Contract of Lease of 3RD Floor Zamora
Contract of Lease of 3RD Floor Zamora
Contract of Lease of 3RD Floor Zamora
This Contract of Lease, executed and entered into the City Of Manila, Philippines by and
WELCOME EXPORT INC. a corporation with principal office at 1289 Fems Tower 1, Zobel Roxas
Ave. Malate Manila , represented in this Contract by Mr. Dave P. Sahijwani of legal age as
President hereinafter referred to as the “ LESSOR”
Whereas the LESSOR is the owner of a warehouse known located at 125 Zamora
St. Kapalaran Subd. Brgy. San Juan Taytay Rizal with an area of 450sqm more or less.
Whereas the LESSEE has agreed to lease from the LESSOR the aforesaid warehouse
located on the 3rd floor with an area of 450 sqm
Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual
covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the LESSOR hereby, leases unto the LESSEE,
and the LESSEE hereby accepts and takes from the LESSOR and acknowledges receipt of the
premises subject to the following terms and conditions:
LEASE RATES: The total monthy rental herein agreed shall be PESOS: EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND
EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE PESOS (P81,855.00) only inclusive of Vat (9,180.00) and W/tax
1. That the term of this contract shall be for ____ (__) years to commence on
______________________ and expire on ___________________, 202.
2. That the Contract shall in no way be deemed extended or renewed beyond the
original term for any cause or reason whatsoever, but only by negotiation on or
before one (1) month prior to the expiration of this contract.
3. The LESSEE will issue to the LESSOR Two (2) Mos. Advance Rent and will issue
Post Dated Check covering rental payment for entire Contract of Lease .
1. That escalation /increase of 5% will be added starts on the 2 nd ear upon renewal of
Contract of Lease .
Will this be a yearly increase? Or every renewal of the contract?
2. That the LESSOR reserves the right apportion on a pro rata basis the increase in
taxes, if any among all the lessees of the building as additional rental to cover said
increase in real estate or other taxes , provided that, the computation of said
increase in rental be subject to lessee’s conformity with respect to the computations
of apportioning said taxes.
1. That upon execution of this Contract of Lease, the LESSEE shall pay to the LESSOR
the following:
1. That the LESSEE shall not assign the lease or sublease the whole or any part thereof
of the premises without first obtaining the consent of the LESSOR in writing
2. That the LESSEE will comply with all regulations and ordinances of the local and
national government affecting the business conducted in the Leased premises.
3. That the LESSEE shall not make alterations, additions or improvements in the leased
premises without the written consent of the LESSORS. Shall forthwith upon
termination of the lease contract, belong to the LESSOR without reimbursement.
Any alterations or addition made without the written consent of the LESSOR may be
ordered removed by the LESSOR at the expense of the LESSEE.
4. That the LESSEE shall pay for any damages or breakage of any fixtures or any portion
of the building. The LESSOR may consider the act (s) causing such damages or
breakage as valid ground (s) for terminating the Lease Contract.
5. That the LESSEE shall allow the LESSOR or his July authorized representative,
provided the latter is accompanied by a duly authorized representative of the
LESSEE, to enter the leased premises during normal office hours or at any reasonable
time, to check compliance with this contract, make alterations or repairs or for such
other purposes as maybe necessary for the operation or proper maintenance of the
leased premises.
1. That the LESSEE, upon termination of the contract/lease, shall peacefully and
without necessity of demand, deliver upon to the LESSOR the leased premises,
vacant and in the same condition in which the LESSEE received the premises at the
commencement of the lease.
2. That should LESSEE delay surrender of premises upon termination of the contract,
LESSEE shall be responsible to the LESSOR for all damages which LESSOR shall suffer
by reason thereof and will indemnify LESSOR against any and all claims made
resulting from said delay.
3. That if any time during the contract, the leased premises are abandoned or vacated
for a period of more than one month without written notice of such to the LESSOR,
the LESSOR shall have the right to enter the same by force or otherwise , without
being liable to any prosecutor therefore. The LESSOR will have the right to lease the
same and receive rent for its own account.
4. That LESSEE may remove their equipment and its appurtenances that not attached
to the leased premises upon expiration of the lease provided it does not cause
damage to the property.
1. That the LESSOR agrees that the LESSEE shall have the right to introduce into the
leased premises trade fixtures, machinery , equipment and furniture as maybe
necessary for the conduct of its business as an office and or showroom and that that
the LESSEE may deem it. However, no machinery, equipment shall be installed that
may cause inconvenience, discomfort, and objections from other tenants.
1. That the LESSEE shall not bring into, nor store in the leased premise any highly
inflammable, explosive, toxic, dangerous or prohibited materials and substances not
operate or install therein any apparatus, machinery or equipment which may cause
obnoxious odors, tremors & vibrations, noise, pollution, or expose the lease
premises to fire or danger .
2. That the LESSEE shall undertake all minor repairs and maintenance related to normal
wear and tear of the facilities and fixtures at its expense.
1. That the LESSEE shall maintain its leased premises, the windows and floor covered
by the lease in a clean and sanitary condition, free of any garbage or obnoxious
odors, disturbing noise and or/ other disturbances. In the event the LESSEE fails to
discharge this obligation after its attention is called in writing by the LESSOR, the
LESSOR may undertake the necessary cleaning of the leased premises at the expense
of the LESSEE, if any.
1. That the LESSEE shall pay its obligations for utilities promptly as follows:
WATER and MERALCO : will bill and collect to the LESSEE based on the sub-meter
Is there an additional fee for the submeter? Or we will pay the actual usage only?
1. That the LESSEE agrees to pay a two percent (2) per month penalty on all arrears
3. That in case of failure on the part of the LESSEE to pay rentals for a period of two
months, LESSEE hereby gives authority to LESSOR or to any of its authorized
representatives, thru this contract to take possession of said leased premises,
including improvements thereon, without compensation to the LESSEE and without
necessity of resorting to any court action but in which case, the LESSEE shall be
advised in writing of their failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the
contract by way reminded before the takeover and given 15 days grace period for
compliance of the contract.
Failure on the part of the LESSEEE to update arrears and comply with the contract
within the grace period will authorize the LESSOR to:
A. Remove all removable improvements and personal belongings, and deposit the
same in warehouse at the expenses of LESSEE the LESSEE will be permitted to be
present during such removal. However, should LESSEE fail to appear personally
or to send a representative. LESSOR may proceed even in their absence. LESSOR
will not be liable for any damage to items removed.
1. The LESSOR may cancel or terminate this lease contract for reason of non-
compliance of any of the terms, conditions and rules and regulations, by mere notice
and in which event, LESSEE shall vacate the premises.
2. If the LESSEE decides, for any cause and without fault of the LESSOR, to terminate
this Contract prior to the termination of the period agreed upon, the LESSEE shall be
liable to the LESSOR to pay the rentals for the remaining period of the Contract. If
the premises leased shall have been occupied by another tenant then the LESSEE
shall be liable to pay only the period when the premises remained idle or
3. Two Months deposit will be forfeited and will pay 1 mo. rent equivalent as
1. That the LESSOR shall not be liable for any losses due to theft or any fortuitous or
unforeseen events or events that could be foreseen but cannot be avoid arising in
the leased premises and/or the building.
2. That the LESSOR shall not be liable for any injury or damage to LESSEE its employees,
agents, or persons allowed access to the premises.
3. That the LESSEE will be permitted to undertake insurance coverage for its properties
in the leased premises. However, LESSEE will be required to furnish LESSOR a copy of
all proposed insurance coverage within a week from the date of coverage, including
renewals thereof.
4. That the LESSEE shall assume full responsibility for any damage caused to the person
or property of third persons, including death, while remaining either casually or on
business in any part of the leased premises of LESSEE as well as in any part of the
building, if the damage be caused wholly or partly through the fault or negligence of
LESSEE or its agents, and further binds itself to hold LESSOR free and harmless from
any such claim or injury or damage.
Since we will be operating as garment manufacturing, we will be using around 60
machines. Would like to discuss further if the flooring can withstand the weight of
the machines.
1. That the LESSOR will adopt and promulgate rules and regulations on the use, care
and security of the building for the good of both the LESSOR and the LESSEE.
Please discuss the rules and regulations that are not included in the contract that
may affect our operation. And to clear things up so that the conclusion would not be
arbitrary and unfair.
2. That said rules and regulations shall form part of the contract and must be complied
with by the LESSEE.
3. That they will from time to time, revise, update, and add rules and regulations and
all such future changes shall be considered as part of this contract.
As long as the revision will take effect after discussion and agreed upon.
1. That the LESSOR will maintain a 24-hour security for the building.
2. That LESSEES may take additional precautionary/security measures such as
installation of burglar alarm , smoke detectors, and employing private security
guards, subject to written approval of the LESSOR.
3. All employees of the LESSEE shall be required to have ID’s for verification by the
guard for access to the building.
1. That the LESSOR will maintain a caretaker for the general cleanliness of the building
particularly the public and common areas.
2. That the LESSEE will be responsible for the care, maintenance, and overall cleaning
of the respective leased premises.
1. That a mere tolerance on the part of the LESSORS shall not be construed as a waiver
of its rights to enforce compliance by the LESSEE under any and all of the terms and
conditions of the contract.
2. That LESSOR reserves the right to terminate the right to terminate this Contract
and /or demand actual or consequential damages from LESSEE in the event of any
strike picket, or the like arising from any controversy between LESSEE and its
employees or outsiders and causing disturbance, disorderliness, or defacement and
destruction of the LESSOR’s property, or otherwise carried on in a manner as to
create a nuisance to LESSOR or the other LESSEES or cause prejudice harm, or injure
their interest.
1. That the parties hereby agree that should any of the provisions herein stated be
declares in valid or illegal by a competent court, the validity or legality of the
remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired.
President-Lessor -Lessee
_________________________________ _______________________________
Name TIN
KNOWN to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and
they acknowledged to me that the same as their free act and deed.
This instrument consisting of six (6) pages, including the page on which this acknowledgement is written
has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by Dave P. Sahijwani
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____ of _____ 2023 at Malate, Metro Manila.
Book No._______
Series of 2023