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SB Obj Adv U3 - P24-25

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Wishes and regrets Listening

1 Look at this question from the interview. Then complete

gaps 1-7 with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Po you ever wish that the whole, thing w~n't so over
the top?
I Do you wish you _...................... (meet) me earlier?
2 I wish I ...............................
(have) more time to spend
with my family but I haven't.
3 I wish ...............................
(inform) you of our decision.
4 If only that ...............................
(be) true!
5 If only the photographers. ..................
(give) us a
bit more privacy.
6 I wish you ...............................
(ask) such personal
questions. I'm finding it embarrassing.
7 If only I ...............................
(know) what it would be like
before I started this job!
2 Look at this conversation and change would rather to
would prefer. Make any other necessary changes. 1 1.:.mListen to an interview with David Burns, a
A: Would you rather watch an interview with someone, soap-opera actor. Tick the topics he mentions.
or read it in a magazine? • school life
B: Well, I think I'd rather see the person, because when • hobbies
they're asked an awkward question, you can see if • a person who helped him
they'd rather not answer it. • fans
A:I don't like it when people ask awkward questions. • his working relationship with a director
For example, why did this interviewer ask about • his marriage
Michelle Obama's personal life? • his relationship with his parents
B: You mean you'd rather she'd focused more on • his daughter
questions about politics? • his future acting roles
3 Write the correct form of start. 2 Listen again for expressions 1- 10 below and
I It's time for us ...........
the interview. mark them according to the key.
2 It's time we ...............................
the interview.
= J know the meaning.
4 Complete this biog extract. ? = I'm not sure about the meaning.
)( = I don't understand and can't guess the
Many people wish that magazines (1) ...............................
(have) meaning from context.
more in-depth interviews with real people. They always seem
to focus on the same things - skeletons in the cupboard or a I the public eye 6 playing villains
celebrity's love life. They would rather (2) . . .....................
(read) 2 a bully 7 an edgy person
about people's beliefs, aims and ambitions. According to 3 snapped 8 it can turn nasty
some, it is high lime magazines (3) ...............................
(wake up) 4 downward spiral 9 obsessed
lo the foci that the general public has had enough of media 5 a tough upbringing 10 hog the limelight
invasion into people's privacy. If only I ( 4) ................
born) with the necessary talent and expertise, I would start a 3 Find out the meaning of the phrases you marked
magazine for the company where I work. II really is time for ? and X from other students, your teacher, or a
me (5) ...............................
{do) something instead of complaining dictionary.
about other magazines.
4 Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

S Work with a partner and discussyour own wishes or I How has David Burns had a troubled past?
regrets, and things you'd like to change. 2 Do you think childhood experiences affect
people in later life?
4 Another form for fixed phrases is:
prepositional phrase+ the+ noun.
For example, to be in the dark(= to
@vocabulary spot know nothing about something).
In the interview, David Burns said/ was hagglng the limelight. This is a fixed phrase Match phrases 1-5 to definitions a-e.
with the form: verb + the+ object. 1 to be over the hill
When you learn phrases with the same pattern, try saying the phrasesout loud. 2 to be on the spot
The repetition of the rhythm may help you remember them.
3 to be in the running
Sometimes,you may have to look phrases up in a dictionary to understand
their meaning. How do you look them up? In the idiom to hog the limelight, for 4 to be up to the mark
example, do you search under hog or limelight? 5 to be under the weather

1 Work with a partner and match verbs 1-6 with nouns a-f. a to have a reasonable chance
1 to face a the issue b to feel ill
2 to address b the record straight c to be considered too old
3 to fit c the difference d to be as good as the usual
4 to put d the music standard
5 to tell e the best of both worlds e to be at a place where an event is
6 to have f the description happening
2 Complete this article with the correct form of fixed phrases from
exercise 1.
1 Work with a partner and think of a

Hollywood - truth and lies famous person you both know.

Role-play an interview.
1 First, decide who you are going
One of the biggest names in Hollywood has written her biography in to play: the interviewer or the
order to address some of the rumours about her teenage years. Her interviewee. Prepare some
biography is extremely well written and includes more than enough questions and answers, perhaps
detail to (I) ................................
If you read it, you will discover a different focusing on the interviewee's
person from the one portrayed recently in the newspapers. regrets and wishes. In the
One recent tabloid article, supposedly (2) . ..............................
of her bad interview, you must not say who
behaviour, said that she had run away from home at the age of 15 after the famous person is because
making her parents angry. The article said she had lived on the streets other students are going to guess.
for six months until she finally went home (3) . ...............................
However, 2 Role-play the interview for the
as the biography makes clear, stories like these are greatly exaggerated. class. Can the other students
In fact, according to the film star's new book, many tabloids find it guess who the famous person is?
difficult (4) . ..............................
between fact and fiction. 3 As a class, decide which
interviews you liked and why.
Who do you think would make
3 Which method of finding out the meaning of phrases do you
good interviewers?
prefer and why?
• guessing
• looking them up in a dictionary @Exam spot
• asking classmates Sometimes,candidates lose marks simply
• asking the teacher for an English paraphrase because they do not speak clearly enough for
the examiner to hear them. Make sure you do
• asking the teacher for a sentence using the phrase
not lose marks in this way.
• asking the teacher for a translation into your language


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