number
▪ Taxpayer Other ID
▪ Taxpayer date of birth
▪ Tax Year
▪ Transferee fund type
▪ The amount transferred as reflected on the directive
▪ Fund number
▪ FSCA registration number
o Application is received where an ROT01 is not required
o If there is a difference between the directive amount and the actual transfer amount received, and
the reason for the difference is not provided
• ROT02
o No finalised tax directive exists for the specified Directive (IRP3) number
o One or more of the following values as specified on the form do not correspond to the values on
the Directive where the annuities were purchased
▪ Taxpayer Income Tax Reference Number
▪ Taxpayer SA ID number
▪ Taxpayer Other ID
▪ Taxpayer date of birth
▪ Tax Year
▪ The amount reflected on the directive to purchase an annuity / pension
▪ FSCA registered insurer number (Also referred to as a Life License Number)
o Application is received where an ROT02 is not required
o If there is a difference between the directive amount and the actual amount received to purchase
an annuity, and the reason for the difference is not provided
o Invalid Income Tax Reference Number (Beneficiary)
Code Description
01 Application declined
02 Directive declined
03 Awaiting approval
04 Awaiting stop-order
05 Disapproved
06 In progress
07 Finalised
08 Cancelled
09 Archived
10 Intermediate interface (awaiting validation)
11 In Progress – Unfinalised Exempt Amount
Code Description
01 Directive cancelled
02 Directive cannot be cancelled – Directive not finalised
03 Directive cannot be cancelled – Stop Order adhered to
04 Directive cannot be cancelled – Cancellation not requested by Directive Requestor
05 Directive cannot be cancelled – Reason for Directive Cancellation not supplied
Code Description
01 Death before Retirement
02 Retirement
03 Retirement due to ill health
04 Provident fund Deemed retirement
52 Transfer before retirement [Par 2(1)(c)]
Code Description
56 Unclaimed Death Benefit
Code Description
05 Transfer
06 Withdrawal
09 Par (eA) Transfer / Payment
16 Resignation
21 Future Surplus
22 Divorce – Member Spouse
24 Unclaimed Benefit
27 Security of Mortgage Bond Order / Housing Loan
29 Emigration Withdrawal (eFiling Submissions only)
31 Divorce Transfer
32 Divorce – Non-Member Spouse
34 Termination of Employment (Retrenchment)
44 Withdrawal due to Visa Expiry (eFiling Submissions only)
48 Transfer Unclaimed Benefit
54 Transfer – Inactive Member with Insufficient Information
57 Cessation of SA Residence
Code Description
01 Death prior to retirement
02 Retirement
03 Retirement due to ill health
05 Transfer prior to Retirement
21 Future Surplus
22 Divorce – Member Spouse
29 Emigration Withdrawal (eFiling Submissions only)
30 Discontinued Contributions
31 Divorce Transfer
32 Divorce – Non-Member Spouse
44 Withdrawal due to Visa Expiry (eFiling Submissions only)
Code Description
57 Cessation of SA Residence
Code Description
05 Transfer of an annuity
35 Par. (c) Living Annuity Commutation
37 Death – Member / Former Member after Retirement
38 Death – Next Generation Annuitant
39 Next Generation Annuitant Commutation
58 Par (eA) Living Annuity Commutation Termination of a Trust (eFiling submissions
Code Description
01 Severance benefit - Death
02 Severance benefit – Retirement (Age of 55 or older)
03 Severance benefit - Retirement due to ill health
07 Severance benefit – Involuntary Retrenchment
33 Section 10(1)(gB)(iii) Compensation
42 Employer owned policy proceeds – Taxable
43 Employer owned policy proceeds – Exempt section 10(1)(gG)
45 Severance benefit – Voluntary Retrenchment
60 Severance Benefit – Paid by a non-resident Employer (eFiling submissions only)
99 Other – Provide reason
Code Description
46 Revenue gain i.r.o. rights to acquire marketable securities in terms of section 8A
47 Revenue gain i.r.o. the vesting of equity instruments in terms of section 8C
49 Amounts in terms of par (dd) of the proviso to section 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
50 Amounts in terms of par (ii) of the proviso to section 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
51 Amounts in terms of par (jj) of the proviso to section 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
Code Description
53 Amounts in terms of par (kk) of the proviso to section 10(1)(k)(i) dividends
Estonia EST
Ethiopia ETH
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK
Faroe Islands FRO
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN
France FRA
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
French Southern Territories ATF
Gabon GAB
Gambia GMB
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Gibraltar GIB
Greece GRC
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guatemala GTM
Guernsey GGY
Guinea GIN
Guinea-Bissau GNB
Guyana GUY
Haiti HTI
Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands HMD
Holy See (Vatican City State) VAT
Honduras HND
Hungary HUN
Iceland ISL
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Iran, Islamic Republic of IRN
Iraq IRQ
Ireland IRL
Moldova MDA
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montenegro MNE
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
Myanmar MMR
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Nepal NPL
Netherlands NLD
Netherlands Antilles ANT
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL
Nicaragua NIC
Niger NER
Nigeria NGA
Niue NIU
Norfolk Island NFK
Northern Mariana Islands MNP
Norway NOR
Oman OMN
Other OTH
Pakistan PAK
Palau PLW
Palestinian Territory, Occupied PSE
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn PCN
Poland POL
Portugal PRT
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Réunion REU
Romania ROU
Russian Federation RUS
Rwanda RWA
Saint-Barthélemy BLM
Saint Helena SHN
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
Saint-Martin (French part) MAF
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VCT
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR
Sao Tome and Principe STP
Saudi Arabia SAU
Senegal SEN
Serbia SRB
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
Solomon Islands SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS
South Sudan SSD
Spain ESP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Suriname * SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE
Switzerland CHE
Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) SYR
Taiwan, Republic of China TWN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania *, United Republic of TZA
Thailand THA
Timor-Leste TLS
Togo TGO
Tokelau TKL
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turkmenistan TKM
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Arab Emirates ARE
United Kingdom GBR
United States of America USA
United States Minor Outlying Islands UMI
Uruguay URY
Uzbekistan UZB
Vanuatu VUT
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VEN
Viet Nam VNM
Virgin Islands, US VIR
Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF
Western Sahara ESH
Yemen YEM
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE
NB. This notice must accompany your payment when you submit it to SARS.
A copy of this notice must be provided to the taxpayer.
Taxes due in accordance with this notice.
3. Provisional tax:
Period 999999 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P 0 0 0 M C C Y Y 999999999999999.99
Period 999999 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P 0 0 0 M C C Y Y 999999999999999.99
Period 999999 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P 0 0 0 M C C Y Y 999999999999999.99
No. for
Example: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 P 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 5
All EFT payments must be correctly referenced to ensure that SARS is able to identify your payment and correctly
allocate it to the correct client’s account. You will not be able to make a payment if your reference (tax reference
number) is incorrect.
Payments via eFiling
Administrators who are registered as an eFiler can pay the amounts on the IT88L via eFiling. Please refer to ‘Make a
payment on SARS website for detail information.
The Tax Administration Act empowers the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service
(SARS) to appoint a third party to withhold and pay over to SARS any amounts due by a taxpayer in
terms of the relevant tax Act. Such a third party may be an employer of the taxpayer or any other
person who has the management, custody or control of any income, monies or property of the
The abovementioned taxpayer is indebted to SARS for the specified amounts and it is understood
that the taxpayer is either entitled to income from you or have money deposited with you.
If you are an employer and the taxpayer has left (and no payouts have been effected) or intends
leaving your employment, any instalment arrangement for deductions will fall away, and the full
amount outstanding must then be deducted from the monies due to him/her. Should such instalments
be insufficient to cover the outstanding debt owed to SARS, all available funds must be paid over to
SARS in full.