Mde Mic LR
Mde Mic LR
Mde Mic LR
700 South Industrial Way Seattle, Washington 98108 206.622.2007 fax: 206.622.2248
formation of a compound either helpful or Steel: This material develops less dense other corrosion, causes degradation,
hurtful to the system. It can be autocatalytic passive layers than other materials. It is deterioration and failures. Understanding the
(growing without external help) or system- penetrated immediately by microbes present causes, effects, and appropriate
dependent (needing to be “fed” with nutrients). unless there is some sort of insulating (barrier) investigational methods is the first step in
aid such as a coating, conversion chemical, addressing MIC related problems.
Some types of microbial reactions create calcium carbonate in water, or cathodic
ammonia. Fittings and piping systems are protection. MIC is found in these iron-base
designed to operate at stress levels below that alloys more often than any other alloy system.
of the yield strength for the composition alloy.
However when some copper or brass alloys MIC-related bacterial growth typically occurs
are used in the presence of ammonia, the in systems within specific temperature ranges,
ammonia sensitizes the metal so that residual depending on the type of bacteria; an “ideal”
and/or service stress levels are exceeded and range is often reported as 4° to 49°C.
intergranular stress corrosion cracking occurs. Bacterial growth typically hibernates below
Ammonia attacks at the grain boundaries, 4°C. Some types of bacteria favor other
sensitizing them and allowing slow crack temperature ranges; for example, most
growth. common strains of SRB grow best at 25° to
35°C. A few thermophillic types of SRB grow
Copper, stainless steel, aluminum and some more efficiently at more than 60°C, and one
other less commonly used alloy surfaces rely type is capable of growing at more than
on passive films or specific elemental atomic 100°C. While MIC more favorably grows in
layers to combat degradation and corrosion. their typical temperature ranges, growth in E-SEM Photomicrograph showing likely
MIC associated bacteria and their chemical other temperature ranges should not be IRB rods at MIC corrosion site
byproducts are very destructive to some discounted. MIC has been found in extremely
alloys. Sometimes the microbes associated cold environments such as freezers or piping
with MIC may come and go without detection systems of Alaskan villages north of the Arctic
but leave surface characteristics that disrupt Circle.
the passive layer on these alloys. Brasses,
bronzes, and copper systems, such as piping, If microbiologically influenced corrosion is
fittings and heat exchanger systems are more suspected due to observation of slime,
susceptible than other alloys in this group. restrictions in flow, or leaks/pinhole leaks in
pipes, the testing for the presence of MIC is
Copper-Base Alloys: These alloys are most warranted to determine:
susceptible to MIC because they are soft and
• Whether bacteria related to MIC are present
can incur impingement that can cause erosion
and, if so, their relative concentration
and other wear problems if their passive layer
is interrupted. Newly installed products of • The extent of the corrosion present
these alloys typically do not build up their
• The source of the corrosion
protective layer for a period of time. If MIC-
related bacteria are present, or there are • Limits of the MIC affected system components
elements like chlorides or sulfides in the initial
solutions contacting the metal, the passive or Comprehensive testing is performed by
protective layers form other complex chemical collecting a number of samples at various
compounds rather than copper oxide. The locations in a system and sampling the make-
problem with these complex chemical up water. Depending on the system
compounds are their strength; they are configuration, visual observations, and
typically much weaker than copper oxide and problems experienced at the facility, sampling
break down at lower flow rates allowing a during one or more time intervals may also be
variety of mechanisms to attack or degrade appropriate. The samples should be cultured
the substrate. If systems with copper-based on media for the presence (and relative
systems coated with these poor passive films concentration) of low nutrient bacteria, sulfate-
(the complex chemical compounds) are reducing bacteria, iron-related bacteria, and
cleaned off, further attack is inevitable, aerobic bacteria. Timely culturing of the
through a reiterative process. samples is very important as MIC-related
bacteria become dormant when the
Stainless Steel and Aluminum: These alloys environmental conditions are altered. Scaling
have tough substrates and they develop tough or other chemical conditions in the water
passive layers. Aluminum is not as strong as affect system corrosion and the interpretation
of MIC sampling results; therefore, chemical Cross-section of galvanized pipe showing MIC effects.
stainless steel, but it is still much stronger Note: pitting has reduced wall thickness by 60%.
than most bronzes. Although each of these testing of each sampling location and
alloys is durable in the applications where sampling interval is also useful. The results of MDE Inc is a multi-discipline forensic engineering
oxygen is plentiful, they are not sturdy when in the water chemistry testing can also be and laboratories consulting services firm
an oxygen-starved environment. These alloys beneficial in ascertaining how far along the providing MIC testing and consultation, as well
are not robust when around anaerobic, corrosion is, due to MIC-related bacteria. as forensic, investigational, and reconstruction
aerobic or other types of bacteria as the engineering and industrial hygiene services
passive layer is easily penetrated by them. Where leaks are present, appropriate nationwide.
Thus, in the presence of MIC-related bacteria, sampling may also include metallurgical
systems constructed of these alloys are analysis of system components. The
susceptible to MIC and MIC related metallurgical engineer analyzes the
intergranular stress corrosion cracking. The
most common point of susceptibility is welded
component using electron microscopes to
ascertain the nature of all corrosion and
areas and highly stressed areas that exceed failures present.
the threshold stress level for the intergranular
stress corrosion cracking. Microbiologically influenced corrosion, like 1-800-341-4588