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13 - Risk Program Maturity Assessment

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IT Risk Program Maturity Assessment

This assessment is part of ISACA’s IT Risk Starter Kit. The purpose of the IT Risk
Program Maturity Assessment is to identify the program’s current level of
maturity and to identify priorities for further development. This assessment is
intended to be illustrative, not comprehensive, and should be customized to suit
the specific enterprise environment.

Classification: Internal
Each level identified in the following table describes attributes that may or may not exist as part of an
enterprise risk management program. This table can be used to assess the level of maturity of an
enterprise based on the description of each level. Each description is meant to be general. Assessors
should use their own experience and discretion when determining the maturity level based on the
specific attributes of the entity being assessed.

Level Description Recommendations

0 There are no formal risk management practices.  Pitch leadership on benefits of a formal
 Establish risk management guidelines.
 Host a risk awareness session/workshop
and document the results in the risk
 Start identifying key controls.
 Report on incidents/losses.
1 The risk management processes and practices are  Establish the risk policy with
reactive and rarely subject to accountability. Issues roles/responsibilities defined.
are addressed at a tactical level only and risk rarely  Train key personnel.
gets management visibility.  Assess key risk scenarios.
 Test key controls.
 Establish key metrics.
 Report on issues and action plans.
2 A complete set of risk management processes,  Assess staffing needs.
activities and tools are applied to key risk areas  Establish a risk committee.
according to the risk policy.  Develop risk appetite statements.
 Expand training/awareness.
 Refine key metrics and expand
 Report on accepted risk.
3 The risk management process is defined with  Develop a risk and controls library.
significant adoption, assessments are being  Start adopting quantification methods to
updated, and there is regular reporting against risk measure risk.
appetite. The enterprise has a functioning risk  Reevaluate existing assessments.
committee that oversees the risk strategy and  Automate metrics.
management process.
4 The risk management process is integrated into  Reevaluate the risk taxonomy.
business processes, quantitative assessments are  Aggregate risk across parts of the
informing decision-making, risk is reassessed based enterprise and compare scenarios.
on a standard risk and controls library, and some  Automate control testing.
automation is in place.  Expand metrics and monitoring.
5 A structured, enterprise-wide program is enforced  Continue to invest in automation.
and well-managed. Risk practices are consistent  Calibrate risk appetite and risk models.
across the enterprise, including both bottom-up and  Clearly link risk management practices
top-down assessments. The risk management to strategy-setting.
process is highly automated to reduce errors and
inefficiencies and is quantitatively measured. There
is continual reassessment of risk and inefficiencies in
the program.

Classification: Internal

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