Immunization PDF
Immunization PDF
Immunization PDF
It is the administration of antigenic organism or toxin to stimulate
immune response to produce active immunity against it.
Types of vaccines:
Live vaccine:
Only small pox vaccine.
Live attenuated vaccine:
- It is prepared after attenuation of living organism.
- Oral polio vaccine "Sabin" is against poliomyelitis.
- B.C.G is against T.B.
- Measles & Mumps vaccine
Killed vaccine "In activated vaccine":
- The organism is killed by heat or chemicals.
- Salk vaccine is against poliomyelitis.
- Hepatitis B vaccine.
- Pertussis vaccine is against "whooping cough".
- It is prepared from exotoxins produced by certain organism after
destruction of their
toxic effect with preservation of their antigenicity.
- Diphtheria toxoid and Tetanus toxoid.
Combined or mixed vaccine:
- D.P.T "Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus".
- M.M.R "Measles, Mumps & Rubella
Contraindications to child immunization:
There are almost no contraindications to vaccination.
It is safe to immunize children even if they are mild or
moderately ill.
Absolute contraindications are:
Anaphylaxis following a previous dose of the relevant
Live vaccines shouldn't be administered to child who is
significantly immuno compromised
Age Vaccine Dose
Vaccination Schedule Route
At birth HBC 0.5 ml Intramuscular in the
right thigh
0-3 months BCG (TB 0.05 ml Intradermal in the left
The 1st 7 days vaccine) 2-3 drops upper arm.
Polio On the tongue
2,4,6 months Polio 2-3 drops On the tongue.
DPT vaccine 0.5 ml Intramuscular in the
HIB (homophiles right thigh
influenza b)
Hepatitis B vaccine
Salk vaccine 0.5 ml Intramuscular in the
right thigh
9 months polio 2-3 drops On the tongue
12 months Capsule of vit A Vit A Oral.
MMR capsule Subcutaneous in the
Polio 0.5 ml right arm.
18-24 months Booster DPT 0.5 ml Intra muscular
Polio 2-3 drops in the left thigh.
MMR 0.5 ml Oral
S.C in the right